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Inconsiderate Cruisers


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I know the OP was referring to children but we experienced inconsiderate adult cruisers last week aboard Reflection.


We were on a ship excursion in Athens and the tour guide gave us all a specific time to return to the coach. We all got back on time except for two passengers. We waited for well over 20 minutes with both the tour guide and ship excursions rep' frantically trying to find the missing two.


They didn't show so the coach departed back to the ship. At the port the missing couple were already there and the guy sheepishly told the tour guide they got a taxi back. He clearly had no intention of attempting to get back to the coach as he got back to port well before us. Unbelievable.


So we sat on the coach waiting (and for some worrying) needlessly. Traffic in Athens by that time got heavier so our journey back took longer. We also had a longer queue to get back on the ship as it was nearer the "all aboard" time.


I was very close to giving him a piece of my mind.

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I would contact security and the hotel manager and ask them to talk to handle it. Years ago, you could approach the parents and tell them there children are misbehaving and they would straighten the kids out. These days, there's a good chance that the parents will get angry at you for criticizing their kids.


I totally agree with your post 100%.

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Tough situation as those kids also have a right to have some fun. But if it is really that bad, get a Smartphone and record some of the incident. A picture is worth many words. Take your phone to Guest Relations and show them your issue.





No more calls we have a winner. This is the correct approach. I often forget about the advantage of recording things with my phone. A picture is worth a thousand words and no one can suggest that you are exaggerating. You can also forward it to anyone onboard or in Celebrity's main office as well as post it on Facebook or CC.


Good Luck

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It’s not just the kids. In fact, on my last cruise, I hardly noticed them since they seemed pretty well behaved. Then again, I have young children so I imagine my toleration level might be higher than someone who has grown children. We had some “bad adults” on our cruise instead. In particular, the couple in the room next to ours would take their fights to the balcony for some reason. They’d scream at each other and call each other a-holes throughout the day - Every.Darn.Day. I do admit that it made my husband and me feel significantly more secure in our relationship!

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I'm surprised that this wasn't brought up sooner. I agree.

Good luck with that. Even if you should be one who isn’t tied to either work constraints or your own children’s school schedules, you’ll contend with the kids from other countries. Not everyone is on a two semester followed by three months off school schedule. Further, there are itineraries that are only available in summer.

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Why do I get this feeling your embellishing a bit? Parents with children have a right to purchase a balcony. What were the kids yelling? Who were they yelling at? Were they just kids being kids and talking loud? I think you're upset that there were kids with a balcony near you and you want total silence, peace and quiet. May be a bit of bad luck ....Correct me if I'm wrong ...... Seems like a lot of speculation.


No embellishments here....they were on the balcony at 6:30 this morning. We couldn’t even enjoy the decking of the boat. They are conversing extremely loud and running around the deck. I will take the advice of posters and call security...I even know the names of the kids, because they are yelling at each other.

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Why blame kids?

Our February cruise had adults yelling across our balcony to the one on the other side of us. Head poking around the divider into ours, etc. I even had to call security when they were smoking, one guy was smoking a cigar!

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As others have intimated, unfortunately this isn't confined to a cruise/travel. It's a sign of the times.


My wife has run a very successful in-home daycare for 23 years (I help when I can). Our most common conversation topic is, how parents don't parent. They want to be the cool aunt or uncle and never upset their child. Add to the fact that a four year old has never heard the words stop or no. Let alone taught please and thank you. The parents are often drama queens and knowingly take advantage of her kindness. When she can, she will unfortunately be closing her daycare. I know this sounds harsh, but in this business you really see all of the warts that a family has.


This is NOT something that has just started in the last decade. It's just getting worse. And worse.

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As others have intimated, unfortunately this isn't confined to a cruise/travel. It's a sign of the times.


My wife has run a very successful in-home daycare for 23 years (I help when I can). Our most common conversation topic is, how parents don't parent. They want to be the cool aunt or uncle and never upset their child. Add to the fact that a four year old has never heard the words stop or no. Let alone taught please and thank you. The parents are often drama queens and knowingly take advantage of her kindness. When she can, she will unfortunately be closing her daycare. I know this sounds harsh, but in this business you really see all of the warts that a family has.


