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LIVE from the Regal- 5.21.18! The Tale of 3 Princesses, the Baltic, and Suite Destiny


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May 22, 2018


Breakfast in the best place in the World!




Good morning, dear friends!




Firstly, thank you for your really kind comments. I truly appreciate your feedback. Also, a massive thank you to P2 for all of her input. It is so great to have someone to ping pong opinions with. This has been a real treat for me.




Trying to catch up over breakfast in Sabatini’s...




So... here is my “words” version of the big reveal (see the Fungirl FB page for video...).




Paige and I are living the SUITE life!




The story behind this exciting turn of events:




About 7 weeks ago, I got a wild hair to travel again. When I logged onto the Princess webpage, this Baltic cruise popped up. Cheap. Super cheap- like cheaper than Caribbean-cruises- on- sale cheap. So I booked the least expensive inside gty. I am embarrassed to admit how much I did not pay for the cruise. It appeared as though this cruise was sailing relatively empty- so this felt like a flash sale (and was certainly priced that way).




I was chatting with Paige, who had invited me to join her on her Japan adventure. (Sadly, I had to decline. But this was the impetus for my booking the Baltic cruise.) So I asked if she wanted to come along... and she said “”yes”.




This is a new friendship so we decide to book two separate cabins. She got all fancy and booked a balcony gty. She received cabin assignment pretty quickly. She was upgraded several levels within her category. I received cabin assignment a couple of weeks later- I moved from an IF to an IB- sideways interior. I was over the moon!!! No pesky 3rd/ 4th berths. No connecting room. Cabins above and below. And no pesky “white spaces”. It was perfect! Perfect! Paige and I had our bookings linked for the purposes of dining.




All of a sudden, this cruise that had a ton of availability was sold out. Not “we are assigning the cabins for the next 6 hours” sold out- but truly SOLD OUT! So strange. And then the emails move-over offers started. First to me:


  • Move to a July sailing and receive the cruise fare in refundable OBC.

That would be a no.


Then to me again:


  • Move to any 11 day cruise anywhere in the world, get a balcony and cruise fare in refundable OBC.

At the same time, P2 received this offer (Paige, correct me if I did not get it right):


  • Move to a 12 day cruise anywhere in the world, in a mini suite with fully refundable OBC for her cruise fare.

Both of those move-over offers were politely refused. We were packed. We had flights. We had reservations. We had plans. And we were excited.




I honestly thought that was the end of it, but desperation ensued.


On the Wednesday before the cruise, our TA called us with this offer:


  • I give up my sideways interior
  • P2 gives up her balcony
  • We share a Penthouse Suite (Aft S2- previously an Owner’s Suite)
  • We each get a pretty good chunk of change in refundable OBC
  • AND we stay on our originally booked cruise (no changing hotels, flights, transfers, etc...)



Ummmm. That was a no-brainer for me. Suite. About half my fare back in refundable OBC. Suite. Space. Suite. Same cruise. Suite. Perks. Suite. Club Class dining. Suite. Extra mini bar. Suite!




I was ALL IN!




We quickly got ahold of Paige- and she agreed- but I think she wished she had negotiated a little more with Princess on the deal. I will have her weigh in on this. Me? I was completely thrilled. I had been in this suite-type on the Royal, and I knew how doable it would be for the two of us. I was so grateful that Paige agreed.


Did I mention that I WAS ALL IN!!!!




For those who have not seen the aft suites on the Royal-class builds, the living room and the bedroom are separated by a hallway that creates sort of an “elbow”. Paige and I cannot really hear each other from room to room so we can come and go at will without a lot of apologies and creeping around. It is really nice. Plus there is the wrap around balcony.




I boarded first. When I first entered the suite, the beds were joined. Ummmmmm... No. I mean I love P2, but I don’t LOVE her that way. Separate beds please! Hahahahaha




I passed of my list of desires to our cabin steward, JoJo. He set about fulfilling the list of stuff (e.g. extra hangers, extra glasses, extra comforter, more towels....). My luggage arrived quickly and I set about unpacking. I wanted to get as much done before Paige boarded, so she would have space to unpack. There is a gracious amount of storage in the suite, so no fighting over drawers, etc...




P2 and I have discovered we are pretty travel compatible. I like dark bread. She likes light bread. I like hanging space. She likes shelves. I am a righty. She is a lefty. (I have all of the “right side” towels, drawers, closet. She has the left sides). She and I both call the bar area the kitchen. It is really very uncanny. Plus, we are both Princesses. What could be better than this?!?!




By the time P2 came aboard, I was all set. She and I continued to nest in the suite until it was time for muster. I have not sailed in 16 months- and so much has changed. If you already know this, forgive my redundancy- but I was shocked at the changes in muster. First, you do not have to bring your life vest. Yay! No trailing straps. No newbies blowing the whistle... Also, they have partially narrated some of the muster instructions to the tune of the Love Boat theme. Delightfully cheesy. Also, it was short. Really, really short. Less than 15 minutes.




After muster, Paige and I went to the Crown for dinner. This was included as one of our suite perks. As always, it was delicious. I had a salad, the onion soup, and a half of a filet. Perfect. Sadly, the lack of sleep over the past three days had finally caught up with me and I was having trouble maintaining the conversation. As soon as dinner was over, I headed to bed. Paige went to the production show.




As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. Cold. I never heard Paige come and go. I did wake up around 1:30 am and I chatted with Paige til she fell asleep. Then I called PJ back in he States to chat with him a bit. The free unlimited internet is running fast for the most part. Fingers crossed it stays that way. I fell back asleep at around 3:30 am and did not wake again until 7:30. Finally- sleep!




