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Such lovely people cruise Celebrity!


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1 hour ago, chemmo said:


It is always the ‘little things’ that mean the most...I spent 30+ years working with children, young adults and their family’s with a wide range of physical, emotional and behavioural issues. 


As a parent of a child (or adult) with any disability all you want is your son/daughter to be able to enjoy themselves and receive a little understanding and compassion from fellow cruisers....


I think the lady in the casino  recognised the fantastic job as a parent/carer you were doing, hence the big hug...It sounds to me you are a fantastic Mum as well as the lady in the casino being a lovely lady...


Well, thank you. As you know, most of us try to do our best. You're correct, that lovely woman knew exactly what we needed - a little bit of social interaction for my son - and she was happy to provide it. 

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Here’s an amusing 2014 post from the Solo Cruisers board about a Maitre d’ going above and beyond to remedy an awkward situation. I myself have never encountered rudeness from fellow passengers just because I’m cruising solo. 




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Once my daughter was getting married and she loved dragonflies.  She asked us to please find one she could wear on her wedding dress.  At every port my husband and I searched for dragonfly pins. Some  we paid big bucks for ie. swarski etc not knowing what she really wanted.  In my heart I knew they were all too "fancy " for her.  One day I entered an elevator and there was this woman wearing a beautiful plain silver dragonfly pin.  I complimented her on it and told her the story of our quest for the perfect pin. She smiled and took it off and handed it to me...said she got it in a garage sale in 1972.  OMG my daughter was born in 1972...he insisted that I give it to her.  When I got home we presented Emily with several dragonfly pins to choose for her dress. He choose the plain silver one and we then told her the story.  The remainder pins she presented in a shadow box for display..(.when her brothers daughter turned 13 she gave her the shadowbox for her room... Jillian also loved dragonflies)

Any way...

Emily  had a couple of  miscarrages and one day  she wore her pin to the Drs office .. he told her she was preg. again...when we were walking to the car she noticed that her dragonfly pin was missing.  We went back into the office and nobody could find it.  She had a healthy boy who is now 15 yrs old.  We always felt that the pin was found by someone who needed it.🤗 Just like the woman in the elevator felt.

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7 hours ago, raudacruise said:

Here’s an amusing 2014 post from the Solo Cruisers board about a Maitre d’ going above and beyond to remedy an awkward situation. I myself have never encountered rudeness from fellow passengers just because I’m cruising solo. 





Thanks for the link...Thank goodness for a fab M’D...

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5 hours ago, myjillian said:

Once my daughter was getting married and she loved dragonflies.  She asked us to please find one she could wear on her wedding dress.  At every port my husband and I searched for dragonfly pins. Some  we paid big bucks for ie. swarski etc not knowing what she really wanted.  In my heart I knew they were all too "fancy " for her.  One day I entered an elevator and there was this woman wearing a beautiful plain silver dragonfly pin.  I complimented her on it and told her the story of our quest for the perfect pin. She smiled and took it off and handed it to me...said she got it in a garage sale in 1972.  OMG my daughter was born in 1972...he insisted that I give it to her.  When I got home we presented Emily with several dragonfly pins to choose for her dress. He choose the plain silver one and we then told her the story.  The remainder pins she presented in a shadow box for display..(.when her brothers daughter turned 13 she gave her the shadowbox for her room... Jillian also loved dragonflies)

Any way...

Emily  had a couple of  miscarrages and one day  she wore her pin to the Drs office .. he told her she was preg. again...when we were walking to the car she noticed that her dragonfly pin was missing.  We went back into the office and nobody could find it.  She had a healthy boy who is now 15 yrs old.  We always felt that the pin was found by someone who needed it.🤗 Just like the woman in the elevator felt.


Sometimes you just feel things were meant to be...Thrilled you now have a wonderful healthy grandson.


What a wonderful gesture by the woman to give you the pin. I wonder who is wearing it now? Perhaps one day one of us will be travelling on a lift on a cruise ship and see a woman wearing a dragonfly pin....

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  • Great post!  We have not had to experience anything like this on a cruise, however we have met some awfully wonderful folks on our cruises, and good to hear these sorts of things!
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9 minutes ago, DENIE said:
  • Great post!  We have not had to experience anything like this on a cruise, however we have met some awfully wonderful folks on our cruises, and good to hear these sorts of things!


It is ‘awfully wonderful folks’ that make a cruise special! 

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6 hours ago, chemmo said:


Sometimes you just feel things were meant to be...Thrilled you now have a wonderful healthy grandson.


