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9-12-19 Thursday Weigh-In....Cruises Are Coming!


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Cruises are coming for some of us soon

Others sailing under the winter moon


Loss's are our goal to meet

Eating veggies and meat


No sweets would help us lose





Sorry I've been missing but have been busy and been gone all day yesterday and today.

Now tomorrow have to get things together and pack. Wouldn't it be nice if could leave

the house clean too?  Please don't hold your breath!:classic_laugh:


Leaving Friday the 13th, will be back Oct. 13th. Should be having internet so will try to check in.

But you know how that goes, either busy or internet not working at times. Also will try to come

in for this Thursday weigh-in.🚢


So will someone please start this post/thread (whatever you call it) on Thursday Please.


Thank You!:classic_smile:


So those leaving on cruises soon. Bon Voyage! Everyone on or off cruises enjoy your weeks and hope

you have great loss's. Me too. No gains for my 30 days cruise where food is all around 24 hours a day!:classic_rolleyes:




Edited by Belle
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Today I was down 0.8# ... which is where I was 8/22 ... hopefully next week I will also be down and can stop the yo-yo ....


Belle, hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise .... You will miss my birthday on the 18th ... but I will have cake for you (no-cal) and will dance with the dancing men ....  Jan

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7 hours ago, Belle said:

So those leaving on cruises soon. Bon Voyage! Everyone on or off cruises enjoy your weeks and hope

you have great loss's. Me too. No gains for my 30 days cruise where food is all around 24 hours a day!:classic_rolleyes:


A whole month at sea?  Sounds wonderful.  Hope you have a safe and fun / relaxing vacation.


54 minutes ago, Jan_In_Maine said:

Today I was down 0.8# ... which is where I was 8/22 ... hopefully next week I will also be down and can stop the yo-yo ....


Good job on the 0.8lb.



Well, I'm down 5.6lb over last 2 weeks (was at my mom's last Thursday).  Weight loss is going really good, but having issues.  Thought I'd cut and paste my questions here.  I have no idea how to tell if I'm actually in ketosis, but I've really been trying hard to go low, low carbs.




I think I've been in keto (not really sure how to use that word) for over a month now.  Before that I had taken 10 days off while staying with brother.  Before that I believe keto for about a month.  So far I've lost around 24lb.


I was looking on-line to try to see if I should come off diet a before my cruise in 2 weeks.  I know when I was at my brothers I didn't feel the best while there and was wondering if it had anything to do with coming off diet.


Well, while looking it does talk about trying to come off slow because of side effects.  I was wondering if anyone out there could pass on any advise on that front.


Also, and this is where I'm freaking out, the article I read discussed hair loss.  I have been thinking my hair was feeling thinner over the past two weeks.  I want to get my hair colored before the cruise and have been watching the roots growing out.  What do any of you know about this?  Has it happened to any of you?  Am I now going to be able to go back on my diet when I get back from the cruise?  Should I not get hair colored in case it causes more hair loss?  Once I start eating carbs again will it grow back?  WILL IT GROW BACK 😫 ?


(I once took a medication that caused me to loose 1/2 my hair but the benefits were such that I didn't care and it did mostly grow back) 


 Please help.  I am really freaking out.




Like I say I'm not sure if I'm in ketosis.  Can really low carb diet cause hair loss?  If not in ketosis should I still come off low carb diet the week before the cruise?  Would there be any vitamin/minerals that I could take that might help.  I'd really hate it if I couldn't diet like this.  As much as I hate not having the foods I want, I have lost over 26lb in just over 2 months.


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Belle, have a fabulous time on your cruise!


Congrats Jan on your loss! 


Good job Jasonmom on your great loss! Hopefully some  Keto people can answer your questions here. 


I'm up 1.8. Too many treats last week at the lake and haven't been very good this week either. Needed to celebrate paying off our last mortgage payment so there was a nice meal out and I wasn't going to restrict myself. I'm happy though that my Philly work trip has now been postponed to October 7 (I day after I get back from my cruise). It gives me an extra week to stick to plan and get in those walks and workouts. 


Have a great day everyone! I'm off to dodge raindrops with the pupper!

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Congrats on the losses Belle, Jan, and Jasonmom.  Congratulations on paying off the mortgage Robin - that's a different type of weight off 😉 


I'm only down .6# this week.  Didn't reach my goal for the cruise next week, but still headed in the right direction 🙂 I'm feeling better from the extra cardio too.