And now I am all caught up with you fine folks. I will report back later on my day in Oslo, Norway.




Thank you for listening to all these words!




Tracie-Lynn :) :)




PS- WE HAVE MAIL! We received an invitation to the Most Traveled Passenger Luncheon!!! We were unsure of who made the cut- but I strongly suspected it was Paige. I only have 133 days. Paige checked with the Captain’s Circle Hostess and we were correct. I did not make the cut- but I get to be her “plus one”- so I am super happy about that! Paige has 195 days and the cut was 173 days. She is number 14 on board! Yay, Paige!!!! Travel with P2 and you will go places!!










Oh please tell me not all the ordinary inside cabins have those awful pull down beds on the walls [emoji33]



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Tracie-Lynn...you have the Luck of the Irish for receiving move-over offers! From an interior to a suite is fantastic & adding refundable OBC makes it even better...amazing! Your previous move-over you accepted was also great. We’ve never received one & at best have received acceptable upsell offers.


It’s shocking to me that the MTP cutoff was so few days & is more in line with Alaska cruises filled with Princess newbies. With over a year of enjoying Princess cruises we know well the Captain’s Circle rep’s polite grin that we once again didn’t make the cut for the MTP event. And having the luncheon is great which we’ve only had once in our five MTP events.


You’re definitely finding the pot of gold at the end of this cruise’s rainbow! :D

Edited by Astro Flyer
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May 22, 2018

Oslo, Norway

Consorting with the Enemy


Hi friends-

This has been quite the fun day.


First (again with the firsts), I need to give you a bit of information. So, as you all know- because P2 let it slip, there might be a VERY special someone for me. Prince Jon, or PJ for short just happens to be Norwegian. I am Swedish. I know. I know. What was I thinking?!?! There is a fair amount of Scandinavian shaming that occurs between the two of us. And since he grudgingly acquiesces to the superiority of Swedes, I can let most of it go. Seriously though, PJ spent his summers in Oslo as a child and has told me so many truly charming stories about his time as a boy in this magical city. I may tease him about being from West Sweden or Living in the Land that Sweden did not want, but honestly Oslo is an amazing city. If you have not been here, get it on the “To Done” List.


P2 and I left the ship around 10:30 this morning (we docked at 10). We did not port in Oslo center. The last time I did this cruise the ship docked right at the Radhuset (said rad- who- set—and don’t forget to roll your r), which is the city hall. 46bd0606349756049d696bb61ce9ac1a.jpgThis time we docked off to the side. Princess and HoHo provided a FREE tram to the Akerhus (castle) which is also center city. From there P2 and I parted ways. I will tell my side and hopefully P2 chime in and give her 2 Krone.


I started at the Nobel Peace Prize museum. I purchased the 24 hour Oslo Pass (you can get it at the museum for 395 NOK which equals about $48 USD). This covered all of my public transport AND museum entrances. I wanted to go to the Nobel Prize museum because I wanted to see what they did for Malala. Once I entered, the first exhibit I came across had to do with the sexualization of the Western World. Ummmm... wow. I did not know that people could get their bodies to do some of that stuff. Hmm. Upstairs was the gallery of prize winners. Each winner has a dedicated iPad. When you touch Malala’s, everything stops and you hear her speech. It was so touching.


Next, I hopped on the ferry (included with the Oslo Pass!!!!) to Bygdoy- which is a small island in Oslo harbour. I wanted to see the Kon Tiki museum, 39ddfd0b6d041329838ead3dd4e9cc4b.jpgthe Fram museum, and the outdoor Folk museum. Unfortunately, I got off the first stop instead of the second... so I hoofed it around 2 or 3 km to the museums. I visited each of these attractions as a child- and so much of it reminds me of my dad. If you can only do one thing on Bygdoy- do the Fram museum. It is very interactive. Just ask Paige! The Folk Museum is wonderful, but you need to prepare to spend a lot of time going through the buildings. I really went just to see the old Stave Kirken (church).fec8af551f871f7644a6f0dcde2fc942.jpg


I reboarded the ferry back to Oslo proper- and I just hit the jet lag wall. Ugh. I hate when that happens. I really want to be an Energizer Bunny, but today I was a sleepy rabbit. Boo. I met P2 at the Radhuset (say it correctly) and we walked in to see the beautiful murals. f36247d45f0d4a7a5d4a307d69c063ac.jpgThey have tours three times a day, but we missed it.


Next, we walked up to see Munch’s Scream e39bcca86e1fe54dfe3b4cc1fd28847f.jpgat the National Gallery. We did a lot of imitating the Scream and I think I even caught Paige on film! See the Fungirl FB page for Paige- “Screaming”. What people don’t know is there are many lovely impressionist and post impressionist works hanging in the gallery- Manet, Monet, Renior, Degas. And BONUS- unlike the Louvre or the Met- you can get really close to the paintings. The crowds were also manageable.


We had a coffee at the museums and that was all she wrote for me. I headed back to the tram to return to the ship, only to learn this was the LAST tram of the day! I frantically called P2 to tell her, but she was too far and just not finished yet. So as we drove back to the ship, I texted her step by step instructions to walk back. They must have been pretty good directions- because she eventually found her way home to the lovely Regal.


While P2 was gallivanting all over Oslo- I went to dinner. Because we are in a suite, we are eligible for Club Class dining. I know there has been some controversy and A LOT of discussion here about it- but I like it. A bunch. I had not eaten and I was starving so I ordered the Air-dried beef (braesiola), gazpacho, a salad, and the beef stroganoff. The wait staff took huge pity on me and served food very quickly. I may or may not have eaten like a hungry lumberjack (Now, don’t get your panties in a twist- many of my relatives WERE lumberjacks- I Swedish for Pete’s sake- not a full set of fingers on any of them). And then it happened...


