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GRANDEUR OF THE SEAS - Barbados - Terrible reports


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1 minute ago, boxman52 said:

I'm not sure anywhere I said I was. You are constantly just reading what you want to be there not what is there. Perhaps it's a group think issue

I want to go but I think the risk of being positive & what happens will be too great

I suspect I'll take a Northern Lights cruise or a Canary Islands. Not that that's important

They are just trying to bully you away from here

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7 minutes ago, nocl said:

The operative word is that you are going, not that you have gone and experienced this.  As a result you really do not have any added credibility to anyone else that has looked at a story in the newspaper.


If you are as concerned as you indicate then cancel.


If you are not concerned enough to cancel then why should anyone else.


Jean87510 has credibility because she is talking about her actual experience.


It is not that you wrote it, it is that you have rather vehemently come back to argue about it when you have not experienced yourself.  Just point it out, provide you link.  People can come to their own conclusion.

I've not gone & going doesn't mean I will I can cancel as more information comes to light

Unlike you I don't profess to prescribe the actions of others. I believe they can decide for themselves

Also you whoever you are behind your user name doesn't get to decide who had credibility & who does not

Again this is not one newspaper article. There is a whole body of evidence out there

I cannot & don't want to understand the aggressive nature of yourself & others on here to something that really doesn't involve you are them




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4 hours ago, boxman52 said:

…It seems that Royal don't want to know if you aren't on the ship and you are left at the mercies of unscrupulous people and an exploitive government. …

I think it is good that people are getting the word out.


Unfortunately, Royal really dropped the ball for people that were on some of their ships last week (Harmony, Oasis, …) Some of the posts have been removed but there are still some active posts.  Royal didn’t follow through with their “Healthy Sail Center” promises for many passengers with Covid and their families.     I still haven’t seen any positive counts from Royal for those sailings.  

Shameful of Royal for dropping the ball.


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52 minutes ago, D4 said:

I think it is good that people are getting the word out.


Unfortunately, Royal really dropped the ball for people that were on some of their ships last week (Harmony, Oasis, …) Some of the posts have been removed but there are still some active posts.  Royal didn’t follow through with their “Healthy Sail Center” promises for many passengers with Covid and their families.     I still haven’t seen any positive counts from Royal for those sailings.  

Shameful of Royal for dropping the ball.


This isnt necessarily a rcl issue. It seems to be a port issue, barbados. If you fly to a port and then test positive it's on you what to do when you cant board. This is true of any departure port. This one seems worse. 


Jean also says it's the people working at the terminal/port. 


This thread is about Barbados.. and how they operate. I'm watching and listening the next few weeks to see how boarding goes. If I wanted to see these ports which I do, I'd go out if florida and play it safer. I'm also not booking a cruise to Columbia right now when I read its turning away ships or even Panama. Surely times will improve to see these ports. I'm hoping 2023. 

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We cruised in September but only because we could drive to the port and this latest extremely contagious variant wasn’t around. I’m not afraid of getting the virus but I am of being quarantined so there’s no way I’d fly to cruise anywhere right now. Especially out of the country.

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5 hours ago, boxman52 said:

We are booked for this cruise in February and of course we know there is a risk. We have three days on the island before we cruise so we know there is a risk that we could catch it in that period, or travelling even if we enter with a negative PCR. However we expect if we do catch it to be be treat with decency.


It seems from all reports on boarding at Barbados this is sadly not the case. If someone can say after testing positive it was not like this, then I'd be delighted and relieved to hear so.


Firstly the process for checking in is taking hours and hours during which you are crammed in together. The ship sailed on the Monday as opposed to the Sunday this week due to delays


The reports of if you test positive are difficult to believe, however they are coming from multiple sources now. 


They consist of being locked up in a cage at the port with no food, drink, seats or toilets for 7 hours. 


No communication from Royal who seem to abandon you.


Negative passengers in a party with a positive being locked up in the same cage (and yes it sounds like a prison cage) with positive passengers. Obviously this might well pass on the virus if the already hours spent queuing with other passengers hadn't already. This will prolong any stay in quarantine. No consideration given for age or medical conditions. 


