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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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18 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

Lois, yes I'm worried, we try to be so careful, but people in my little area are now testing positive...  just praying the hospitals don't get overwhelmed in a few weeks..


Melody, glad that salad was as good as it sounded, & that you were able to eat it!


Kat, Hamilton is tonights plan, so excited, we've never seen it!


& edit to add:  I will add Jicima wraps to my TJ list along with the Processco 🙂



I'm going to watch it tonight, I think.  I did see it in person, from a "cheap" $165 seat up in the top.  I was worth it, though.  So, paying $9.95 for Disney+ is a bargain (you can cancel anytime).


Lois - I think we both got "dinged".  I was going to have to hold my tongue about last night, anyway 😼


for my tacos - you don't have to make it spicy - do what you want.  It would be good with anything.   CK - if you do like some spice, pick a bottle of that Honey Aleppo sauce - it's new.  

Cruise Mom - Thursday was the first day I didn't have to wait in line at TJs the times I've been there since "lockdown."  I probably lucked out on the day and time.  BUT, when I got back up home, I went to grab a bottle at the liquor store and there was a line around the side of the building!!!  


Right now, I'm just hanging out, eating some of the very sweet and juicy Tuscan cantaloupe I bought at TJ's. It's my favorite.   I'm just shoving on a T-shirt and running shorts for today as I'm staying away from everything. If I do have to go out, I'll just switch my crummy T-shirt for this one:    Have a Happy and Safe 4th!


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Happy 4th Ladies :)    Plan wise, zero plans lol....  probably work on yard, FaceTime kiddos,  & watch Jaws (which I do every 4th :)  )  pretty much everything is closed down this weekend...  & no fireworks shows...  except that apparently everyone within  2 mile radius of us owns a secret horde of black market fireworks which have been going off for the last month or so, but reached a crescendo last night (probably will be topped tonight)   


Kat, love your tee!


Cruise Mom,   I pretty much only shop a TJ now, mainly because they do have a line...  for ours that line means they limit the amount of people inside at one time, check everyone for proper masks, & everyone's hands get sprayed with sanitizer before entering....  I'd rather wait outside, 6 feet apart & have only 40 people in the store....  for me that feels safer....  Just my two cents, anyway :)


Lois & Kat, I don't know what happened to some of our posts???  oh well....


fashion & cruise wise:  Wearing a sleep tee that says:  Brunch Before Lunch...  will put on

a bathing suit & cover up & sun hat & work in yard soon :)


stay safe, & happy 4th to your all!


should add:   my food plans today include many Mango Cart Micheladas :) 

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Hi ladies, wow, I’m really behind-this is one active thread! Wishing all a happy 4th no matter your plans or lack of. We are one of the CA counties that was dialed back but the county north of us is not. There are a lot of wineries there that are still open so for some, the parties will move north, taking the virus with them and then returning with more of it to spread around. 


Cruse kitty, I think we also have those black market fireworks as well as the legal ones that are sold by non profits. Expect a lot of racket tonight. Just hope there are no fires.


Kat and Lois, sounds like your health issues are resolving-yaaaay!


Cruise Mom,  as cruise kitty said, TJ’s does limit and the line does move quickly according to my daughter. I go just before opening and haven’t had to wait, once they open up. 


Speaking of TJ’s didn’t know about the Jicama wraps. Will look for those next visit along with the Crenshaw melon. I love, love the Saturn peaches and they only have them for a short time. Sometimes hard to spot as they don’t have a large supple. They come in plastic packages of 4. 


As for the deleted posts, possibly some lurkers with a difference of opinion? 


So I finally got my hair cut. Yay! My appointment was Thursday morning and I was really afraid that our Gov. was going to include salons in his Wednesday “19 county dialing back”. Was very relieved when salons weren’t included. 


Still need to to go back a few pages and read the posts And might be  back with more questions and comments later.


