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Medical emergency Epic help needed urgently


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Please don't be sorry. I think it's wonderful that people are still able to cruise despite considerable health problems. Long may they do so! It's courageous. I love cruising and this won't stop me from going (though I may be even more careful than we are already).


As for the title of my thread I apologise if it was in any way misleading. I was not asking for medical help, just for any advice from those who might have experienced a similar occurrence. If it came across wrong then blame the fact that I had 100 other things going on and maybe I wasn't thinking clearly. I did not say MEDICAL HELP NEEDED URGENTLY. That is just some peoples interpretation. As it happens I DID get some very useful information, and the kindness and support from many of you on CC was heartwarming.


As far as NCL are concerned, that night we were on the phone to every number we could find, speaking to Miami and also trying to talk to the UK. Getting through to someone in NCL who could or would help was very difficult. Unfortunately offices were closed and I wasn't able to talk to anyone who could help until the next day, and even that took several calls. NCL did NOT step up to the mark until much later, and you can choose to believe this or not. It's no use saying what your experience was and how wonderful they were, it really has no relevance, and in this situation they were less than helpful, until a meeting was arranged 2 days later.


Should anyone need help from the UK offices we do now have a name and contact number which we would be happy to post, but it took a great deal of time to reach the right person.


I think that is all I want to say. I hope it may be of help to someone in the future and I'm glad it's given some people the chance to vent their spleen criticising me, my daughter and my family for just being caring people. If being self satisfied and critical makes you feel better then so be it. We certainly won't change.


As I've said before, I hope nobody who has read this thread will ever have to go through such an experience. We have cruised ourselves over 60 times and have seen our fair share of medical emergencies, evacuations and ships turning round. Our only thoughts at the time were thank goodness it's not us, please god they are ok, and how awful it must have been for those concerned and their families.


Enough said.


OP thank you for updating us. I think you did the right thing and would hope that my dh and I would be able to do the same if something like this happened to one of my children. I think you are wonderful and caring parents.

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So glad everything is working out. I would like to note that just because some say they would not fly out to their adult child or that as that adult child they would not want anyone to fly out does NOT mean they are not from a caring or close family. Judgmental remarks have cut both ways on this thread.


My daughter is my everything but I would not hop on a plane unless she stated she really needed me. And not everyone has the finances to hop on a plane last minute. You should consider yourself very blessed to have that option.


Your follow up is very much appreciated and it certainly sounds like you made absolutely the right choice. I would very much like to know just who the HD was as I have not met one yet who was not over and above helpful. If this person was not than they should be reported!


I think the OP is perhaps reacting to those posts with shade being thrown implying that her daughter was a meek, shrinking violet, who lacked the confidence to handle the situation on her own and needed her "mommy" to come rescue her.


When something like this happens, your adrenaline is rushing and you may be a bit in shock and find it hard to know what to do next. Add to that, being in a foreign country and having a toddler (who is likely reacting to his/her mother's anxiety) - even the most composed, confident person would get a bit rattled working through the details.


It's interesting how the focus on a post about a medical emergency can get shifted into a debate on whether the OP should have flown out and helped her daughter (with people getting defensive about why they would never think of flying out!) Who cares?? Unless you're actually in that situation, you have no idea what you'd do and not do.


Also, why try and pick apart the OP's story? It seems as if people are trying to find discrepancies so they can call out the OP! SHE wasn't onboard and doesn't know precisely whom her daughter spoke to and exactly what was said. Unless her daughter chooses to come on and post her story, anything else is hearsay.

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Please do clarify this. Are you saying that your daughter went to Guest Services and/or contacted the Hotel Director or his staff while ON the ship and was refused assistance?


I am confused as to why someone on land was trying to call shoreside NCL offices to assist with a situation occuring onboard? Did you actually call the ship?

I think those of us that suggested her daughter go to the Hotel Director would like to know if the HD said they would not give her any help, since the OP said they would not help her on the ship, or possibly she didn't talk with anyone on the ship and just thought theys should come to her offering their assistance. If the Hotel Director or Guest Services wouldn't help the OP's daughter, this is something that NCL corporate should be aware of, because I doubt they would think this is appropriate.
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I hope it won’t be much longer before the whole family is safely home and get take a collective deep breath.

Being left aboard with all of the luggage plus a small child would be a nightmare.

I have a hard time managing my own.

MIL will have a long recovery, but I hope it goes well.



