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A Celebrity/Author On A Cruise


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I ask questions here to learn something. I certainly don't ask questions to get validation only from people who agree with me, and then get annoyed at those who have an opposite point of view on the subject of my question. And I would bet that the majority of people here actually are looking for a best answer when asking questions, and not for only the answer that approves of what they have already decided to do as you are doing.


That you argue with people who are telling you it is not a good idea, and thanking everyone who agrees with you, it is extremely clear that you aren't looking for the best answer, but looking for people to tell you what a wonderful thing you are doing. :rolleyes:


I am not and have not gotten 'annoyed' with anyone. Nothing I've posted or replied to indicates that. But it's interesting that's where you're taking it. Huh .... again, I haven't 'argued' with anyone. I have replied to posts. Again, attributing emotion where there wasn't any.


I thanked the first 1 or 2 people who replied negatively also. Look back and you'll see that.

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I don't give gifts for my benefit. I give them only for the benefit of the person I am giving it to, so what I like is not the deciding factor in choosing that gift. I also don't give gifts to people who I don't know well enough to know what they like and don't like. That's too impersonal for my tastes. I save my gift giving for those people who mean something to me and who I know well enough to know what they will like. I don't think that giving a person something that I like without any idea if they will like it is appropriate. Giving someone a gift that has no meaning to them implies that the gift was not very well thought out.


Have you read anything on this post? NOTHING you have written in any of your posts make ANY sense. NOTHING you have stated applies to anything I've said or done.


I did NOT select a gift that I like or for my benefit. I specifically selected a gift that I believe they will like. It is only with them in mind and for their benefit that I selected these cards specifically.


So, you've never had a Xmas gift swap at work? Where you pick a name out of bowl and you don't know that person or hardly at all? You would have to buy something for this person and not know what they like or want.

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I worked for an author for 10 years as her event planner and personal assistant. Definitely give the gift. I don't think a lot of people on this thread realize the bond an author forms with their readers. While not always to a person's taste, a gift will always be appreciated and on many occasions, treasured.

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I have NO expectation of getting anything special, attention or otherwise.




The 'star' of the show does the voice over. It is his life being depicted in each episode. And he has made (as far as I know) one brief appearance in a movie to say 1 or 2 lines. SO, not an actor in the typical sense. His wife (real wife in real life) has made 1 or 2 appearances on the show.




Premium? I have not paid a premium. My cabin that I booked on my own is about $1000 less than what the TA is charging. I am bringing my own books (1 for me & 1 for my SIL).




Is he & all of the others from the show getting paid &/or freebies? Of course they are.




Will they 'love' my gift? I don't know ... will it end up in a trash bin? Maybe ... I don't know. I think it's a unique piece of nostalgia. I have zero expectation of what will happen when I hand it to them or after I leave.




3 things....


1. I never said you had an expectation of getting any special attention...you made that up on your own


2. You said in YOUR op that these people were giving up THEIR personal time to do this cruise. Now you say they are being paid. So it's not their personal time at all is it? They are earning $$$$ so I guess if you want to give them a gift for taking this paid job go right ahead.


Hate to break it to you but these actor/non actors are on a paid job by going on this cruise so please don't say how wonderful they are for giving up their personal time. They are just fulfilling their contracted obligations. Which they are being paid for.


3. And you paid $1000 less by booking on your own? So you are admitting that the TA who I must assume is running this book signing group with these actor/non actors is the one charging the premium to be part of this cruise group? Are you even part of this group if you booked on your own? From what I gather, these nonsense upcharge cruise groups that bring speakers etc on the ship do so only for those in their own group. So you are saying you DIDNT book with this group?


By saying you booked on your own it sounds that way so good luck getting to see these actor/non actors.



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Edited by maggie cruises
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My hair dresser gets paid for what she does ... and yet I give her a gift after each visit. A cash gift = tip.

My waiter/waitress gets paid for what he/she does and yet I give them a gift after I eat. It's a gift of appreciation. Again = tip.

My boss pays me every 2 weeks for work that I do. I also 2x a year get a big fat 'thank you' from the boss & other dept. heads in the form of a bonus.

Some bosses gave me actual gifts ... ballet tickets. Clothing. All the gifts were wonderful.


My taste is most definitely NOT watercolors. But I found these cards and they are so beautiful and nostalgic I thought they were fitting. Again ... whatever happens to them is up to them.