What a wonderful gesture by the woman to give you the pin. I wonder who is wearing it now? Perhaps one day one of us will be travelling on a lift on a cruise ship and see a woman wearing a dragonfly pin....

From your mouth to Gods' ear🤗 Have a safe week....

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This will be my first cruise on Celebrity--my other two NCL.  The first was the Bliss out of Vancouver on a repositioning to LA ---where we met some of the nicest people you can meet.....which helped me decide to cruise on the Dawn in early April.  We met some nice people as well--the one that stood out was a woman from abroad playing a slot machine and not understanding how it really worked.  I assisted her and showed her "yes indeed you are winning--and winning pretty good too!" She offered me $20 and said "may my blessings come to you and your family"--and of course I was resistant...and she insisted.  It did bring good fortune.  I have a good feeling of my booking of this Celebrity sailing March 2020.....and hope to meet some wonderful people as well.

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I was on Silhouette last October with my 10 year old grand daughter, I’m a wheelchair user and one night we decided to go to Abba night, we got there and it was crowded there was no where to sit at all, of course I was ok in my wheelchair but my GD had to sit on the floor, a woman nearby noticed this and went and asked a passing officer if he would get a chair for my grand daughter which he did, what a lovely kind thing for the woman to do.


The music started and people got up to dance, another woman came across to us and said “I can see you are in a wheelchair, please let me know if your daughter wants someone to dance with, I’ll dance with her” a lovely gesture from a second person.


The cruise director started going round with the microphone and when she got to my granddaughter she was taken aback by how good she was at singing, she couldn’t see the words on the big screen but knew them all. She grabbed my granddaughters hand and pulled her up to the front, lots of people were in front of me so I could hear her but couldn’t see her, then suddenly a man came up to me and said “do you have a phone, I’ll take pictures for you” and that’s what he did!


So that night within the space of maybe 30 minutes, three total strangers showed selfless kindness towards me and my granddaughter, it was wonderful.


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I am so thankful that you started this thread.  I was just saying to DH that it was getting so negative on the boards.  I was starting to not look forward to our next cruise.  So, I thank you for changing my mind and lifting my spirits.  And yes it is true that the lovely people outnumber the grouches by quite a lot.  

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Thank-you Chemmo for this thread! It is very touching and a good reminder of the main reason my wife and I love to cruise: People we meet: Staff and fellow passengers! 


I don’t have a specific anecdote to add except to say that, although we are quite reserved and shy, we have met fabulous people on board!!!


This said, the helpful spirit of cruisers is also very visible on these boards. Every time, I had a question or needed assistance regarding a cruise, a port, or a process; seasoned cruisers have always promptly and accurately responded! 


I loved the motto: “Don’t postpone Joy!”


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5 hours ago, jjlen11 said:

This will be my first cruise on Celebrity--my other two NCL.  The first was the Bliss out of Vancouver on a repositioning to LA ---where we met some of the nicest people you can meet.....which helped me decide to cruise on the Dawn in early April.  We met some nice people as well--the one that stood out was a woman from abroad playing a slot machine and not understanding how it really worked.  I assisted her and showed her "yes indeed you are winning--and winning pretty good too!" She offered me $20 and said "may my blessings come to you and your family"--and of course I was resistant...and she insisted.  It did bring good fortune.  I have a good feeling of my booking of this Celebrity sailing March 2020.....and hope to meet some wonderful people as well.


I am sure you will meet loads of lovely people on your Celebrity cruise. 


I must say although we don’t usually spend time in the casino I am fascinated by the variety of machines! Like the lady you helped I don’t think I would have a clue....


It was nice that she wanted to treat you but even nicer that you took the time to help her...

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4 hours ago, DebbieMacG said:

I was on Silhouette last October with my 10 year old grand daughter, I’m a wheelchair user and one night we decided to go to Abba night, we got there and it was crowded there was no where to sit at all, of course I was ok in my wheelchair but my GD had to sit on the floor, a woman nearby noticed this and went and asked a passing officer if he would get a chair for my grand daughter which he did, what a lovely kind thing for the woman to do.


The music started and people got up to dance, another woman came across to us and said “I can see you are in a wheelchair, please let me know if your daughter wants someone to dance with, I’ll dance with her” a lovely gesture from a second person.


The cruise director started going round with the microphone and when she got to my granddaughter she was taken aback by how good she was at singing, she couldn’t see the words on the big screen but knew them all. She grabbed my granddaughters hand and pulled her up to the front, lots of people were in front of me so I could hear her but couldn’t see her, then suddenly a man came up to me and said “do you have a phone, I’ll take pictures for you” and that’s what he did!