All you Peaches and Herb fans- sing along with me...


Reunited! And it feels soooo goood!


Yep, I found my cruise boyfriend. Sorry, PJ- I had a cruise affair— with the preeminent Chef Norman Love and his amazing desserts!


Tonight was the coconut one. It is my favorite- until the pistachio one comes up in the menu. And then there is always the raspberry one.... Yummmmmm.


So I indulged. I needed it. I deserve it. Darn it.


Following the million calorie dinner, I headed down to the Princess Theater for a concert by students of a music school in Oslo. Paige met me there- a bit frazzled and really tired- but she made it! We watched the concert during which one or more of us may have dozed for a moment. The kids were so stinking talented- but the day just caught up with us.


Paige wanted to eat, so back to Club Class dining we went. Of course, we were promptly seated and I chatted as she ate. And then it happened....




Chef Love showed up and I just had to devour the offering.


STOP JUDGING, you Judgy McJudgersons! Cut it out! I had to do it! I’m weak. I ate 2 desserts.


“Hi. My name is Tracie and I’m addicted to Norman Love desserts. It has been 2 hours and 21 minutes since my last relapse...”


After dinner, we hoofed it upstairs to watch to goofy fountain show. Tonight, the waters were choreographed to Frank Sinatra. I am enchanted by this sort of thing. Lights! Music! Water! What’s not to love? I truly hope I never become jaded.


We found some dessert in the form of cookies and ice cream for P2 and made our way back to the cabin. We might have captured some thoughts on video- that will live on the Fungirl page. Such silly, stupid fun.


And now, we are watching the fjords of Norway as we float along. It is the end of a really wonderful day.


We are blogging then heading to bed.


Tomorrow is a Sea Day! Yay!


Anyone want to go scare up one more Norman Love dessert with me?





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Edited by TracieABD
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This is wonderful! P1 and P2, I also found your blog on Facebook. Although I won't be abke to sail for the foreseeable future due to a very ill husband, I can live vicariously through both of you. You did bring me joy through your efforts and I'm sure there are many more in need of your humor.

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Norman Love is my cruise boyfriend too!!! I haven't seen the raspberry dessert since the 50th anniversary but have seen the pistachio, hazelnut, and coconut ones. Next time... eat one for me ;)

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May 22, 2018

Oslo, Norway

Consorting with the Enemy


Hi friends-

This has been quite the fun day.


First (again with the firsts), I need to give you a bit of information. So, as you all know- because P2 let it slip, there might be a VERY special someone for me. Prince Jon, or PJ for short just happens to be Norwegian. I am Swedish. I know. I know. What was I thinking?!?! There is a fair amount of Scandinavian shaming that occurs between the two of us. And since he grudgingly acquiesces to the superiority of Swedes, I can let most of it go. Seriously though, PJ spent his summers in Oslo as a child and has told me so many truly charming stories about his time as a boy in this magical city. I may tease him about being from West Sweden or Living in the Land that Sweden did not want, but honestly Oslo is an amazing city. If you have not been here, get it on the “To Done” List.


P2 and I left the ship around 10:30 this morning (we docked at 10). We did not port in Oslo center. The last time I did this cruise the ship docked right at the Radhuset (said rad- who- set—and don’t forget to roll your r), which is the city hall. 46bd0606349756049d696bb61ce9ac1a.jpgThis time we docked off to the side. Princess and HoHo provided a FREE tram to the Akerhus (castle) which is also center city. From there P2 and I parted ways. I will tell my side and hopefully P2 chime in and give her 2 Krone.


I started at the Nobel Peace Prize museum. I purchased the 24 hour Oslo Pass (you can get it at the museum for 395 NOK which equals about $48 USD). This covered all of my public transport AND museum entrances. I wanted to go to the Nobel Prize museum because I wanted to see what they did for Malala. Once I entered, the first exhibit I came across had to do with the sexualization of the Western World. Ummmm... wow. I did not know that people could get their bodies to do some of that stuff. Hmm. Upstairs was the gallery of prize winners. Each winner has a dedicated iPad. When you touch Malala’s, everything stops and you hear her speech. It was so touching.


Next, I hopped on the ferry (included with the Oslo Pass!!!!) to Bygdoy- which is a small island in Oslo harbour. I wanted to see the Kon Tiki museum, 39ddfd0b6d041329838ead3dd4e9cc4b.jpgthe Fram museum, and the outdoor Folk museum. Unfortunately, I got off the first stop instead of the second... so I hoofed it around 2 or 3 km to the museums. I visited each of these attractions as a child- and so much of it reminds me of my dad. If you can only do one thing on Bygdoy- do the Fram museum. It is very interactive. Just ask Paige! The Folk Museum is wonderful, but you need to prepare to spend a lot of time going through the buildings. I really went just to see the old Stave Kirken (church).fec8af551f871f7644a6f0dcde2fc942.jpg


I reboarded the ferry back to Oslo proper- and I just hit the jet lag wall. Ugh. I hate when that happens. I really want to be an Energizer Bunny, but today I was a sleepy rabbit. Boo. I met P2 at the Radhuset (say it correctly) and we walked in to see the beautiful murals. f36247d45f0d4a7a5d4a307d69c063ac.jpgThey have tours three times a day, but we missed it.


