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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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22 minutes ago, cruise kitty said:

thank you Kat 🙂  love that tee!   I got my official unblinding call from trial site this morning, team placebo, so first shot for sure tomorrow morning 🙂



Woo Hoo- doing the happy dance now-just got our second dose of Pfizer! Our county is doing seniors now along with the final medical folks. Just not enough vaccine for all who want it. I feel very fortunate to be among those who have had both doses. Interesting that some of our sites are for 65+, others for 75+ only. 

Debbie, I’m so glad that you can finally get your first dose! It’s great for all of us that you are willing to participate in the booster study. I’m very curious about Pfizer’s plan for that formulation. Maybe you can share info as you learn more. Wouldn’t it be great if they can come up with a formula that will take care of all variations, current and yet to come? I don’t know if that will ever be possible and I am ok with boosters but I hope that there will be a less complicated way to obtain them.


Our experience today was a bit different than our first shot. We printed out 2 forms ahead of time to fill out and bring with us. There was a question about allergic reactions that included food, all medications and pets. I answered yes and wrote in penicillin, DH wrote in Shellfish. We weren’t asked about these the first time but today the vaccinator talked to us about them and said that we would need to be observed for 30 min not the usual 15. Neither of us had any problems nor did we anticipate any. So now we wait for the vaccine to be fully effective. 

I hope everyone who wants the vaccine is able to get it and I am hoping that it will become easier to sign up.  BTW, Debbie, is the My Turn app helping with your mom’s second dose? LA county is one of the pilots for it before they roll it out state wide. I hope that will help all those yet to be vaccinated.

Kat, I hope you are feeling better and that your county will soon offer vaccine to you. 

Take care all,


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hi Sharon, yes the my turn was easy to use, I used it for my In-Laws, & used Carbon Health for my Mom's....sounds like next month Blue Shield is going to take charge of the entire state & have a more cohesive plan statewide, I think that will be a welcome change & hopefully get more shots in arms. :)


& a very big congrats on getting your second shots :)   My husband tells everyone the only consistent side effect is that you can't stop smiling when you're fully vaxxed :)


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2020 is starting to look increasingly like Groundhog Year. Canada yesterday effectively canceled all cruise stops until 2022 and thus put paid to any hopes of Alaska or New England/Canada cruises in 2021. 


As of the cancellations I received earlier I've gotten my two (BTB) Med cruises rescheduled for fall but I doubt they'll really go. No other cruises planned this year.  I wonder if my Algeria land trip in November will work out? 🤣


Also no glimmer of hope on vaccines yet for those not in the highest risk groups in Georgia. 


Back to hibernation mode....

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I'm feeling pretty good today.  I think I had some sinus issue - only my right side, draining and making my throat sore.  Got days off for it and I'm not sorry about it.  3 of us at work today (boss took today off) and it was really boring.  Well except for the foot of snow we got today.  One of the girls used the snowblower (after I helped her get it running) 3 times from 11-6 to try to keep the walkway to the ski lift area relatively snow-free.  Kind of losing battle, but she tried.   Driving down off the mountain was a tad "interesting" tonight,  road was still snowpacked.  Everyone was going about 5-10mph.  


I saw the news about Canada cancelling cruises until 2021.   Oh well.  I guess we wait to see what Mexico says for West Coast possibilities.  


OOTD:  I went for it - wore my Scout Snipurr Tshirt with leggings.  I did have my one Athleta wrap on so it wasn't real obvious - just the tripod and end of the gun.  Everyone did think it was really funny.  


Tonight - turkey and swiss sandwich.  I do not feel like cooking.   

Edited by slidergirl
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13 hours ago, awhfy said:

Kat your side of the mountains are getting hammered with snow. Our mountains too. Fabulous for the ski resorts & water table. Good that everyone drove safely

Yes, we got hammered with snow.  We kept looking out the windows at work, hoping it would die down in time to drive home at 7pm.  No such luck.  Fortunately,  I seemed to be pretty close to when plow went through everywhere.  When I got out to my grocery store, 9 miles from work, it wasn't snowing.  My little snow angel came by today and took the 10" of snow off the driveway.  My one co-worker and I had to shovel and  blow the snow off our walkway yesterday and today.  Today was MUCH better to do it - sunny and just cool, not cold.  I didn't see a reason to even try yesterday - as we'd shovel/blow, more snow dumped.  We got "mansplained" to about how to start the snowblower from some middle-age guys.   Sorry, but we know how to do it.  Both of us had to really hold our tongues on that one!!!