Belle, my in-laws are staying with our son while we are gone so I plan to have a clean house when we leave 🙂 They aren't very picky, but I know I'll feel better.  Have a great trip.


See everyone in 2 weeks!

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24 minutes ago, RobinCruiser said:

I'm up 1.8. Too many treats last week at the lake and haven't been very good this week either. Needed to celebrate paying off our last mortgage payment so there was a nice meal out and I wasn't going to restrict myself. I'm happy though that my Philly work trip has now been postponed to October 7 (I day after I get back from my cruise). It gives me an extra week to stick to plan and get in those walks and workouts. 


Have a great day everyone! I'm off to dodge raindrops with the pupper!


Who cares about a few pound when you just paid off your mortgage?  You shouldn't.  I'd have to have at-least one celebatory meal.  Desert at Dairy Queen sounds good right now.


17 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

I'm only down .6# this week.  Didn't reach my goal for the cruise next week, but still headed in the right direction 🙂 I'm feeling better from the extra cardio too.


See everyone in 2 weeks!


Hoping you don't let not quite reaching your goal weight bother you on your cruise.  You should feel good about every ounce you lost.  And congratulations on the 0.6lb weight loss this week. 

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Hey all! I'd like to post something to each of you but kinda under a time crunch today! I am the same as last week. I'll take it as this was a very tough 7 days for me emotionally and had two outings with friends for birthdays. I have 8 days until my cruise.


@Jasonmom Get some Ketone Test Sticks from Amazon. They are easy to use and accurate.


I'll check in later if I have time.

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Belle-  enjoy your cruise.  a 30 day cruise sounds very relaxing.


Congrats Jan, Pacruise and Jasonsmom on the losses.  And Robin - paying off your mortgage is a big win to celebrate.  Jenny - staying the same is good during a tough week.


I was very surprised to be down 4.0# this morning.  I'm trying to decide what's a realistic goal weight for my cruise that's now 86 days away. I'm getting my leg wrapped tomorrow at PT to hopefully help with the lymphedema, so I'll be back to showering with a garbage bag for 2 weeks.  At least, I had a lot of practice with that so the PT was teasing me that I should be a pro.


Our rain is supposed to finally let up this weekend so that will be nice.

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Hi all! I was 175.2 before we left for our cruise and when we got back, I had gained 4.9 pounds (as of Monday morning). Not too bad considering I went from eating one low/no carb meal a day to what felt like feasting non-stop for 11 days! I think most of it was water retention, because I'm less than a pound from my pre-cruise weight now at 175.9.


We're planning a trip to Vegas in a couple of months - hoping to get to 160 by then, 150 a few months after that for our next cruise, and then 140 a few months after that for summer.


@Jasonmom I haven't noticed any hair loss, but I can't truly say that I have been doing keto either.

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1 minute ago, melmar02 said:

Hi all! I was 175.2 before we left for our cruise and when we got back, I had gained 4.9 pounds (as of Monday morning). Not too bad considering I went from eating one low/no carb meal a day to what felt like feasting non-stop for 11 days! I think most of it was water retention, because I'm less than a pound from my pre-cruise weight now at 175.9.


We're planning a trip to Vegas in a couple of months - hoping to get to 160 by then, 150 a few months after that for our next cruise, and then 140 a few months after that for summer.


@Jasonmom I haven't noticed any hair loss, but I can't truly say that I have been doing keto either.


That's fantastic only gaining 4.9lb on a cruise and you are probably right that it was mostly water weight with already being pretty much back to where you were.  Congratulations.  


Did you have any issues with feeling ill with eating carbs?


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54 minutes ago, Jasonmom said:


That's fantastic only gaining 4.9lb on a cruise and you are probably right that it was mostly water weight with already being pretty much back to where you were.  Congratulations.  


Did you have any issues with feeling ill with eating carbs?



About day 3 of the cruise (day 6 of the total vacation) I had a slightly "upset tummy". Could it have been from the carbs? Maybe. However, we have 1 or 2 cheat meals a week with no adverse reactions, and by that point I had been off the diet for almost a week. It was more likely the multitude of grease the day before - pretty sure I ate my weight in bacon. #vacationbreakfasts

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Thank you all for wishing me a good time on my cruises. What's nice my daughter

joining me on the first one to Alaska.


