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The Daily for Tuesday May 25, 2021


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Good morning all!  A busy one already, at least for me.  We will be going out this morning for our dermatologist visits so I guess it's a good thing I haven't been to Limassol, Cyprus yet or I would be searching for photos.  I'll be happy to see any photos anyone would like to post.


The beef tenderloin looks great - I just wish we were having that for dinner today!  I miss all the delicious meals prepared on the ships for us.  This home cooking is getting old! 🙃 Never thought I'd say that.


Thanks Rich for the Daily today and the selection of special days to celebrate, as well as National Wine Day that Jacqui found for us.  We appreciate the Care List and Celebration List that Roy and Jacqui provide for us.  By the way, a friend in San Diego emailed us to say he has been working at a vaccination site in San Diego (along with our Denise).  He said things have slowed down but he was happy to see the ships coming into port to get their jabs.  We are all looking forward to getting back to cruising.🚢

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! Every second, of every day of every year is missing children’s day. The horror a family must endure when a child goes missing. No brown bag for me. Ok UK Dailyites, hope you Don,’t mind me celebrating your day here by carrying a towel today at the gym!

Jacqui (sorry for the typo yesterday) & Roy, thank you both for keeping our lists. Our Care list is so long now. Good Morning Dailyites & my Sisters! 

The quote is almost accurate. Add wine & chocolate and it is complete. At least for me. The meal and drink look great! It is another lovely morning here. But the humidity is coming. I will enjoy every minute until it does.  My pool has been warm enough to enjoy for the past few days. Summer will understand when I say that 86 is my magic number. Yesterday it was 89😎.


Learned that Iceland may be reducing its COVID protocols a bit, so we are waiting to see if that changes anything for us. Right now the only protocol that eats into our visit is the current requirement to stay at the hotel for 5-6 hours while we await the results of our entry test.

We may do another night at the Winery. The moon was so spectacular last night, we are hoping for a repeat. 

Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone!


This Russian River Chardonnay comes from a highly respected vintner. All vintages have excellent ratings. A few online distributors with prices starting at $47.99. We might find it cheaper locally. 

Winemaker Notes 

Grapes for this wine are sourced from several top Russian River Chardonnay sites including Platt Vineyard, Ritchie Vineyard and Bacigalupi Vineyard. A typical day in Russian River begins with cool fog that fades by mid-morning as the warm sun transforms the vineyard into a warm, welcoming place buzzing with bees. In the late afternoon the ocean air sweeps in from the west cooling the vineyard down. Soils of clay and volcanic rock, carved into rolling hills by the Russian River, are the bass line to the melody played by the sun, wind and fog.

Flanagan Chardonnay RRV has an expressive nose that is typical of the Wente Clone of Chardonnay. The palate has an elegant mélange of stone fruit and ripe citrus flavors supported by understated barrel notes. The key to the wine is the bright acidity that ties everything together. This is a great example of what top Russian River Chardonnay sites can produce when wine making is focused on balance.


Good morning Sis. I have had this wine and it's very good. We've stayed all along the RRV and had a lot of wine tours through the region.

Edited by Seasick Sailor
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30 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Rich must have been afraid to encourage us. Glad you rectified his omission.🍷


Rich probably figures we talk about wine so much here that every day is wine day..

Edited by Seasick Sailor
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Good  morning  everyone. We  are  on  our  way  out  the  door  to  an  MD  appointment  for  DH. At  least  it  is  sightly  cooler  here today. I  can't  begin  to  imagine  the  anguish  of  parents  and  families  missing  children but  at  least  the  Day  will  make  us  more  aware  of  this tragedy. I  always  brown  bagged  my  lunch. Hospital  food  has  always  been awful! The  beef  tenderloin  recipe  looks  wonderful  and  will  be  saved  for  a  "company"  meal. Although  I  no  longer  partake, I  wish  the  wind  drinkers  a  very  happy  day!

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Good morning all!


The amount of missing children is staggering and so sad. Prayers for families who are in limbo. I have brown bagged it myself many a day and can’t count the number of them prepared for DH and kids. Towel day kind of threw me, made me think of towel animals.


What a great quote, add in wine (thanks for the reminder of National Wine Day @kazu) and chocolate, the perfect trifecta. @rafinmdyou and my grandmother would have gotten along so well. When diagnosed with diabetes and told by her doctor that he would give her a diet to follow, she said it better be an ice cream diet, that was the only one she was interested in. 

Haven’t been to today’s port, looking forward to pictures.


Plans today include a nail salon visit and lunch with (vaccinated) friends. Also going shopping for a companion wheelchair to use when my daughters and I go to the theater. We have our first tickets for a performance at the St Louis Repertory Theatre on June 5. It will be interesting to see how it’s handled. I know it’s reduced capacity and the cast has been tested and living in a bubble since rehearsals began. Very excited to get back to the theater. 

