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LIVE -To and From the Amazon - 11/17-12/12/2017


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chuckw - definitely miss the Explorer but need to do this adventure. Captain Serena also mentioned that there were no mosquitos in the Amazon last November. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also asked her about Zika and there are no current warnings from Regent about Zika.


Jean - I've been told that just about every inch of the ship will be redone - including all the wallpaper, etc. However, we have also been told (not on this cruise) that the gold granite around the sinks that makes the bathroom look old needs a long time to remove and replace. The suite we are currently in was refurbished more recently than the PH suite that we were in three months ago and still has the gold granite but also has lovely grey tiles in the shower and walls of the bathroom. So, the answer is pretty much that I'm not sure. I was told (on this cruise) that the Mariner will be the closest to the Explorer in terms of design (especially La Veranda).


fb0075, there is seriously nothing that I want to talk about more than heat and humidity. It has been my biggest concern about going to the Amazon. It is already warm and humid (not sure where we are but will reach our first port stop on Monday.) So, you will likely hear more about heat and humidity than you expected:D


Ken - your post is so on point - thank you. As far as I'm concerned, the previous discussion is done and we'll go on to things related to this cruise. Speaking of this cruise, dinner was perfection (as was the service). Clocks go forward an hour and tomorrow is another sea day so I'll have little to report.


The movement of the ocean is an issue for some passengers from deck 9 and above (at least the people we have spoken to from deck 9 and 10 have commented on seasick issues. Captain Serena recommends putting tissue in your ears when you go to sleep and don't drink a lot (meaning water, soft drinks, tea, coffee and alcohol). The sea should begin to calm down tomorrow afternoon. It isn't the waves that are affecting the ship but rather "swells" from a storm hundreds of miles away.


We plan to spend much of tomorrow on lower decks. I did talk to mudhen about the "Meet & Mingle". All of the officers showed up - the spread put on by the Executive Chef was extensive but the few people that were there (around 12) sat in their own groups and made a point not to interact with anyone (if I misquoted mudhen, hopefully she will correct me). Due to the lack of interest of the passengers, they (mudhen, her DH and lovely friend) got to spend time chatting with the Captain. I'm sorry to see the Meet and Mingles turning out less than was hoped for by some, Regent is really trying but it is the passengers that have to buy into this. Without that - the M&M's will have a difficult time being successful (IMO). Since turnout is so minimal, perhaps there should be a minimum of 20 passengers before Regent will go through the time and expense to put this program together for passengers.


That's it for now.

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I would assume that most of us here subscribed to this thread in order to follow Travelcat2 exciting Amazon adventure. Please do not use her thread as a means to push your personal agendas. Many people are following to learn about the Regent Amazon cruise in case we would want to go someday.


I for one look forward to her postings from this cruise. Please don't allow the thread to get off topic which could take away from the excellent record she is posting from before trip preparation and packing to what I am hoping will be a cruise report that will help folks make a decision on if they will make a similar journey some day.


Thank you Travelcat2 and please don't allow distracters to affect your efforts to share your and Dennis' Amazon adventure with the rest of us.

Lighten up. No subscription necessary. Just follow along and make your own conclusions. Who is being pushy? Read some past posts.

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chuckw - definitely miss the Explorer but need to do this adventure. Captain Serena also mentioned that there were no mosquitos in the Amazon last November. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also asked her about Zika and there are no current warnings from Regent about Zika.


Jean - I've been told that just about every inch of the ship will be redone - including all the wallpaper, etc. However, we have also been told (not on this cruise) that the gold granite around the sinks that makes the bathroom look old needs a long time to remove and replace. The suite we are currently in was refurbished more recently than the PH suite that we were in three months ago and still has the gold granite but also has lovely grey tiles in the shower and walls of the bathroom. So, the answer is pretty much that I'm not sure. I was told (on this cruise) that the Mariner will be the closest to the Explorer in terms of design (especially La Veranda).


fb0075, there is seriously nothing that I want to talk about more than heat and humidity. It has been my biggest concern about going to the Amazon. It is already warm and humid (not sure where we are but will reach our first port stop on Monday.) So, you will likely hear more about heat and humidity than you expected:D


Ken - your post is so on point - thank you. As far as I'm concerned, the previous discussion is done and we'll go on to things related to this cruise. Speaking of this cruise, dinner was perfection (as was the service). Clocks go forward an hour and tomorrow is another sea day so I'll have little to report.