Hairdressers and waiters are in service fields and tips are the norm



Employees like yourself are always getting bonuses or raises for good work


That's just how it goes



However...this actor/non actors group ...is signing a contract to do this cruise and meet their "fans". Regardless of the $$ you paid for this cruise by avoiding a TA and booking in your own...these people are getting paid...they are not providing you a personal service so you don't tip them....they are not your employee so you don't pay them or give them a bonus


You giving them these watercolors is just like when fans thrown flowers etc at a star on stage. Totally ridiculous.


However the real ridiculous thing is more like this...


You want to give them rather large watercolor prints that sound like they are delicate and will need to be cared for carefully so they don't rip...fold..tear..or get wet etc. please don't tell me you are planning to frame them too? Lol your gift will just cause more packing and transporting headaches than needed plus they are totally unexpected by these actors/non actors


On a Disney cruise once...my kids "won" several books...a cookbook...a Disney history of the parks type book...and some other nonsense book...what a pleasure it was lugging that stuff home. I would have left it behind if the kids weren't so young and excited to win these gifts


Couldn't tell you where this junk is now.



Fwiw...I'd like to know how you even think you are part of this "group" anyway. Don't you need to book through the "group" in order to have access to these celebrities? You said you booked on your own at $1000 less...all that tells me is that you are not part of this group


Why don't you just clearly state what this whole group is all about? How exactly does one book it? And $1000 less? Really? I've never seen a TA anywhere charge $1000 more for any cruise if that cruise can easily be booked elsewhere?


I'm not sure you have all the facts correct



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It's your time and money so do as you wish. Best scenario you get invited to dine with them or whatnot and become fim friends....worst case is the watercolours remind them of a bad time and they have a mental breakdown on the ship.


I wouldn't personally spend my cruise looking for a celebrity or stalking out their cabin number but each to their own.

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I hope you know that I, the OP, didn't write that sentence. That is someone else and it doesn't make any sense to me either.


Not trying to impress anyone, anywhere. I think they might appreciate the gesture ... if they don't ... that's fine too. I am no more invested other than handing the cards over and telling them I thought they'd enjoy them. That's it.


My other 'expectation' is to get 2 photos while he signs both books. One for me & 1 for my SIL.


I believe by the fact that I quoted them and my response was directed to them I know exactly to whom I was responding - and it indeed was not you.


You did, however, with your comments to my other response, take my last sentence out of context. If you read my entire response I was not questioning your right to post your thread, but rather your reason.


But as you originally expressed concern, I hope all goes for you as you wish with this.

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While the OP's gift is a bit unusual, I think it is a very nice gesture. I am an author (but certainly not famous) and appreciate hearing from my readers. Also, I would think it great if someone gave me some artwork relating to one of the places about which I write.


On the other hand, I would likely NEVER sign up for a cruise with any author and celebrities. I really dislike celebrity worship of any kind. I also don't have much respect for novelists who have a formula for churning out several books a year.

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I'm going on a cruise this fall. There will be a celebrity onboard with this specialty group I am sailing with.


I have bought a small gift to give to this man and his wife. They are 2 cards. Each 8 1/2 " x 11" watercolors of the town he lived & worked in for 25+ years. The watercolors are from an earlier time (1950s) than when he & his family lived there.


I guess, since I've bought them, it's a done deal. But is this a dumb thing to do? I know they have their memories and whatever momentos they kept from their lives then. They now live in a different state across country.


Just to be sure ... these are NOT gifts for a steward. It's for this celebrity and his wife.

I think it is a very sweet idea and I'm sure they will appreciate the gift.


I was in the music business for 40 years and at concerts I would see fans giving the artist gifts. They might not have been something the artist would want, but they were always so gracious to the fans and, as surprising as it might be to many of you, were very appreciative that the fan thought so much of them that they would spend their time and money purchasing a gift for them no matter how big or small the gift was.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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While the OP's gift is a bit unusual, I think it is a very nice gesture. I am an author (but certainly not famous) and appreciate hearing from my readers. Also, I would think it great if someone gave me some artwork relating to one of the places about which I write.


On the other hand, I would likely NEVER sign up for a cruise with any author and celebrities. I really dislike celebrity worship of any kind. I also don't have much respect for novelists who have a formula for churning out several books a year.