Prayers for all on our care list

for healing 🙏🏻. Maybe wine 🍷 at lunch? I will be celebrating good happenings for all of us. (Just watched Simone Biles performance-wow!).


St Louis Sal

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Good morning Dailyites. Thank you Rich for the hard work you put into the Daily. You make alot of people happy when they tune in. Thanks to Roy, Ann, Jacqui, Summer, Deb as well.


Jacqui. Please add our friend to your care list for a few days. Ron fell on the sidewalk and has 9 stitches in his forehead and his eyes are closed due to excessive blood pools. Also hematoma on face and arm. He's on blood thinners and spent a long evening in ER.


Our children who are taken from us has to be the most excruciating experience ever known. Last night I saw a small toddler left over the border wall with a little sack in his hands. His parents were probably assured he'd be delivered to proper authorities but the child could have been whisked away by who knows and never seen again. 


Who knew UK has Towel Day? It's  really a thing!! The things we learn on the Daily..




And one way to stop those co workers from stealing your brown bag lunch:




Looks like a hot, sticky, rainy day for us. The pergola is still sitting on the swampy lawn waiting to be installed. Jeez. I'm sure y'all will be so happy when I quit griping about the thing..


Love, prayers, blessings and cheers!


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👍Thank You for the Daily, Rich @richwmn, to Jacqui @kazufor the Care List and to Roy @rafinmdfor the Celebration List.😊

I remember when 'Missing Children' were on milk cartons...now we have Amber Alerts on TV and also cell phones. 📱

💗a good Irish coffee and getting a whip cream mustache.

We discovered great ice cream flavors at Kilwins while drivng around Michigan. Also in FL.🍦

After PT yesterday, I requested an x-ray for my wrist and was able to have one while at the hospital...🙄something just doesn't feel right and will have a phone (video) appointment to discuss the results later this morning. 

Prayers for all in need.🙏

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Thanks very much Rich ,  Roy , Jacqui and all other contributors to the Daily , this is so very much appreciated during this Covid time when we are still not able to cruise but who knows they say there is that  " light at the ......end.....of .........????"  


I thought we had been to Limassol , Cyprus on the Prinsendam in 2016 but double checking my files we were in the port of Larnaca some 40 miles ( 66 km's ) up the coast . I will wait if somebody shows up with some pictures from Limassol otherwise I might show some of mine from the " Elegant Explorer " it was another very exciting day ......... if there are pictures from Limassol I will wait patiently my turn 


Tony 😉

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Good morning all!

I'm looking forward to a quiet day at home after 2 busy, busy days. Thank you all for your concern and prayers for our DGS.  I still can't quite believe it happened even though I was there.  Looking forward to seeing him sometime this week and giving him a (gentle) hug -- we all have reservations to fly a seaplane over Seattle on Friday -- but are waiting to hear when he can have the cast put on this week too.  That boy can give the best hugs, but with one broken wing I'll have to wait awhile for one of those. 🙂  


I cannot imagine the anguish and heartbreak to have a missing child.  The sadness is beyond my imagination.  DH and I have brown bagged it in the past, towel day threw me -- thanks for the explanation Rich!  Wine day is more to my liking, so I will celebrate that. 😀


I know we're all looking forward to cruising again, I can't wait to hear the first reports from the Alaska cruises.  There's a lot more hope now for our late September cruise in the Med. I expect to see itinerary changes, so am eager to see what those changes will be too.  Have a great day everyone!



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Good Morning,


It's foggy and drizzling once again in the Seattle area, but there's supposed to be a pleasant change beginning tomorrow with sunshine and much higher temps prevailing just in time for the holiday weekend and beyond.  


Thanks to all the listers!  Yes, I can't imagine the agony of anybody missing, child or otherwise.  I was not ever much for brown bagging it, I prefer a hot meal, even from the youngest age, cafeteria day at school which was a couple times per week was different and exciting even though Mom made the best tuna sandwiches!


Towel Day, this from Wikipedia:


Towel Day is celebrated every year on 25 May as a tribute to the author Douglas Adams by his fans.[2] On this day, fans openly carry a towel with them, as described in Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, to demonstrate their appreciation for the books and the author. The commemoration was first held 25 May 2001, two weeks after Adams' death on 11 May.


Wouldn't of guessed that in a million years, I thought it would be the inventor of bath towels or dish rags. 