The movement of the ocean is an issue for some passengers from deck 9 and above (at least the people we have spoken to from deck 9 and 10 have commented on seasick issues. Captain Serena recommends putting tissue in your ears when you go to sleep and don't drink a lot (meaning water, soft drinks, tea, coffee and alcohol). The sea should begin to calm down tomorrow afternoon. It isn't the waves that are affecting the ship but rather "swells" from a storm hundreds of miles away.


We plan to spend much of tomorrow on lower decks. I did talk to mudhen about the "Meet & Mingle". All of the officers showed up - the spread put on by the Executive Chef was extensive but the few people that were there (around 12) sat in their own groups and made a point not to interact with anyone (if I misquoted mudhen, hopefully she will correct me). Due to the lack of interest of the passengers, they (mudhen, her DH and lovely friend) got to spend time chatting with the Captain. I'm sorry to see the Meet and Mingles turning out less than was hoped for by some, Regent is really trying but it is the passengers that have to buy into this. Without that - the M&M's will have a difficult time being successful (IMO). Since turnout is so minimal, perhaps there should be a minimum of 20 passengers before Regent will go through the time and expense to put this program together for passengers.


That's it for now.

Curious, did you and Dennis attend? From your responce it doesn't seem so.

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Way to go, Jackie. As usual, your reports are highly detailed and great reading. Please keep it up!

When we boarded on the 10th of Nov, we were also surprised when Regent called for the top four suites to preboard. I looked at The Boss and she said “oh oh, Jackie’s not going to like this (we agree).

We also had dinner with Capt Serena and she is just wonderful. Please say hello from me and the “crazy cat lady with the hairdo.”

Agree with the Meet and Mingle comments. Being a no host social, folks will naturally gravitate to acquaintances or stick to themselves. One mother and daughter traveling together from Japan made it a point to introduce themselves to everyone and helped to break the ice.

Stay cool.

Z and TB



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"Z", at dinner last night we discussed the two of you (nicely). We were talking about the hurricanes and she mentioned someone from the last cruise that was from Puerto Rico. We immediately made the connection and said that we sailed with "yous" guys last year on Explorer. She is absolutely wonderful and I will send your regards.


Regarding M&M vs. M&G. We do occasionally go to these events but prefer the old M&G's as they were set up by the people on Roll Call and were set up (with the cooperation of Regent) at a time that worked for the passengers. "We" decided the time and place and, IMO, it worked very well most of the time. Planning the Meet and Greets was so much fun. Sometimes a member would volunteer to do name tags (I did some cute ones with a photo of the ship on them as well a having both their real first names and their CC names). A couple of times I purchased magnet calendars - also with a photo of the ship and the dates of the sailing for the group. It was a group effort. The best M&G we have attended was last year -- organized by Zqueeze1 and Daniela - F&B Director. It was well attended, people mingled and had a great time.


We are still affected by "swells", however, I tried something new that the Captain suggested. I took small piece of tissue - moistened it a tiny bit so it would stay in my ears and wore them all night (not meant to stuff into your ear to avoid sound, just gently placed so that it would stay in). While I awoke seasick yesterday, I was fine this morning (but looked forward to having breakfast on a lower deck). It may sound silly - may not work but it worked for us.

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I have not been to a CC-planned M&M on Regent so can't compare it to the passenger-organized ones on Regent. I do agree though that the M&G are more personal. I'll be to my first M&M shortly - arranged via Daniela (F&B on the Explorer) - so will have a better idea.

I'm sure you know this but there was a posting on CC with lots of pictures of the updated Navigator.

