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The Daily for Tuesday September 14, 2021


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Today is International Crab Fest Day, National Cream-Filled Donut Day, and National Live Creative Day

"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. - George Burns"

Meal suggestion for today - Pork and Black Bean Stew

Drink of the Day - Incredible Hulk

Wine of the day - Sixto Chardonnay Washington Uncovered 2014

Destination of the Day - Taormina Italy

Ships with Passengers

Glacier Bay
Nieuw Amsterdam 18:00 - 22:00

Hvar Island, Hvar, Croatia
Eurodam 07:00 - 17:00

Ships without Passengers

At Sea Pacific
Koningsdam Drifting
Westerdam Destination Los Angeles eta 9/19
Zuiderdam Drifting

Augusta IT

Corfu GR

Ensenada MX
Noordam Anchorage

Scheveningen NL
Oosterdam Anchorage
Rotterdam Anchorage

Stirrup Cay
Nieuw Statendam Anchorage







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Good morning everyone and thank you Rich for the daily report.  I love crab and cream filled donuts.  I could stand to be more creative.  Burn’s quote is pretty funny, and true!  The meal suggestion sounds very nice.  Have not been to today’s port and can’t wait to see the photos.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and cheers to everyone celebrating a happy event today.  

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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.  Happy Tuesday!

Interesting collection of days - I'd love to have crab for dinner and a cream filled doughnut for dessert.  Yum!  I'm not very creative but I'll try.

Love that quote.

The dinner sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing the recipe.

Not sure about the drink of the day, I'll wait until I see that recipe too.  Hope the wine is good.

I've never been to today's port, hope there are lots of pictures and comments.

Prayers for everyone.

Stay safe.

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Thank you for the Tuesday Daily, Rich.  Crabs are BIG in Maryland but not for me.  A salute to creativity.  I like cream filled donuts but they are not good for me.  I don't think I have been to Taormina.  Like the Burns quote but will pass on the stew.  Another hot day here today.


Today’s care list:

Welfare of furloughed crews
Western wildfires
cat shepard’s friend undergoing chemo for stage four cancer
dfish friend Donna recovering from hip surgery
surgery for Irishjim
Lady Hudson’s BIL awaiting rehab
Sam recovering from small stroke hospitalized until medication levels adjusted
Those in the path of Nicholas
From the rotation:
Krazy Kruizer DH Joe
Me awaiting PET test results


Celebrations and Shoutouts

2 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Notseh2o visit with mom
Overhead Fred at the Cottage and negative
Getaway for segarsmoker
lindaler visiting Alabama son
new chair for StLouisSal
SusieKislandGirl in Colorado with grandsons
my negative test and coming high school reunion
and Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Good Morning. Thanks for the daily, Rich and thanks for the lists, Roy.

Some crab paired with that nice chardonnay sounds nice. Love creme filled donuts but probably should pass on them. I'll raise a glass to creativity and those who have it.

The meal suggestion sounds great. I'll wait and see about the drink.

I love the George Burns quote. He was great and I miss him.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report.


It is going to be a long day. Those with with dogs will understand. Sam had me up at around five to go outside, and then decided as long as he was up that it was time for breakfast! But before giving in I had to do an extended petting session. Still love him though!

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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our morning smile 🙂 


Great collection of days.  I LOVE crab and will happily celebrate & try to be creative with it 😉 


LOL on the George Burns quote.  I resemble that quote as all my family is several provinces away but I wish they were closer 😉 


Today’s meal suggestion - Pork & Black Bean Stew would be a big hit with DH.  I’m not a black bean fan but have made it for him.  This recipe is a Brazilian one and uses chorizo (yum) along with pork.  A solid 5*






Alteratively, this meal is also ideal for a slow cooker - 






@HeartgroveI totally understand your situation with Sam and getting you up early and the “so, why not have breakfast?” Attitude they can have 😉.  Sorry your day was up to such an early start.  Animals can be a challenge at times whether cat or dog:




Anyone ever hear that doctors make the worst patients?  It’s true.  DH has a muscle spasm & I am playing nurse.  OMG - Lord, give me strength.  I’d hate to hear the moaning and groaning if he had had my elbow surgery 😂 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich!  What a combination of days!

