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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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44 minutes ago, kalos said:


That's it Phil,  you have done the right thing ,sit still and chances are you can do no wrong to upset our ladies.  Mrs K is upstairs , not sure what she's doing as I like to keep out of the way.

Ten minutes ago she shouted down "Can you put the kettle on ? "  Of course I shouted  back up to her. That's easy flick that little switch but make sure there's water in the kettle ..

She hasn't shouted any further instructions as yet, so I think I will sit tight until then . Maybe when she has finished the housework upstairs she may come down and make us both a nice cuppa . That would be nice wouldn't it ? :classic_unsure:

It's not easy this being retired but I think I'm getting there :classic_love:



Practice makes perfect.

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2 hours ago, yorkshirephil said:

I find it a great excuse for sitting around doing nowt. No point if it is going to be wrong, I mean how do you hang out a towel the wrong way up? Here are a few more things to ponder;

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard when he lives in the jungle without a razor?
Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?
Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they know there is not enough?
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
Whose idea was it to put an 'S' in the word 'lisp'?
What is the speed of darkness?
Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies wake up every two hours?
If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?
Do married people live longer than single ones or does it only seem longer?
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?
Did you ever stop and wonder.......
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze
these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?'
Who was the first person to say, 'See that chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta it's bum.'
Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?
Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their bum when they ask where the bathroom is?
Why does your Gynaecologist leave the room when you get undressed if they are going to look up there anyway?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs !
If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?
Stop singing and read on......
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him on a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?
Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?
Do you ever wonder why you added me on facebook

Blimey Phil, you are bored today. Time for another holiday methinks.🤔

Having said that........

I'm still laughing.😂


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Guest ccpm
21 hours ago, Ardennais said:

Students require laptops - they’re used now in lectures and very few desktops are provided in university libraries etc. Many schools also have a ‘bring your own device’ policy to supplement the devices provided in school. Seriously though, laptops are now so light and mobile. I bet some people’s make-up bags, lunch boxes, water bottles and gym kits weigh more than laptops. I really don’t  see what the issue is. Granted in the past, they were heavier. 

Sorry but no they don't. Universities provide IT departments yes minimal at best. BUT there is no requirement for a student to have a laptop. The requirement that has developed over the last decade is that you must submit your assignments via email and can access course material via the internet. Universities are very careful NOT to state that students must have personal computer equipment or someone will jolly soon start a discrimination case. They are used in lectures they are NOT required to be used in lectures. Many lecturers ( I have been one myself) hate the things, students are sat concentrating on their typing (or worse still accessing other things) rather than listening to the lecture. Course materials are usually available on the course website. A lecture is not just a hear it opportunity, it should be where you give it your full attention, digest it, come back with your views, discuss with classmates. Not get absorbed in typing on your laptop.

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Guest ccpm

Lads and lasses let us all take 5 and thank our luck stars those that have our long term others. Throughout 40 years of marriage I loved opportunities to be alone. Harboured wicked thoughts about he who did not stack the dishwasher correctly and worse still failed many of my exacting standards. I fantasised about times where it would just be me to worry about and my niggles would be gone. Unfortunately'as many find, for me that time came and I wish him and all his "faults" were here for me to moan again. BUT on the plus side my dishwasher is stacked just how I like it and I never ever have to have wall to wall News on the TV

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1 hour ago, ccpm said:

Sorry but no they don't. Universities provide IT departments yes minimal at best. BUT there is no requirement for a student to have a laptop. The requirement that has developed over the last decade is that you must submit your assignments via email and can access course material via the internet. Universities are very careful NOT to state that students must have personal computer equipment or someone will jolly soon start a discrimination case. They are used in lectures they are NOT required to be used in lectures. Many lecturers ( I have been one myself) hate the things, students are sat concentrating on their typing (or worse still accessing other things) rather than listening to the lecture. Course materials are usually available on the course website. A lecture is not just a hear it opportunity, it should be where you give it your full attention, digest it, come back with your views, discuss with classmates. Not get absorbed in typing on your laptop.


Of course there are those students for whom a laptop in lectures is vital such as my daughter who is dyslexic and has all manner of special software available to her just so she has the same learning opportunities as the other students.


Thankfully her university and lecturers have been incredibly supportive and fingers crossed we'll be attending her graduation later in the summer.

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2 hours ago, ccpm said:

Sorry but no they don't. Universities provide IT departments yes minimal at best. BUT there is no requirement for a student to have a laptop. The requirement that has developed over the last decade is that you must submit your assignments via email and can access course material via the internet. Universities are very careful NOT to state that students must have personal computer equipment or someone will jolly soon start a discrimination case. They are used in lectures they are NOT required to be used in lectures. Many lecturers ( I have been one myself) hate the things, students are sat concentrating on their typing (or worse still accessing other things) rather than listening to the lecture. Course materials are usually available on the course website. A lecture is not just a hear it opportunity, it should be where you give it your full attention, digest it, come back with your views, discuss with classmates. Not get absorbed in typing on your laptop.

I bow to your superior knowledge. However my three children, graduates from 2017, 2019 and 2020 inform me that all their fellow students always used laptops in lectures. I have also been a tutor recently and found it most useful for students to have a laptop handy. Not solely for typing, but for instant research. Made the sessions far more interesting and lively, not just listening passively. Enabled interesting discussions. 