Got more guests in today.  One group of 3 families came in from San Diego.  They pissed me off right away because they have apparent troubles with wearing masks.  I can tell it's going to be an issue with them.  I told the one batch that it is the law up here.  We're still in the red zone and everyone wearing masks everywhere here is what is keeping things open for our guests.  One teenage boy (there's aways one) rolled his eyes.   Sigh.  


Our big owner family from Mexico is leaving tomorrow.  They've been here since before Christmas.  They are a very nice family - I never had a problem doing extra things for them.  They're coming back for a couple of days at the end of the season so I'll have another chance to see them.  I wish more were like them.  


OOTD:  leggings, my long tie dye sweatshirt, Chaco boots (they were nice and warm and waterproof when I was shoving snow both days).  

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Kat, Sierra told me they can’t find the Chacos, darn I really wish I hadn’t received 2 different sizes, I really wanted them. I have my tall Chacos but wanted the shorter ones. The customer service rep said she’d continue to look 😢. Next time I order something I’ll try them on right away, not put them away as a gift 

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2 hours ago, awhfy said:

Kat, Sierra told me they can’t find the Chacos, darn I really wish I hadn’t received 2 different sizes, I really wanted them. I have my tall Chacos but wanted the shorter ones. The customer service rep said she’d continue to look 😢. Next time I order something I’ll try them on right away, not put them away as a gift 

Oh man, that sucks.  What was the price difference between Sierra and Chacos direct?   See if you can get your money back from Sierra and go straight Chacos maybe.


It's a nice bluebird day here.  I wish there was more shoveling to do at work - I'd volunteer to do it and then do it REAL SLOW to be able to spend time in the sun!!  Other than saying "goodbye" to my Mexican owners, we have NOTHING to do again other than our little daily tasks which split between 3 of us takes maybe an hour total.  The girls kind of whine about not having anything to do and always want to leave early.  Me?  It's the easiest job I've ever had and the easiest money I've made.  I'll sit for hours and walk around once in awhile for my pay...


My little snow angel shoveled my driveway yesterday while I was at work.  He's such a great kid.  He even did a little extra, taking care of the little walk from the driveway to the front door (which I never use).  


OOTD:  I'm thinking leggings and a hoodie.  I'm really loving being able to be casual and comfy at work!!!  

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OMG, your SD guests-they should be used to mask-wearing by now! It’s a mandate here in CA everywhere you go. Probably figured they’d get a break if the went to UT. What is so darn hard about wearing a mask? No need to answer that one, I’ve heard it all and I too can roll my eyes.....at all the selfish people and their ridiculous reasoning! There, rant over😉


Sorry about the shoe situation, Melody. Don’t you wonder what happened to the matching shoes for the ones they sent you?


I did have a reaction to the second vaccine dose. Nothing that I couldn’t handle. A slight temp, some chills and fatigue. Got over it all in a day or so without any meds.  I guess I can assume that my immune system was responding as it should-a good thing!


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3 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

What is so darn hard about wearing a mask? No need to answer that one, I’ve heard it all and I too can roll my eyes.....at all the selfish people and their ridiculous reasoning! There, rant over😉



I have an acquaintance that claims masks make her feel claustrophobic and won't wear them. She mentioned on Facebook today that she and her husband both have COVID now. They're shipping their preschooler off to stay with relatives. 🙄


Rant away! I agree.

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Good morning........OMG.......PH, seriously? We have been in this thing for over a year and

she won't wear them and now they both have it?👎.............


Anyone else watch the game? Nobody expected that!  I am a BIG football fan and am amazed

TB (Tom Brady) is playing at this level at 43 years old!!!

