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I'm beginning to think cruises might resume much sooner than I expected.


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1 hour ago, roger001 said:

And now South Korea has announced that 91 previously cured virus patients now have it again.   That sucks....making the vaccine appear to be the only answer.  

Did the announcement indicate what the severity was like the second time?  Often times a virus will come back in a more mild version than the previous.

Edited by Georgia_Peaches
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On 4/10/2020 at 4:52 AM, Mercury said:

Without a vaccine cruising is just not safe. Covid19 just needs one host on a ship and as we all know, it spreads like wildfire.


Then, there will never be cruising again. Waiting too long for a vaccine, which may be forever, will erase the cruising industry, which is unacceptable.


You know that the flu vaccine you receive each year is for the last flu strain. It does not protect you for the new mutated strain that may arise. I have never taken a flu vaccine and gotten many flus, yet here I am. The CDC states that in the currently ending flu season 201-2020 between 22,000 and 62,000 people have died from the flu in the United States.


You also know that there are no vaccines for SARS (another coronavirus SARS-Cov), a very close relative of covid-19 and far more deadly. Yet, we have learned to "live" with it and survived after 17 years.


Life itself is a risk. At one point or another things have to open up with certain regulations in place perhaps, but the longer this lock down takes it may kill more people in the end than the covid-19 virus. I think that after 8 weeks of lock down by the end of April or beginning of May most infected with the covid-19 virus would have developed the symptoms and be treated.


If someone does not want to cruise that's their prerogative. But please, don't make it more difficult for us who do want to continue living. I will cruise as soon as they open. It's feeling more like July, 2020. Covid-19 will not be able to stand that heat.


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6 minutes ago, Georgia_Peaches said:

Often times a virus will come back in a more mild version than the previous.


Which will make a vaccine for the current strain of Covid-19 obsolete for next year's strain, which in turn will have us lock down forever, which in turn will kill many more people.

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3 minutes ago, cruisecriket said:


Which will make a vaccine for the current strain of Covid-19 obsolete for next year's strain, which in turn will have us lock down forever, which in turn will kill many more people.

Jeezz, I hope you are not sheltering in place alone.

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8 minutes ago, Georgia_Peaches said:

Jeezz, I hope you are not sheltering in place alone.


Don't know exactly what you mean. But, it certainly feels belittling as in I am crazy or something and need help from other people. I am the opposite of all of that, but that's none your business anyway.


See, you are not that clever. You still didn't add anything of value to the conversation. Only fearmongering.


Everything I posted can be easily verified.

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1 minute ago, cruisecriket said:


Don't know exactly what you mean. But, it certainly feels belittling as in I am crazy or something and need help from other people. I am the opposite of all of that, but that's none your business anyway.


See, you are not that clever. You still didn't add anything of value to the conversation. Only fearmongering.


Everything I posted can be easily verified.

No, sir.  Not fear mongering at all, nor am I belittling you.  Just the opposite.  With such a grim outlook, I feared for your personal safety.  


I agree with some of your points about getting back to living life...we are not too far apart on that.


My DH thinks I'm clever, that's enough for me 💁‍♀️.



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i think a plan is already in place, and they will make an agreement before 60 days. 
I doubt it. What makes you think the CDC will rescind this order in 60 days? H1N1, much less deadly, was a public health emergency for over a year. This is still going to be ongoing in 60 days, though hopefully much less prevalent. Do you think they are going to have hospitals on shore in the US that are going to agree to take any number of unknown patients with unknown prognosis before a ship sets sail? What lines do you think will have ICU-type medical facilities with trained doctors and ventilators and the ability to robustly test all passengers and crew in 60 days?
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39 minutes ago, cruisecriket said:


Then, there will never be cruising again. Waiting too long for a vaccine, which may be forever, will erase the cruising industry, which is unacceptable.


You know that the flu vaccine you receive each year is for the last flu strain. It does not protect you for the new mutated strain that may arise. I have never taken a flu vaccine and gotten many flus, yet here I am. The CDC states that in the currently ending flu season 201-2020 between 22,000 and 62,000 people have died from the flu in the United States.