Next, we walked up to see Munch’s Scream e39bcca86e1fe54dfe3b4cc1fd28847f.jpgat the National Gallery. We did a lot of imitating the Scream and I think I even caught Paige on film! See the Fungirl FB page for Paige- “Screaming”. What people don’t know is there are many lovely impressionist and post impressionist works hanging in the gallery- Manet, Monet, Renior, Degas. And BONUS- unlike the Louvre or the Met- you can get really close to the paintings. The crowds were also manageable.


We had a coffee at the museums and that was all she wrote for me. I headed back to the tram to return to the ship, only to learn this was the LAST tram of the day! I frantically called P2 to tell her, but she was too far and just not finished yet. So as we drove back to the ship, I texted her step by step instructions to walk back. They must have been pretty good directions- because she eventually found her way home to the lovely Regal.


While P2 was gallivanting all over Oslo- I went to dinner. Because we are in a suite, we are eligible for Club Class dining. I know there has been some controversy and A LOT of discussion here about it- but I like it. A bunch. I had not eaten and I was starving so I ordered the Air-dried beef (braesiola), gazpacho, a salad, and the beef stroganoff. The wait staff took huge pity on me and served food very quickly. I may or may not have eaten like a hungry lumberjack (Now, don’t get your panties in a twist- many of my relatives WERE lumberjacks- I Swedish for Pete’s sake- not a full set of fingers on any of them). And then it happened...


All you Peaches and Herb fans- sing along with me...


Reunited! And it feels soooo goood!


Yep, I found my cruise boyfriend. Sorry, PJ- I had a cruise affair— with the preeminent Chef Norman Love and his amazing desserts!


Tonight was the coconut one. It is my favorite- until the pistachio one comes up in the menu. And then there is always the raspberry one.... Yummmmmm.


So I indulged. I needed it. I deserve it. Darn it.


Following the million calorie dinner, I headed down to the Princess Theater for a concert by students of a music school in Oslo. Paige met me there- a bit frazzled and really tired- but she made it! We watched the concert during which one or more of us may have dozed for a moment. The kids were so stinking talented- but the day just caught up with us.


Paige wanted to eat, so back to Club Class dining we went. Of course, we were promptly seated and I chatted as she ate. And then it happened....




Chef Love showed up and I just had to devour the offering.


STOP JUDGING, you Judgy McJudgersons! Cut it out! I had to do it! I’m weak. I ate 2 desserts.


“Hi. My name is Tracie and I’m addicted to Norman Love desserts. It has been 2 hours and 21 minutes since my last relapse...”


After dinner, we hoofed it upstairs to watch to goofy fountain show. Tonight, the waters were choreographed to Frank Sinatra. I am enchanted by this sort of thing. Lights! Music! Water! What’s not to love? I truly hope I never become jaded.


We found some dessert in the form of cookies and ice cream for P2 and made our way back to the cabin. We might have captured some thoughts on video- that will live on the Fungirl page. Such silly, stupid fun.


And now, we are watching the fjords of Norway as we float along. It is the end of a really wonderful day.


We are blogging then heading to bed.


Tomorrow is a Sea Day! Yay!


Anyone want to go scare up one more Norman Love dessert with me?





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Thanks for posting the pictures Tracie, it's been a while since I have been there and they were great to see. Looks like a wonderful day.


Congrats on the new phase in your life! Love the Scandinavian banter. As my mom is from Denmark, I'll have to say I'm partial to the Danes! LOL

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Tracie, I’m right there with you re: Norman Love. There were a few nights on my recent Emerald cruise when I had two desserts: I couldn’t decide between Norman and ice cream so I had both. :) Only thing better is the Chocolate Obsession in the Crown Grill. My last night, I ate mine and half of my sister’s. (And no, I didn’t gain weight on my cruise even though I indulged.)


Sounds like you’re having a ball.

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Not all, only some.


The Cruise Critic deck plans show them with a RED DOT.


Do not book one of those red dots, unless you like bumping into beds.




Thankyou! After my panicky moment, I did a Google search and found out our inside cabin does not have the red dot - we usually book a balcony cabin but booked this cruise just a few days ago in order to join Canadian relatives - we sail on 23 June and still waiting on that suite upgrade [emoji6]



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Love your blog! What are you ladies doing in Warnemunde? Trekking into Berlin or staying closer to home? We did Rostock and Schwerin by train, very enjoyable. Warnemunde is quite a cute seaside resort town as well. Enjoy!



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If you haven’t found me (P2) on my FB travel page, I thought I would share my port info to help those who are cruising the Baltic in the future.

Day 5 - Oslo, Norway

Tour Stops - HOHO Bus - Frogner Park/Vigeland Park, Fram Museum, City Hall, National Gallery of Art, Nobel Peace Center, and the Rick Steve’s self guided Oslo Walk.

Oslo sits at the head of a 60 mile Fjord. Sailing into Oslo is beautiful. The weather was spectacular and we haven’t had to break out the fur yet. The ship docked at 10am and we were off and running at 10:30am. There is a free shuttle train from the ship to the city center or you can walk it in about 20 minutes. When we arrived downtown, we split up for the morning because we had different agendas. P1 had been to Oslo previously so she didn’t have to waste time returning to the places I wanted to see. I walked to the National Theater to get on the HOHO bus. **APB on the HOHO Bus** - If you purchase the City Sightseeing Bus in every city/port, you get a 10% discount on the tickets after the first purchase. You also buy 3, get 1 free. It’s the best deal. The ticket runs around $40. The buses were full, but I never waited more than 10 minutes for a bus.