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Why? Luggage isn’t s hardship on a ship, it’s the same luggage she had in the cabin when her husband was in it. One adult, one child, all meals prepared, cabin cleaned for you, people do it all the time, on purpose. Getting off the ship, schlepping and if the luggage through the airports, flying with a toddler, what was the purpose? If given the choice of being home for a week alone with my toddler, or being on a cruise, give me the cruise!

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Just been talking with an orthopod - its nasty and may also need a hip replacement I am told.


Just for the record most insurance do cover cruises as standard and once in Europe all costs are covered with the EHC111.


our NHS are magnificent and once back in the UK I have no doubt the repairs will effected superbly..

I don't know about most Insurers covering cruises as standard. If there are existing Medical Conditions, as in my case, ordinary policies did not cover cruises. I found a specialised company that could accommodate all my potential needs. As it turned out I did have to make a claim and that amount was more than the cost of the Insurance

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I was talking to a neighbor about the cruise line not helping the OP's daughter and she had great insight. The OP knows her daughter better than anyone and my neighbor said she probably knew that her daughter wouldn't ask for help from the onboard staff, but expecting them to come and ask her if she needed help and the OP did the correct thing in going and helping, otherwise she would have had no help at all.

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Hi Your family is in our prayers. If you go to the Roll Call for this sailing you may find one of the guest posting live from the ship and then you can message them right from that post to reach out to her. Just a thought but it might work. Sending prayers.


Is there anyone who is on the ship or who has a family member or friend onboard who might be willing to just speak to my daughter as I know she is struggling?
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Why? Luggage isn’t s hardship on a ship, it’s the same luggage she had in the cabin when her husband was in it. One adult, one child, all meals prepared, cabin cleaned for you, people do it all the time, on purpose. Getting off the ship, schlepping and if the luggage through the airports, flying with a toddler, what was the purpose? If given the choice of being home for a week alone with my toddler, or being on a cruise, give me the cruise!


if i understand correctly, it was not just their room but also the MIL's stateroom luggage. but they would have assisted her with disembark. but the mom had the ability and means to fly and help her so why not?

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if i understand correctly, it was not just their room but also the MIL's stateroom luggage. but they would have assisted her with disembark. but the mom had the ability and means to fly and help her so why not?

If she stayed on the ship, all she’d have to do is put the luggage outside the door, her parents could’ve met her at the dock, no dragging luggage through two airports, no flying with a toddler, no buying several last minute plane tickets. Staying on the ship would’ve been less of a hassle, it’s not like she ended up helping her DH’s or MIL’s situation.

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Hi Your family is in our prayers. If you go to the Roll Call for this sailing you may find one of the guest posting live from the ship and then you can message them right from that post to reach out to her. Just a thought but it might work. Sending prayers.

Pretty unlikely since they have been off the ship for quite a while now.

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Final update!


MIL is back in the UK. She flew back today accompanied by a nurse (aged 71 herself, who enjoys doing this sort of little job!). Ambulance from airport to her local hospital A and E for assessment. She has now been admitted.

Thank goodness for the NHS.


We are all very relieved.


Many thanks everyone.


Hopefully life will return to some sort of normality.

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If she stayed on the ship, all she’d have to do is put the luggage outside the door, her parents could’ve met her at the dock, no dragging luggage through two airports, no flying with a toddler, no buying several last minute plane tickets. Staying on the ship would’ve been less of a hassle, it’s not like she ended up helping her DH’s or MIL’s situation.




How do you figure this? The mom flew out to meet Rome and to get home the daughter used her original ticket and the mom was able to use one of the other spare tickets. OP is from the UK. A flight home was involved any way you look at it.



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If she stayed on the ship, all she’d have to do is put the luggage outside the door, her parents could’ve met her at the dock, no dragging luggage through two airports, no flying with a toddler, no buying several last minute plane tickets. Staying on the ship would’ve been less of a hassle, it’s not like she ended up helping her DH’s or MIL’s situation.


She did stay on the ship.

The final port was in Rome - the dock was Civitavecchia

We don't live in Rome.

We had to fly to Rome.

We used the unused tickets from SIL, and MIL.

We had to convey the luggage through 2 airports.

I'm really not sure what you mean?


Actually it DID help both my SIL, and his mother as it relieved him of any concerns for his little son and his wife, so he could concentrate on his mum, and MIL knew that both were being taken care of. She is a caring lady too. Believe me, my SIL spent hours trying to get answers from doctors, and dealing with the insurance company was very time consuming as you would know if you'd ever been in this situation, but you haven't and yet you are an expert in the matter. If only we could have been so wise.