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15 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Good morning........OMG.......PH, seriously? We have been in this thing for over a year and

she won't wear them and now they both have it?👎.............


Anyone else watch the game? Nobody expected that!  I am a BIG football fan and am amazed

TB (Tom Brady) is playing at this level at 43 years old!!!

I expected Tampa Bay to win, but I did expect it to be a close game. TB12 is a phenomenal player, his preparations keep him at the top of the game. I’m really pleased he got his 7th ring. How about the mattress store owner that flew into Colorado Springs  (who knew we had betting here!) & placed a $3.4 million (sheesh) bet that Tampa Bay would beat the 3 point spread (whatever that means). His comment on the news, I’ll take Tom Brady as an underdog any day of the week...  looks like it paid of in spades for him. Melody

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Kat, just saw your comment on the Chacos. The price difference was considerable between Sierra & Chaco. I got an email this morning that Sierra is still working the issue, so I might still get them...I’m thinking July 

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1 hour ago, awhfy said:

Mattress Mack made over $6 million on his $3.4 million bet


Also, everyone that bought a mattress in any of his stores on specific dates got their mattress for free

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I thought I saw where it said folks got a 3000.00 refund on mattresses as well.........maybe I 

mis-read that.........(depending on when they made the purchase.)




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1 hour ago, awhfy said:

Mattress Mack made over $6 million on his $3.4 million bet


Maybe we are reading 2 different things?  I show he won 2.75million........

'Mattress Mack' Wins $2.75M After Wagering $3.46M on Buccaneers in Super Bowl 55 | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights

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Hi Ladies, good Super Bowl, but did not expect that blow out!   Half time show...  don't know if it was the sound, or the masks that looked like jock straps, but it was weird IMO ;)


Melody, I'm sorry about your boot situation, I too, wonder who has your matching boot.   It reminds me of what we call "take out roulette"  we rarely get an exact order, sometimes something is missing, & sometimes there's an unexpected treat when we open the bag,  so for every time we've opened the bag to find they left out our truffle fries, there's also been a time that they were there, plus some onion rings...  we know now when our stuff is missing, there's someone out there opening their bag & saying "hot-damn, extra treats!"   :classic_laugh:


Kat, it's unbelievable that people still are acting like mandatory masks are a surprise,  or that they are so special they don't have to wear them, ridiculous....  it does sound like you are really enjoying your job, with the exception of the mask-holes, so that's great to hear :)


Purple-Hays, I wonder if your FB friends will wear masks after they recover, hopefully  they will take things more seriously after, 


Sharon, I had my first "real" shot Friday,  very sore arm for about 24 hours (could not lift it, or anything) then just super tired Saturday afternoon, perfectly fine Sunday, just arm still sore, today it just feels like someone punched me ;)   Bet you & DH are looking forward to a world of a little more freedom & less worry, I know I am.  Can't wait to hug & see my grandkids, get a haircut, pedicure, etc.  


Lois, I haven't really read anything about the guy who won big on a bet, I'm just sad that my Super Bowl square numbers did not come up, so I'm out $20 lol ;)   My husband had 7-3 but for the opposite teams:)  


 Well, supposed to be working, so I should get back to it.  Currently wearing nightgown that says "Tacos, por favor"  short white terry robe, pink furry slippers & hair in very long ratty braid.   

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5 hours ago, Lois R said:

Total from bet ended up being $6M per our local news...but then you know the news...

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11 hours ago, Lois R said:

Good morning........OMG.......PH, seriously? We have been in this thing for over a year and

she won't wear them and now they both have it?👎.............



She expects him to be discharged for the hospital in 3-4 days, yet they moved him to an ICU today. 🙄

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58 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Total from bet ended up being $6M per our local news...but then you know the news...

I realized after the fact.......he did win big....Tampa was the underdog......he won his money

back and the 2.75.....he bet 3.4.........add the 3.4 + 2.75 and it is over 6 million

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19 minutes ago, PurpleHays said:

She expects him to be discharged for the hospital in 3-4 days, yet they moved him to an ICU today. 🙄

I hope he will be ok....so many that have gone into the ICU have never recoverd.

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