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8-27-20 Thursday Weigh-In.....Glad Your Still Coming In


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Our "wonderful" group is so small these days

But you few are sticking with it in your own way


Know it's hard to diet in our troubled world at this time

Easy to say "eat healthy and have water with lime"


So many things going on in our world that's not good

It's so easy to fix and eat comfort food


Your sticking with it even if you have loss's or gains each week

You keep coming in each weigh-in day whether you were strong or weak


That makes you a winner..how much more would you have gained if you stayed away

Coming in here you might have gains but more loss's because your aware day by day


I think we've all have done pretty good holding our own these months of stress

So many things going on in our world today..I wish you all a peaceful, calm week. lots of love..nothing less

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Good morning Belle - as usual thanks so much for the poem - hope you are feeling better today.


I have not weighed myself (yet) ... got up early this morning as workers were coming to install fencing (mostly decorative), but my roses were going over onto the sidewalk, so we are lifting them up with a pretty fence --- Once they leave I am hoping to take a shower!  I will then weigh myself - I've had two cups of coffee this morning .. waiting to eat breakfast.  


Hope everyone is doing well.  Jan

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Broken record for me, stayed the same. Glad I haven't gained during this crisis. Getting steps in daily, shoot for 6000, walking while I talk on the phone or waiting for water to boil, etc.


Also we have a smidge feel of fall in the air. Put the trash out this morning and ah, 57 degrees and a small feeling of cool. 


Belle, great poem/thoughts. Hope your tummy is on the mend. Fortunately those bouts only last a day or two.


Jan, here's hoping you have a loss. The fence sounds like a great idea.


Best to everyone, Diana

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Good morning everyone! I'm up .8 which is to be expected. I slacked off on both diet and exercie for an extended long weekend at the lake with family and friends. Now to get back to it!


Belle - thanks for getting us started. Hoping your feeling better and that you have a loss today!


Jan - hope the fence goes up without incident and your roses are supported. 


Diana - Good job on staying the same. Sounds like you are getting in a lot of extra walking when you can. 


Hoping you all have a great weekend!



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Hi everyone! 


Jan, congratulations on losing!


Robin, great job for only going up 0.8 last weekend. It'll be gone in no time


Diana, do you walk anywhere in particular? Koda and I usually just do around the horses but will try a new path today. No mountain, going along a stream. 


Yes, its plenty stressful these days 😔. COVID, fires, and now the troubles along the gulf. We will preservere 


Lost just a 1/2" but I'll take it



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Ombud, Jan, and Diana - Yay for the losses and staying the same!


Robin - I'm with you this week. 


I'm up .8# this week too. DH went back to work today. Kids and I took the dogs on a walk this morning and are going swimming this afternoon. Our school district started back this week, so we should have the place all to ourselves. It's hard to get back on track when we were in vacation mode for the last several days, but the grocery order is placed and salmon is defrosted and ready to cook tonight. 

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Robin, small gain. At least you were having fun........


Jan, congrats on a loss.


Ombud, congrats on a loss. I actually mostly walk in our yard and get my steps in doing house and yard work, etc.


Mel, small gain. Nice you guys are going swimming. 


Take care, Diana

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Mel, enjoy the swim.


Its getting dark so early now!! No one really wanted to walk earlier and then I got involved in something. Decided to walk after dinner but its already dark (8:20p). Tomorrow's another day

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Hello All..Glad your here.


Nice to see your "nice shining ..typing"  


Jan...Nice you had a loss. Hope the fences and the roses came out like you wanted.

Diana...No gains is a good thing.  Nice you make walking a part of doing things in house and yard.

Robin...Small gain for being at the lake during the weekend with family and friends. You'll get it off.

Ombud...You lost..be proud of it..no matter how small or big it is.

Mel...Like Robin small gain for husband being home for vacation and see your  back to watching it. Will come off.


Thank you for your wishes better but just tired, little weak after you've been sick. I really was sick!  Only good thing is....

I lost 10 lbs and it has stayed off. One reason it has stayed off haven't been hungry and haven't eaten much.

Drinking but maybe not as much as I should.  I'm sure when I eat and drink more some will come back, wish not.

Been eating and drinking more today. Another reason it stayed off was I was really watching before I got sick

so maybe was ready to lose something before I got sick. Who knows? I'll take the lost and hope it stays gone!


Have a good Friday everyone.

