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Cunard Cruisers - How are things where you are ?

Host Hattie

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We are in central California in the San Joaquin valley which is the major agricultural area of California. We live in the town Kingsburg (population around 12,000) which is where all the Sun-Maid raisins are packed.


California began with asking those 65 and above (that includes us😏) to stay home and that has expanded to include everyone not in essential work environments.  However, those who are sequestering are encouraged to go outside as long as there is no contact with others.  We began week 2 of staying home today.  Fortunately, there is a track at the local junior high school just a few blocks from our house and we have started going there to walk while being careful to avoid any close contact with others. 

There are only a few cases of the virus anywhere near us, but the city of Fresno, 20 miles away, is California’s 5th largest city so the number will undoubtably increase. 


We were looking forward to returning to Alaska this June on our first Cunard cruise, but I’m doubtful that will happen. We’ve begun looking at other options later in the summer or fall.

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6 hours ago, Lanky Lad said:

Still working, but as I spending time inside, just started a jigsaw called "the ocean's Greats".   Ships of course.


On the subject of jigsaw puzzles, here's a Ravensburger "Norwegian Fjord" 1000 piece puzzle featuring QM2 we found a few years ago and enjoyed putting together. I don't see it listed on the Ravensburger website any more, but a few other places have it for sale.


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We are in central Minnesota the coldest state in the union. We have been cruising since 1972 and I was on the S S France in 1963.

We love cruising, it is the only way to go. We are booked on the QM2 to New England and Canada (third time) on 9/11/2020.

Do not know what will happen but will hold on till we have to make a decision.

Our state has been closed down for quite a while. No schools, no bars, no restaurants, no salons and the list goes on.  Our govenor has been exposed and is in self quarantine. 

There has been hoarding going on here-paper products, cleaners and food. I alway have stocked up on food and paper products when they are on sale so in good shape at my house. Ordering online from groceries is a challenge. Many items not available and not available for delivery or out of stock.

I am used to being alone so no problems for me  and lots do do in the house however I did order a Roku device so I can get Acorn British TV. 

Now they a shutting down public transportation on reduced schedules. I just go in my garage and look at my 1976 corvette and my Ford explorer and say Hi and I too will be back.

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We live in San Francisco. Out here, we're starting our third week of shelter-in-place order. (I think the SF Bay Area was the first in the US). Since we're retirees who normally stay at home, it's not very different for us. We're very fortunate all-around. We have a housemate who helps with things around the house who does the shopping (I used to go with him, but not now). We live in a house in the Castro District with a small garden and patio in the back, so we've got fresh air and sunlight.  I know two people who are hospitalized at the moment. Tests are basically unavailable. (Since I'm at-risk, I asked my oncologist when he thought a test might be available and he said, not any time soon, if ever.) When I went in for my chemo infusion on Thursday, a woman across from me arrived and mentioned that she had "run out of masks" and asked for one. The nurse replied that there were none available. All staff have one mask a day to use.

Things throughout the city are shut down. The main thoroughfares are empty and hotels and stores have started boarding up windows. Some hotels are about to reopen for emergency housing and hospitals. There was some panic buying at the start but not a big issue now - except for TP, hand sanitizer, wipes, and a few other items remain sparse. Most stores are open for the first hour to seniors and at-risk individuals and then limit occupancy to X number of customers. Some restaurants are still doing delivery (on-site dining is forbidden). San Francisco, being San Francisco had some unique adaptations. Notably, in the first SF county-wide action, only "essential businesses" were allowed to be open. On the first day, there was an uproar because the cannabis dispensaries were not considered "essential."

But we're taking care, washing hands and keeping a social distance. We're having to cancel another little Cunard cruise and likely a charter in October. So, I'm focusing on a roundtrip crossing in 2021. And an SO happy that we did the last minute crossing this past December. The QM2 is still my happy place. I'm walking her corridors in my mind more often these days.

Edited by MarkBearSF
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5 hours ago, bluemarble said:


On the subject of jigsaw puzzles, here's a Ravensburger "Norwegian Fjord" 1000 piece puzzle featuring QM2 we found a few years ago and enjoyed putting together. I don't see it listed on the Ravensburger website any more, but a few other places have it for sale.


This is quite an old puzzle. Some years ago I bought this for my mother-in-law who we had a fabulous cruise with on QM2 to the fjords (maybe circa 2006 ) Sadly she is no longer with us, but I have the puzzle and the memories. 
I had forgotten all about this, but will get it out when it rains as we are in lockdown. It will make a change from gardening!