This isn't like that. He isn't a widely known author ... he doesn't churn out multiple books. Like I said ... most of the populace wouldn't even recognize his name.

But he is a man I respect very much for his life's work. The show depicts that.

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It's your time and money so do as you wish. Best scenario you get invited to dine with them or whatnot and become fim friends....worst case is the watercolours remind them of a bad time and they have a mental breakdown on the ship.


I wouldn't personally spend my cruise looking for a celebrity or stalking out their cabin number but each to their own.



LOL .... I am really enjoying the made up scenarios people are coming up with. None of what you wrote is in the realm of reality, well, except for dining with them. That's true. Looking forward to seeing what other fiction you come up with.

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LOL .... I am really enjoying the made up scenarios people are coming up with. None of what you wrote is in the realm of reality, well, except for dining with them. That's true. Looking forward to seeing what other fiction you come up with.



Based on your posts on here none of us know what you/your object may be capable of (we don't know either of you personally) so in essence anything is possible.


Enjoy your cruise.

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But, you've piqued my interest. May I be so bold as to ask who this author is?


I'm sure we'd all like to know. No need for the coyness, OP. Since he's up for a fan cruise and book signings at sea, he obviously doesn't shun the limelight.

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This post has be rethinking my response. You have real-time experience and if you say the musicians are appreciative, then I agree the gift the OP wants to give is thoughtful.



Graciousness is being polite in uncomfortable settings. People in the arts and service industry get used to being "gracious". They would alienate their fans/customers if they weren't.


Oh TYSVM just rolls off their smiling lips in public, while they can't wait to get backstage/crews' quarters to say get rid of this crap.


If you think the artist keeps the flowers/book/card or the cabin steward retains the XMas present/candy/bible you just gave him well, good for you. At least you are happy about it.

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It all depends on you. Are you a person who gives gifts graciously? If so, go ahead... my dh is that type of person... I could not do it but he does with all kinds of people and it wonderful to see how happy they are to receive his thoughtful gifts.

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  • 3 months later...

I know this is a very old post of mine ... but I thought I would say how the gift was received on October 21st. 


At the hotel I walked up to Lt. Joe Kenda/Homicide Hunter, introduced myself and handed him the watercolor in the envelope.  He opened it and we then spent 20 minutes discussing how he and his cousins used to spend whole summers there ... Colorado Springs, CO ... and he pointed out many of the landmarks in the picture and told me stories of how much fun they had there.  He was very pleased to receive this.  I did mention that the picture depicted a time earlier than he was there, and he said 'No, it isn't" and that kicked off the memory lane of him & his cousins and the fun/memories they had there. 


Again, did he later toss it?  Maybe ... that's always a possibility.  But I don't think so and I am SO happy I bought this and handed it to him.  


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I think it's a kind gesture to want to thank someone who has brought value to your life. We should all do more of that. There is no way to know whether they will appreciate your particular gift, but as a very intuitive gift-giver, I think your choice is inspired. There is a good chance that they will be quite charmed by the paintings. I hope you have a lovely time connecting with these folks on your cruise!

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Back when I was doing a morning radio show in Wisconsin, I called myself the Dumb Fat DJ. A sweet little girl brought me a gift to the radio station. It was a piece of wood that she used one of those wood burning tools to write out:
"To the Dumb Fat DJ, I love your show. PS you're not so Fat."

Still have it in storage, 25+ years later.

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2 hours ago, Mike981 said:

Back when I was doing a morning radio show in Wisconsin, I called myself the Dumb Fat DJ. A sweet little girl brought me a gift to the radio station. It was a piece of wood that she used one of those wood burning tools to write out:
"To the Dumb Fat DJ, I love your show. PS you're not so Fat."

Still have it in storage, 25+ years later.


That's adorable ... good to know you still have it.  

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The amount of over-thinking going on here is baffling. Whatever happened to the notion that it's the thought that counts?


It all seems fairly straightforward to me. If you want to show someone that you're grateful for them, for whatever reason, you give them a gift. And if you're on the receiving end, you say "thank you" and graciously accept the gift, even if the material item has no value to you. The fact that someone wanted to do something nice for you should be enough. 

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Coming from a slightly different perspective I have a different view. Over the years I have dealt with a number of "names" in their homes. While a few were rather nasty, vast majority just regular people who have unusual jobs. While I may have given them something of value, I'm sure I was completely forgotten within hours.

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