You are then offered to stay in the Government facility. Reports with pictures in UK press show this to be a prison level facility complete with armed guards. You need to test negative to be released and that will cost you $300 per test. You have no idea how many tests you will need


You can stay in an approved hotel at $350+ per night with food another $200 plus per day. Testing is on top of that.


Even the taxi ride from the port to the rip off accommodation is at a crazy price.


It seems that Royal don't want to know if you aren't on the ship and you are left at the mercies of unscrupulous people and an exploitive government. 


To be honest as much as I want to go, why on earth would anyone even if it is a slight chance, and lets be clear its a bit more than that, put themselves and their families in a position where this could happen.


I just hope Cruise Critic don't take this down as this warning needs to be known before travel 

Shouldn't even be a question here. CANCEL ASAP and don't look back.

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4 hours ago, LGW59 said:

That paper is known for using bombastic and sensationalized rhetoric to sell papers, much like you are trying to do here.  Locked in cages, no food/drink etc.  Just stop it already!

They don't sell papers - they are free at the trail and tube stations. They sell advertising, and lots of it.  While much of their content has some truth to it, they are usually stretching the truth a bit. 

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2 hours ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

I don't believe theres a forum on CC where customers with totally genuine concerns get so much stick from fellow posters than Royal Caribbean


They are accused of lying, being over dramatic, told to provide sources and when they do still get stick


It's almost comedy watching the replies! 


So patronising and judgemental as well


Anybody reading the reports certainly doesn't want to get quarantined in Barbados thats for sure!


And anybody new to the forum who has concerns over RC certainly needs to be prepared for personal attacks


Not nice to see at all


Just surprised the thread hasnt been removed yet?


So everyone can pretend its not happening



That because if you are not rah rah  cheer leader for Royal on this site, you are wrong and anything you post about the cruise line is BS in their eyes.

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2 hours ago, boxman52 said:

Well this is all bizarre. 

I'm going on a cruise on RCCL from Barbados . People who demand evidence can look at my previous posts & to their disappointment they will see I'm not a troll 

Therefore I'm keeping a close eye on what's happening. RCCL communication has been woeful, they have had to correct themselves so you start to get edgy 

There are multiple reports from many sources of the absolute shambles it is boarding & what is happening to people who test positive. Some of it is backed by pictures 

People on here apprarantly don't like it, I'm sure there as various reasons for that. That doesn't mean it's not true or you have to defend an industry or company who is more than capable of looking after itself 

People say things have changed, no this is a his week. Many of us from UK for example aren't going to fly 10 hours just for a cruise. We are like me on the island in advance & could catch Covid in that time or at the airport

I didn't write this to slag off crusing as I enjoy it. I certainly didn't write it for people who aren't going but want to attack & belittle anyone who is not a member of the superfantastic everything is brilliant club

I wrote it to help people who are going on a cruise from Barbados on RCCL be informed so they can make a decision

I took some time to answer points

Now I wish I'd never bothered




Don't let them get to you if you feel the need to post your thoughts on anything, please continue to do so.

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53 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

This isnt necessarily a rcl issue. It seems to be a port issue, barbados. If you fly to a port and then test positive it's on you what to do when you cant board. This is true of any departure port. This one seems worse. 


Jean also says it's the people working at the terminal/port. 


This thread is about Barbados.. and how they operate. I'm watching and listening the next few weeks to see how boarding goes. If I wanted to see these ports which I do, I'd go out if florida and play it safer. I'm also not booking a cruise to Columbia right now when I read its turning away ships or even Panama. Surely times will improve to see these ports. I'm hoping 2023. 

I realize that this thread is about a port issue.  But the poster basically said Royal won’t help you if you haven’t boarded the ship.  

I wanted to let people know Royal might not help them very much even if they test positive while ON a Royal ship. 

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8 hours ago, LGW59 said:

That paper is known for using bombastic and sensationalized rhetoric to sell papers, much like you are trying to do here.  Locked in cages, no food/drink etc.  Just stop it already!

Can you say "Javol" Colonel KLINK....