In honor of the 4th and to make sure I follow the rules, I am wearing  a red top, blue bottoms and a white pendant necklace from my visit to Antigua.


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sharon - I like the Tuscan Cantaloupe.  It looks like a "regular" one, but has wide stripes instead of the skinny one,  The Jicama Wraps were over by the veggies and hummus section in my store.  No Saturn peaches yet at my store.  They are the ones that are kind of flat, right?  


Everyone has black market fireworks!  I was a mean old lady last night - some kids were lighting off bottle rockets and they were landing in our green space - do NOT want that area behind me to catch fire.  I told them to light them on the street.  At least everyone abided by the time rule and stopped right at 11pm. 


CK - I'm thinking someone(s) did not appreciate our discussion among ourselves regarding how some of the officials of our states and such have been handling things.  


Regarding my T-shirt.  It's the old radical Hippie Lady again.  A friend of mine works Fire Management for the Forest Service in the summer (she's "retired" the rest of the year).  Changes were happening to some of our National Monuments and cuts to some services.  A bunch of NFS and NP employees came up with this.  It went viral and sold a lot.   I have a smaller sticker of it on the back of my car.  I have to be careful where I wear the shirt - in town and in Southern UT - OK,  To the Eastern part of the county and to the North, no so much.  

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Our backyard neighbors must’ve spent their entire stimulus check on illegal fireworks (they’ve been banned for years here in town & this year in county because of high fire danger. They put on a 45 minute (above the trees) display. I’m just glad that we had a steady rain from 4-7pm that soaked the ground. We’ll be cleaning their fireworks leavings from our yard this morning 🤬. We were lucky that we didn’t have any fires. These guys didn’t even have hoses out (we sure did!!!)

we haven’t set off fireworks since we lived on the Banana River in FL & set the entire bank on fire with one misfire  Luckily we were prepared with hoses & lots of sand. 

Les took me to Chicos yesterday (50% off everything for the holiday). I’ll model as soon as 2 items get delivered. So nice getting into a store (just me & 2 sales clerks until I was leaving & 4 ladies came in. Can’t wait until I can drive again (another 3 weeks)

Enjoy the rest of your weekends. I’m having zoodles (zucchini noodles) with marinara for dinner tonight. Haven’t tried them yet, but I’m doing ok with small portions of things. Melody

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We had a lot of fireworks around our house also. I wonder if it isn't because large (public) displays were banned, so everyone just went out and got their own fireworks. At times I felt like we were in a war zone. Our poor dog (died two years ago) would have been so terrified. 


These last four days of no work have gone so fast. I rather wish I'd taken another day off, but things start up again tomorrow. Trying to think of something special to do today rather than just sit around and do laundry and other chores.....  it's too hot and miserable outside to sit outside. 


@awhfy -- Zoodles, I like that. :classic_biggrin:  I remember when a friend of mine showed me how to make noodles with spaghetti squash back in college. 

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Lots of illegal fireworks here too. Went on until after 1 AM.  Couldn’t decide if ir sounded like a war zone or the grand finale at Disneyland! Could watch from our driveway. It was our day to water so we made sure everything was good and wet. We have a few large trees in our back yard and one of the rockets did land in the  yard but fortunately not in a tree. Authorities were overwhelmed with calls.  


Watched Hamilton yesterday. We saw it in Minneapolis and  while we had good seats, they weren’t close enough for me to really see the facial expressions so watching it on TV was interesting. 


Kat, yes the Saturn peaches are the flat ones, sometimes called donut peaches. Thanks for letting me know where to find the wraps.  


CK, wow, our TJ’s is careful and has the hand wipes available but no sanitizer. They do limit people inside. Since I go first thing in the morning, I really don’t know if carts are wiped down so I just bring a few Clorox wipes and do it myself.


cruisemom, I hope you enjoy your last day off. 


Melody, it’s been so long since I have been shopping in a real store that I’m not sure how I would handle it! Too risky here with our numbers to take a chance on in-person shopping, except for groceries.