First stop Frogner Park/Vigeland Sculpture Park. Frogner Park is akin to Central Park. Beautiful lawns and fabulous rose garden that were not blooming yet. They are still featuring spring flowers - daffodils, tulips, azaleas, and rhododendrons. Vigeland is within Frogner and contains a lifetime of work by Norway’s greatest sculptor, Gustav Vigeland. In 1921 he made a deal with the city - In return for state support, he would spend his life beautifying Oslo with this sculpture garden. His sculptures represent themes of good vs. evil, cycle of life, relationships, romance and sexuality. Norway’s answer to Auguste Rodin. Spectacular.

The Fram Museum - This museum holds the 125 ft ship that took Viking sailors into the Arctic and Antarctic. It was totally interesting and I got nauseous standing on the ship with the simulated waves of the harsh weather conditions. I can’t get my head around the dangers of these vessels at sea. Terrifying. Excellent for kids. There are a few other Viking Ship museums and maritime museums that I did not have time to tour.

I met back up with P1 to tour in the afternoon together.

City Hall (Radhuset) - The first building you see entering the harbor. It is a building of civic pride. Take a look inside at the mural, frescoes, and sculptures that celebrate Norwegian achievements.

National Gallery - I was not leaving Oslo without a photo of the original “Scream” by Edvard Munch. Pronounced Moonk. This museum is is smallish, so easy to navigate. The usual suspects in the French Impression and Post Impression halls. We had wine and coffee in the cafe. If you carry any sort of backpack or oversized purse, you will have to put your belongings in a locker, usually free of charge. This has been the case several times so far. Keep your valuables on you, and your stuff is safe.

P1 took the tram back to the ship and I continued touring.

The Oslo Walk sights included Ruter Square, Oslo Cathedral, Stortovert Square, Grand Hotel, Central Station, Parliament, National Theater, Statue of Wergeland, and City Hall.

I ended the day at the Nobel Peace Center. A place of overwhelming goodness. True heroes are represented. I was reminded by Dalai Lama - Peace is my religion.

I walked back to the ship and I had walked a new record - 9 Miles. Can I get some applause please? I was almost crawling the last few blocks. I probably rubbed a blister between my thighs.

I met P1 in the Princess theater for an amazing performance of the Children of Majorstuen Music School in Oslo. A group of 6 teenage boys and girl performing Norwegian folk music, classical music, and I loved the violin rendition of The Girl from Ipanema.

After the show I had my first Club Class dining experience. Along with the suite, comes private dining. This private dining thing is the bomb! Better service and more attention. Loved it. Ivan, the waiter, was very sexy.

We checked out the desserts at the buff-ette. Comforting to know they are still making those peanut butter cookies. I got back to the cabin at 10pm. That was a 12 hour day! Thank God tomorrow is a sea day.

The sail away from Oslo was gorgeous. Twilight sky at 11pm.


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My Little Swede,

I'm glad you got a chance to visit Oslo, again. Even Alfred Nobel, a Swede, knew that Norway was a better place for his museum.




Hmmmmm... This is some extraneous information that may not be pertinent to the storyline, Norway Man.


;) <3



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It sounds like you ladies are having a blast! I recently enjoyed the Regal on the TA this April. Captain Tim and the cruise staff are a riot. I definitely recommend spending some time with them :D

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May 23, 2018

Day at Sea!


Hi friends-


Nothing like a Sea Day and a good night’s sleep to make a day amazing! My clock still has not quite adjusted so I spend the much time being either really tired or really loopy and wired. This is not my first rodeo, so I know that I will eventually get it all in order.


I woke pretty early and put on the stretchy clothes, headed up to the track, and did something that attempted running up on the track. One of my favorite features of the Royal class builds is the walking/running track on Deck 17. There are two lanes and most people really do stay in their lane. Seven laps equals a mile. I am nursing a calf injury, so I have not done a lot of running of late. I slogged around the track for about a mile and a half before I called it quits. I know you have all probably heard this before, but it sums up my running perfectly... I run slower than a herd of turtles jogging through peanut butter. It is sad, but I keep attempting...


I headed down to Sabatini’s with for breakfast which consisted of my fruit and poached eggs (not together though... that would be kind of icky). Oh! And my special coffee. Special coffee is EVERYTHING to me. I don’t drink, smoke, gamble, overeat, or any other said coping mechanisms. Coffee is my be all and end all. And it must be prepared correctly or I can get rather snappish. So here is the deal, I really like iced lattes- but so many just don’t prepare it correctly. It is a simple matter of physics.— 2 shots of espresso, mix in the Splenda (so it dissolves in the hot coffee, add the cold milk (to cool the coffee), then pour over ice. That way each of the four ingredients maintains its integrity. Simple, right??? Not so much. Why people want to pour hot espresso over ice confounds me... all you get is lukewarm, watered down espresso—yuck. So, as a Sabatini’s regular, they now bring me two shots of espresso in a tea pot, a glass of milk and a separate glass of ice. I mix the Splenda, then add the milk to the teapot, then pour the whole business over ice. I know this might seem a diatribe to some, but a person must have a take a stand for something- and this is my something... ;)


Our CC Meet and Greet was scheduled for 10 am in Crooners. I opted to attend- and I am so glad I did! I have never seen so many officers in attendance. As a matter of fact, there may have been as many officers as participants. They were lovely and gracious and hung out for a bit. Then the CD came a bit later and actually answered questions, told stories, and held court for a bit. Very nice. I am so glad I attended and big props to Gene and Susan for organizing the event!b0d7ab412ee0fb4bf5245c041579be26.jpg


I returned to the room to begin to ready for the “big event”! The Most Traveled Passenger Luncheon. I did not qualify, but P2 did!!! She is #14 on the ship and I got to be her “plus one”. Lucky and grateful me!