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Hello, everyone.   I only have a minute on the computer.   DH is taking a brief break from work.   I stayed the same the last two weeks.   I need to lose 4.6 to get back to my goal weight.


I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe.   Have a great weekend.



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Hi all!


Belle ~ sorry you were sick but neat you lost so much weight!


I'm joining the +0.8 lb increase group but the good news is my weight is the very same as it was mid March so no Covid 19 gain for me!!!🤞


Getting cooler & darker earlier up here too. It was only 60F yesterday morning when I got up.


Pretty excited today as I changed the perks on my NCL Star cruise & saved almost $1K, all the better to do something else with it, maybe adding a couple of days in Guernsey, a stopover in Reykjavik or a return trip on Cunard. I can dream, right?!!😉


Have a nice weekend & stay safe.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Rose...Glad you were able to use the computer and you stayed the same for two weeks. Doing good staying around goal.


Jo...Thank you just hope the weight can stay off with eating more now.  Even with a gain you've done good not gaining since March.


Everyone I think we've all done pretty good since March.  Could of been worse. Have to keep at it as we're still dealing

with the virus. We still have things closed and numbers higher.  How about where you are?


Anything planned for the weekend?  No where to go here. Should I do some work? (oh bad word)  Lawn (semi bad word)

Should I sleep late, read, do computer, movies? (good words):classic_laugh:

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Belle, I'm sorry to hear that you were sick.   I'm glad that you are feeling better.   That's a tough way to lose weight.  We are just hanging out at home like usual.   There is no place we want to go.   My son came over today to install my new stove.   It is the first time he has been in my house since the beginning of the pandemic.  I plan to have my kitchen remodeled as soon as it is safe to have people in my house again.


Our numbers here on Long Island have been really good.   I think our governor did a great job in getting the virus spread under somewhat of control.  We must rely on everyone doing the right thing and unfortunately, they don't always.   School will reopen here in about two weeks.   I am hoping for the best.  One of my daughters is a teacher, as is her husband.   My grandson is home schooled and has been for two years now, so he is safe, but my three  granddaughters will return to school.  They are starting out with a hybrid schedule and I am hoping that will be enough to keep the spread under control.   It's very worrisome.


Have a great weekend.


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NYer, my daughter homeschools her 2 youngest as well once she got the bus scheduled.  She's 1/2 way between 2 school districts in the middle of nowhere (her oldest was a resource teacher in SF and wants to get back to it)

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Hi all, 

Not much going on here. We're meal prepping for the week tomorrow, so it's cheat night tonight. It has been in the 100's here again lately, but we are supposed drop off over 10 degrees starting Tuesday and barely stay in the 90s after that. Maybe fall will start early here.


Belle - You were really sick! I don't think I've ever lost 10 pounds being sick. 


Nyer - good to stay around goal weight! Glad you were able to see your son.


Jo - Price drop is my favorite phrase!


Ombud - hope you're having luck getting your walks in before dark. The time will change and mess us all up again soon.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

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Belle, what a weight loss but terrible way to lose. 


Rose, close to goal. Nice that numbers are better where you are. Glad you were able to have your son over. I agree worrisome about the grandkids going back to in-person instruction. 


Jo, good for you through these past several months with no gain, good way to look at it.


Mel, we are having hot weather too, 100 daily. 


Here in CA Gov. Newsom has a new color coding system. Our county is in the worst spot, purple. There is purple, better is red, better yet is orange, best is yellow. So we can have hair salons open (hubby will get a haircut this week, last one was 2.5 months ago) but no indoor dining or gyms open.


Our air quality is still terrible but I am going to spent a few minutes outside today (with appropriate mask) to trim roses, etc. My tomatoes plants all of a sudden stoppen producing. I think the 110 temps. for a week a couple of weeks ago and the smoke pollution hasn't helped. Hopefully they perk back up.


Everyone stay healthy, Diana

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Hello All this Sunday.


Thanks all yes I was really sick and feeling better now but the downside is eating more

and gaining back some of the loss. (which I thought would happen) But was hoping not to.


Rose..Congrats on the new stove.  I like you want to do things in the house but don't want

strangers in the house with the virus still going on. I too would be worried sending kids to

school or being a teacher at this time.


Diana..Nice your having cooler weather but terrible about the smoke.  If your purple in

your county how come you can get a haircut. Is it outside only?


Mel...Glad your having cooler weather too.  Hipe you enjoyed your dinner.


