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The Daily for Friday November 19, 2021


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Thanks to all who take care of The Daily each day. Haven’t been able to comment or post for a few days. Spent today hiking around Barcelona with DH. So good to be onboard a ship, enjoying delicious meals and of course the planning of adventures both off the ship and onboard. I am so out of practice with the great shipboard meals & endless delicious food that it was day 7 of 22 before I realized that I could be satisfied with oatmeal and a bit of grapefruit for breakfast. And coffee, of course. 

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Good morning everyone!  Thanks for the welcome to this group.  

I love bagpipes - once a year our presbyterian church has a heritage service with bagpipes that was just a couple of weeks ago.  The group is from Dunedin which is a bit north of St. Petersburg- where the Toronto blue jays have spring training.

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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  We have been to today’s port once and enjoyed it very much.  DH thought I was trying to kill him when I booked the ride the rapids excursion.  We got soaked.  That one is in my top ten HAL excursions.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good and I like the sheet pan recipe, easier when working at home.  DM seems to have recovered from her booster shot, at least that’s what she told me.  I hope that everyone has a good day today.

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Good morning friends!  Late today because after walking the treadmill we had to get cleaned up and ready for our dermatologist appointments this morning.  Yes, both of us.  We hope we are cleared with no suspicious spots.  I'll have her check the place on my lower back DH pointed out but I have a hunch it's just one of those "barnacles" we all attain as we age.  


Saint John NB Canada looks lovely from the photos,  @kazu Jacqui.  I would love to go there on a cruise.  We have only been scheduled for St. John's Newfoundland in the past (I think) but that trip weather prevented us from visiting.  I have heard that story about confusing the two places and the troubles with travel because of it.  Thanks for the reminder @rafinmdRoy!


Bagpipes have their time and place, Monopoly is a fun game but one I haven't played in quite some time, and women entrepreneurs are a very good thing.  I agree with @Mr. Bostonthe quote sounds a bit aggressive!  The chicken dish sounds good, and from the photos I think the first looks delicious and the last photo/recipe looks very easy to do.   I didn't like brussels sprouts when young and learned to like them as I got older.  My Mom liked them but no one in the family would eat them.  She was so happy when I brought my hunky fiance' home for dinner because he's always liked them!


Anyway, thanks today go to @richwmnfor his dedication to the Daily, to @kazufor her help with the Care and Celebration lists as well as her funny memes, to @rafinmdfor today's sunrise photo, to @dfishfor our recipes, and our wine and cocktail ladies @cat shepardand @summer slope.  Prayers for all who need them, especially those noted on the Care list.  Cheers to all celebrating something and that includes our many cruisers.  Good luck Roy with your radiation treatment today!  And finally prayers for your safe travel home from your holiday@Horizon chaser 1957.

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Good morning. everyone. I tried twice yesterday to multipost but could not do it on my phone. Sorry.I will try again later.

Two doors down there are 2 brothers who are members  of the NYPD Emerald Society band.I often see them packing the car with their instruments. DH and I found them outside a neighborhood  Irish pub playing  for the tables set up outside.It was quite emotional as they had been to a fellow officer's  funeral that day.The pub was hosting the after funeral get together.

I had my own small business  for years which enabled us to pay for cruises!I salute entrepreneurs  everywhere. 

@dfish,the sheet pan recipe looks like a winner!Thanks.

We have been to the port twice and enjoyed it.I would love to go back there .

@Horizon chaser 1957,I am glad you have a safe place to stay when you arrive in BC.Hopefully the situation  will improve  in the coming days.


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40 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  We have been to today’s port once and enjoyed it very much.  DH thought I was trying to kill him when I booked the ride the rapids excursion.  We got soaked.  That one is in my top ten HAL excursions.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good and I like the sheet pan recipe, easier when working at home.  DM seems to have recovered from her booster shot, at least that’s what she told me.  I hope that everyone has a good day today.


Was that the Veendam cruise where we met?   I think Sue and I just wandered around that day.  We went to the library and then through the market and then to a park.  The first time we were there we went on a hike out in a nature preserve.  


I want to go back to Saint John on a road trip and spend some time in the area so I can really see the tide changes.   As a former earth science teacher, I am really into that stuff.  I'll leave the cathedrals and museums for others and I'll take the nature hikes and geology.

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50 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

This sounds odd, but I only make Brussels sprouts with pork. Same with cabbage.