Going to do a Zoom this morning with kids and other family members. We’ve all

watched Chernobyl now and are going to discuss it . I’m supposed to choose our next movie, short series etc for the next discussion. Any suggestions? There are so many choices that it’s not easy-well not for me at least!


Wishing everyone a good day.




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No one will get the association, but the fireworks display from the Country Club set on the hill above my neighborhood sounded like someone raided the bunker at the ski resort and set off all the avalanche grenades!!!  So LOUD as the sound rolled down the hill.  It's maybe a quarter mile or so as the crow flies.  Scared the crap outta me as I forgot they were doing them.  Michael Jordan must have donated a bunch of money (he's a homeowner up there) for the fireworks - they were big and loud and lasted a long time.   Some yahoos in the neighborhood set off some little things in the air and I kept watching it land in the open space behind my house.  This was the first 4th that I haven't worked in a long time, so maybe they've been doing this all along, but it did scare me a bit.  I had the hose at the ready!  My folks in the 'hood must have driven to Wyoming to pick up there goods.  


Melody - let us know how the Zoodles are!  I love to make spaghetti squash spaghetti.  I tried the carrot spirals but didn't like them (I'm really picky about how I like any carrot cooked and then they seemed too "carrot" like raw if used as "pasta").

Tonight - I've got a recipe from Trader Joe's that I'm doing:  an asparagus "benedict" using their potato latke as the base, then a slice of tomato, then some roasted asparagus spears, topped with a poached egg.  It just sounded really good to me.  Ladies - if you want some new ideas for meals, check out the TJ's website and look at their recipes.  Some good as they are, some good for inspiration for my own stuff.  


Hopefully, it'll be back to "quarantine-normal" today.  The weather is looking good.  Maybe I'll haul out the camper lounge chair and nap on the back patio.  

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Hi Kat, that asparagus benedict sounds delicious😃....I love poached eggs and when I was a kid my mom made

the PERFECT ones for me.....I never liked the white too much. She was able to get the white away from the edges

and it was always one of those "ahhhhhhh" moments. LOL.....I like the whites and the yolks now but cannot make

a decent poached egg for the life of me!  Enjoy it. 


We had fireworks here last night as well but it was not too bad actually!

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good morning Ladies!   Sharon, good to hear from you again :)  I love those peaches, finished off a pack last night, & hoping they will still have them when I go again...   I don't have any discussion worthy viewing recommendations, but if you need something ridiculous, funny & silly,  then the Will Ferrel "Eurovison" movie on Netflix is horrible & wonderful at the same time....  


Kat, the asparagus benedict, yum, sounds wonderful...  I think we'll do fish tonight...  maybe with a little Hollandaise.


Melody & Cynthia, the fireworks here were like nothing I've ever experienced...& at our old house we had nightly views of the Disneyland ones....  it finally died down around 3 am & we were able to go to bed...  We stood in the front yard for a bit & watched, but by 12 it was starting to get smokey...  watched the news helicopter footage, & it was insane,  you can google it to see clips :)


Lois,  I get you on the egg poaching thing,   I can make one that's edible, but not very visually appealing,   it's one of my favorite things to get on a cruise because they manage to do it so perfectly...   


 & Hi, Sailor Sally,  we actually didn't watch Hamilton yet...  maybe tonight :)


Going to be lazy today, as I really need to focus tomorrow & catch up on my back log of work :)


Fashion wise, currently still in sleep tee, but will put on shorts & long sleeved Columbia spf shirt, sun hat & knee socks...  later on swim suit :)

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They showed part of LA this morning (filmed last night)....it looked very smokey😲.......must have been the



I have a package of chicken wings that are now in plastic bag-----I forgot I had a bottle of Teriyaki marinade!  These

are not drummettes but the full wing.  I know most folks grill them but I am going to bake them tonight. I will let 

them marinate for a couple of hours in the frig and then put them on a medium sized sheet pan.  Will decide what

vegetable to go with it............oh, it is 6 good size wings......will probably eat 3 and save the other 3.

