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The Daily for Sunday October 24, 2021


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Good morning friends!  Very late for me today but there are chores to do, DH went to the grocery, and I've been trying to catch up here at home.   Santorini is a lovely spot which we've visited 3 times.  Thanks for the photos shown so far.  As for the days we celebrate, mothers-in-law day is a good one.  I have mine still but she's not really all there anymore.  She's always been a strong figure in our lives.  Dh's mother-in-law passed in 2012.😇  I hope I'm considered a good mother-in-law and I think if you surveyed DSIL and DDIL they would concur.  Bologna was always a favorite growing up.  I even liked it fried, but I really haven't had a bologna sandwich is many years.  United Nations day is a commendable day.  Pork loin roasts are very good but sadly not on our menu.  We've been eating softer foods like pasta and soup until DH has his broken tooth "fixed".  Can you believe even though we left a message at the dentist office for the staff, and called the emergency phone number and left a message no one got back to him?  He was told last week someone worked on Saturday but no one called him back.  First thing Monday he is going to speak to someone about his emergency, and if he doesn't give them a piece of his mind, I will!  


Thank you Rich for the Daily report, and Roy for keeping the lists.  Prayers and cheers to those involved.  @57redbirdI hope today's tests come back negative so DH can get his surgery as planned.  Prayers all goes well for him, too!  @kazugood to hear you were successful with your new toy and got the leaves mulched.  It's a satisfying feeling accomplishing all that work in one day.  I enjoyed today's memes as well.  Thank you for those.  @Seasick Sailora very happy 30th anniversary today to you and Allen!  Hopefully there will be many more.  I saw today our off topic conversation from last night was removed.  However the nasty comment remained.🤷‍♀️  I enjoyed our little chat though.😆  @grapau27thanks for the Google explanation in your post (although I use Duck Duck Go for privacy reasons).  Whenever I see Google I think of one of the co-founders of Google, Larry Page.  When DS was getting his bachelor's degree in engineering at Univ. of Michigan in the early '90's he was friends with Larry Page.  They were in the honor fraternity Eta Kappa Nu together and used to sell donuts in the engineering building before classes to earn money for the fraternity (not a social fraternity with parties every weekend thank goodness!).  Who knew Larry would go on to Stanford and meet his partner Sergey Brin and form Google?  DS went on to Berkeley and had his own successful life in a more normal capacity.  🙂 I also enjoyed the photo of the dog/cake cake.  Very cute!


I hope I haven't forgotten anyone and if I have I'll be back.  Have a very nice Sunday everyone!

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17 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

I haven’t heard anything about that… I wonder if it makes it onto the BBC.

A large cargo ship piled high with containers anchored about 5 miles offshore from Victoria, British Columbia, caught fire Saturday and around 6 p.m., Canadian authorities advised the crew to abandon ship.

The Victoria-based lifeboat Cape Calvert and a couple of firefighting tugs were standing by near the stricken ship, the Zim Kingston, to assess the unfolding situation and monitor the safety of the crew.

The fire was caused by a combustible chemical powder spilling from containers that were damaged in a storm Friday as the ship, arriving from South Korea, approached the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. At that time, about 40 of the ship’s containers tumbled into the Pacific Ocean in rough seas.

According to a navigation warning sent to all ships in the area, a 1-mile exclusion zone was in effect around the container ship in the vicinity of Constance Bank “due to danger of falling containers.”

“The ship is on fire and expelling toxic gas. Two fallen containers are floating in the vicinity of the vessel,” the warning said.


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4 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

A large cargo ship piled high with containers anchored about 5 miles offshore from Victoria, British Columbia, caught fire Saturday and around 6 p.m., Canadian authorities advised the crew to abandon ship.

The Victoria-based lifeboat Cape Calvert and a couple of firefighting tugs were standing by near the stricken ship, the Zim Kingston, to assess the unfolding situation and monitor the safety of the crew.

The fire was caused by a combustible chemical powder spilling from containers that were damaged in a storm Friday as the ship, arriving from South Korea, approached the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. At that time, about 40 of the ship’s containers tumbled into the Pacific Ocean in rough seas.

According to a navigation warning sent to all ships in the area, a 1-mile exclusion zone was in effect around the container ship in the vicinity of Constance Bank “due to danger of falling containers.”

“The ship is on fire and expelling toxic gas. Two fallen containers are floating in the vicinity of the vessel,” the warning said.



This is shocking news.  I hope everyone is safe and things can be brought under control right away.