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10 hours ago, boxman52 said:

We are booked for this cruise in February and of course we know there is a risk. We have three days on the island before we cruise so we know there is a risk that we could catch it in that period, or travelling even if we enter with a negative PCR. However we expect if we do catch it to be be treat with decency.


It seems from all reports on boarding at Barbados this is sadly not the case. If someone can say after testing positive it was not like this, then I'd be delighted and relieved to hear so.


Firstly the process for checking in is taking hours and hours during which you are crammed in together. The ship sailed on the Monday as opposed to the Sunday this week due to delays


The reports of if you test positive are difficult to believe, however they are coming from multiple sources now. 


They consist of being locked up in a cage at the port with no food, drink, seats or toilets for 7 hours. 


No communication from Royal who seem to abandon you.


Negative passengers in a party with a positive being locked up in the same cage (and yes it sounds like a prison cage) with positive passengers. Obviously this might well pass on the virus if the already hours spent queuing with other passengers hadn't already. This will prolong any stay in quarantine. No consideration given for age or medical conditions. 


You are then offered to stay in the Government facility. Reports with pictures in UK press show this to be a prison level facility complete with armed guards. You need to test negative to be released and that will cost you $300 per test. You have no idea how many tests you will need


You can stay in an approved hotel at $350+ per night with food another $200 plus per day. Testing is on top of that.


Even the taxi ride from the port to the rip off accommodation is at a crazy price.


It seems that Royal don't want to know if you aren't on the ship and you are left at the mercies of unscrupulous people and an exploitive government. 


To be honest as much as I want to go, why on earth would anyone even if it is a slight chance, and lets be clear its a bit more than that, put themselves and their families in a position where this could happen.


I just hope Cruise Critic don't take this down as this warning needs to be known before travel 

Personally, I would cancel if I felt uneasy or uncomfortable about the situation.

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10 hours ago, shipgeeks said:

I'm noticing that words such as "jail", "prison", "thrown into", "disaster", and such are pretty common any more when one wants attention, or to sell a newspaper or blog.

IMO there might be some exaggeration involved.

Probably more than a little exaggeration. Sounds like something a reporter would say.

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I'm going to keep people booked on this updated. If you aren't booked or choose not to believe then simply ignore the posts.

There are now more first hand accounts from the situation in Barbados. 

People talking about being manhandled at the port into the secure isolation area.

One couple got split up at Harrison Point. Because there was no room the gentleman was told to sleep outdoors on a bench.

Other reports are in larger groups they are allowing close contacts of a positive the option of boarding even though they might already have the virus but aren't showing positive yet. This is against their own protocols.

Someone has posted pictures of the food provided in a Royal Covid room on the island saying it's disgusting.

RCCL have sent a mail to the January passengers outlining that 1% are testing positive at the port. They will not support you. You have to isolate at your expense for 7-10 days at a starting cost of $200 per day. Food I suspect will be extra and then others we know are charging $350 per night

RCCL have said because of this they want people to be fully aware of the risk and they will provide a full cash refund not FCC immediately should you decide to cancel.

Again this is information for people booked to go. If you think this is one huge conspiracy that Royal have now also joined then please don't bother replying

Also saying the cruise is great and my friend had a super time isn't relevent as this is about before you get on board

It is also not based on one newspaper report.

I also I'm not going to provide links, proof or even contemplate self appointed self righteous people who decide who can and cannot say what

It is information for people who are booked going forward on a RCCL cruise out of Barbados





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8 minutes ago, boxman52 said:

I'm going to keep people booked on this updated. If you aren't booked or choose not to believe then simply ignore the posts.

There are now more first hand accounts from the situation in Barbados. 

People talking about being manhandled at the port into the secure isolation area.

One couple got split up at Harrison Point. Because there was no room the gentleman was told to sleep outdoors on a bench.

Other reports are in larger groups they are allowing close contacts of a positive the option of boarding even though they might already have the virus but aren't showing positive yet. This is against their own protocols.

Someone has posted pictures of the food provided in a Royal Covid room on the island saying it's disgusting.