You also know that there are no vaccines for SARS (another coronavirus SARS-Cov), a very close relative of covid-19 and far more deadly. Yet, we have learned to "live" with it and survived after 17 years.


Life itself is a risk. At one point or another things have to open up with certain regulations in place perhaps, but the longer this lock down takes it may kill more people in the end than the covid-19 virus. I think that after 8 weeks of lock down by the end of April or beginning of May most infected with the covid-19 virus would have developed the symptoms and be treated.


If someone does not want to cruise that's their prerogative. But please, don't make it more difficult for us who do want to continue living. I will cruise as soon as they open. It's feeling more like July, 2020. Covid-19 will not be able to stand that heat.


The Flu shot is not quite what you think. Hope this helps.

The flu vaccine contains tiny amounts of the viruses it protects against. The presence of these viruses in the vaccine triggers the body’s natural defense mechanism to produce antibodies to fight them. This means that the body quickly recognizes them when exposed to the disease in “real life.”

Different influenza viruses contained in a flu shot are:

  • influenza A virus H1N1 called the Michigan strain
  • Influenza A virus H3N2 called the Hong Kong strain
  • one or two influenza B viruses called the Brisbane and Phuket strains

Traditional flu shots are trivalent (three-component) vaccines because they protect against three viruses: two influenza A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2), and one influenza B virus.

A person can also get a quadrivalent (four-component) vaccine, which protects against an additional B virus.

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18 minutes ago, janerd said:

The Flu shot is not quite what you think. Hope this helps.

The flu vaccine contains tiny amounts of the viruses it protects against. The presence of these viruses in the vaccine triggers the body’s natural defense mechanism to produce antibodies to fight them. This means that the body quickly recognizes them when exposed to the disease in “real life.”

Different influenza viruses contained in a flu shot are:

  • influenza A virus H1N1 called the Michigan strain
  • Influenza A virus H3N2 called the Hong Kong strain
  • one or two influenza B viruses called the Brisbane and Phuket strains

Traditional flu shots are trivalent (three-component) vaccines because they protect against three viruses: two influenza A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2), and one influenza B virus.

A person can also get a quadrivalent (four-component) vaccine, which protects against an additional B virus.


Thanks, but, although not so detailed as you explain it, I knew that. I also know that some elderly people have died from complications after taking the flu vaccine.


However my point was and is that if the flu you get is a strain or mutation of those in the vaccine administered, you will get sick regardless. I mention the flu in order to arrive to my main point, that there may never be a vaccine, just like there's none for SARS, for Covid-19.


Then, what do we do? Shelter in a cave and die from other ailments, or take some precautions to mitigate the risk, like we did with SARS, and live a life to the fullest even in the presence of Covid-19?


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This is an interesting article on how cruising could resume and the changes we could see:
Temperatures taken prior to boarding

Entertainment venues changed to have people spaced apart

No buffet eating.  Staff would serve it to you with gloves and mask

Passengers over 70 must provide doctor's clearance to sail



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1 hour ago, cruisecriket said:


Then, there will never be cruising again. Waiting too long for a vaccine, which may be forever, will erase the cruising industry, which is unacceptable.


You know that the flu vaccine you receive each year is for the last flu strain. It does not protect you for the new mutated strain that may arise. I have never taken a flu vaccine and gotten many flus, yet here I am. The CDC states that in the currently ending flu season 201-2020 between 22,000 and 62,000 people have died from the flu in the United States.


You also know that there are no vaccines for SARS (another coronavirus SARS-Cov), a very close relative of covid-19 and far more deadly. Yet, we have learned to "live" with it and survived after 17 years.


Life itself is a risk. At one point or another things have to open up with certain regulations in place perhaps, but the longer this lock down takes it may kill more people in the end than the covid-19 virus. I think that after 8 weeks of lock down by the end of April or beginning of May most infected with the covid-19 virus would have developed the symptoms and be treated.


If someone does not want to cruise that's their prerogative. But please, don't make it more difficult for us who do want to continue living. I will cruise as soon as they open. It's feeling more like July, 2020. Covid-19 will not be able to stand that heat.