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Happy Birthday Host Hattie. Mine is on friday, it is going to be a very quiet one this year.


We live in Cambridge. Usually the city is a mass of tourists and students. We went for our permitted one exercise this morning and ended up right in the centre. It was totally abandoned! It made us realise what a beautiful city we live in when you can actually see it! I have taken all the usual tourist photos, despite having lived here for 40 years!


Mr Camgirl is working from home now but I am an early retiree, so am used to being at home. I'm thinking that the garden will look lovely this year with all the extra attention it will get whilst we can't go anywhere else.


We have 3 cruises booked for this year. In May, August and November. The last two are only short cruises but if we get to go on any of them, it would be wonderful. We are still waiting to hear the first has been cancelled. I suspect it won't be long before it is.


All the best to everyone out there dreaming of a Cunard cruise. I'm off to find some of those films / videos to watch.

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Sitting here with a smile on my face and as my children would say 'raising my eyes to heaven'. 🙄

Being the youngest and fittest of the oldies in my family I offered to do 'essential' shopping etc. for those unable to get out.

I have just received an 'esential' shopping list via text. Among other things it includes fresh parsley, curly mind, not flat! and fresh basil and tarragon. 😲

Not sure that those items are high priority on the restocking programme of the local supermarket in my small Northwest UK town. 😁

Never mind, it gave me a good laugh whilst figuring out how to make a nutritious and acceptable meal out of a potato, an onion and the heel of a small cheese... 🤣


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This is the third week of working from home - that's been a routine for a few days each week for years.

Our across the street neighbor is a 'first responder' and needs to continue to work, despite showing symptoms. Mrs Bear was a paramedic, and we cleaned out her kit [masks, gloves, airways...] and dropped them off across the street. 


We currently do not have a cruise scheduled - we were looking at the August 2021 'grand Norwegian' TA round trip. Hopefully putting our deposit down this summer.

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19 hours ago, T5LHR said:


Apologies Hattie, I am not sure what you do outside of the CC world... But, I do hope, if possible, you are able to work from home, or if not, it is something low risk and remain safe. 


Thanks, no reason why you should ! I'm an Engineer in a steel works, we've been told we're expected to keep making steel. Lots of our customers are shut down but the market for tin cans is booming !
I can do pretty much do all my job from home except dealing with deliveries - I just need to figure out a way to get somebody else to do that bit. But for the moment, I'll be back in the office for the rest of the week.

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To all Cunard Cruisers our there Can I just say please please be mindful when speaking to customer helplines 


Just had the most awful day at work with folks screaming and shouting at me, We are not even front line so god knows what it is like for our brave frontline workers 


I am sure anyone here won’t hassle any of Cunard’s helpline staff because they are sensible folks but please just remember the staff answering the phones are human too 😥




And stay Safe everyone 🙂

Edited by pinkpanther52
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Lovely to hear from you all @fionaanne1 love the sound of that shopping list !

I have just been given a letter giving me permission to travel to & from work just in case I get stopped by the police, not something I imagined happening in my lifetime.

I've had a couple of visitors to the office but I've made them stand in the doorway !

@Camgirl Happy birthday for later in the week.

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These ramblings are going to keep me sane. If you don't want to read them, hurry along but, if they raise a smile for someone then I am happy. Almost for certain I won't be reliving the Grills experience in May but it is what it is.

Shopping (for three families now 😔) completed. Still no tarragon. 🙄 Must remember to write to Dieter Schwarz and let my feelings be known.🤣

The sun is shining and it is warm up here in Lancashire however, not much worth eating as yet in the garden, apart from the😂 wild garlic which is rampant so I had to buy the ingredients for my famous carrot and courgette cake.

A couple of the people I am keeping an eye on are undergoing chemo and if I can do nothing else, I can tickle their tastebuds.

Home schooling is a frequent topic of video conversation with my grandchildren. Edward, 5 is desperate to do some science experiments. I think it might be time to wow him with the cola and mentos trick. 😜

We have been chatting about the International Space Station and what the space engineers up there are doing. It is pleasing testament to my family and, makes my heart glad that he hasn't commented on the fact that one of them is female. Hoping for a clear-ish evening today because we ought to be able to see a good pass.


My husband has just read out a list of spirits recommended in the DT to stock one's bar during these difficult times. Whisky at over £100 a bottle features high on the list.. Planet tarragon, I think. 😂


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15 hours ago, Host Hattie said:

That sounds awful Jackie, I hope you're having a more relaxing evening.