Thank you for keeping our lists, Roy. Morning Dailyite family. Hope all goes well @irishjim with your surgery. Hope you are resting comfortably after yesterday’s surgery @kplady.

There is a bit more humidity in the air this morning, but still a lovely morning. Off to the gym this morning for another leisurely bike ride, some machines and core work. Leftovers tonight. 

Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone. 



Sixto Chardonnay Washington Uncovered 2014

Chardonnay is not one of my “go to” wines, but I do enjoy a nice one. This sounds like one I need to try. Excellent ratings, and a decent price. Several online distributors with prices starting at $32.98.

Winemaker Notes

#13 Wine Spectator Top 100 of 2017 

CHARDONNAY! In fact it screams it. One whiff and you know it's going to be GOOD! Lemon meringue, baking spice. A wine that is rooted to the earth. Rich. Focused. Refined.

WS94 Wine Spectator: Dynamic, yet sleek and refined, driven by a core of minerally acidity that meshes with the delicately complex apple, Meyer lemon and spicy yeast accents that linger long on the finish.

RP93 Robert Parker's Wine Advocate: A blend of all three of the single vineyards, the 2014 Chardonnay Uncovered is every bit as good as the single vineyards. Apple, white flowers, brioche and toasted nut characteristics flow to a rich, textured, sexy Chardonnay that’s just a straight up joy to drink. The 2012s from this estate are still fresh and vibrant, so I suspect these will all have a solid 4- to 5-year drink window, if not longer. There’s roughly 1,200 cases of this killer Chardonnay, and readers owe it to themselves to give one of these a try.

WE93 Wine Enthusiast: This wine is a blend of fruit from Frenchman Hills (33%), Moxee (28%), Roza Hills (27%) and Evergreen vineyards. The aromas show a lot of subtlety, with notes of candied ginger, lemon curd, spice, peach, cream, toast, wet stone and pineapple, revealing more on each swirl. The palate is rich but refined, showing precision and detail along with a real sense of freshness. The finish impresses. Beautiful stuff.

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Thank you for today's daily and care reports.

It is 77°F and sunny here.

I had a problem with my phone so couldn't post yesterday.

Interesting days and quote.

I will pass on the food and drink.

Last night's meal and lunch today in my photos plus last night's sunset.

Prayers 🙏 for everyone on the care list.

Take care and stay safe everyone.








Edited by grapau27
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Happy Tuesday morning.  Bright sunrise here today, but clouds are moving in quickly.  I LOVE both Crab and Cream filled donuts.  I try to be creative everyday.  I enjoyed George Burns as I was growinglup. lhis quote is spot on for some relatives.  LOL  I'll pass on the meal.  Have not been to today's port, was going on a Med cruise in October but cancelled it because of the uncertaintly of traveling overseas.  Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Please continue to stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Incredible Hulk:

An Incredible Hulk, Green Eyed Monster, Shrock, or Hip and Hen is a green-colored cocktail made by equal parts of the fruit liqueur Hpnotiq and Hennessy brand cognac poured over ice. It is named for the green comic book superhero, the Hulk. Wikipedia
Ingredients: One part Cognac, One part Hpnotiq
Preparation: Stir together and serve over ice.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice.
Drinkware: Cocktail glass

Hpnotiq is an alcoholic beverage. It is native to New York, but bottled in France by Heaven Hill Distilleries, made from fruit juices, vodka and cognac. It is 34 proof and is available in over 70 countries.

Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 8.07.36 AM.png

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Good morning everyone. Things are quiet in the house and we continue to wait for Sam’s warfarin levels to rise high enough for him to be released. Our aide who left for two weeks is returning today and I will be very happy to see her. I’ve been told it’s very hard to get good help now because they make $12 and hour and more if they collect unemployment. It’s affecting hospitals, nursing homes and home health care. Judging my the first aide who was crazy and the one now who didn’t notify me immediately that Sam was showing new symptoms of a stroke because she didn’t think anything was wrong, I can see the problem first hand.