Packing has been harder today, first a heat wave, high 90's, 100 tomorrow. So house is

warm. No AC just a fan. Then have to pack for cold weather and rain and then hot weather

in Mexico for 20 days.  I know "woe" is me and you would trade places!


Hope you all have good weeks ahead of you with good loss's. Like I said will try to check in time

to time.  So be good. Hope I can be. Know I'll have a lot of walking and that's just on the ship!


Jan Happy Birthday. Just forget the cake and dance with the men for me!:classic_smile:

Enjoy your day.

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Yay for Mommy/Daughter time 🙂


Bags are packed (just a few things to add to our personal bags Monday), including a bottle each of an orangey moscato and a local peach wine 😉 I'm trying to maintain on this cruise, but expect a 3-5# temporary gain.


Have a great weekend all!

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Hi all!


Belle & pacruise804 ~ safe travels & have a great time on your cruises.

Some good losses again this week.

I'm down 0.6 lbs. I thought it would be more as I started MFP & doing some exercise but also had some big lunches out.


Have a nice Sunday & great week ahead.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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On 9/13/2019 at 11:33 AM, winewanderer said:

Back from our few days in Tahoe. I gained 1 lb. That's what I lost last week, so not terrible. Back to losing.



I think it's great only gaining 1 lb on vacation.  Like you say you'll loose it back.  How was Tahoe?



12 hours ago, retiring soon said:

I'm down 0.6 lbs. I thought it would be more as I started MFP & doing some exercise but also had some big lunches out.



Any loss is great.  If just starting to work out remember muscle weighs more than fat (but makes us healthier and look better).    What is MFP?  



Well I'm still really freaking out about is my hair loss is from the diet.  As those who have been on here with me know I've done well on it loosing a total of 28lb in 2 1/2 months.  I've tried other diets and low carb (maybe ketosis) is the only thing that ever seams to work for me.  That being said, I know I'm not in ketosis today.  Went out to ea with my mom (she chose Golden Coral) yesterday and the restaurant had fried green tomatoes.  I really like fried green tomatoes.  I ended up having 6 slices before I was done.  There was also clam chowder so I had to have some.  I didn't have bread.  I skipped all deserts, but had a strawberry.  I thought to myself, "well I know I've probably ruined it if I am in ketosis, but I'm proud that I skipped the bread and deserts.  Then I get home to find out we are going to my Sister-in-Law's for a birthday party.  My great niece is turning two.  I don't know if anyone else out there feels this way, but I feel obliged (maybe obligated) to eat anything my Mother-in-Law makes.  She made German potato salad and the cupcakes.  I love German potato salad.  And yea, I felt I pretty much had to eat one of her cupcakes, and I have to admit to loving every crumb   Well I went ahead and weighed this morning.  I've gained 3.2lb since Thursday weigh-in.  Truly that's not as horrible as it could be for me (have I mentioned that I can gain weight faster than anyone I've ever seen).  Hopefully I can watch and be back to null for the week.  


Man, that was a goooood cupcake.🤤

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Hey, everybody,


Sorry I missed Thursday's weigh-in.  I was same as last week (which had a gain).  And today I'm up still from that.  Back to where I was back when I started a month ago.  I have lost and gained the same ten pounds about 4 times this year, I think!    Anyway, I don't want to bring everybody down with my frustration.  Just really having trouble sticking with anything.  Work has me so busy and stressed I just don't have motivation for anything else.  I just don't know what to do to get my head right.


I took a tumble in the yard Friday night - got tangled up in my dog's leash, trying to guide the neighbor's dog back to his house.  The playing puppies took me down!  Pulled something in my calf and have been hobbling all weekend.  But it's been getting better - almost back to normal on our walk this morning.  It's always something!


Congrats to all who had losses this week.  Jasonmom, hope you get the answers you are looking for on the keto diet.  Robincruiser, congratulations on paying off the mortgage!  That's such a big accomplishment!


Belle, hope you are enjoying your cruise!



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Jo, a loss is a loss as we say.


Jasonmom, Tahoe was...….ok. We used to go there a lot when I was a kid but my, how it's changed. The "strip" is all high end condos, timeshares and very expensive shopping and restaurants. Has lost it's charm for me...…….


I hope you figure out the hair loss. Kind of scary. 