My back hurts again today, I've stubbornly refusing to medicate for it because I have to take enough meds as it is, but I might give in today.  I went to the store (also again) to pick up things I forgot from yesterday, namely potatoes which is a staple, however not surprisingly I came out with several things in addition.  Got my coffee and now it's time to catch up on the boards, and I always start with what's become my favorite thread.


Thoughts and prayers for all that need it.


Not too much lined up for today, it's rubbish day so I need to put the cans out (their not really cans like I grew up with but I still call them that).  


I will gladly take the tenderloin WITH mustard, did you know mustard never spoils, it has zero calories, and there are actually a couple hundred different kinds, although only a few are widely used.


Have a great day everybody!





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Good morning!  Missing children should be in our thoughts everyday.  I cannot imagine what the parents go through.  We brown bagged it often when we were working, but DuPont had a wonderful cafeteria at the Engineering Department building in Newark, DE, so we often had lunch there.  The DDs brown bagged a lot when they were in school.  Like other's my first thought was the towel animals.  @richwmn Rich thanks for the explanation.  Older DD read Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. and really liked it.


I will gladly celebrate Wine Day.! 🍷


The quote resembles us as ice cream is our go-to dessert. and for me make it chocolate.


@mamaofami  Glad you found a way to handle your tax problem.


We  were in Limassol in 2017 on the Elegant Explorer.  That morning we took a tour to Nicosia, and then took the shuttle into Limassol on our return.  I'll post the pictures of Limassol here and then the pictures of Nicosia in a later post.


An open plaza



This is a fortress and chapel dating to at least the 3rd Crusade and Richard the Lionhearted, if not earlier.  It is believed he married Berengaria here and made her Queen of England.  At one point the island belonged to the Templars, and the Knights of St. John may have stayed here before moving to Malta.





If you look carefully, this is a press used to cut the stones for their buildings.



Views of Limassol from the top of the fortress.  Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus after Nicosia.




Some different views as we walked around the old city and back to the shuttle pick-up point.








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Good morning, all.  Interesting day - especially as it's wine day!  


In honour of Towel Day




Like Tony, we have been to Cyprus, but not Limassol.  We docked in Larnaca and took a tour to Nicosia. It is a very interesting area, with the variety of cultures.  

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days. Sad about missing children. I brown bagged when I worked.

It's also National Wine Day!

I like the meal and drinks. And I love ice cream.

I haven't been to today's port. I appreciate pictures from those who have been.

It's going up to almost 90 today, so I'll be inside mainly.


I got results back from my test. I have antibodies to the Covid spike protein. Yay! But it doesn't tell you the level of antibodies. I think they test that as part of the research study, but it won't show up in the electronic chart like routine labs. I don't know if I'll be able to find that info out.


@Seasick Sailor Sorry to hear of your friend's fall, especially being on anti-coagulants. Hope he recovers quickly. 


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone!


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Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thanks to Jacqui and Roy for the lists. Missing Children make me cry, it’s so sad to even think about, and I’m glad that there is a day to raise awareness.  I brown bagged my lunch many times during my working days. I love ice cream and chocolate chip is my favorite. 

Today’s meal suggestion is one of my favorites and is my Christmas Dinner go-to. I use Ina Garten’s recipe. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/filet-of-beef-with-mustard-mayo-horseradish-sauce-5458029  It’s very yummy and the sauce goes with it perfectly. 

I remember doing research about Cyprus when I was in Junior High. Would love to see pictures. 

@cat shepardHow do you get your pool so warm this early in the season?  Ours doesn’t get to 86 until mid-June or so (I agree, 86 or above seems to be the best temp). 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, Everyone!

I slept in -- just got up.  Can I have an Irish Coffee for breakfast?  Just kidding, just kidding!


Can't do that because I have serious things to attend to -- lots of housework to do while DH is off camping.  He doesn't ever see me do the more unpleasant tasks.  A lady has to keep her mystery.  lol


Thanks, Contributors, for our lively Daily.  Many prayers and virtual hugs for those who need them, and warm best wishes to those celebrating.

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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Jacqui. Please add our friend to your care list for a few days. Ron fell on the sidewalk and has 9 stitches in his forehead and his eyes are closed due to excessive blood pools. Also hematoma on face and arm. He's on blood thinners and spent a long evening in ER.


I will certainly do so.


Sorry to hear of your friend’s fall and tribulations 😢 

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Another day that the weather did not look at the forecast!  🤣   When I brought the garbage can in, I noticed some very dark clouds, so we decided to hop in the golf cart and get the mail from the cluster box before it started raining.  We did get the mail before the rain hit, but did not get back to the house before it began to pour.  Now, we are drying out!   🌨️


Our neighbors hare having some of their windows replaced.  As we drove by, the front windows were out and the workmen were trying to tape plastic over the empty window frames.  At least, the windows were somewhat protected by the front porch roof.


