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Would you wear masks survey


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My own unscientific study on behavior:

Last month drove dw from NJ to Omaha to visit dd1 and new grandaughter.  At rest stops in Pa, Oh and Ind everyone wore masks.  Ill was about 50% and Iowa was pretty much 0%.  Marriott hotel we stayed at in Iowa still had full self-serve breakfast buffet in operation.  Pa Marriott on return trip however had precautions throughout including rooms sealed and no hot breakfast.   


Yesterday drove back to Omaha to pick up dw.  Same trip but this time no hotel.  19 hours straight thru (not recommended).  This time Ill was up to 100% and Iowa above 50% so people appear to be coming round.  

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46 minutes ago, Baron Barracuda said:

My own unscientific study on behavior:

Last month drove dw from NJ to Omaha to visit dd1 and new grandaughter.  At rest stops in Pa, Oh and Ind everyone wore masks.  Ill was about 50% and Iowa was pretty much 0%.  Marriott hotel we stayed at in Iowa still had full self-serve breakfast buffet in operation.  Pa Marriott on return trip however had precautions throughout including rooms sealed and no hot breakfast.   


Yesterday drove back to Omaha to pick up dw.  Same trip but this time no hotel.  19 hours straight thru (not recommended).  This time Ill was up to 100% and Iowa above 50% so people appear to be coming round.  


Illinois is up because Gov. Pritzker is making establishments enforce it.  To the tune of a $2,500 fine if they allow people in without a mask. That was the problem with bars and restaurants was allowing larger groups of people than was mandated, so Pritzker is no longer playing games.


Good for him.

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2 hours ago, lyndarra said:

Yes please.

Getting out of bed each morning infers a risk but I can make the judgement on what risks I wish to take.

I ride a motorcycle, this involves risk.

We all have choices and my choice on the question of wearing a mask on the a cruise is not the wearing of the mask but being on a ship where there is a risk of becoming infected. Not only that but the risk of acquiring an infection of which there is a possibility of unknowingly passing it on to someone else. My choosing to wear a seat belt does not have the potential to harm or even kill others.

BTW, I am well aware of health risks of polio and chicken pox, I have had both. (OT).


If you want to take the risk, fine, but by not wearing a mask is potentially risking the lives of others.  Something I'll never do.  I'll wear a mask to not only protect me but others as well.  That's the responsible thing to do.  Just like getting vaccinated for childhood diseases, or wearing a seatbelt, or attending a muster drill, or even wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. 

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3 hours ago, K.T.B. said:


If you want to take the risk, fine, but by not wearing a mask is potentially risking the lives of others.  Something I'll never do.  I'll wear a mask to not only protect me but others as well.  That's the responsible thing to do.  Just like getting vaccinated for childhood diseases, or wearing a seatbelt, or attending a muster drill, or even wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. 

I'm not anti mask, in fact, if I were in  the US right now I would not stick my head outside the door without one.

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Yes, I’ll cruise with a mask. I wear one 8-10 hours a day in the hospital where I work.

Is it my idea of the perfect vacation ? No. However to me it’s worth it. We will probably spend a bit more time on our own balcony where I would assume masks would not be required. There might be a few other changes to our daily routines but I can’t think of any that would cause me to give up the fun and relaxation of cruising. 

As for those of you claiming that mask use reduces oxygen levels I say “Baloney”

Maybe if you’re running a marathon or power lifting..... certainly not sitting in a casino or wandering through a shop. 

I’ve  used a pulse oximeter ( the thingy they clamp on your finger) masked and unmasked going about my daily routine. Absolutely no difference in my blood oxygen levels.  I’ve worked in the operating room of a hospital for nearly 15 years.  Many of those have been long (5-7 hour) surgeries. Never has anyone fallen out from lack of oxygen. We’ve suffered from full bladders, empty stomachs and not enough sleep but never lack of oxygen. 
As a final point please consider this. The surgeon who is performing surgery on your brain or replacing a heart valve wears a mask too. Do you think for a minute they could or would perform those intricate procedures if they suffered from oxygen deprivation?