Hope your "seasickness" is gone for good


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I have not been to a CC-planned M&M on Regent so can't compare it to the passenger-organized ones on Regent. I do agree though that the M&G are more personal. I'll be to my first M&M shortly - arranged via Daniela (F&B on the Explorer) - so will have a better idea.

I'm sure you know this but there was a posting on CC with lots of pictures of the updated Navigator.

Hope your "seasickness" is gone for good





Seasickness gone. Please send our warmest regards to Daniela when you see her onboard.


Going to try a Tapatalk post in preparation for the Amazon. If this works, it is a section of our suite.





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Looking forward to reading Travelcat2's experiences and hope they will be as lucky as we were on Oceania Regatta in November 2014 when we had a nearly mosquito free cruise and the weather was not oppressively hot! A lasting memory is the width of the Amazon at its mouth and just how far out to sea that silty water can be seen. It is one huge river!

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Greetings from the Hyatt Regency (yes - I was incorrect - there is a sign around the corner that just said Hyatt Hotel so I made a wrong assumption).


I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts...... so funny and upbeat - thank you! "Z", thanks for leaving the ship in good shape. We should be boarding in 2 hours and 16 minutes (but whose counting). Will tell Olga that you miss her already and won't mention a word to TB that you posted about her sleeping marathon:evilsmile:


John - yes - I did know that you were joking and Bill did post the correct name of the restaurant. The beer was amazing. We typically eat pork schnitzel but had the veal since it was on the menu. Definitely recommend it.


Need to break down the 180 pounds of luggage. We typically have 2 suitcases that weight 50 pounds each so that is 100 pounds. Our 2 suitcases this time weigh 60 pounds each. Our carry-on typically weigh 20 pounds each (2 of them) and this time they weigh 30 pounds. It doesn't sound like much until you add them all together. Also, for some reason, that extra 10 pounds per suitcase makes them difficult to lift (thankfully my DH goes to the gym)!


Last words about the hotel. I am going to give it a "4" rating on Trip Advisor. While an older hotel, it is well maintained and some areas (especially seating areas off of the lobby) are quite lovely. The rooms are large and well appointed (think that I said this last night). Love the location - near restaurants and my DH is going to take a 7 minute stroll to Walgreens to pick up something. We are 10 miles from the port where the Mariner is waiting for passengers in "J" (not sure if that is a terminal location or ???).


The hotel is going to take several people's luggage to the port that are not taking the bus to the ship (even though, according to them "we not suppose to do this"). We will take a taxi to the port as we don't want to be on a bus load of people and then stand in line. IMPORTANT NOTE (sorry for "yelling" but want this to be read). If you do not check in with the Regent representative at the hotel and let them know that you are doing your own transportation, they will not take your luggage to the ship --- even though they picked it from your room. They check off passengers getting onto the bus with their luggage. Can't say that this is a worldwide rule but many people depart from Miami and many use this hotel.


Ken, in terms of posting from the ship, since this is my hobby, I always find time for it. We have quite a few sea days (the first two days will be sea days). I am a bit slower when I post photos and if I get in too big of a mess trying to do that, I'll beg "Z" to post them for me (he is wonderful about that but I'll end up owing him some drinks when we see them again):D


Enough babbling. More later.


P.S. Most of my posts are from my iPad or MacBook. They have a mind of their own and change words that can't be caught with spell check (even if I used it) because they are real words. So, if some words make no sense, it doesn't mean that I've been drinking (on the other hand, it does not mean that I haven't been).


Hello. I am so pleased to find your post, as we are doing this cruise next year. Our first RSSC is in a few weeks and we so enjoy to hear of all of the repeat passengers. Our December cruise does not have an active thread and I had given up on finding one that is active and relevant. Thank You!

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2onboardagain, Ken, travelerpair, forgap and Paul. Thank you for your posts. Try just responding to me and we should all be fine.


I learned tonight that everyone (could be an exception or two) are repeat Regent customers. IMO, this says a lot!