This is NOT something that has just started in the last decade. It's just getting worse. And worse.


I couldn't stand that for a moment. Clearly, it is the parents' fault in most cases. These kids have no discipline and when they are older, they will be unable to face the realities of life. They'll be doing their screaming in Daddy's basement when they are thirty.

On the first day of our cruise I was stopped at our cabin door by the young couple next door who asked what kind of music I preferred. The alarm in my head sounded, but I said Mozart and Chopin. I could tell it didn't register. They set up speakers on their balcony and treated us to raucous "music" in the afternoon and after dinner. I was about to call security one night when we heard a knock on their door. Within minutes the noise stopped. Permanently. Some other passenger beat me to the phone, so it's not only kids.

Edited by BosoxI
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Clearly, it is the parents' fault in most cases. These kids have no discipline and when they are older, they will be unable to face the realities if life.


I feel you have to go back more than just one generation of bad parenting.

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I was a high school teacher for 34 years. I'll never forget one parent-teacher conference where a parent told me, "When he's in school he's YOUR problem, not mine." She just didn't want to be bothered, plain and simple. Sad.

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You can see the same lack of supervision and discipline every day in stores, restaurants, parks - pretty much anywhere. I was born in 1954. My parents would never put up with my misbehaving in public. If I did so I might not regret it immediately but sure would when we got home. It's taken a couple of generations but there seems to be a sea change in that area. "Parents" nowadays don't want to stifle the child's creativity or their "right" to free expression. And all too often if another adult says anything about it they wind up as the bad guy.

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You do realise that some people work in schools or colleges and can only travel during school holidays? :rolleyes:


Yes I do. But that is also when you are going to have a ship full of kids. If avoiding kids is that high a priority, then even in school vacation time there are cruise lines that don't have any/many kids. But they are more expensive. Whining about kids on a ship in the middle of summer is like whining that Rome is crowded in prime tourist season. Go a different time, go to a different place, don't go at all, or suck it up and quit whining.

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As others have intimated, unfortunately this isn't confined to a cruise/travel. It's a sign of the times.


My wife has run a very successful in-home daycare for 23 years (I help when I can). Our most common conversation topic is, how parents don't parent. They want to be the cool aunt or uncle and never upset their child. Add to the fact that a four year old has never heard the words stop or no. Let alone taught please and thank you. The parents are often drama queens and knowingly take advantage of her kindness. When she can, she will unfortunately be closing her daycare. I know this sounds harsh, but in this business you really see all of the warts that a family has.


This is NOT something that has just started in the last decade. It's just getting worse. And worse.


What is worse is when the little one IS told no, or stop, but then mom/dad go back to obsessing over their phone while little one continues with the the behavior. They have just been trained to ignore what mom/dad say.

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I have been poolside watching crew, including security crew, stand by as young boys somersaulted into the 4 ft depth water with adults sitting at said pool drinking beer out of bottles. Crickets. ..


I'm having trouble figuring out if you're criticizing the kids, the adults drinking beer or both.

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I truly cannot believe that people are comparing children to adults. If an adult is unruly, drunk or ???, and is reported, they can be dealt with by security or whomever is responsible for insuring the safety of other guests. Has anyone tried to nicely tell the parents about an issue and had your head bitten off?


In my opinion, parents that defend the bad behavior of children are the ones that allow their children to do anything they want (and do not supervise them). A responsible parent would want to know if their child(ren) is/are causing problems.


Yes, the parents, grandparents, etc. can be blamed for how children are being raised but that does not mean that the mistakes of the past cannot be recognized and going forward we can teach our children manners and respect for others. Children do need to play and enjoy themselves but there is a time and a place for that and it does not entail running down hallways screaming, playing in elevators, screaming on the balcony, etc.

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What is worse is when the little one IS told no, or stop, but then mom/dad go back to obsessing over their phone while little one continues with the the behavior. They have just been trained to ignore what mom/dad say.