Didn’t really mean to climb on a soapbox but I get a bit tired of third hand anecdotal memes being passed around as fact. In the end each of us must choose how they will spend their vacation time and their money. I will choose to cruise even with some modifications . 

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1 minute ago, DreadPirateRobert said:

Yes, I’ll cruise with a mask. I wear one 8-10 hours a day in the hospital where I work.

Is it my idea of the perfect vacation ? No. However to me it’s worth it. We will probably spend a bit more time on our own balcony where I would assume masks would not be required. There might be a few other changes to our daily routines but I can’t think of any that would cause me to give up the fun and relaxation of cruising. 

As for those of you claiming that mask use reduces oxygen levels I say “Baloney”

Maybe if you’re running a marathon or power lifting..... certainly not sitting in a casino or wandering through a shop. 

I’ve  used a pulse oximeter ( the thingy they clamp on your finger) masked and unmasked going about my daily routine. Absolutely no difference in my blood oxygen levels.  I’ve worked in the operating room of a hospital for nearly 15 years.  Many of those have been long (5-7 hour) surgeries. Never has anyone fallen out from lack of oxygen. We’ve suffered from full bladders, empty stomachs and not enough sleep but never lack of oxygen. 
As a final point please consider this. The surgeon who is performing surgery on your brain or replacing a heart valve wears a mask too. Do you think for a minute they could or would perform those intricate procedures if they suffered from oxygen deprivation?

Didn’t really mean to climb on a soapbox but I get a bit tired of third hand anecdotal memes being passed around as fact. In the end each of us must choose how they will spend their vacation time and their money. I will choose to cruise even with some modifications . 



Yes, exactly..........

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2 hours ago, DreadPirateRobert said:

Didn’t really mean to climb on a soapbox but I get a bit tired of third hand anecdotal memes being passed around as fact. In the end each of us must choose how they will spend their vacation time and their money. I will choose to cruise even with some modifications . 

Not to worry about this, especially when 'facts' from those on the front lines are being told...


I have always said and believed that how each of us spend our time and money for vacations is completely up to us, individually.


Thank you for your valuable input (and insight) first hand view on this particular situation.


In health and bon voyage

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15 hours ago, K.T.B. said:


If you want to take the risk, fine, but by not wearing a mask is potentially risking the lives of others.  Something I'll never do.  I'll wear a mask to not only protect me but others as well.  That's the responsible thing to do.  Just like getting vaccinated for childhood diseases, or wearing a seatbelt, or attending a muster drill, or even wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. 

Exactly, by not wearing a mask you put others at risk.  I really don't understand why anyone wouldn't wear one.

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12 hours ago, lyndarra said:

I'm not anti mask, in fact, if I were in  the US right now I would not stick my head outside the door without one.

Another jab at the US.  And some people say no one is dissing us, so I felt compelled to note it.  For the record, not everywhere in the US is the same.  In my state, we are doing quite a good job at controlling the virus.   

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On 8/7/2020 at 1:45 PM, Gracie115 said:


No one in any of the cruise lines has indicated you would have to wear a mask in your room (why would you?) or while eating or drinking.  Not going to speak to the treadmill although the gym I belong to has many people wearing them on a treadmill, I've worn one on an ellipitical.  But to each his own.   This is why it probably won't be hard for lines to lower their census because it's just not something some people want to do, even long time cruisers.   For me it's fine, as long as I can sit on my balcony and watch the ocean with a glass of wine in my hand I'm good, a little inconvenience is well worth it.  


Just FYI, I run anywhere from 5 to 10 miles daily, much of it with a mask on,  &  while I obviously prefer he mask free running when there's no one around, it's perfectly harmless, albeit a bit uncomfortable.

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Cruising with a mask to me is not something I would do.  I would rather stay at home and wait until time passes and there is a time to travel again without masks.  If that does not happen, I will find other ways to travel other than cruising.

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19 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

Another jab at the US.  And some people say no one is dissing us, so I felt compelled to note it.  For the record, not everywhere in the US is the same.  In my state, we are doing quite a good job at controlling the virus.   


phoenix_dream, thanks as always.