Not sure what I am going to make for dinner. Maybe chicken potpie. 

I was just ready to close out CC when I thought of this.  There is no reason you couldn't substitute pork for this.  How about pork chops?  I'd throw in some little red potatoes as well.   Voila!

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7 minutes ago, dfish said:


Was that the Veendam cruise where we met?   I think Sue and I just wandered around that day.  We went to the library and then through the market and then to a park.  The first time we were there we went on a hike out in a nature preserve.  


I want to go back to Saint John on a road trip and spend some time in the area so I can really see the tide changes.   As a former earth science teacher, I am really into that stuff.  I'll leave the cathedrals and museums for others and I'll take the nature hikes and geology.

I think that  was also the cruise where I met @kazu for coffee.



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59 minutes ago, Norseh2o said:

Thanks to all who take care of The Daily each day. Haven’t been able to comment or post for a few days. Spent today hiking around Barcelona with DH. So good to be onboard a ship, enjoying delicious meals and of course the planning of adventures both off the ship and onboard. I am so out of practice with the great shipboard meals & endless delicious food that it was day 7 of 22 before I realized that I could be satisfied with oatmeal and a bit of grapefruit for breakfast. And coffee, of course. 

Sounds like you are having a fabulous cruise.


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So glad to hear that Roy is home! I tried, Roy, a few days ago, to offer good wishes but you know how CC can be these days.


Two more days on Anthem and then home.  It has been a nice trip with friends.  Next up is Enchantment in February.  So glad I preordered our Thanksgiving dinner from Wegmans before we left!!

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2 hours ago, kazu said:

Saint John New Brunswick - where the St. John River meets the Bay of Fundy:

Thank you for your overview of Saint John New Brunswick Jacqui!  We hope to visit next October on the Nieuw Statendam. I also learned from you, the last time Saint John was the port of the day, that it’s Saint spelled out, not St. abbreviated because St. John’s is in Newfoundland.  If I remember correctly you said something about how you could mistakenly take a flight to the wrong place. 😉

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1 hour ago, Cat in my lap said:

Good morning everyone!  Thanks for the welcome to this group.  

I love bagpipes - once a year our presbyterian church has a heritage service with bagpipes that was just a couple of weeks ago.  The group is from Dunedin which is a bit north of St. Petersburg- where the Toronto blue jays have spring training.

I would like to welcome to the our group.

                                                                       Irish Jim.


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Good morning from California and the Castro Valley. Enjoying a pretty sunrise from son’s house overlooking East Bay Hills.


Roy I was glad to see you’re back home but take it easy for awhile.


Night of off and on sleeping as our Central Time bodies adapt to Pacific Time.


With DW and DIL working today son and I are going to do some wine tasting and enjoy a lunch. Always, enjoy the many dining options out here. It definitely will not be chicken and broccoli!


Tomorrow we are all heading up to Napa for more wine tasting. With all the recent rain the hills are a beautiful green versus  the usual brown. Wow! A deer just walked by. Life is good.


Have a great weekend.

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Hi everyone,

I’m back but can’t promise I’ll be here everyday.

I kind of dropped off the face of the earth and here without notice.  We had a rough time of it this summer.

My BIL, whom many of you know, was developmentally disabled, became ill  during the summer and after a stint in the hospital, went to a skilled nursing facility,.

We thought it would be for rehab, but turned out that he could not recover from the pneumonia and the myriad of other conditions he had.

He passed away on October 6.

We were his caregivers for over 40 years—from the time my husband’s father died.  

It has been a rough time.  

During the time he was in the SNF there were two lockdowns due to COVID and we were unable to visit.  He could not understand this. All we could do was wave through the window. Since we were not there to encourage him to participate in therapy and with his limited cognitive ability, things went downhill fast.

Try as we could, we could not get him on the road to recovery.  DH has had a hard time with this.  

So that is where I have been for the last few months.  

Trying to put our lives together after the loss of our sweet Eugene.  

Please say a prayer for us as we try to carry on.  There are good days and bad days.  We miss him terribly but know he is at peace.


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3 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Please say a prayer for us as we try to carry on.  There are good days and bad days.  We miss him terribly but know he is at peace.

Oh dear Terri, I am so sorry about your BIL. Prayers and thoughts to you, your DH and entire family. 

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Good morning all!