So before I go any further, here are the passenger stats for this cruise:

Elite- 102

Platinum- 359

Ruby- 293

Gold- 808

And drum roll please...

Blue- 2044! Lots and lots of first time Princess cruisers.

There are only 52 children under the age of 18- and honestly, I don’t think I have seen one.


The cut off for the MTP was 171 days (I am at 144- so I was not terribly off the mark). And the most traveled passenger has 559 days.


The lunch itself was truly special. I started with a ravioli dish, selected the risotto for my main, and we had a raspberry tartuffo for dessert. P2 took a photo of the dessert- it was both visually stunning, structurally fascinating, and delicious. What more could one ask for?!?! We were seated at a table with a couple from Canada and another couple from England. Our officer was Martyn Moss, the Entertainment Director. We learned so much about the inner workings of the ship’s entertainment department. It was a wonderful event, and I am looking forward to my next one- whenever that may be in a decade or so...


I needed a little nap after lunch, and I really slept hard. Napping is NOT helping my sleeping issue.


When I woke up, we tooled around the cabin a bit, P2 shot another video, and then we headed to the MDR for dinner in the Club Class section. Another outstanding experience. I had beef satay, pineapple and marscapone, split pea soup, and jerk chicken. Oh! And then there was the Creme Brûlée for dessert. No danger of starving here. Nope. My pants might be shrinking though...


After dinner, we rushed off to the Princess Theater for the “Born to Dance” production show. (For those of you who have read other blogs, you know that I am not a huge fan of most of the production shows- just too cheesy). This show was completely different. First, the cast on this ship is huge. Four principle singers, and 13 dancers. The show was hands down the best I have ever seen on a ship- ANY ship. It was a send up to broadway choreographers. It included videoed narrative, a story line, singing, and superb dancing. I have a bit of an interest in dance- and this really was very, very well performed. They also introduced the cast dancers, which I have never seen before- as they were the stars of this show. I thought of attending the other performance as well, because I enjoyed it so much the first time. As an aside, the theater was packed. I am not sure there was an empty seat. I am glad we got there early to find a seat. I would have hated to miss this.


P2 headed back to the cabin and I went to the Yes/No Game Show. The premise is the contestant spends three minutes “chatting” with a member of the CD staff without saying “yes” or “no”. I could not get into it, and only lasted for 3 contestants. One did win, though.


I headed back to the room and chatted with Paige until way too late in the night. And that is where I will leave you.


Tomorrow is Warnemunde. These princesses will NOT be heading into Berlin, but have some amazing adventures planned! Stay tuned!


Any one want to dance?


Tracie-Lynn :)



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Gosh it’s fun to travel vicariously with you guys! I, too, love Born to Dance. I think it’s the best production show I’ve ever seen on Princess.


Weezur, I think you want P2’s Fungirl Across America and Beyond Facebook page. Good stuff!


And thank you Iowa Traveler. To be included in the rarified air of P1and P2 is heady stuff!

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Tracy, I want to follow your blog trip..Do I do it on Facebook? Don't know how to get it on my tablet/phone


Thanks in advance for any help you can give me

Hi! Thank you for finding me!

This actually is the blog... I write “live froms”.


It was so nice to meet you!!!



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May 22, 2018

Oslo, Norway

Consorting with the Enemy


Hi friends-

This has been quite the fun day.


First (again with the firsts), I need to give you a bit of information. So, as you all know- because P2 let it slip, there might be a VERY special someone for me. Prince Jon, or PJ for short just happens to be Norwegian. I am Swedish. I know. I know. What was I thinking?!?! There is a fair amount of Scandinavian shaming that occurs between the two of us. And since he grudgingly acquiesces to the superiority of Swedes, I can let most of it go. Seriously though, PJ spent his summers in Oslo as a child and has told me so many truly charming stories about his time as a boy in this magical city. I may tease him about being from West Sweden or Living in the Land that Sweden did not want, but honestly Oslo is an amazing city. If you have not been here, get it on the “To Done” List.


P2 and I left the ship around 10:30 this morning (we docked at 10). We did not port in Oslo center. The last time I did this cruise the ship docked right at the Radhuset (said rad- who- set—and don’t forget to roll your r), which is the city hall. 46bd0606349756049d696bb61ce9ac1a.jpgThis time we docked off to the side. Princess and HoHo provided a FREE tram to the Akerhus (castle) which is also center city. From there P2 and I parted ways. I will tell my side and hopefully P2 chime in and give her 2 Krone.


I started at the Nobel Peace Prize museum. I purchased the 24 hour Oslo Pass (you can get it at the museum for 395 NOK which equals about $48 USD). This covered all of my public transport AND museum entrances. I wanted to go to the Nobel Prize museum because I wanted to see what they did for Malala. Once I entered, the first exhibit I came across had to do with the sexualization of the Western World. Ummmm... wow. I did not know that people could get their bodies to do some of that stuff. Hmm. Upstairs was the gallery of prize winners. Each winner has a dedicated iPad. When you touch Malala’s, everything stops and you hear her speech. It was so touching.