2 hours ago, hypercafe said:

Hi Jackie, sorry you had such a bad day. Right now my focus is on staying healthy fore and my family. Although a vacation is fun and costly I can't think of it as a top issue now. I can always take another.


Thanks folks things are a lot better today 😀

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2 hours ago, Colin_Cameron said:

Never mind rice, pasta, toilet rolls and all that nonsense.



must get your priorities right, I luckily picked up a couple of extra bottles last week from Tesco, there were not many on the shelf. All the beer had gone though.  Luckily I am also a whiskey drinker, so with a drop of water and an ice cube I’m good to go. 


my husband is tea total so I miss company when I have a drink. Wondering if I could do virtual party or video party.  May have to think this through more.

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We had snow here in Maine night before last!  Melting quickly, though.  We have a 5th season here between winter and spring - Mud Season.  It may be upon us. 


One of our newspapers is running recipes using pantry items.  They encourage us to substitute freely if we don't have all the ingredients - celery leaves for cilantro, for one example.   Very liberating.  I'm discovering my inner chef.

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we were due to do our first Cunard cruise in July-transatlantic on QM2 but cancelled before final payment


we have been self isolating for over a week as my husband has compromised immune system

However I have to go out every few days for fresh provisions as online supermarket delivery spots are impossible to find!


working from home and husband on long term sick after stroke last year[unrelated to immune system problem]


but hey life goes on and cruise critic is one of the ways to do it-thank you for all the funny posts-even from some posters who didn't mean to provide humour!  

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10 hours ago, Colin_Cameron said:

Never mind rice, pasta, toilet rolls and all that nonsense.



Love your comment!  I am almost out of beer and wine-not worried may order by drone

State of MN on lockdown starting Friday.

I have been on lockdown for 3 weeks so no big deal. Sinus infection. 

Problem is groceries are out of many things and a store manager friend of mine of a chain here said they put in an order but are only given 1/2 of what they order or not at all. Ridiculous. Getting desperate for broccoli and kale, staples in my diet.

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7 hours ago, alc13 said:

We had snow here in Maine night before last!  Melting quickly, though.  We have a 5th season here between winter and spring - Mud Season.  It may be upon us. 


One of our newspapers is running recipes using pantry items.  They encourage us to substitute freely if we don't have all the ingredients - celery leaves for cilantro, for one example.   Very liberating.  I'm discovering my inner chef.

First you have to find the celery.

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8 minutes ago, vettprincess said:

First you have to find the celery.

Hi Esther,

We are doing fine like we told you on the phone.


Food deliveries were very good with our stores. Out of all the items we requested, only 1 missing and 2 alternative choices.


We are blessed with a variety of stores, ethnics flavors and very good suppliers. Even take outs are marvelous with supply and demand. No disappointments as of yet. Even drugstores are delivering prescribed items to our door.


So hope MN re-establishes their supply lines. Maybe talk to you later.


Just enjoy like us, old movies, computer games and old sitcoms.....


Ed S. 

Edited by BklynBoy8
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I have been told not to go to work until further notice.  So looks like I will have plenty of time for jigsaws, gardening and anything else I can think of.  Thankfully, I will still get paid so I am not complaining.

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Hello from Central Florida. We have been socially distanced for over a week.


We are self employed- and even though our business (which usually includes massive travel) is on necessary hiatus during this, we are working from home all the same. I think the fact that we already, in our normal lives, make our own schedule has helped us transition into this temporary strange new normal we are facing, but it is still hard for us to fathom.


Our local grocery, Publix, has an excellent delivery service... so if anyone has one near them, I highly suggest the app. Sure, you can't find some of the very limited items, but we have has success with the service and we also had a good experience sending groceries to my grandfather in another state from his Publix.

We do like to cook- so that has been helpful.


We take socially distanced walks every day in the Florida sun and have enjoyed being in our backyard. We are lucky to have realized we have a bunny nest in the backyard, and occasionally we see the mother bunny come by the nest for her short daily visit (rabbits only visit the nest once or twice a day at the most). We have liked seeing the birds and the squirrels too.


We do have a Cunard voyage booked for August to Alaska... but we shall see. I would like to think that it will happen, but we are realistic to know that all is up in the air.


Until then, we remember very fondly our last Cunard voyage this past August... we love the brand... and we continue to hope that we will sail again on one of the beautiful ships in the future, even if it does not happen the way we have planned. 

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