Oh boy this is another one. We have parents talking on their phone when they come to drop off/pickup and barely acknowledge the child, let alone my wife. The worst is when they sit in the driveway to pickup the child who can clearly see them, they get more and more upset because they see mom/dad but they won't come get them.


Don't get me started on how many precious moments are lost in the car because the parent is constantly talking on their phone and not taking with their child.

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We have never had problems with loud unruly kids but with adults. On the last two cruises we have experienced (on one cruise) adults yelling from balcony to balcony at each other. Not just once, but it seemed it was their regular method of communication. Um... the cabin has a telephone.

On the other cruise we were in the solarium where there were several adults in the jacuzzi yelling at each other. They are sitting literally inches apart yet they are using a volume you might use at a basketball game. We complained about them and after the crew member asked them to quieten down he came by and said to us "it's sad when you have to ask adults to behave themselves" We actually heard one of them say, after the crew member left, "oh you have to be quiet in here". He must have been a rocket scientist he figured it out so quickly, lol.

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:mad: I’ve read for years about chair hogs on CC, but on this cruise I’ve encountered a new low. Inconsiderate cruisers...especially parents of younger cruisers. They have the attitude that they are on vacation and they don’t care about the other cruisers on the ship. They let their children(?) run amok,yell on the balcony without any care about the people also on their balcony. That’s because the parents are probably at the pool. How safe is that. We have a balcony but can even enjoy it because the children on constantly on it ...screaming,yelling and banging on the partition. My wife and I wanted to have breakfast on the balcony this morning...it was a beautiful morning..but we had the butler bring our breakfast inside. It was unbearable,rude and extremely inconsiderate. What should we do, any suggestions when be appreciated.



Why didn't you call Guest Relations and report them?

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:mad: I’ve read for years about chair hogs on CC, but on this cruise I’ve encountered a new low. Inconsiderate cruisers...especially parents of younger cruisers. They have the attitude that they are on vacation and they don’t care about the other cruisers on the ship. They let their children(?) run amok,yell on the balcony without any care about the people also on their balcony. That’s because the parents are probably at the pool. How safe is that. We have a balcony but can even enjoy it because the children on constantly on it ...screaming,yelling and banging on the partition. My wife and I wanted to have breakfast on the balcony this morning...it was a beautiful morning..but we had the butler bring our breakfast inside. It was unbearable,rude and extremely inconsiderate. What should we do, any suggestions when be appreciated.

Obviously you're in a suite.(sounds like they are your neighbors) I would try to figure what room they're in(should be fairly easy) & file a formal complaint to the front desk.

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As a parent of a 12 year old I have raised my child to be respectful of herself, others, and other people's property. I have no qualms whatsoever of telling kids to quite down or settle down.

It irks the crud of of me to hear the phrase kids will be kids. Yes, they will. But there is a time and a place for it. The problem is kids will be kids is used as an excuse for lazy parenting.

As I tell my daughter, this is not your house or the playground. It is a privilege, not a right. She learned before she was 2 how to act in public.

As for parents telling me not to correct their kids, my response is generally, I wouldn't have to if you were doing your job.

Most kids act up either to get attention from an adult or they never been taught any better.


Although I may differ otherwise, it does take a village to raise a child unfortunately, some parents are trying to win the prize for village idiot.


My no parenting issue occurred recently at an upscale resort in St. Thomas. While waiting in line for more plates to be delivered to buffet line, a boy of about 12 cut in front of me and, as soon as the plates were set down, began touching the first plate in each stack with his fingers and then his shirt. I asked him to stop doing this as it was unsanitary. His.mother was standing off to the side and got very confrontational that I would dare correct her child. I told her that if she wouldn’t someone needed too. She called me a nasty naans and huffed off with child in tow. The other people around me thanked me for speaking up. UnfortunTely, no one seems to teach their children manners anymore, nor do they think they should remove a crying child from a restaraunt. I can not count the number of meals I missed due to needing to leave the restaraunt when my child was young. Oh, and if you dine with young children be sure to tip well as you know they are, in all likelihood, leaving a bigger than normal cleanup job for the staff and their meal was probably inexpensive.

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