But I guess what we did was wrong in some people's eyes. Why it should be so important for some people to discuss at length why their family would not do this or that is beyond my comprehension. I was merely sharing one experience with you all. We weren't asking for anyone's approval or permission. The decisions we made were ours alone, there is no compulsion for others to follow the same path. Surely there is no right or wrong way? Whether or not we had the money to fly is nobody's business but ours. People's priorities are different.


My only hope is that as few as possible of you ever have to experience something like this. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But unfortunately, accidents or unexpected illnesses do happen so, sadly, some of you will face a medical emergency of one sort or another. May you have the strength and the courage to deal with it in your own way.


Now we have to help MIL get back on her feet and hopefully return to her independent life one day.

Edited by ellie1145
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OP, I have been following this thread silently, but now want to wish you and your family the very best. You are right, you did what was best for your family, based on you knew at the time. You have no need to justify yourself.

The only thing that bothers me is NCL's response or lack of one. I hope this was a one time lapse, and would love to know their side of the story, if they have one.

Simple human kindness should always trump ship protocol. Only my opinion, of course.

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Ellie you are awesome!




Ditto!!! Now let’s leave her alone and let the family take care of themselves and move on now that MIL has safely returned home. They certainly have proven that they can do so.



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I actually have been treated in the main Barcelona hospital, with an 11 day day, 2 days intensive care. The direct care staff rarely spoke much English, but the MD's - many did. They have high standards of medical care, and I would not be concerned about the quality.

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Thank you for the update. You did what you felt was right for your family. Hoping MIL has a speedy recovery. I would still follow up with NCL. When we were off-loaded and "stuck" in a Belize hospital for 3 days, Carnival went above and beyond, having a port agent escort us to the hospital in a taxi, dropping off a small suitcase to the hospital before the ship left port , calling me in the hospital each day as soon as the ship departed Belize, and after we got back to NY a rep called every day for at least 5 days afterwards making sure dd was feeling okay - and this was an unexpected medical issue that really had nothing to do with anything Carnival did! Different lines, different ways of handling things, I guess. And I would think - as MIL slipped on a wet staircase, NCL would have offered heaven and earth to make sure all ran smoothly to avoid a possible lawsuit.

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Glad to hear you are all safely back. I would have done exactly the same as you In going to help my family. MIL is lucky to have such a caring family.


Hope she recovers quickly now she is home.


All the best.



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Thank you for the update. You did what you felt was right for your family. Hoping MIL has a speedy recovery. I would still follow up with NCL. When we were off-loaded and "stuck" in a Belize hospital for 3 days, Carnival went above and beyond, having a port agent escort us to the hospital in a taxi, dropping off a small suitcase to the hospital before the ship left port , calling me in the hospital each day as soon as the ship departed Belize, and after we got back to NY a rep called every day for at least 5 days afterwards making sure dd was feeling okay - and this was an unexpected medical issue that really had nothing to do with anything Carnival did! Different lines, different ways of handling things, I guess. And I would think - as MIL slipped on a wet staircase, NCL would have offered heaven and earth to make sure all ran smoothly to avoid a possible lawsuit.
How was the Belize hospital? Was it in Belize City?


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thank you for all your kind words. It helps


Yes SIL at hospital. Daughter and child on ship. Little one pretty upset and disorientated.


She needs Internet to keep in touch with us but NCL won't give her free internet. There is so much to sort out.


We hope NCL will let us on ship to sail to Rome as we can use all her flights and transport easily from there. Easy jet being very helpful. Cabin is empty so shouldn't be a problem but I don't know how complicated it will be. Keep your fingers crossed we can do that. She needs us with her to help pack etc




So why does she not buy internet? Not the time to be coupon clipping



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So why does she not buy internet? Not the time to be coupon clipping



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From all the OP's posts, she kept saying that NCL on the ship wouldn't help her daughter. Many posters suggested her daughter talk with the Hotel Director, but when asking the OP if her daughter ever talked with the Hotel Director, she never responds to the question. In my years of cruising with NCL, I've never heard but one other post saying NCL wouldn't help them and IMHO, based on that post, it was because of the poster's entitlement attitude. NCL on the ships usually jumps through hoops to help those that are in need and I'd bet that the Hotel Director would have given her free internet and phone calls.
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I can’t believe for one moment that NCL wouldn’t do anything to help her. I’m not sure if all the facts we’ve been presented with are completely factual.

Our cruise companions on our last cruise went thru a medevac off of NCL and NCL more than exceeded their expectations





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