Yesterday I went out for a while and sat in a gazebo near us with three other couples we have become close with. It was very good for me to get out.

Stay safe everyone.


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I love crab, but don't get it often, and haven't had a cream filled donut in ages . . . maybe it's time.  I try to be creative, but it doesn't come easily to me - others have these great ideas and I marvel at how they come up with them.


Yesterday I was planning on making that delicious looking quiche recipe for dinner, but while we were out running some errands, DH suggested we stop at a food court and pick up some lunch to bring home.  He went to a schnitzel place, while I went to a Greek station where I ordered the dry ribs & Caesar salad.  We got home and I almost fell over when I opened the bag - there was enough for 3 people in one meal for $12, so I ate what I wanted for lunch, then we both had our fill and finished off the rest for dinner last night.  A definite yum!


It's another beautiful day on the "frozen tundra", although it's still dark when I get up at around 6.  We're noticing that even though the days are really warm, as soon as the sun goes down, there's a distinct chill in the air and sweaters come out quickly.  Although it seems early, there is a possibility of frost later in the week . . . sigh.


I'd like to try today's menu suggestion, because I've never cooked dry beans before - I've always just opened a can and tossed them into whatever I was making.  I think I'll print out the recipe and use it later when the weather's cold and just the thought of a steaming hot stew is comforting.  For tonight, DH purchased a bunch of garlic sausage that he's planning on putting on the grill along with corn on the cob and I'll put together a tossed salad.  That's what we'll be enjoying on our deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for those having and recovering from their surgeries.  Clinking the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, wash your hands, stay well, wear your masks, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning friends!  It's a nice day here but I don't like the looks of the 10 day forecast.  It shows rain every day and it doesn't have to rain all day to mess up all outdoor plans.  Just the threat will do it.


Thanks to @richwmnfor today's Daily and @rafinmdfor keeping the lists and providing alternate menus.  The pork and black bean stew is probably delicious but I'm not a huge fan of black beans so will pass.  I love the George Burns quote, and happens to be true in our case.  No family at all near our house in Georgia.


Prayers for all on the Care list.  I hope @kpladyis resting comfortably after her surgery yesterday.  Sending lots of good wishes to @irishjimtoday.  Cheers to our friends on the Celebration List.🥂


I don't eat crab even though I have been a faithful watcher of Deadliest Catch for years and years.  I have a small amount of creativity in me, thank goodness.  And I'll take a cream filled donut any day.  Boston Cream donuts are one of my favorites!


This morning on our walk home from the gym I saw an animal creeping along on a distant hillside where the grass had been "weed whacked" yesterday.  It was too far to see what it was, but it was too large to be a cat, and didn't walk like foxes do.  Just to be safe we walked the long way back to our street.  The location of this large cat-like animal is at the other end of my street so I'm going to keep my eyes open from here on.👀  DH says I don't miss a thing, and see all.  He's right!


I checked my Cruising Profile and it said we had been to Taormina on the Prinsendam Holy Land cruise we took in Oct. 2014.  But when I looked at my Shutterfly book of that cruise it turns out we were unable to go there and they substituted Messina instead.  Knowing I'd seen Taormina on a tour once I was able to determine we'd been there in October 2018 on Emerald Princess.  The port was Messina and the tour was to Mt. Etna and Taormina.  I will check my photos for some good ones to show all of you.  Most of us would love it but DH said he didn't enjoy it.  I think it was just too crowded that day.  


To all in the path of Nicholas please be safe!  I saw where Houston/Galveston has alaready had 6 or 8 inches of rain.  They sure don't need this storm in the South.  Take care everyone.