Before you post and obviously get your information from ONE source, do some research...even Google

SARS is nowhere near as contagious or deadly as COVID-19.  Yes its a relative but that is the only truthful part of your post.  Covid-19 is much deadlier than the flu.

Lockdowns have worked and they just changed the projected death rate because of everyone's hard work.

Facts are facts.  Facts have no feelings.  Most of your post is touchy, feely, feelings and being overly dramatic.

I wish mods would delete posts where people post fake information about Covid-19

Edited by david_sobe
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1 hour ago, Georgia_Peaches said:

Did the announcement indicate what the severity was like the second time?  Often times a virus will come back in a more mild version than the previous.

There's a far more important consideration than severity .  Those with the mildest symptoms...and even those who are infected but asymptomatic are capable of infecting others. That potentially reinforces and restarts the epidemic.

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37 minutes ago, david_sobe said:

Before you post and obviously get your information from ONE source, do some research...even Google

SARS is nowhere near as contagious or deadly as COVID-19.  Yes its a relative but that is the only truthful part of your post.  Covid-19 is much deadlier than the flu.

Lockdowns have worked and they just changed the projected death rate because of everyone's hard work.

Facts are facts.  Facts have no feelings.  Most of your post is touchy, feely, feelings and being overly dramatic.

I wish mods would delete posts where people post fake information about Covid-19

SARS went back to nature it was less contagious than COVID-19 & Dr's were able to stop the chains of transmission. 

If we could find, isolate and treat every case of COVID-19, the same thing could happen. It's infection rate makes that highly unlikely but if we get through this first wave - it might be possible 

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56 minutes ago, david_sobe said:

Before you post and obviously get your information from ONE source, do some research...even Google

SARS is nowhere near as contagious or deadly as COVID-19.  Yes its a relative but that is the only truthful part of your post.  Covid-19 is much deadlier than the flu.

Lockdowns have worked and they just changed the projected death rate because of everyone's hard work.

Facts are facts.  Facts have no feelings.  Most of your post is touchy, feely, feelings and being overly dramatic.

I wish mods would delete posts where people post fake information about Covid-19


Friend, just because you yell doesn't mean you are right and anybody is wrong. Who said anything about not locking down? 


Which of my facts are wrong? Which facts did you add? My post is factual. The only one here acting in a hysteric and dramatic fashion is you, asking mods to intervene because what you read does not support your virtual reality.


If you want to bunker the rest of your life, I don't think anybody is stopping you. 


Go back and read my post again. Maybe this time you will comprehend.



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1 hour ago, Jobeth66 said:
19 hours ago, seaman11 said:
i think a plan is already in place, and they will make an agreement before 60 days. 

I doubt it. What makes you think the CDC will rescind this order in 60 days? H1N1, much less deadly, was a public health emergency for over a year. This is still going to be ongoing in 60 days, though hopefully much less prevalent. Do you think they are going to have hospitals on shore in the US that are going to agree to take any number of unknown patients with unknown prognosis before a ship sets sail? What lines do you think will have ICU-type medical facilities with trained doctors and ventilators and the ability to robustly test all passengers and crew in 60 days?

i think once the numbers start going down, and the cruiseline follows some guidelines, they will start slow with 1  or 2  select cruises.  people seem to think covid started spreading mostly on cruises , which is not the case. just so happens some did get effected , but its not like cruises are reason we have covid here. 

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54 minutes ago, njhorseman said:

There's a far more important consideration than severity .  Those with the mildest symptoms...and even those who are infected but asymptomatic are capable of infecting others. That potentially reinforces and restarts the epidemic.

I've read here on CC somewhere that Korea has 91 cases where Covid-19 has returned to those cured.


If that is indeed true we in the US will be in the same situation IF some of the safeguards aren't kept up. 


We are being told by our Dept. of Health that it could be a matter of two weeks before another spike could occur, if we don't continue on the path of Social Distancing and other standards the Governor has in place.


Let's just hope the Medical staffs can get a little respite here soon. 

