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The Daily for Sunday 01/23/2022


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Good morning (for 10 more minutes here), all my Daily friends!  Thanks for all the interesting information.  My mother said I couldn't make pastry because I have hot hands.  I grow rhubarb, we have a red type here we call "strawberry rhubarb", it goes very well with strawberries, too.


@dfish, sorry about the sore hands.  Sometimes get a very achy thumb, I then have to stop crocheting for a while!  @smitty34877, Happy Birthday! 🎂  Enjoy your day.  It's nice to see newcomers joining the party,  @0106, and welcome back, @MISTER 67.  @mamaofami I hope both your new aides are just perfect!  @rafinmd, Roy, it is sad about Crystal.  I just hope it's not a portent of things to come for other cruise lines as well.  They all must be incurring huge debt.  @kazu and @ger_77, I'm sorry you are cancelling cruises, and sorry, too, for the reason you are doing it.   @grapau27, thanks for the regular Sunday sermon from Father David!  He is wonderful, and much more succinct than our pastor!  He always makes such a good point.


Talking about Sunday,  I have to ask you to include my California cousin, Vicki, in your prayers today.  She has been in Stanford University Hospital, and has been told she has ALS.  It is very sad, as her DH has Alzheimers, they do have a good care aide, but sometimes he (DH) gets very angry and won't let her in the house. Vicki is home now, and has medicine, but I think it is just a delaying tactic.


We have been to Quebec 2 times.  You'd think it would be more, as we lived in Montreal for three years, but never made it there at that time.  Our first visit was driving and we stayed for a few days in a B&B on a side street, the Hotel du Fort.   We did a lot of walking and went to the Citadel for the changing of the Guard.  There they have a goat mascot with gilded horns.  We went to  a restaurant recommended by friends, and Pat liked it so much we went there every night. The last night, the owner insisted on preparing a flambe'd dessert (I think it was crepes suzette) for us. 










The second time we were on the Rotterdam for an autumn colours cruise.  The colours were amazing, much more than we get here.  We went to Montmorency Falls and to a "sugar shack" where we had sugar on snow.  Pat went through the line about three times (maybe more)!















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25 minutes ago, highscar said:

The family know I have a cruise booked Jan. 23. But I know I’ll get negative reaction when I announce I want to book one for this summer. Any ideas how I can handle their possible negativity.   


My suggestion - tell them you are going to book two cruises, then they'll be relieved when you only book one!   Every time we tell our children we have cancelled a cruise (or the cruise line has) they are so happy.  We have 5 booked now, only time will tell which ones we cancel...

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18 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

Why do you think they will have a negative reaction to you booking a cruise this summer?


Canada is very conservative with their pandemic policies so some have been much more reactive to those who are getting on with life.


23 minutes ago, highscar said:

The family know I have a cruise booked Jan. 23. But I know I’ll get negative reaction when I announce I want to book one for this summer. Any ideas how I can handle their possible negativity.   


At first I thought you meant January 23rd but then realized that is today.  My family were the same until I explained to them that their grandparents could either sit at home waiting to die or they could take one last cruise and have something to look forward to and enjoy.  With me traveling back and forth between Canada and the US they have learned to relax.  I think the worst part is worrying about what they’ll say.  For example, I worried myself to death about the cruise we took in December just prior to Christmas.  As it turned out, nobody gave me the heck I thought they would.  Hopefully the countries will start easing their restrictions soon (the UK already has) and it won’t be as much of a concern for them by the time you book.

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Somehow I didn’t notice that today’s destination was Quebec. We’ve been there on two cruises and one land trip.Actually, our last cruise was to celebrate our 60th anniversary in September 2019 and we started out spending a few days in Quebec first. Actually, Jacqui helped us with some of the details of that cruise.

Its 3:30:and so far the new male aide seems good. Maybe I can finally relax and know Sam will get good care and I will be ok with someone in the house.


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15 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning (for 10 more minutes here), all my Daily friends!  Thanks for all the interesting information.  My mother said I couldn't make pastry because I have hot hands.  I grow rhubarb, we have a red type here we call "strawberry rhubarb", it goes very well with strawberries, too.


@dfish, sorry about the sore hands.  Sometimes get a very achy thumb, I then have to stop crocheting for a while!  @smitty34877, Happy Birthday! 🎂  Enjoy your day.  It's nice to see newcomers joining the party,  @0106, and welcome back, @MISTER 67.  @mamaofami I hope both your new aides are just perfect!  @rafinmd, Roy, it is sad about Crystal.  I just hope it's not a portent of things to come for other cruise lines as well.  They all must be incurring huge debt.  @kazu and @ger_77, I'm sorry you are cancelling cruises, and sorry, too, for the reason you are doing it.   @grapau27, thanks for the regular Sunday sermon from Father David!  He is wonderful, and much more succinct than our pastor!  He always makes such a good point.