Andy, hope you heel quickly. 


Have a nice Sunday everyone. 



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Andy-  I hope your leg heals quickly.


Jo- I think .6 is a good sustainable loss.  


Diana-  my grandma used to live near Tahoe when I was in HS.  I spent the summer there after my sophomore year, part of it was at a leadership camp and then the rest with her.  It was beautiful back then.  I'm sure it has changed a lot.


Jason's mom MFP is My Fitness Pal.  An App that you can use to track calories, macros and exercise.  I used to use it regularly with really good results before my accident.  I hope you figure out the hair loss.


I'm pretty frustrated with the leg right now.  I could not sleep more than a couple of hours, and usually only an hour or so at a time before a would wake up after getting my leg wrapped Friday morning.  By the time I came home from work on Friday, I had to take the slipper off as my foot as swelled so much.  I borrowed one of my son's Keens as that was the only shoe I could get on.  I ended up taking the wrappings off late last night and my foot and ankle are pretty bruised and more swollen than they've been since I first started weight baring back in January.  I'm back to wearing the compression sock until I see her again on Wednesday but I'm honestly dreading the idea of her wrapping my leg like that again.  I'm tired and really want to get my life back.  I want to be able to walk without the cane.  Sorry to vent.  I'm probably just too tired.


I did stick to my diet this weekend at least.


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Happy Monday everyone! Hope those on cruises are having a great time and everyone else had a great weekend. 


JasonMom - sounds like you had a fun weekend.... and now I really want a cupcake! Lol


Andrea - Sorry to hear about your tumble! Hope the calf heals soon!


Diana - Welcome Back! I have never been to Tahoe but my grandma used to go often. I have a big medallion necklace she brought me back many years ago. I never wear it but keep it to remember her. 


katmu - sorry to hear of your foot troubles. I hope you get some good news on Wednesday.


I also didn't follow the my strict low carb diet this weekend but I weighed myself Saturday morning and was only a half pound above where I was before my week at the lake so I'm feeling pretty good. I had a laundry crisis on Saturday also, and pulled out a pair of nice, red jeans that I bought a year ago to wear to a Christmas function. I'd ordered them online, a size 10, and I was so disapointed that they were way too tight to wear for the function last Dec. I'd just put them away and forgot about them. Well, I was in need of something nice to wear and my go-to pants were in laundry.. so I tried them on, thinking there is no way these will fit but they did! So I wore them. And then later, DH made a comment about his weight and how I have inspired him to try to lose weight too. Diet and meal planning will be much easier if he's on the same page as me. Looking forward to this week.


Have a great day everyone! 

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On 9/16/2019 at 12:19 PM, RobinCruiser said:

I also didn't follow the my strict low carb diet this weekend but I weighed myself Saturday morning and was only a half pound above where I was before my week at the lake so I'm feeling pretty good. I had a laundry crisis on Saturday also, and pulled out a pair of nice, red jeans that I bought a year ago to wear to a Christmas function. I'd ordered them online, a size 10, and I was so disapointed that they were way too tight to wear for the function last Dec. I'd just put them away and forgot about them. Well, I was in need of something nice to wear and my go-to pants were in laundry.. so I tried them on, thinking there is no way these will fit but they did! So I wore them. And then later, DH made a comment about his weight and how I have inspired him to try to lose weight too. Diet and meal planning will be much easier if he's on the same page as me. Looking forward to this week.


Have a great day everyone! 


Congratulations on fitting into a pair of jeans that didn't fit before.  I think that's the best feeling ever.


On 9/16/2019 at 11:17 AM, katmu said:


I'm pretty frustrated with the leg right now.  I could not sleep more than a couple of hours, and usually only an hour or so at a time before a would wake up after getting my leg wrapped Friday morning.  By the time I came home from work on Friday, I had to take the slipper off as my foot as swelled so much.  I borrowed one of my son's Keens as that was the only shoe I could get on.  I ended up taking the wrappings off late last night and my foot and ankle are pretty bruised and more swollen than they've been since I first started weight baring back in January.  I'm back to wearing the compression sock until I see her again on Wednesday but I'm honestly dreading the idea of her wrapping my leg like that again.  I'm tired and really want to get my life back.  I want to be able to walk without the cane.  Sorry to vent.  I'm probably just too tired.



Really hoping that your leg feels better this week.

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