Next, I hopped on the ferry (included with the Oslo Pass!!!!) to Bygdoy- which is a small island in Oslo harbour. I wanted to see the Kon Tiki museum, 39ddfd0b6d041329838ead3dd4e9cc4b.jpgthe Fram museum, and the outdoor Folk museum. Unfortunately, I got off the first stop instead of the second... so I hoofed it around 2 or 3 km to the museums. I visited each of these attractions as a child- and so much of it reminds me of my dad. If you can only do one thing on Bygdoy- do the Fram museum. It is very interactive. Just ask Paige! The Folk Museum is wonderful, but you need to prepare to spend a lot of time going through the buildings. I really went just to see the old Stave Kirken (church).fec8af551f871f7644a6f0dcde2fc942.jpg


I reboarded the ferry back to Oslo proper- and I just hit the jet lag wall. Ugh. I hate when that happens. I really want to be an Energizer Bunny, but today I was a sleepy rabbit. Boo. I met P2 at the Radhuset (say it correctly) and we walked in to see the beautiful murals. f36247d45f0d4a7a5d4a307d69c063ac.jpgThey have tours three times a day, but we missed it.


Next, we walked up to see Munch’s Scream e39bcca86e1fe54dfe3b4cc1fd28847f.jpgat the National Gallery. We did a lot of imitating the Scream and I think I even caught Paige on film! See the Fungirl FB page for Paige- “Screaming”. What people don’t know is there are many lovely impressionist and post impressionist works hanging in the gallery- Manet, Monet, Renior, Degas. And BONUS- unlike the Louvre or the Met- you can get really close to the paintings. The crowds were also manageable.


We had a coffee at the museums and that was all she wrote for me. I headed back to the tram to return to the ship, only to learn this was the LAST tram of the day! I frantically called P2 to tell her, but she was too far and just not finished yet. So as we drove back to the ship, I texted her step by step instructions to walk back. They must have been pretty good directions- because she eventually found her way home to the lovely Regal.


While P2 was gallivanting all over Oslo- I went to dinner. Because we are in a suite, we are eligible for Club Class dining. I know there has been some controversy and A LOT of discussion here about it- but I like it. A bunch. I had not eaten and I was starving so I ordered the Air-dried beef (braesiola), gazpacho, a salad, and the beef stroganoff. The wait staff took huge pity on me and served food very quickly. I may or may not have eaten like a hungry lumberjack (Now, don’t get your panties in a twist- many of my relatives WERE lumberjacks- I Swedish for Pete’s sake- not a full set of fingers on any of them). And then it happened...


All you Peaches and Herb fans- sing along with me...


Reunited! And it feels soooo goood!


Yep, I found my cruise boyfriend. Sorry, PJ- I had a cruise affair— with the preeminent Chef Norman Love and his amazing desserts!


Tonight was the coconut one. It is my favorite- until the pistachio one comes up in the menu. And then there is always the raspberry one.... Yummmmmm.


So I indulged. I needed it. I deserve it. Darn it.


Following the million calorie dinner, I headed down to the Princess Theater for a concert by students of a music school in Oslo. Paige met me there- a bit frazzled and really tired- but she made it! We watched the concert during which one or more of us may have dozed for a moment. The kids were so stinking talented- but the day just caught up with us.


Paige wanted to eat, so back to Club Class dining we went. Of course, we were promptly seated and I chatted as she ate. And then it happened....




Chef Love showed up and I just had to devour the offering.


STOP JUDGING, you Judgy McJudgersons! Cut it out! I had to do it! I’m weak. I ate 2 desserts.


“Hi. My name is Tracie and I’m addicted to Norman Love desserts. It has been 2 hours and 21 minutes since my last relapse...”


After dinner, we hoofed it upstairs to watch to goofy fountain show. Tonight, the waters were choreographed to Frank Sinatra. I am enchanted by this sort of thing. Lights! Music! Water! What’s not to love? I truly hope I never become jaded.


We found some dessert in the form of cookies and ice cream for P2 and made our way back to the cabin. We might have captured some thoughts on video- that will live on the Fungirl page. Such silly, stupid fun.


And now, we are watching the fjords of Norway as we float along. It is the end of a really wonderful day.


We are blogging then heading to bed.


Tomorrow is a Sea Day! Yay!


Anyone want to go scare up one more Norman Love dessert with me?





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I know what you mean about Norman!!! He and I are very close. I had his coconut chocolate dessert for the first time this past March, and people, it really is one of the top two desserts I have had in my life and I have been places. So, if I had been in your place with the two CC dining visits, I think I would have ended up having three of those suckers!!! Yes, that dessert is that good. At the end of the cruise, please tell me they repeated the coconut dessert, pretty please!!



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May 23, 2018

Day at Sea!





P2 headed back to the cabin and I went to the Yes/No Game Show. The premise is the contestant spends three minutes “chatting” with a member of the CD staff without saying “yes” or “no”. I could not get into it, and only lasted for 3 contestants. One did win, though.



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My husband signed me up as a contestant in the Yes/No game on the Ruby in January. I was fortunate to be able to watch 8-10 people go down before my name was called, so I was prepared with a strategy. As nervous as I was, I was the first to win that night! Only two more won after me, the CD and his assistant were tough!

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Are you having fun yet? We may have landed in sunny Honolulu with this high pressure system in the Baltic. P1 does a great job blogging about ship life, I tend to focus more on port info. If you check my FB travel page, make sure you click “all posts” as I do a daily post with a lot of port info. I can copy and paste here also, but just haven’t made the time yet.

P1 Fungirl Across America and Beyond

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May 24, 2018

Warnemunde, Germany

Guten Abend auf Deutschland


Guten tag, mein freunden and freundinen-


Wie gehts!?!?!


We are in sunny and warm Germany! I grew up in Frankfurt so “I’m home”! I love Germany and I am so excited to spend the day here.