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Had a blazing row a couple of weeks ago about hanging washing on a line, stupid eh ?


I was fed up with hanging washing out and She who must be obeyed, kept altering it. She went out for lunch with a friend and left washing in the machine finishing off and asked me to put out. I rather stupidly made a stand and left it where it was, needless to say she was not best pleased ! After we cooled down she did get my point that it was very annoying to do a job and have someone examining a job you had done in good faith, but having said that still called a few choice names !!!


I would add I hung it out a couple of days ago, she glanced at the line and raised her eyebrows !! I laughed.and so did she, peace restored.

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1 minute ago, bobstheboy said:

Had a blazing row a couple of weeks ago about hanging washing on a line, stupid eh ?


I was fed up with hanging washing out and She who must be obeyed, kept altering it. She went out for lunch with a friend and left washing in the machine finishing off and asked me to put out. I rather stupidly made a stand and left it where it was, needless to say she was not best pleased ! After we cooled down she did get my point that it was very annoying to do a job and have someone examining a job you had done in good faith, but having said that still called a few choice names !!!


I would add I hung it out a couple of days ago, she glanced at the line and raised her eyebrows !! I laughed.and so did she, peace restored.

Love that!

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38 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

Had a blazing row a couple of weeks ago about hanging washing on a line, stupid eh ?


I was fed up with hanging washing out and She who must be obeyed, kept altering it.


I'm nowhere near ready for hanging out washing , still at level 1 NVQ at opening curtains .


Thanks for the heads up ,hanging out washing could cause arguments :classic_unsure:

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3 hours ago, Ardennais said:

I bow to your superior knowledge. However my three children, graduates from 2017, 2019 and 2020 inform me that all their fellow students always used laptops in lectures. I have also been a tutor recently and found it most useful for students to have a laptop handy. Not solely for typing, but for instant research. Made the sessions far more interesting and lively, not just listening passively. Enabled interesting discussions. 


I graduated in the 1960s - ballpoint pens were the talk of the lecture rooms!  🙂


We did have good rag weeks though......

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27 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

I graduated in the 1960s - ballpoint pens were the talk of the lecture rooms!  🙂


We did have good rag weeks though......

We had great rag weeks too, early to mid 80s! 

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53 minutes ago, kalos said:


I'm nowhere near ready for hanging out washing , still at level 1 NVQ at opening curtains .


Thanks for the heads up ,hanging out washing could cause arguments :classic_unsure:

I think your wives are missing a trick. I let my husband do anything and everything. Makes my life easier!

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3 hours ago, kalos said:


I'm nowhere near ready for hanging out washing , still at level 1 NVQ at opening curtains .


Thanks for the heads up ,hanging out washing could cause arguments :classic_unsure:

I like your new Avatar Buddy.

I have an appointment tomorrow for x-rays on both my knees.


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2 hours ago, Ardennais said:

I think your wives are missing a trick. I let my husband do anything and everything. Makes my life easier!

I agree, I encourage my husband do anything, my reasoning being that he needs to be able to look after himself if I am ill and when I was hospitalised for a few days he managed well and I even survived the week afterwards when I was supposed to take things easy after coming home.

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10 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

I agree, I encourage my husband do anything, my reasoning being that he needs to be able to look after himself if I am ill and when I was hospitalised for a few days he managed well and I even survived the week afterwards when I was supposed to take things easy after coming home.

That was how it was supposed to work when I had a major op but he went down with a cold, and being a typical man was dying - me I was recovering from nuerosurgery! 

Hope those that of you who under the weather are feeling better and everyone else is well.

Breezy and feels a bit chilly down here this morning.

Going into Penzance later to collect my sewing machine from the repairers and meet a friend for coffee and then need to tackle the mountain of ironing I've got waiting for me. 

Have a good day and stay safe.


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Morning everyone, how are you all today?


A fairly bright day here with a strong breeze blowing but feels fairly mild.


I think I feel a bit brighter in myself today although the Dr has put me on antibiotics.
The nurse has just telephoned checked out my oxygen saturation levels and reminded me to rest and drink plenty of fluids. 


Has anyone been to see the new Downton Abbey film yet? My mum loves the tv program and I took her to see the first film and I must admit I did enjoy it

Take care everyone 



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My SIL phoned yesterday and said her and her OH are testing negative now.My Mrs is still feint line positive and we are the ones that gave it to them.I wonder if it's the other way round and I just had a cold initially after all.It's a funny old game,lol.Main thing is,life back to normal,Brian.

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1 hour ago, Peanut006 said:

Has anyone been to see the new Downton Abbey film yet? My mum loves the tv program and I took her to see the first film and I must admit I did enjoy it

Good to hear that you  are feeling a bit brighter today.


We went to see Downton Abbey: A New Era last week and enjoyed it very much - pleasant entertainment.   If you are a fan of the TV series then I would recommend you go and see it.  


Take care and enjoy the rest of your day.

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13 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I like your new Avatar Buddy.

I have an appointment tomorrow for x-rays on both my knees.



I hope all goes well ,take care with them and no jumping up and down on them should 

the Cats score at Wembley .

Are you taking Pauline down there ? :classic_love:

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