Talking about Sunday,  I have to ask you to include my California cousin, Vicki, in your prayers today.  She has been in Stanford University Hospital, and has been told she has ALS.  It is very sad, as her DH has Alzheimers, they do have a good care aide, but sometimes he (DH) gets very angry and won't let her in the house. Vicki is home now, and has medicine, but I think it is just a delaying tactic.


We have been to Quebec 2 times.  You'd think it would be more, as we lived in Montreal for three years, but never made it there at that time.  Our first visit was driving and we stayed for a few days in a B&B on a side street, the Hotel du Fort.   We did a lot of walking and went to the Citadel for the changing of the Guard.  There they have a goat mascot with gilded horns.  We went to  a restaurant recommended by friends, and Pat liked it so much we went there every night. The last night, the owner insisted on preparing a flambe'd dessert (I think it was crepes suzette) for us. 










The second time we were on the Rotterdam for an autumn colours cruise.  The colours were amazing, much more than we get here.  We went to Montmorency Falls and to a "sugar shack" where we had sugar on snow.  Pat went through the line about three times (maybe more)!















Sending Vicki our prayers 🙏 Ann.

Nice photos too.


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Good day and thanks all! Love rhubarb muffins and strawberry rhubarb pie,  that pie recipe is like my grandma’s.   Thanks for the gorgeous photos of our beautiful.Quebec City.  We visited dining the summer festival and stayed at the Chateau Frontenac on a wonderful trip.
@smitty34877 happy birthday Terry!  
@kazusorry to hear you needed to cancel, but understandable.   We just sent a note to our TA to cancel our May cruise as well.   Looks like we have another club, the cancelled cruisers😩

@StLouisCruisers driving stick on the other side is an adventure, shifting with your left hand🙃


a special thanks to all the multiquoters, this thread gets so long and I’m only half way through.  


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Pie is my preferred dessert but rhubarb would be near the bottom of my list. Pecan, apple (with sharp cheddar cheese on the side), or boysenberry would be at the top!


My mom and my aunt Sally both made fantastic pie crusts but I have yet to master the technique. So it is usually store bought crusts if I am going to attempt a pie. There are some decent ones out there. 


I remember running across a recipe fairly recently for pie crust using mayonnaise instead of Crisco, butter, or lard. It sounded quite interesting, especially for a savory pie (or quiche). I was sure I downloaded it, but now I can't find it on my computer. Back to Google I guess!

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Been a crazy day for me with church, my church's annual meeting and the Crystal mess.  I put together this little photo sequence:


I put together a little photo sequence (Courtesy of the PTZ webcams) of today with the Symphony:


From this morning:




Next, the rescue starting:




Late this morning:




And about lunch time:




And finally, mid afternoon:





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3 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Roy, was the Balearia taking the passengers from Symphony?  How many could she take?  I figured they would fly people back to the States...

She was.  I think pretty much all ships are running way below capacity and I think the ferry can take about 600  according to a website I just checked.  I think the Bimini airport only takes single engine planes.



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25 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

I was just looking at WCB's Live From, and Mary Ann has Covid.   I had wondered how they were going to manage being on a ship from mid-December until April!

I was afraid of one of them having it when they were slow posting. Drat!!!!



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20 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Been a crazy day for me with church, my church's annual meeting and the Crystal mess.  I put together this little photo sequence:


I put together a little photo sequence (Courtesy of the PTZ webcams) of today with the Symphony:


From this morning:




Next, the rescue starting:




Late this morning:




And about lunch time:




And finally, mid afternoon:






Thank you, Roy.  So very sad.  I imagine all the crew are feeling just as crushed as the passengers.


Also, thank you for including my Dad on the care list.  The antibiotics have done their job and he is now clear of pneumonia.  He just has a few more visits with his oncologist and dermatologist, between now and March, so if you could keep him on the rotation for our cruise I would be grateful.  Thank you to all for your prayers and concern.

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3 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:


We visited Quebec City way back in 1975 on a road trip from Chicago which included Toronto and Montreal. Quebec City is a beautiful city and I'm wondering if anyone has seen the great Hitchcock movie from the 1950s called ''I Confess'' starring Montgomery Cliff and Anne Baxter. It was shot on location in Q.C. and in black and white with some very interesting and eerie photography that only Hitchcock could come up with.