RCCL have sent a mail to the January passengers outlining that 1% are testing positive at the port. They will not support you. You have to isolate at your expense for 7-10 days at a starting cost of $200 per day. Food I suspect will be extra and then others we know are charging $350 per night

RCCL have said because of this they want people to be fully aware of the risk and they will provide a full cash refund not FCC immediately should you decide to cancel.

Again this is information for people booked to go. If you think this is one huge conspiracy that Royal have now also joined then please don't bother replying

Also saying the cruise is great and my friend had a super time isn't relevent as this is about before you get on board

It is also not based on one newspaper report.

I also I'm not going to provide links, proof or even contemplate self appointed self righteous people who decide who can and cannot say what

It is information for people who are booked going forward on a RCCL cruise out of Barbados





Sounds like a no brainer, cancel asap and get your money back. Thanks for the info.

Sad part is there will be people going there as many people on there are unaware and not members of Cruise Critic.

Maybe if enough cancel Royal will decide to fold up their tent and cancel all sailings from there.

I believe Royal should stop sailing from there asap until the situation is fixed forever how long that should take.

Edited by Jimbo
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12 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Sounds like a no brainer, cancel asap and get your money back. Thanks for the info.

Sad part is there will be people going there as many people on there are unaware and not members of Cruise Critic.

Maybe if enough cancel Royal will decide to fold up their tent and cancel all sailings from there.

I believe Royal should stop sailing from there asap until the situation is fixed forever how long that should take.

I think you are correct. It was an ask for a new home port to be set up under Covid 

Then Omicron has come along and it's clear the operation has fallen apart. The Island itself cannot cope. Add into the mix the election they have for a new Government this month & it's all too much

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6 minutes ago, boxman52 said:

I think you are correct. It was an ask for a new home port to be set up under Covid 

Then Omicron has come along and it's clear the operation has fallen apart. The Island itself cannot cope. Add into the mix the election they have for a new Government this month & it's all too much

It worked in the beginning but so much as changed since then. 

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10 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

It worked in the beginning but so much as changed since then. 

So what should they do? continue anyway or get it corrected and then sail from there again, until its fixed shut it down.

Or does Royal just turn there head on this and collect money from who can board and say the hell with everyone else?

I love Royal and used to advise all my family and friends that when taking a cruise Royal was the way to go but some of the things they are involved in now has really hurt their image, but they just don't seem to care anymore. It's sad.

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11 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

So what should they do? continue anyway or get it corrected and then sail from there again, until its fixed shut it down.

Or does Royal just turn there head on this and collect money from who can board and say the hell with everyone else?

I love Royal and used to advise all my family and friends that when taking a cruise Royal was the way to go but some of the things they are involved in now has really hurt their image, but they just don't seem to care anymore. It's sad.

There are many sailings they need to shut down right now till they gets things fixed.

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31 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

So what should they do? continue anyway or get it corrected and then sail from there again, until its fixed shut it down.

Or does Royal just turn there head on this and collect money from who can board and say the hell with everyone else?


RC isn’t in charge of the actions of Barbados and their protocols. If they want to save their image, do they cancel all sailings at least from Barbados?  Or will that anger those that have their sailings cancelled who think all is fine?  Who knows.  

All I know is what I stated above; a lot has changed since they started sailing from there this past summer. At lot has changed for all lines sailing from any port, since last summer. NCL pulled the plug for now and others are soldering on. At least for now. Either they will choose to continue, or to shut down by choice, or they will shut down but the CDC. Only time will tell. 

Whatever we proclaim here really doesn’t matter. If they are open for business, and people keep booking cruises, the few folks here at CC from either side of the discussion won’t effect the outcome. 


31 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

I love Royal and used to advise all my family and friends that when taking a cruise Royal was the way to go but some of the things they are involved in now has really hurt their image, but they just don't seem to care anymore. It's sad.


You also have to remember that when you recommended cruises to your friends that wasn’t during a pandemic. And whatever is happening today isn’t what happened in the past. There’s a big difference from January 2019 to January 2022. I personally look forward to the day of the cruise and can return to what it once was.