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1 minute ago, Overhead Fred said:

Despite what the photo may imply, we are celebrating my 35th Birthday (again!) today -




Congratulation on your 35th birthday. I hope you have many more anniversaries of your 35th birthday. The roses are very nice; did you make the cake?

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6 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:


Heavens no! It is from a local "high-end" grocery store (Lunds and Byerlys). They have a very good bakery.

Happy 35th Birthday.  When you get to 40 you can just get a cake from Cub or Hyvee's.  Yes Lunds and Byerlys are the high end grocery store in MN.   

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Good morning from Quartzsite.  It's mostly sunny with a light breeze.  Today will be an easy day after all the tree trimming yesterday.  I surprised myself by actually being able to use the pole chainsaw as the cutting end is fairly heavy.


Both our mothers-in-law died a few years after we were married.  I try to be a good mother-in-law and not interfer with the "kids" lives.  Never was a big fan of bologna, now, I can't stand the stuff.  Will gladly celebrate United Nations Day.


Laughed at today's quote.


This is one of those days we'll pass on the drink, wine and meal.  We just finished a port tenderloin last night.


We have been to Santorini twice on BHBs.


In 2016, we were there on Prinsendam.  That day, we took the gondola up to Thira and walked around a little but it was very crowded.  We stopped at a restaurant near the gondola entrance and enjoyed a coke and the view.  The line back down looked long, but moved fast.  These are the pictures of Thira from 2016.





The gondola, whidch for us beat the steps.  While I'm not fond of gondolas, it was the steps getting to and out of the cars that bothered me.  



The steps down fairly up close and then a long view of the entire trail.




The area around the tender dock


I'll post the pictures from our second visit in a few minutes.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning all from a wet and soggy, soon to be windy PNW!

Interesting collection of days.  Cheers to the UN.  I try to be a good MIL, -- bologna -- about once a year for some strange reason it sounds really good to me LOL.  So I buy a pkg and after one sandwich most of it ends up spoiling in the fridge 😉  


The meal sounds delicious, and the wine sounds good.  I like just a touch of oak in my chardonnay, otherwise I don't care for chardonnay and stick to Sauvignon Blanc.  


Well there's only one more bag to unpack, so that will get done today. I'm sad to hear that the Eurodam has some folks in quarantine, and hope it will stay just a small group. 

The visit with the grandsons yesterday was wonderful and those hugs were so precious. 🙂  


We've been to Santorini many times, the last time was just 10 days ago on the Eurodam.  That day we just took the funicular (very uncrowded, no wait at all, it was eerie compared to previous years) and browsed, had coffee and gazed at the views.  


@57redbirdprayers that your and DH's tests come back negative and he can have his surgery.

@Seasick Sailorhappy anniversary!

@dfishDebbie kudos on your booster today!

@Overhead Fredhappy birthday!


Well darn, my photos won't load.  Another CC problem I guess. 








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Good morning, all! DH lost his mother as a child, so I never had a mother in law.

Bologna sandwiches were a mainstay of school lunches many years ago. I can remember sitting around at lunchtime, squishing our bologna sandwiches into something flat and flexible, and seeing who could nibble theirs into the best animal shape. Can you tell that kids didn’t have smartphones and video games back then?

I’m sure if someone gave me a bologna on white bread sandwich now, the urge to squash it and make a rabbit shape would be overpowering.

We both love pork loin. I cooked a chicken last night, so that if the power is out this evening dinner will be quick and easy.

DD in Taiwan experienced the strongest earthquake she’s ever felt last night. (Daytime for her). It was immediately followed by a strong aftershock, so the shaking merged into one long continuous event. Next weekend she is moving into a newer and safer building. It can’t come too soon!

The wind is just starting here, but isn’t supposed to strengthen until evening. For those of you on the east coast with all the hurricanes this year, this is nothing. It’s supposed to weaken as it hits shore, so at the worst we may lose a tree or two.

Happy Sunday, courtesy of our beloved BHB elevator mats!



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I'm back with the rest of the pictures of Santorini.


@aliaschief  Welcome to the real world!  😱

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm happy you had a good time visiting with friends, but can't believe many were not masked.  Glad you both are getting the booster.

@grapau27  Graham, loved the picture of the cake.  It's amazing what bakers can do with cakes.

@kazu  Great you got your new toy figured out and that it saved a lot of work and bags.