First, let me publically apologize to P2. Bless her heart. I totally got my chat on last night and I may or may not have prevented her from sleeping. She is just too darn polite to tell me to “Go the Heck to Sleep”.


We got up pretty early. P2 headed up to the buffet and I made my way down to Sabatini’s for breakfast- we needed to fuel up for the long day ahead of ...


Buses- Trains- Automobiles!


We opted out of going to Berlin. There is just so much travel time involved for such a short amount of time in a big city. I also worry a little about the “if something goes wrong” factor. So P2 and I decided to do a DIY to Schwerin Castle. And something did go as NOT planned- both in a good way and a not great way.


The “not great way” first... We should have been able to take a train from Warnemunde to Schwerin with a quick change of train in Rostock. However, there is track construction on the Schwerin train- so we had to make a detour. So the route is- Warnemunde to Rostock (there is one train that runs about every 10 minutes). Go to the Rostock Hbpt. (Hauptbahnhof- train station)- Rostock to Bad Kleinen (track 7). BUS RE-1 (no train to Schwerin for quite some time) to Schwerin. The bus goes to the Schwerin Hbpt. And then it is a 17 minute walk to the castle. We had to buy our train tickets in a machine at the Warnemunde train station. We opted for first class tickets- (Hey! We are Princesses!!!) which ended up being less than expected- it was a separate section of six seats in the front of the train. The tickets were validated on the train. On the train from Rostock to Bad Kleinen, we asked the conductor a question about the bus to Schwerin and he brought us the nicest German woman who was going to Schwerin. She became our escort. She helped us to get on the correct bus (RE-1) to Schwerin. But if you try this and don’t get a private escort- once you get to Schwerin- follow the signs that say schloss (castle in German). The signs are everywhere.


We castle is stunning. Large. Really really large. As a comparison- it is much larger than Neuschwanstein and on par with the Biltmore. It is also a working castle as the Mecklenburg Parliament meets there. The cost to tour the castle is 8.5 euro with an extra 2 euro for the narration. I highly recommend using the narration, it only takes an hour and really gives a lot of pertinent information. Just as an aside, the entrance to the castle is on the side, not the front. The front is the parliament entrance. Even though we are princesses, we were not allowed to use the exclusive parliament entrance.- Ach- the insult!


The castle was built by Franz Ferdinand II Archduke of Mecklenburg and it is really lovely. On the tour, you only see 14 rooms, but the narrations fills in many of the blanks. Some of the rooms that were viewable were the Winter Room, the Smoking Room, the Billiards Room, and of course the stunning Throne Room. As you exit the tour, you walk by parliament. It was actually in session. You are not allowed to take pictures or video, but you can visually observe the proceedings. The parliament room is very stark and modern which provides a high contrast to the opulence of the palace. Two other quick notes about the castle: 1. The exterior and the grounds of the castle are beautiful. The castle is seated on a lake. It is so lovely. 2. There is a lovely cafe on the ground floor of the castle in the back. They have wine and beer; water and soft drinks; a limited savory menu and a vast dessert menu. Paige and I had a bevvie and a rest before touring the castle.


Here is the “great way” that things did not go as planned— we ran into Karl and Tracie from our Cruise Critic group. They were getting ready to tour the castle, so we gave them our best tips. They shared that they had rented a car and offered us a ride back to the ship when they were finished. This gave Paige and me a chance to have a little German lunch before our chariot (which was really and Audi Q3) was to sweep us back to our digs.


We found a little German sidewalk cafe. P2 ordered the schweinschnitzel (pork cutlet) and I zweible zuppe and salat (onion soup and salad). There was also wine for P2 and sparkling water for me. Paige made a note that my German was improving, and I hope that is true. I get really shy (even shyer than normal) when I speak it. But I like to speak it when I can, so that I don’t totally lose it. Lunch was a total of 31 euro for the meal. Not bad! And the food was really delicious.


Karl and Tracie were right our designated meeting spot and off we went- flying down the autobahn. Karl completely embraced the concept of the lack of speed limit- and I believe we topped out a bit above 160 kmh. The nice thing about the Audi is that you cant feel the speed. (That may also be a bit of a downfall). K and T dropped us at the ship and P2 headed into the village of Warnemunde- I headed back to the cabin. I also need to note that not only are Karl and Tracie (Canadians from Toronto) the NICEST people on the planet- Tracie is my namesake soulmate. She is the only person I have ever met with the same spelling that I have!!!


After a much needed shower, I proceeded to the main dining room Club Class. I was the only person there! I kind of felt sorry for the wait staff. They were itching for something to do. I had cock-a-leekie soup, a salad, and a cheese and ricotta tart. I think the big seller was the surf and turf- but that is not my thing. I really love the vegetarian entrees on Princess and eat them frequently. I had a bit of creme brulee for dessert.


I decided to walk through the town of Warnemunde. It must have been kismet, because at 7 pm all of the shops were closed- so I could not shop. I just do not have the weight or space to bring much back. The town is absolutely charming. Quite honestly, if you are doing this cruise, and you don’t feel like going to Berlin or Schwerin- Warnemunde offers quite a bit in the form of shops, cafes, and even a really cool beach! Of course, we had the luck of the Swedish with the weather- sunny and warm and only lightly breezy. Perfect!


When I reboarded, I found Paige and it was German night in the buffet. Now, i am not a fan of the buffet, however, she enticed me with one word: spaetzle. I may or may not have had a second dinner- and by that time it was over for me.


I returned to the cabin, put on my jammies, and was asleep within minutes!


And so ends our magnificent day in Germany!


Schaf Sie gut? (Did you sleep well?)


Tracie-Lynn :)



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