Edited by A&L_Ont
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36 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:


RC isn’t in charge of the actions of Barbados and their protocols. If they want to save their image, do they cancel all sailings at least from Barbados?  Or will that anger those that have their sailings cancelled who think all is fine?  Who knows.  

All I know is what I stated above; a lot has changed since they started sailing from there this past summer. At lot has changed for all lines sailing from any port, since last summer. NCL pulled the plug for now and others are soldering on. At least for now. Either they will choose to continue, or to shut down by choice, or they will shut down but the CDC. Only time will tell. 

Whatever we proclaim here really doesn’t matter. If they are open for business, and people keep booking cruises, the few folks here at CC from either side of the discussion won’t effect the outcome. 



You also have to remember that when you recommended cruises to your friends that wasn’t during a pandemic. And whatever is happening today isn’t what happened in the past. There’s a big difference from January 2019 to January 2022. I personally look forward to the day of the cruise and can return to what it once was.

I agree with everything above but, there are Royal Caribbean officials seeing  what is happening during the boarding process. It is their duty to report that to the Officials in Miami as soon as they see or hear about this.  They know why people are missing their cruise and not showing up to board.


So Royal does have control if they sail from their or'not.........to let this continue and do nothing is unconscionable, to let this to continue isn't right! The blame is on Royal Caribbean for still sailing from there when they can stop !

Edited by Jimbo
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When I filled out my post cruise survey I gave a zero for the pre board.  I had nowhere to comment on the survey regarding the airport situation.

I truly hope they just cancel the Barbados sailings not because of RCCL but because of the situation with coming into Barbados.  I have no idea how they can resolve this.  Also, to anyone who's on the fence, just know it's really a scary situation when you are in a foreign country at the mercy of their rules.  No sun bed or drink package is worth that.  

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2 hours ago, boxman52 said:

I'm going to keep people booked on this updated. If you aren't booked or choose not to believe then simply ignore the posts.

There are now more first hand accounts from the situation in Barbados. 

People talking about being manhandled at the port into the secure isolation area.

One couple got split up at Harrison Point. Because there was no room the gentleman was told to sleep outdoors on a bench.

Other reports are in larger groups they are allowing close contacts of a positive the option of boarding even though they might already have the virus but aren't showing positive yet. This is against their own protocols.

Someone has posted pictures of the food provided in a Royal Covid room on the island saying it's disgusting.

RCCL have sent a mail to the January passengers outlining that 1% are testing positive at the port. They will not support you. You have to isolate at your expense for 7-10 days at a starting cost of $200 per day. Food I suspect will be extra and then others we know are charging $350 per night

RCCL have said because of this they want people to be fully aware of the risk and they will provide a full cash refund not FCC immediately should you decide to cancel.

Again this is information for people booked to go. If you think this is one huge conspiracy that Royal have now also joined then please don't bother replying

Also saying the cruise is great and my friend had a super time isn't relevent as this is about before you get on board

It is also not based on one newspaper report.

I also I'm not going to provide links, proof or even contemplate self appointed self righteous people who decide who can and cannot say what

It is information for people who are booked going forward on a RCCL cruise out of Barbados





You are not going to get only people who believe all of this to reply/agree/thank you, not happening.  Once any of us posts something, it is open to all who want to respond, not to only to the ones that want to show us the "love".  You clearly do not like it when someone disagrees with you, which you certainly have a right to, but just accept the fact this is an open forum.  Be safe in Barbados!

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At least there is grown up discussion on here now


I've been to Barbados many times


I can understand people describing Harrison Point as a prison. It looks like one


At the same time I can understand the people at Harrison Point describing it as a medical facility. Its not pretending to be hotel


Either way it's a bleak place to end up


Now one big problem is hotels in Barbados this time of year are not cheap.  Even bang average 2 or 3 star hotels will charge £200 per night plus without meals


Higher end hotels much much more than this


But this is why cruising the Caribbean offers such great value


Accommodation, entertainment and 24hr food for less than the cost of a bang average low star hotel without food


So you end up in quarantine and there are no easy options


Also staff manhandling passengers etc I can believe. They wouldn't know any better. Theyve not faced this before


The fact RC are actually warning guests what to expect worst case shows they realises a big problem





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