My friends in Germany note that so many people do Not wear masks, particularly at the many on street restaurants and the street markets. I am in Toronto, Canada. The mask usage is I would say 70% (mandated for indoors but ignored quite a bit) and about 0% on the many beaches and water parks in my city and outside Toronto (cause it is the very short summer here). 


Face it, there is not 100% compliance in any country anywhere and that is reality. Unless everyone wants draconian government intervention where you are snatched off the street or snatched in the store or restaurant, then that is the reality after 4 months of this virus. It is called the bell curve for a reason, most comply inside the curve and some do not. Nothing new about that.


There are 10 provinces in Canada and there is quite a difference in approach and results. Quebec quite the worst. In the USA, there are 50 states, all quite different. In both countries the states and provinces are accountable for the approach, not the federal government levels. 


So rock on everyone but be realistic, not everyone will agree with the directives. Never have and never will.





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19 hours ago, K.T.B. said:


If you want to take the risk, fine, but by not wearing a mask is potentially risking the lives of others.  Something I'll never do.  I'll wear a mask to not only protect me but others as well.  That's the responsible thing to do.  Just like getting vaccinated for childhood diseases, or wearing a seatbelt, or attending a muster drill, or even wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. 


I'm confused as to how wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle protects others.  I can see how it would protect the rider, but I'm at a loss to see how it protects others.

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3 minutes ago, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:


I'm confused as to how wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle protects others.  I can see how it would protect the rider, but I'm at a loss to see how it protects others.

Protection comes in many forms. My DW's 18 year old cousin was killed many years ago, before helmets were compulsory here, and his family was devastated. Had he been wearing a helmet, they would have been protected from a lifetime of sorrow. Like wearing face masks, the benefit isn't solely for the one wearing it.

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2 hours ago, ABoatNerd said:


phoenix_dream, thanks as always.


My friends in Germany note that so many people do Not wear masks, particularly at the many on street restaurants and the street markets. I am in Toronto, Canada. The mask usage is I would say 70% (mandated for indoors but ignored quite a bit) and about 0% on the many beaches and water parks in my city and outside Toronto (cause it is the very short summer here). 


Face it, there is not 100% compliance in any country anywhere and that is reality. Unless everyone wants draconian government intervention where you are snatched off the street or snatched in the store or restaurant, then that is the reality after 4 months of this virus. It is called the bell curve for a reason, most comply inside the curve and some do not. Nothing new about that.


There are 10 provinces in Canada and there is quite a difference in approach and results. Quebec quite the worst. In the USA, there are 50 states, all quite different. In both countries the states and provinces are accountable for the approach, not the federal government levels. 


So rock on everyone but be realistic, not everyone will agree with the directives. Never have and never will.





Agree with your opinions re 100% compliance.  Pretty sure that is recognized by medical science.  If we can get a healthy (no pun intended) percentage of the population cooperating, it MIGHT greatly reduce some of the spread.  Toronto is a mega city with travel to the surrounding areas for recreation or business or family visits.  We live in London Ontario, near Toronto, where the virus count is low and we would like it to stay that way.  I can honestly say, in any store or business I've visited (which haven't been that many) and in restaurants on the way to their table (reminder on the door outside which helps), I haven't seen anyone without a mask INSIDE;  I have seen many people wearing them OUTSIDE as well.  If the Toronto visitors come into London without wearing a mask INSIDE as recommended, it would be inconsiderate and potentially a cause for virus increase.  As an example, in the lower virus count USA areas, visitors from high count areas could be the cause of a state virus count increase, and potential deaths, as well.  None of us want to live where we will be 'snatched off the street', but a simple act of wearing a mask to protect oneself and their neighbour in proscribed areas, goes a long way (says Dr Fauci) to help prevent spread.   JMO.

Edited by oceangoer2
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12 minutes ago, Fouremco said:

Protection comes in many forms. My DW's 18 year old cousin was killed many years ago, before helmets were compulsory here, and his family was devastated. Had he been wearing a helmet, they would have been protected from a lifetime of sorrow. Like wearing face masks, the benefit isn't solely for the one wearing it.