So that night within the space of maybe 30 minutes, three total strangers showed selfless kindness towards me and my granddaughter, it was wonderful.



Just so wonderful, I am sure your granddaughter as well as you will have happy memories of that night...


When I had two cruises temporarily in a wheelchair/crutches I was slightly overwhelmed by the number of things I found hard to do. For example, if I couldn’t get an ‘end’ sunbed it was hard work to get on a middle one and how on earth do you wash your hands when on crutches without falling over?!?!


I was overwhelmed by the number of guests who not only helped me during those cruises but were sensitive to my possible wants/needs. They offered help before I needed to ask....One good thing that came out of that experience for me is that I think I am now a bit more sensitive to the needs of others.

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2 hours ago, screwsmcernst said:

I am so thankful that you started this thread.  I was just saying to DH that it was getting so negative on the boards.  I was starting to not look forward to our next cruise.  So, I thank you for changing my mind and lifting my spirits.  And yes it is true that the lovely people outnumber the grouches by quite a lot.  


The lovely people do outnumber the grouches! 


Sometimes you do need to ‘step back’ from critic boards as they do naturally and often quite rightly tend to focus on issues and concerns. Hence my reason for starting this post! Sometimes things do need a wider perspective! 


Also there is a real skill is writing a review that really can reflect both issues and highlights and give a genuine picture of an overall experience! I love reading reviews that do this and also manage to indicate the differences between ‘facts’ and ‘opinions’...


I continue to be amazed that so many people are willing (often in great detail) to share their experiences with others on this board.  For example, last Spring our flights were cancelled last minute owing to ‘unseasonable’ weather East Coast. I quickly posted a question on CC about the likelihood of Philadelphia airport being closed (our transit airport). The responses were both practical and caring and continued when we arrived in Fort Lauderdale initially without most of our luggage! So even when there seems to be a lot of ‘negativity’ on these boards there is a lot of goodwill too!


Start looking forward to that next cruise! I look forward to reading you post afterwards about the wonderful people you met on board and the great experiences you enjoyed! 

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1 hour ago, cachouonacruise said:

Thank-you Chemmo for this thread! It is very touching and a good reminder of the main reason my wife and I love to cruise: People we meet: Staff and fellow passengers! 


I don’t have a specific anecdote to add except to say that, although we are quite reserved and shy, we have met fabulous people on board!!!


This said, the helpful spirit of cruisers is also very visible on these boards. Every time, I had a question or needed assistance regarding a cruise, a port, or a process; seasoned cruisers have always promptly and accurately responded! 


I loved the motto: “Don’t postpone Joy!”



You are so right, it is the staff and fellow passengers that really make a cruise special. 


So agree about the helpful spirit of fellow cruisers on this board. I love the fact that many posters will answer the same question time after time with the same care and thoughtfulness that they did the first time they were asked. We have not only found responses useful we have genuinely been touched by the good wishes of others when we have experienced the odd pre cruise issue.


Then there are the posters who are presently on their cruises that do live blogs full of amazing pictures. Someone will ask them a question about if a certain product is available and the next thing you know they have been to find out!


Cruise Critic also offers opportunities to reflect on your last cruise, look forward to the next and share vicariously the cruises of others too! My morning coffee would not be the same without a browse on the boards!




Edited by chemmo
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I can’t sleep tonight and it warms my heart to read these stories. (If I had to pick a favorite it might be the dragonfly pin). Mine isn’t from celebrity but throwing it in anyway. When we took a Royal Caribbean cruise with all of our children we had a wonderful waiter who not only figured out quickly what my autistic step-son wanted (exactly the same thing every time), he cut his steak for him - something he has trouble doing by himself. It was the kind of care that seemed above and beyond to me. 

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1 hour ago, The77thrunner said:

I can’t sleep tonight and it warms my heart to read these stories. (If I had to pick a favorite it might be the dragonfly pin). Mine isn’t from celebrity but throwing it in anyway. When we took a Royal Caribbean cruise with all of our children we had a wonderful waiter who not only figured out quickly what my autistic step-son wanted (exactly the same thing every time), he cut his steak for him - something he has trouble doing by himself. It was the kind of care that seemed above and beyond to me. 


The dragonfly pin is very special....I wonder if the original ‘lady in the lift owner follows CC? It would be lovely for her to know how her kindness has touched so many of us.