Now, this is very interesting.  I've seen just about every Hitchcock film, but don't at all remember seeing this one.  It's now on the to-do list, since we are set to be in Quebec next October, along with quite a few others here.  Thanks for the tip.  Two great actors.

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50 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Been a crazy day for me with church, my church's annual meeting and the Crystal mess.  I put together this little photo sequence:


I put together a little photo sequence (Courtesy of the PTZ webcams) of today with the Symphony:




You must be so bummed out about Crystal, Roy.  I know I am.  We never did sail on Crystal, and I was very anxious to do that.  Now....never to be.  

As far as I know, there is no "like product" out there -- the size of ship and level of service combined.  It seemed perfect.  Darn...  😞

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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:


Its 3:30:and so far the new male aide seems good. Maybe I can finally relax and know Sam will get good care and I will be ok with someone in the house.



Well, that is music to our ears.  Let's hope it continues on that path.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


@dfish, sorry about the sore hands.  Sometimes get a very achy thumb, I then have to stop crocheting for a while! 


Talking about Sunday,  I have to ask you to include my California cousin, Vicki, in your prayers today.  She has been in Stanford University Hospital, and has been told she has ALS.  It is very sad, as her DH has Alzheimers, they do have a good care aide, but sometimes he (DH) gets very angry and won't let her in the house. Vicki is home now, and has medicine, but I think it is just a delaying tactic.



I'm sure it is just the arthritis.  A couple days of rest and I won't notice.  Sometimes when I'm sewing I have to stop because they stiffen up.  I have to open and close my hands to get them working again.


I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin Vicki.  ALS is a horrible disease.  I hope the medicine helps.

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Last night was my night for the Baltimore Symphony.  This series is called "Off the Cuff" and combines a single work with a period of commentary by the conductor about the work and it's background.  This is also the year we are between Music Directors and they have been bringing in prospects as guest conductors for little auditions.  The conductor last night was Robert Trevino and I was quite impressed with his rapport with the audience and presentation.  I also noted that he was the only conductor I have seen to wear his mask the entire time and I was impressed by that.



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9 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Sunday Daily, Rich.  A double salute to pie today.  My handwriting is so bad I should have been a Doctor, and perhaps that would explain why people have trouble understanding a single word I "say" in longhand.  Been distracted this morning watching the sail-ins and the sad soap opera that looks like the end of my beloved Crystal Cruises.  The meal sounds nice.  I've been to Quebec many times but never on a BHB although I was due to board Zuiderdam there last year.


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui, dealing with more than should be on anyone’s shoulders
Saint John Hospital Covid Situation and Jose’s fall and fracture

Marshhawk DH in family limbo
Welfare of furloughed crews
Mamaofami, Sam and the search for a new aide
Tana in hospital with poor prognosis
MissG’s dad with pneumonia
Mr. Boston awaiting biopsy results
JAM37 DGD and ger_77 DGS with covid
Cruzin Terri lump surgery 1/25 and problems from missing just one day medication
ger_77 DH Cardiac issues and cancelled cruise
Numerious dailyite friends and family with covid
From the rotation:
NextOne  DDIL with mystery illness
summer slope BCC surgery in February
rafinmd recovering from radiation side effects
MissG’s father hanging in for one more cruise.


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Welcome aboard Btimmer(not sure if this is actually the first time but I think so)
Nieuw Statendam and Rotterdam in Everglades
5 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers        
Carnival Group  hospital ships Nieuw Amsterdam, Crown Princess, and Queen Victoria
Bon voyage bobpatj
summer slope , sassy~one and bobpatj , (Rotterdam to1/29) at sea
Cruising single and garlictown in Hawaii
Good riddance to one of Sam’s aides
Marley cancer free
Progress for luvteaching DH
cunnorl successful MOSE
Jose elbow not broken
Highland Cruiser with the grandkids
StLouisCruisers DSIL going to be with his sick mother in FloridaTana out of ICU
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




I know you are sad to read about Crystal.  Hopefully, for their faithful clientile, they will survive without the parent company.

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I like rhubarb and rhubarb/strawberry pie but my favorites are lemon meringue and key lime. Way back in the late 50's when I was a new bride I attempted to make a pie. The crust was so tough that it had to be cut with a butcher knife. Never again. Both the drink and the wine sound good today; the meal not so much although if someone set it in front of me I would eat it.

Have been to Quebec several times on BHB's, spent 1 night at the Hotel Fontenac; I love that beautiful city. Thank you to all the posters for bringing back fond memories. 

@kazusorry you have had to cancel your cruise.

@mamaofamiWishing you the best with the new aide.




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