I will continue to share information about this cruise - even though it may be a bit boring until we arrive in the Amazon. Tomorrow we may arrive in St. Barts a little early (11:00 a.m. instead of noon). We do want to support the people of St. Barts so we will go ashore an hour or so before our 1 hour tour of the island (long story ...... we were booked on a longer excursion that was cancelled -- then was offered again and was totally booked). We'll wander around and see what we can see from a bus.


The day after tomorrow I will visit the Navigator ..... just for a tour. This will be the first time that we have toured a recently renovated ship.


Dinner in Signatures (soon to be Chartreuse) was amazing. For any foodies that are reading this, last night I had Filet Mignon and my DH had Red Snapper ...... a fish that we never eat but he was extremely surprised at how good it was and plans to try to duplicate the recipe when we get home. My steak was cooked to perfection. Tonight I had rack of lamb with mint sauce ........ also cooked to perfection. Dennis had Halibut -- a fish that he cooks perfectly at home. I know that he liked it but need to get more details (he is in the computer room while I am in the suite).


The interest in the wrist "thingie" that I wore in Alaska and now on the Amazon cruise is getting a lot of attention. Unfortunately, the Embr Wave units are backordered until September, 2018 (note: I have no connection with this company at all....... I searched them out due to my heat sensitivity).


It seems that my 100% honesty wasn't going over well so I will leave out some details that may annoy other posters. I will say that we are being treated a bit special in celebration of our 400 nights on Regent. Some people can take long cruises and can achieve Titanium status rather quickly. For us, it took 30 cruises over 13 3/4 years. Becoming Gold, Platinum and Titanium were not goals but instead were things that just happened because we kept sailing on Regent (note: admittedly, when we become within 35 nights of becoming Titanium, we added an extra cruise to make it happen).


Time for some much needed rest!

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Wow. I have to wonder if fifth graders are now part of this blog. Seriously, are some of you at happy hour and drunk texting or are you always this petty?

I wish we would all cut out the BS and get on with the narrative.




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Wow. I have to wonder if fifth graders are now part of this blog. Seriously, are some of you at happy hour and drunk texting or are you always this petty?

I wish we would all cut out the BS and get on with the narrative.




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As usual, you are so funny! Serena and Olga speak so highly of you and TB. Wish that you were still onboard as you could make fun of me and my craziness about the heat. Also wish that you had been sitting next to me at the pool bar (where Olga is at lunch) having a nice Mexican Butterfly when the sky opened up and poured on everyone. Even I got wet and laughed about it all the way back to my suite


You have an uncanny way of putting things into perspective and for making people laugh. Just want you to know how much you are appreciated!

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As someone with no interest in going to the Amazon I’m really interested in your adventure, especially since you were also hesitant.

I also said I had no interest in going to Alaska...been twice now.

No interest in transatlantic...now I want to book one.

So....who knows.

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As someone with no interest in going to the Amazon I’m really interested in your adventure, especially since you were also hesitant.

I also said I had no interest in going to Alaska...been twice now.

No interest in transatlantic...now I want to book one.

So....who knows.


As you can imagine, I really identified with your post. I am still very hesitant/concerned about the Amazon portion of the trip but look forward to posting about it. I plan on taking photos and posting (if I can't manage the sting part I'll ask "Z" for help). Thanks for joining me on this interesting adventure!

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Wow. I have to wonder if fifth graders are now part of this blog. Seriously, are some of you at happy hour and drunk texting or are you always this petty?

I wish we would all cut out the BS and get on with the narrative.




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Z - you’ve been here long enough to know that several on this board are ALWAYS petty. Fifth graders? That’s giving too much credit.


I especially like the post that says we all have an equal voice here - yet in a previous thread this same person had admonished another poster (coincidentally the same poster who was told we all have an equal voice) that he had gone off-topic. Gotta love the inconsistencies...


Jackie, I hope you and Dennis are having an awesome vacation...and I’m not just saying that because I’m in awe of your prolific posting. Please keep us informed of the progress of your adventure.

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Really appreciate your postings Jackie! We are on our 1st Regent cruise in Feb on Mariner so anything you can share about her and how she is doing as she gets closer to her re-do will be greatly appreciated (I think she goes in right after we get off).