We've cooked beef tenderloin a couple of times in the smoker.  Older DD gave us some wood chips that were from barrels used to age Bordeaux wine, a good way to use the last bits of wine.  🍷


@JazzyV Vanessa, that's good news about the antibodies.


On our way from Limassol to Nicosia, we stopped at an archeological site called Khirakita which was discovered in 1934.  It dates to the Neolithic era.  Here are  pictures from the site..  These were the recreations of the buildings, which were on a steep hill, that all but the very fittest chose not to climb.


The buildings on the hill



The restored/recreated buildings based on the findings on the hill.





Our first stop was an Greek Orthodox monastery and chapel.  We were not allowed to take pictures in the chapel.




A part of the walls from the time of the Crusades



I don't remember what the monument was for



Our main reason for taking the tour was to see the Green Line that divides the Nicosia between the Greek side and the Turkish side.  We also brought our passports so we could enter the Turkish side.  Our guide told us we could not do that as the lines to get back across the green line could take 45 minutes to hours. We only had about 45-60 minutes of free time, and the bus would not wait for anyone. 


The entire time she was telling us this, we were watching the lines going into and out of the Turkish side, and they were moving quickly.  As soon as the guide left us, we headed straight for the border checkpoints, of which there were four, two each way.  All of the four checkpoints went quickly with no hassle. 


Unfortunately, after her warning, we did not spend much time in Turkish Coypus, but as it turns out, we could have.  Once back across the border,  we had 30-45 minutes left of our free time.  We spent part of that getting gelato and bottled water.  The irony was, we wound up waiting for several late people, but not because they crossed the line.  We were the only ones who did.


These are our pictures of our foray across the Green Line.



One of the checkpoints



The "forbidden" side of the Green LineDSC01630.thumb.JPG.8bc98046020e6058a72c0eec9999d88b.JPG

Not sure exactly where we were when I took this picture since you can see the green line.



Walking back to the pick-up point







Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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From our cruise on the “Elegant Explorer “ the wonderful Prinsendam in Oct of 2016 landing in the port of Lanarca .
We organized a  mini-bus tour with a small Bus Line with a good English speaking guide.
The tour included a ride to Nicosia , the capital , walk across the green line through no-mans land into the Turkish- occupied district , visit  the Selimiye Mosque the Caravanserai Buyuk Han and the Saint Lazarus church with the Tomb of Saint Lazarus .  
On our drive to Nicosia 
Walking through the Greek portion of the city through the markets .
Getting to the " demarcation line “ to give passport information to the Greek guards 
Walk about 20 meters across  United Nations controlled no-mans land , no pictures please 
Crossing the Attila Line into the Turkish - occupied sector and get checked again 
Selimiye Camii   ( 1208 - 1326 )  Saint Sophia Cathedral  including signs of bullet and bomb damage 
Visiting the Buyuk Han Cultural Centre 
Back in Greek territory after a short delay the Turkish guards could not find the passport info from one person in our group that they had collected a few hours earlier ………. He was lucky to be able to get across the line again .
Arch Bishop Makarios , a Greek Cypriot clergyman  and later after becoming an independent nation the first President of Cyprus who played such a large roll during the Greek Turkish Crisis .
In Larnaca 
After he rose again by a miracle he left Palestine and became a Bishop on Cyprus for another long period where he died  and was buried ............and did not rise again .
We needed a large one it was hot , but they did not have Heineken ……..What is up with that .......? 
On our way to Ashdad ( Jerusalem ) 
Tony 😀
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Good morning or afternoon, depending on where you are. It is too bad we even have to have a missing child day. Something that stays with families for years, if not generations.


Have not been to the port of the day...am very interested in seeing pictures. My day will be quiet. The Bandit doggie is going for a spa day in about an hour. I could do the wash and trim, but he is happier if his groomer does it.... he seems to feel that I do not know what I am doing. Maybe it is also that he has a chance to socialize.



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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, all.  Interesting day - especially as it's wine day!  


In honour of Towel Day




Like Tony, we have been to Cyprus, but not Limassol.  We docked in Larnaca and took a tour to Nicosia. It is a very interesting area, with the variety of cultures.  


I decided to post a "few " of my pictures anyways Ann @VictOriann  I had it all prepared until all of a sudden I saw the nice pictures of @Quartzsite Cruiser . ( Only one double lucky enough )  Noticed you were not on our tour that day but some other friends were . 

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Good morning and thanks all!  Enjoying the photos of Cyprus,  as we’ve not been there.   I can’t celebrate missing children, a life long tragedy.  

It’s another rainy day, but we need it!  

Even the owls are hiding out!  


Edited by bennybear
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