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44 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Things are quiet in the house and we continue to wait for Sam’s warfarin levels to rise high enough for him to be released. Our aide who left for two weeks is returning today and I will be very happy to see her. I’ve been told it’s very hard to get good help now because they make $12 and hour and more if they collect unemployment. It’s affecting hospitals, nursing homes and home health care. Judging my the first aide who was crazy and the one now who didn’t notify me immediately that Sam was showing new symptoms of a stroke because she didn’t think anything was wrong, I can see the problem first hand.

Yesterday I went out for a while and sat in a gazebo near us with three other couples we have become close with. It was very good for me to get out.

Stay safe everyone.



Carol, I so agree with you about the ability to get good workers these days.  Why should they work when they can live on government assistance at a higher rate than their wages?  There's something very wrong with that plan.  Thank goodness the usual aide is coming back soon!  And also the fact that you were the person to determine that Sam was showing new symptoms of a stroke.  So glad you made that determination and got him help.  Hoping he comes home very soon and you continue to get out and relax.

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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report.


It is going to be a long day. Those with with dogs will understand. Sam had me up at around five to go outside, and then decided as long as he was up that it was time for breakfast! But before giving in I had to do an extended petting session. Still love him though!


@Heartgrove Your Sam seems like the best companion. He probably figured while ya'll were awake, he would keep YOU company. He probably still has a bit of anxiety making sure he has a forever home with you.

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Good morning to all! I failed miserably yesterday on my goal of spending less time here on the boards! There could be more an addiction than I thought!


Love Alaskan crab legs but these days they can really put a dent in your wallet. Maryland blue crab I like once a year but a lot of work and then there is the mess!


Asked my doctor yesterday what causes my forearm to turn black and blue so easily if I bang into something? Doctor said “no problem as those are called Senior Tattooitis!” Than I asked him about a couple of brown spots on my face. “Well Bruce you know how whales have barnacles?” “Those are your barnacles!”


Have a great day, make someone smile and remember those in need.

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Perhaps the problem with getting help with professional health care workers is that the money they earn from the job is unattractive to the equivalent of $12 per hour from unemployment.  Perhaps if they earned a bit more they would be more interested in working.



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Good morning Rich and friends. Thank you to all who contribute. 


Woke up feeling a bit yucky this morning. Not sure the 3 day antibiotics did the trick. Prayers, blessings and Cheers to all on Roy's lists. And thank you Roy.


I thought we might get a bit of moisture here in Georgetown from Nicholas, but there's no rain in our 10 day forecast. Prayers to all in the flooding areas. Looks like there's more to come.


@kazu, I think we would enjoy the 1st stew recipe. I'll print it for future. I love crab and if I had a choice I'd order it before lobster tail. We used to heat the crab legs on the grill, split the shell and pour melted butter over them. Lay out newspaper on the table and go at them! Now I'm starving for crab!


@mamafaomi I know the struggles you are going through, as my sweet husband suffered multiple strokes. Luckily you have your kids as advocates to help. We were blessed with excellent hospitals,  rehabs, doctor's, and therapists. God bless you.


My goodness Graham! How on earth do you and your sweet wife keep such nice figures with all that delicious food you eat? I gain weight looking at your pictures!


Leaving in a few hours to take Allen for an MRI, then lunch.


Wishing everyone an awesome day!



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11 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning to all! I failed miserably yesterday on my goal of spending less time here on the boards! There could be more an addiction than I thought!


Love Alaskan crab legs but these days they can really put a dent in your wallet. Maryland blue crab I like once a year but a lot of work and then there is the mess!


Asked my doctor yesterday what causes my forearm to turn black and blue so easily if I bang into something? Doctor said “no problem as those are called Senior Tattooitis!” Than I asked him about a couple of brown spots on my face. “Well Bruce you know how whales have barnacles?” “Those are your barnacles!”


Have a great day, make someone smile and remember those in need.


Bruce, I saw your posts a few times yesterday and had to chuckle.. I wonder if there's a CCA? (Cruise Critic Anonymous)

Edited by Seasick Sailor
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