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4 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi Kat, that asparagus benedict sounds delicious😃....I love poached eggs and when I was a kid my mom made

the PERFECT ones for me.....I never liked the white too much. She was able to get the white away from the edges

and it was always one of those "ahhhhhhh" moments. LOL.....I like the whites and the yolks now but cannot make

a decent poached egg for the life of me!  Enjoy it. 


We had fireworks here last night as well but it was not too bad actually!

Poached eggs are easy. Use a small sauté pan with about an inch to 1-1/2” of water (you can use 1tsp of vinegar if you wish, I don’t). Cook 4 minutes for medium poached...yolk is soft but not runny & whites are perfect. 

Edited by awhfy
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Ok, the zoodles were a bust. I’m glad I tasted them before I added my perfect homemade marinara sauce. I’m not sure if the zoodles were bad or what, they tasted vinegary. I’ve had sweet potato noodles that are fabulous. I ended up having a small chicken breast basted in teriyaki sauce & 2 tsp of the fabulous BLT pasta salad.   The chicken tasted like ambrosia!  Melody 

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34 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Poached eggs are easy. Use a small sauté pan with about an inch to 1-1/2” of water (you can use 1tsp of vinegar if you wish, I don’t). Cook 4 minutes for medium poached...yolk is soft but not runny & whites are perfect. 


Doesn't the water have to be boiling? And does it need to boil while the egg is cooking for the entire 4 minutes? So 

don't fill the saucepan 1/2 way? (As you can see, I never make poached eggs LOL).........fried eggs, scrambled, and 

omlettes but can't remember the last time I tried to poach them.

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29 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Ok, the zoodles were a bust. I’m glad I tasted them before I added my perfect homemade marinara sauce. I’m not sure if the zoodles were bad or what, they tasted vinegary. I’ve had sweet potato noodles that are fabulous. I ended up having a small chicken breast basted in teriyaki sauce & 2 tsp of the fabulous BLT pasta salad.   The chicken tasted like ambrosia!  Melody 


Sorry the noodles weren't good but glad you were able to eat the chicken and salad!

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59 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Poached eggs are easy. Use a small sauté pan with about an inch to 1-1/2” of water (you can use 1tsp of vinegar if you wish, I don’t). Cook 4 minutes for medium poached...yolk is soft but not runny & whites are perfect. 


ok, apparently I've been doing it wrong, maybe that's why I end up with a weirdly shaped blob....  I always filled up a big sauce pan with about 8 inches of water, boiled it, & then dumped the egg in,  going to try this method sometime soon :)   thanks!

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IDK how you made the zucchini noodles Melody...but I've found that we like those best with a pesto sauce. They are okay with marinara, but really seem best suited to a pesto. When I make them, after I spiralize the zucchini, I put the zoodles in a colander over a bowl, salt the zoodles all over and put them in the fridge to drain for several hours. Then I squeeze out as much juice as possible...then rinse off all the salt and then put them back in the fridge. You want them to dry out a bit. I've prepped the zoodles early in the day, salt till midday, then fridge until dinner...OR...prep in the day and salt until evening and then overnight in the fridge and use the next day. When you crisp them up in the fridge, when you sauté them, they stay really firm and don't get squishy at all. I usually sauté them with plenty of garlic and of course, salt.


We like spaghetti squash best for marinara. We also really like the red lentil penne pasta from Trader Joes...but the black bean spiral pasta was awful.

Edited by Anita Latte
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12 hours ago, cruise kitty said:


ok, apparently I've been doing it wrong, maybe that's why I end up with a weirdly shaped blob....  I always filled up a big sauce pan with about 8 inches of water, boiled it, & then dumped the egg in,  going to try this method sometime soon 🙂   thanks!