@Cruising-along  Glad you had a great time with the DGS.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Hope you don't lose power or trees.  Stay safe.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope your DH gets this tooth fixed soon, and lets them know about their failure to answer an emergency call.

@durangoscots  welcome home.  Sorry you had to return early and hope you are negative.


In 2019, the Veendam took us to Santorini for our second visit.  We opted to take a ship's tour that included the Minoan ruins, Oia and Thira.


 Akrotiri was Cycladic cultural settlement related to the Minoan culture.  The village was  destroyed by the volcano in the 16th century BCE.  The village, named for the nearby modern village of Akrotii,  is well preserved and is still being excavated.  The first excavatons were in 1867.


A couple of stops on the way to Akotiri.  The first was a roadside chapel, the second the view from the road, and finally ruins of an old windmill.






Pictures of some of the ruins, which fortunately are under a cover to protect them and us from the sun.  It is hard to tell, but the site is huge.




Oia near where the bus dropped us off.



The church and views from Oia






We had quite a bit of free time in Oia, and after wandering through most of the upper part of Oia, we found a nice place to sit and enjoy gelato.


This view. I think, is Oia from the Veendam.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Just checking in. Will go back and read through the past few days and today's posts, but just now I want to say I am back from the dog shows. I actually came back yesterday afternoon after finding out that a friend of mine has come down with Covid. He seems to be doing well, but I had seen him not too long before I left for the shows and thought it best to not stick around and possibly expose others if I have picked it up from him. Fortunately at the shows I stayed pretty much to myself and everyone there was very good about masks and distancing but still..... Anyway, I am home, feeling fine and now will keep away from people for a the rest of this week. Then I should be good to go. More of a nuisance than a worry. Bandit was happy I came home early.



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In 2012 we stopped at Santorini for the first time on Crown Princess.  Once we made our way to the top using the gondolas, we walked to the local bus station and boarded a bus headed to Oia.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJhNjyrNZUgCxKqdAls7v5z?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1356365383


This stop was in late November so the crowds weren't terrible.  Along the way the view of the island and coastline.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIC1gS9FzBDdR9PRLq2bmNh?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1356365423


Once in Oia we did what we all do, walk around and take photos.  Here is the blindingly white church.  Everything there is blindingly white!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK4WeFov6BOBtREH9_d3i42?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1356365450


Anything not white seems to be Santorini blue.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJWxxB_3PFpsJcOv1GMQYKF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1356365440




I like to take photos of doorways.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLcCKdBDqdUb_ri-IK4iDjF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1356365491
























I haven't figured out what this is.  What do you think?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLR2uzpRIpZzq7yYYabodyr?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1356365608


After our nice visit to Oia we rode the bus back along the two lane winding road to Fira.  Another ride down on the gondolas and a tender over to the ship.  A beautiful stop on our Greek Isles cruise.😎




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Good morning from "scattered clouds" San Diego.  I've been over on @Vict0riann's thread reading about the high seas in the Med.  Sounds wild.  Stay safe!


Wishing a very Happy Birthday to @Overhead Fred and Happy Anniversary to @Seasick Sailor.  It's kinda nice when anniversaries fall on a Sunday.  Feels like the right day.  


@Redbird54, you and yours are in our prayers.  I hope everything progresses quickly and well for you.


@smitty34877...your Miss Camilla just could not be any cuter.  She looks very wise.  Precious tiny "Old Soul."  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️


I've ridden the donkey down in Santorini and would love a pork roast like mom used to make.  Not sure any pork tastes like how it was back in the day.  They just raise them differently.  My mother-in-law is alive and well and very dear to all of us.  There were adjustments to be made in the beginning.  A good lesson that we can love people different than ourselves.  I think both she and I became better people through our relationship.


It will be a quiet day today.  We had our annual Halloween party at our club last night and were the crew from the movie "Hocus Pocus."  I was Sanderson sister Mary.

DD and DGD rounded out the trio.  So @kazu, our broomsticks are out!  It was all fun but exhausting.  Chill time now.


Everyone, thanks for your contributions to the Daily.  Wishing all a lovely and pleasant Sunday.  😊

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Lets see if the photos will post now... 

These are from 10 days ago. On other trips we've gone to Akrotiri and wineries, but this time we just took the funicular up and had some free time to browse, gaze and eat.


From our tender



I dislike taking the funicular, but I think I'd have an even harder time on a donkey since I hear they walk close to the edge.



Vertigo here for me!



View from the funicular (before we started down and my eyes were closed) 😉  





The Eurodam



Eurodam on the far right


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