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3 minutes ago, seaman11 said:

i think once the numbers start going down, and the cruiseline follows some guidelines, they will start slow with 1  or 2  select cruises.  people seem to think covid started spreading mostly on cruises , which is not the case. just so happens some did get effected , but its not like cruises are reason we have covid here. 

Some guidelines won't cut it. I believe this is an all or nothing situation with CDC once they come into agreement with CLIA. 


It will  be CLIA  that has to agree with the recommendations of CDC, not the reverse.

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3 hours ago, roger001 said:

And now South Korea has announced that 91 previously cured virus patients now have it again.   That sucks....making the vaccine appear to be the only answer.  


If this is correct it indicates recovery only gives short term immunity, which will almost certainly mean a vaccine will also only give short term immunity.

If this is the case we have a big problem.


Let's hope they were not completely virus free and it's a reactivation as opposed to a reinfection!

Edited by ziggyuk
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No matter what cruise lines do, some of us don't plan on getting on a cruise until a vaccine is ready and tested. For some of us going on a cruise is not an addiction that we must do every year. I will turn 50 this year, the person i travel with is 75. I for one have not seen my mother who has alzheimer in over a month, my grandmother who is 100 years old. For us getting together with family, sponsoring our local restaurants, getting back being with friends and family  is more important than going on a 2000 people plus cruise.  We currently own 4 cruise next certificates that expire next November which may have to be extended. I truly believe, that god willing, we may back on a cruise late 2022 and everything is figured out. IMHO. the Spanish flu pandemic took 2 years to resolve itself.

On 4/10/2020 at 3:06 AM, mianmike said:




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Just now, ziggyuk said:


If this is correct it indicates recovery only gives short term immunity, which will almost certainly mean a vaccine will also only give short term immunity.

If this is the case we have a big problem.



However, that doesn't mean that everyone will have the same result post-infection and it would seem premature to say what a vaccine will or will not do.

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10 minutes ago, cruisecriket said:


Friend, just because you yell doesn't mean you are right and anybody is wrong. Who said anything about not locking down? 


Which of my facts are wrong? Which facts did you add? My post is factual. The only one here acting in a hysteric and dramatic fashion is you, asking mods to intervene because what you read does not support your virtual reality.


If you want to bunker the rest of your life, I don't think anybody is stopping you. 


Go back and read my post again. Maybe this time you will comprehend.



Here's a good link with facts about the flu shot.


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2 hours ago, cruisecriket said:


Then, there will never be cruising again. Waiting too long for a vaccine, which may be forever, will erase the cruising industry, which is unacceptable.


You know that the flu vaccine you receive each year is for the last flu strain. It does not protect you for the new mutated strain that may arise. I have never taken a flu vaccine and gotten many flus, yet here I am. The CDC states that in the currently ending flu season 201-2020 between 22,000 and 62,000 people have died from the flu in the United States.


You also know that there are no vaccines for SARS (another coronavirus SARS-Cov), a very close relative of covid-19 and far more deadly. Yet, we have learned to "live" with it and survived after 17 years.


Life itself is a risk. At one point or another things have to open up with certain regulations in place perhaps, but the longer this lock down takes it may kill more people in the end than the covid-19 virus. I think that after 8 weeks of lock down by the end of April or beginning of May most infected with the covid-19 virus would have developed the symptoms and be treated.


If someone does not want to cruise that's their prerogative. But please, don't make it more difficult for us who do want to continue living. I will cruise as soon as they open. It's feeling more like July, 2020. Covid-19 will not be able to stand that heat.


Where are you getting the information? i have read the Covid-19 has mutated and is now able to adapt to heat. Venezuela has cases and is extremely hot there, so does Australia...

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12 minutes ago, spanishguy1970 said:

Where are you getting the information? i have read the Covid-19 has mutated and is now able to adapt to heat. Venezuela has cases and is extremely hot there, so does Australia...

Where are you getting yours? Google what I said, is right there. Cases? Of course there will be cases, but that's far from an epidemic.


Like I said, some of us just want to get back to life.

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