Continue to boil the water, then slide the egg in then cook for 4 minutes

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13 hours ago, Lois R said:


Doesn't the water have to be boiling? And does it need to boil while the egg is cooking for the entire 4 minutes? So 

don't fill the saucepan 1/2 way? (As you can see, I never make poached eggs LOL).........fried eggs, scrambled, and 

omlettes but can't remember the last time I tried to poach them.

My OP dropped the boiling water. The sauté pan is much more effective than a saucepan (the sides aren’t as deep). Boil the water, slide the eggs in, cook 4 minutes, the water will return to boil while the eggs are cooking

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28 minutes ago, awhfy said:

My OP dropped the boiling water. The sauté pan is much more effective than a saucepan (the sides aren’t as deep). Boil the water, slide the eggs in, cook 4 minutes, the water will return to boil while the eggs are cooking

Good morning.....ok...I will give it a try. Thanks🙂....my saute pan is kind of large....I guess that doesn't matter....more space for the eggs.

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10 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Good morning.....ok...I will give it a try. Thanks🙂....my saute pan is kind of large....I guess that doesn't matter....more space for the eggs.

Should work. We have several sizes of sauté pans & he always uses the middle one

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I use a small saucepan.  Put in about 2 inches of water.  Add about a Tbl of cider vinegar.  Bring to boil, then turn down to high simmer.  Stir the water to get a little "tornado" going then slide in the egg.  Leave in there for about 3-4 minutes.  If the top isn't coagulating enough, spoon some of the water on the egg until it's what you want.  

I've put the photo of what I made below.  I blew getting the first one out of the water and onto the mound.  But, it didn't break!  The second one came out exactly right!  I toasted a brioche hamburger bun to use to sop up the yolk.  I'm not a big fan of hollandaise, but I do love Cholula sauce, so that's what's on the eggs.  Kind of reminds me of my eye...


Speaking of my eye, I've got my followup with my ophthalmologist this afternoon to see where I am with the eye.  

OOTD:  since I have to go out and about, I'm going to put on my cammo shorts and a nice white Tshirt. Trail runners.  White watch, wrist wraps (my "hippie" accessory) and whatever earrings call to me.  I still can't wear any kind of eye makeup, so I'll choose on of my plethora of sunglasses (I have at least 12 pair!!!). 


Have a good day ladies!




Edited by slidergirl
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20 hours ago, Anita Latte said:

IDK how you made the zucchini noodles Melody...but I've found that we like those best with a pesto sauce. They are okay with marinara, but really seem best suited to a pesto. When I make them, after I spiralize the zucchini, I put the zoodles in a colander over a bowl, salt the zoodles all over and put them in the fridge to drain for several hours. Then I squeeze out as much juice as possible...then rinse off all the salt and then put them back in the fridge. You want them to dry out a bit. I've prepped the zoodles early in the day, salt till midday, then fridge until dinner...OR...prep in the day and salt until evening and then overnight in the fridge and use the next day. When you crisp them up in the fridge, when you sauté them, they stay really firm and don't get squishy at all. I usually sauté them with plenty of garlic and of course, salt.


We like spaghetti squash best for marinara. We also really like the red lentil penne pasta from Trader Joes...but the black bean spiral pasta was awful.

I actually bought the zoodles already zoodles. I sautéed with a little EVOO & a sweet onion, nothing to make them vinegary. I wonder if they might’ve been bad (even before the expiration date)

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Hi girls---I am having new fixtures put in my bathroom tomorrow.  New sink faucets and the one for the shower. I 

found 3 I really like at Home Depot and back in early June I had a plumber put in a new toilet.  So now its time for

the other stuff🙂 I am using the same company and they are very good.  They have been in business for many,

many years.  I decided on brushed nickel this time. I had the chrome and it sure does stain easily.  


It rained here on and off for most of the day..........hope all of you are having a good Monday. Kat, hope they eye is ok.

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