Ombud...Good luck to your daughter with the home schooling.


Hope you all are enjoying your Sunday in your own way..relaxing or working...best would be

whatever you wanted to do!

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There's no continuity in Newsom's color codes yet. Maybe that will change tomorrow when it's fully implemented. For instance, we are purple. Private religious schools (both day schools and extra-curricular schools) can open but public schools are at least 6 weeks from opening. Very confusing 


Some department stores can open (Target, Kohls) but others cannot (World Market, Macys, Nordstrom). Confusing

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Belle, hair salons can open for indoor services but at 25% capacity. We go to a beauty college. They wear masks plus face shields, do temperature check on guests and students/employees, text you when it's your appt. time. You must wait outside for your appt. time. 


We went grocery shopping this afternoon. There is a nail salon next to our local grocery store. They were doing services outside.


Ombud, as you say, hopefully there is more clarification this week. It is confusing as to what can be open.  





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I did legs today... didn't want to, but got it done. I can definitely tell I took all those days off!


Maybe we're doing better, maybe not? Our news stations have stopped reporting Covid numbers. The reporting was turned over to a state agency instead of the counties being responsible for reporting it. The state agency can't keep up with our 254 counties - we had 4 reported one day and 4000 reported the next day because of a backlog that covered almost a weeks worth of data. Then they have some weird math like 100 active cases yesterday plus 10 new cases today makes 135 active cases. 🤔 Our county judge has posted a message on the county website that have no faith in the numbers being reported due to the discrepancies. 


I think we're grilling chicken tonight, but DH is outside mowing right now. I'm not sure he'll want to get back out there since it's so hot. It's supposed to rain tomorrow which starts our temperature dive. We're still in the 100s today, and they are still saying highs in the upper 80s and low 90s for the rest of the week and a couple of days in the 70s next week! That's unheard of here - we're usually still in the upper 90s -100s for a few more weeks! 


Diana - I'm sure your husband is feeling shaggy. I haven't had one since March and can put it back into a pony tail again.

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8 minutes ago, melmar02 said:

The state agency can't keep up with our 254 counties - we had 4 reported one day and 4000 reported the next day because of a backlog that covered almost a weeks worth of data.

California had its share of backlogs too. Our 58 counties seem to be doing their own thing even though we're onlyv4 colors now. SF is eligible for reopening malls but isn't,  Contra Costa isn't eligible to open gyms but is, everyone is cutting hair / half are doing nails. I really think if the guidelines were clear and consistent we could get a handle on this. Meanwhile positivity rate is down to 5.2%, better but not great

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I just made a mistake.  I can't believe I did this 🤯


I just went for a caramel ice cream. Getting home i got a call from S. He said he was at the Sbux drive thru and wanted to know if I wanted a frappuccino.  I said sure - caramel. So he comes home with the biggest one. Today I had ice cream and a huge frappuccino with extra whip cream 😞


It will not be a good Thursday 

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Hi all!


Ombud ~ not a problem! Tomorrow's a new day & could be a fresh start, that's what I'm thinking.

Now whether I do anything about it is a different thought. I'd like to be 20 lbs lighter for my next cruise in February. It's going to take a lot more self control than I've exhibited so far!!

Stay safe!

See you Thursday if not before.


~ Jo ~ 😊


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Hello to all  that are talking or to the ones who are just reading.


Yes the guidelines about what can open or not. Just so different in towns of

the same county even same state.  My places are closed. I need a haircut and nails done.

BADLY..been forever!  Our counts are up but low to other places but still going UP!

Why can't people wear masks, stay the distance or stay home?


OK are you all ready? For the Sept. Month  Birthday Party?  Starts tomorrow My Birthday...Goes to the 30th.

Remember what happens in here stays in here. Everyone enjoys themselves whether your a Sept. baby or not.

Food and drinks have no calories in here. So everyday bring food and drink in for us to enjoy.


Schedule...Every night from 8 pm to 12 am have a band that plays any music you want. Plus if you want them

to come in the day to they will.

The dancing Men show every night at 8..9..10..11..12...Will dance in daytime if you want them to.

Have food, drinks and a cake coming in everyday at noon..6 pm and 11 pm but you can order any time.


Decorations have lights, stars...add anything you want to them.  Make it a party room...we deserve it!

So come in and enjoy any time of the day or night.  Come alone, bring a friend of you want

but don't forget about the dancing men!:classic_smile:

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