I love the sound of bagpipes, and have always loved playing Monopoly.  Growing up my sisters and I would have Monopoly marathons, staying up super late playing Monopoly, and eating popcorn and fudge.  We have several versions here now, and I see that one of the grandsons has asked for the Star Wars version for Christmas.


Cheers to Women's Entrepreneurship.  Will pass on the meal with Brussels sprouts (they can be kind of tasty when roasted, but still not a fan). I think I'll follow @ger_77's lead and have pizza tonight. 🙂   I'm pretty sure I've been to Saint John before, thank you @kazufor the wonderful photos.  I know we'll be there again on our 4th (5th?) East Coast cruise with Rich and other CC'ers/friends -- I see @Sharon in AZis also booked on that one, it will be great to meet you!  I haven't gotten to that roll call yet, but will. 


@Horizon chaser 1957safe travels today!  

@Cruzin TerriI'm so very sorry to hear about the death of your dear BIL. 


My big news today is that DS and DDIL sold their house last night in Pasadena -- first step towards being able to move up here to WA!  They plan to rent an Airbnb until they find a home to buy in the Bellevue area.  They will be coming up around New Year's. 🙂 🙂 


Edited by Cruising-along
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Good morning everyone and Happy Friday. Just a short note because this morning we have appointments scheduled for our boosters and we are also doing our Thanksgiving grocery shopping. Craig is going out early to shop at Trader Joe’s but I have to be close by my phone for the questions he always has. For example, I have “cheese for appetizer” on the list and just know he won’t be able to decide on his own. 🤣


Then since our boosters are at our neighborhood Safeway we will do the rest of our shopping there. 

@Cat in my lap Welcome to the Daily!


Roy @rafinmd and Jacqui  @kazuI should have read ahead before I said anything about the difference between Saint John and St. John’s.  😉


Roy, I’m so happy you are home. Get better!  

Have a great day everyone!

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9 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

I know we'll be there again on our 4th (5th?) East Coast cruise with Rich and other CC'ers/friends -- I see @Sharon in AZis also booked on that one, it will be great to meet you!  I haven't gotten to that roll call yet, but will. 

You are on the Nieuw Statendam October 8th?  That would be wonderful!

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Our son and his girlfriend (Niall and Emilee) and Mitzi and I have all tested negative for covid. We have an 8 AM non-stop flight to FLL tomorrow (used Flight Ease) and a HAL transfer to the Nieuw Amsterdam! Mitzi and I are doing a B2B and the "kids" will be with us for the first week. Thrilled to be sailing again! 


We are not taking any computers and I didn't plan on buying ant internet plans so I may be unable to visit "The Daily Thread Show" until around Dec 5th. There will probably be free wifi in some ports, so I might try logging in through my phone or Kindle Fire. 


Anchors Aweigh!!!

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1 hour ago, dfish said:


Was that the Veendam cruise where we met?   I think Sue and I just wandered around that day.  We went to the library and then through the market and then to a park.  The first time we were there we went on a hike out in a nature preserve.  


I want to go back to Saint John on a road trip and spend some time in the area so I can really see the tide changes.   As a former earth science teacher, I am really into that stuff.  I'll leave the cathedrals and museums for others and I'll take the nature hikes and geology.

Yes that was on the Veendam.  The itinerary was titled “Historic Coasts”.  We had it booked again for last year but that ship didn’t sail.

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46 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hi everyone,

I’m back but can’t promise I’ll be here everyday.

I kind of dropped off the face of the earth and here without notice.  We had a rough time of it this summer.

My BIL, whom many of you know, was developmentally disabled, became ill  during the summer and after a stint in the hospital, went to a skilled nursing facility,.

We thought it would be for rehab, but turned out that he could not recover from the pneumonia and the myriad of other conditions he had.

He passed away on October 6.

We were his caregivers for over 40 years—from the time my husband’s father died.  

It has been a rough time.  

During the time he was in the SNF there were two lockdowns due to COVID and we were unable to visit.  He could not understand this. All we could do was wave through the window. Since we were not there to encourage him to participate in therapy and with his limited cognitive ability, things went downhill fast.

Try as we could, we could not get him on the road to recovery.  DH has had a hard time with this.  

So that is where I have been for the last few months.  

Trying to put our lives together after the loss of our sweet Eugene.  

Please say a prayer for us as we try to carry on.  There are good days and bad days.  We miss him terribly but know he is at peace.


Sending prayers and condolences to all your family Terri.


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