A friend of our son had a serious motorcycle head injury - no helmet- some years ago as well.  Family was also devastated...never the same after the accident, but lived.


Off topic...I like your mask....did you see your 'friendly' hockey opponents down the highway from you play their 4th game Friday night....3 goals in last 4 minutes and win in OT.  Just thought I'd lighten this up a bit...LOL.

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1 minute ago, oceangoer2 said:

Off topic...I like your mask....did you see your friendly opponents play their 4th game Friday night....3 goals in last 4 minutes and win in OT.  Just thought I'd lighten this up a bit...LOL.

No, I missed the game. I have to say that I was shocked to see the Leafs pull that off, as they are usually on the other side of last minute comebacks. Good to see.

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Just now, Fouremco said:

No, I missed the game. I have to say that I was shocked to see the Leafs pull that off, as they are usually on the other side of last minute comebacks. Good to see.

Absolutely right....I kept asking...where was that during the entire 3 periods....exciting finish.  It was a mirror of the prior game when they lost with the exact same score in OT.  We'll see what happens tonight.

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Just now, oceangoer2 said:

Absolutely right....I kept asking...where was that during the entire 3 periods....exciting finish.  It was a mirror of the prior game when they lost with the exact same score in OT.  We'll see what happens tonight.


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3 hours ago, cruise kitty said:


Just FYI, I run anywhere from 5 to 10 miles daily, much of it with a mask on,  &  while I obviously prefer he mask free running when there's no one around, it's perfectly harmless, albeit a bit uncomfortable.


And I spent time today on both a treadmill and an elliptical with a mask on and was fine.  Would I prefer not to, sure, but it didn't affect my workout at all.   

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1 hour ago, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:


I'm confused as to how wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle protects others.  I can see how it would protect the rider, but I'm at a loss to see how it protects others.

Because people who ride without a helmet and sustain major injuries (sometimes lasting many years) and they have insurance, insurance rates rise.  If they don't have insurance and are covered by a hospital, medical costs rise.  Life support systems, for example, those costs could be $5000-6000 per day.

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4 hours ago, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:


I'm confused as to how wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle protects others.  I can see how it would protect the rider, but I'm at a loss to see how it protects others.


Wearing a helmet protects you, as does wearing a mask.

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7 hours ago, phoenix_dream said:

Another jab at the US.  And some people say no one is dissing us, so I felt compelled to note it.  For the record, not everywhere in the US is the same.  In my state, we are doing quite a good job at controlling the virus.   

My response was not intended as "dissing" the US per se but to the situation in which  the US and its citizens now find itself and I can understand your personal situation as it is similar to mine. I have visited the US a few times and was set to be back there last June and was planning a NY visit for about this time.

Back to the topic. Like the OP I would not go on a cruise where mask wearing is required just as I would not go to my neighbouring state of Victoria where mask wearing was optional until recently but is now mandatory, indoors( and out. In fact, the state border is now closed so I cannot go there anyway  as is the border to the state of Queensland to the north. Every state and territory border to my state is now closed to us and our daily infection rate is less than twenty a day for a state with a population of 7.5 million. Our governments, state and federal, are serious about this pandemic.

And, yes, your state is doing very well compared to many other states but infections are on the rise so take care. I wish you well.

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18 hours ago, ABoatNerd said:


phoenix_dream, thanks as always.


My friends in Germany note that so many people do Not wear masks, particularly at the many on street restaurants and the street markets.


Since we live in Germany (and at the moment we are pretty happy about it 🙂) I can contribute to that.

Except for the certain number of unreasonable people and conspiracy theorists which can be found anywhere, people in Germany are actually pretty disciplined about the regulations.


I wonder about the statement above because wearing masks in the typical (open) street markets is not mandatory - and yet, still most do. Keeping the distance is, of course, mandatory. Wearing masks in restaurants, on street or not, is not mandatory either - and unpractical. Tables have to be set apart, guest have to sanitize their hands, tables and menus have to be sanitized, while walking to your table a mask needs to be worn - but not while sitting at the table. Additional to that every guest has to fill out a form with name, time contact data etc. to provide tracing if needed.

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