Re your autistic step-son....The ‘need’ for many challenged by this condition to have  ‘exactly the same think every time’ (which can range from a menu item choice, to a specific table to the exact position of the cutlery) can be perceived by others as simply ‘demanding’...


Kudos to your waiter for his instinctive understanding and responses! I am sure having such a wonderful waiter added to your meal being more enjoyable and relaxed as well as your step-son’s...


I hope you manage to get some sleep now...


As my mother used to say “Night, night, God Bless”....

Edited by chemmo
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57 minutes ago, chemmo said:


The dragonfly pin is very special....I wonder if the original ‘lady in the lift owner follows CC? It would be lovely for her to know how her kindness has touched so many of us.


Re your autistic step-son....The ‘need’ for many challenged by this condition to have  ‘exactly the same think every time’ (which can range from a menu item choice, to a specific table to the exact position of the cutlery) can be perceived by others as simply ‘demanding’...


Kudos to your waiter for his instinctive understanding and responses! I am sure having such a wonderful waiter added to your meal being more enjoyable and relaxed as well as your step-son’s...


I hope you manage to get some sleep now...


As my mother used to say “Night, night, God Bless”....

Once on the Connie we were disappointed  , once again, because of the weather PEI would not be our stop.  I had mentioned to my room steward, before that port ,that I was looking forward to taking a carriage ride because it was our anniversary.


It was a dull rainy day and it looked like my husband and I were coming down with a cold.  When I saw my steward in the hall I told her that we would be staying in today so that we wouldn't need room service at all.  She mentioned that it was formal night and would we be going...I said no.....around supper time there was a knock on our door and she had 2 loaded carts, in the hall, full of lobsters and filets etc. ...an anniversary cake etc.  She was delivering our formal night meal to us as a surprise🤗  She laid  everything out on our coffee table , wished us a happy Anniversary , smiled and left.  We were so impressed...and for those who think...yah...they had a suite...we were in an inside cabin😋 it was our second Celebrity cruise and we went on to being Elite and I know it's because of that thoughtful, kind room steward.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you one and all for your touching posts!


I, for one, think it is great that so many of them can be in one place so others will be able to read, readily, the reason many of us take cruises, especially on X. Yet I Am sure many other lines have similar recountances, yet we are X!


Guess I will not wear my 'fake' leg cast and neck brace to board our next sailing... throw away those crutches and just be happy that we are surrounded mainly by wonderful, caring people.... including staff. (Nahhh, I already knew this)


c - thank you, specifically, for starting this thread. This type of thread does come into existence from time to time when we get heated and hyper-critical elsewhere on CC, from time to time and you have taken many minds off those topics.


Kudos to you and all posters and those who have thought about posting and have yet to....


Hey all - Bon Voyage!

Edited by Bo1953
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2 hours ago, myjillian said:

Once on the Connie we were disappointed  , once again, because of the weather PEI would not be our stop.  I had mentioned to my room steward, before that port ,that I was looking forward to taking a carriage ride because it was our anniversary.


It was a dull rainy day and it looked like my husband and I were coming down with a cold.  When I saw my steward in the hall I told her that we would be staying in today so that we wouldn't need room service at all.  She mentioned that it was formal night and would we be going...I said no.....around supper time there was a knock on our door and she had 2 loaded carts, in the hall, full of lobsters and filets etc. ...an anniversary cake etc.  She was delivering our formal night meal to us as a surprise🤗  She laid  everything out on our coffee table , wished us a happy Anniversary , smiled and left.  We were so impressed...and for those who think...yah...they had a suite...we were in an inside cabin😋 it was our second Celebrity cruise and we went on to being Elite and I know it's because of that thoughtful, kind room steward.


What a fantastic room steward...It is those kind thoughts that can turn disappointment into a special memory....If we ever miss a port owing to bad weather we see it as an excuse to have to cruise again!

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These behavior threads are interesting but really have little to do with Celebrity.  DW and I cruise many different lines (15 to date with a 16th coming up) and have witnessed behavior related incidents on nearly every cruise line ranging from Carnival to Crystal.  There are folks raised by wolves that travel on every ship :(.  Rudeness and bad manners seems to transcend cultures, countries, and cruise lines.  What we do find different, in the past few years, are the increasing number of folks who seem to have no clue as to how to behave and dress in public.   And the reality is that bad taste and behavior is now acceptable because the modern trend is to never be judgmental.   What we find disturbing is that a society without basic rules eventually dissolves into chaos and excess.   



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