One question: is there anywhere onboard that has any time for ballroom dancing? We love getting a little time on the floor everyday ( burns off a little of all that great food).

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The day after tomorrow I will visit the Navigator ..... just for a tour. This will be the first time that we have toured a recently renovated ship.


We received an invitation from Regent to tour the Navigator while it is docked here at Maui in mid-December, and we look forward to the tour and cocktail party. Please let us know what you think, as we only have experience with the Explorer and Mariner.

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Jackie, I'm looking forward to your posts since we decided last night to book the cruise you're in (in reverse...Rio to Miami) for December 2019. It'll be over Christmas and New Year's so it'll be nice. Right now we are booked on Explorer for SA in Feb 2019. I'll be interested to hear about Sheraton hotel, humidity, heat, and mosquitoes. We just got off the Voyager last week. We went Rome to Dubai. It was fantastic! Everything was wonderful. I will write review sometime this week. Have a wonderful cruise and keep posting.

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Jackie, I'm very interested in hearing about St Barths, hurricane damage etc. have you been prior? That is my favorite island and am crushed that a cruise I'm on in December replaced that port. I accepted it but no, knowing they are allowing ships....before anyone asks, it's Seabourn so also a small luxury ship

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The majority of Oceania cruisers like yourself would disagree so I'm not surprised. There are so many cruise lines where upper suites get perks (outside of the suite) that others cannot have. Why take the beauty of people being treated the same away from luxury cruise passengers? This was so "in your face" that it was embarrassing. If Regent wants to continue with their reputation for treating guests in the lowest and highest suites the same once they walk out of the door, they need to fix this.


My question to Regent would be why they want to single out 40 upper category passengers for early/priority boarding while making 648 passengers (that is approximately how many are onboard now according to the assistant C.D.) wait? IMO, this is a bad move on Regent's part. Please do away with this new and very disturbing new policy. Allowing upper suites to go to their suite at 1:00 p.m. instead of 2:30 p.m. is a great perk and one that is not visible to other guests. All of our in suite amenities are wonderful.


It is surprising how many people book Regent (and other luxury cruise lines) simply because everyone is treated the same.


That is OK to have your opinion, but let others have thier opinion.. It is pretty simple and I think Regent knows they need to be competitive to sell upper suite at full price without having to upselling them at a lower cost. Rick

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Greetings from somewhere near St. Barths. I'll try to answer questions in no particular order. We have been to St. Barts three times. Since there was a small mix-up with excursions, we are only doing a 1 hour tour via taxi (note: Regent included excursion where they have 8 passengers per taxi - no commentary -- just a ride around the island). We'll likely see some of the damage from the hurricane. We'll take the tender early as we are meeting ashore. This will give us time to walk around and spend a few Euros. It is puzzling as to why Seabourn isn't visiting St. Barths next month -- I believe that the island has been open to cruise ships for the past 2-3 weeks.


Just lost internet for 20 minutes..... internet definitely slow on the ship but not bad in our suite. I've completely lost my train of thought. I did want to mention the espresso machines in the suite. While the ones on Explorer apparently allow you to make a regular cup of coffee, the ones on the Mariner currently only make espresso. Someone asked about this recently.


forevertravel, we are also doing the Explorer in February 2019 but only the portion from Chile to Los Angeles. It will be another Artful Traveler (PBS) cruise. We so enjoyed the lectures on the last Artful Traveler cruise (our previous cruise in early September). Looking forward to your Voyager review as we will be on the Voyager for the first time in probably 3 years this coming March.


Ballroom dancing -- I'll check Passages to see what is being offered and will report back.


A general FYI - Regent has put out a lovely "Guide to Social Media" that gives wonderful information on Photography, Social Media Photography, Digital Videography, Controlling Privacy, Facebook and Twitter tips. Really a lovely publication ..... one that we will save. Copies are available in the computer room on Mariner.


We are about to pull into to St. Barths (where we will tender 20-30 minutes from land. Looking forward to seeing the gorgeous yachts!







Edited by Travelcat2
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