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The Daily for Thursday 03/10/2022


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Good morning friends!  Today is cool and gloomy, could be some showers here and there, with a high of 64F.  I've noticed the shrubs have all new growth on them already, and unfortunately this weekend we are expecting some below freezing temps overnight.  This same thing happens every year, and the tender new growth dies and turns brown, and we end up having to cut it all off and let it start over again.🥶 But it could be worse!  We could be somewhere chopping up the ice at the bottom of the driveway, right Jacqui?  Hope things start looking up there for your weather.


Today we have St. John's, Newfoundland as our port.  It was last profiled on Dec. 10.  We must not confuse it with St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. 🙂 We were supposed to visit St. John's, NF in Sept. 2015 while on a transatlantic cruise on Caribbean Princess.  Due to bad weather we had to avoid the area and headed into Halifax early.  We've never had another opportunity to stop there again unfortunately.  Weather report for St. John's that day:00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLLz8eGGWZDZw24upzEI00w?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1443034703


Thanks to Rich @richwmn for the Daily.  I love having a day of awesomeness!  A salute to Salvation Army and all they do to help others.  Having a special day for middle name pride is interesting.  I know some people who actually prefer their middle name to their first name including my own Father.  My middle name of Kay is fine with me and I wasn't named that to honor a family member.  I like that it's short, too!  Today's quote is a good one.   I don't think I'll try the menu suggestion.  And wow is that drink a doozy!  I wonder if anyone ever orders it?  


Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  Many prayers for our Dailyites and families who need them.  Extra prayers for the Ukraine people and those lending assistance.  Hurray for the people of Poland who have really stepped up!  The news reports about all the atrocities happening in Ukraine sicken people of conscience.  🙏  Cheers and 🥂 for everyone on the Celebration list.  We're so happy for you all.  


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Looking forward to photos of today’s port.  We’re scheduled to be there for the first time later this year.  For those who’ve been, is St. John’s a walkable port or do we need to find an excursion?


I go by my middle name, which was my maternal grandfather’s preferred name.  I recently learned that my 6 times great grandfather was also a Robert and that the name Robert is scattered throughout generations of that side of my family.  I also learned that my 6 times great grandfather came over from England by way of Barbados before settling in the Carolinas in the late 1600’s.  Learning this history made me appreciate my name even more.

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Good morning  to  all. We had a hearty dose if mixed precipitation  resulting  in icy sidewalks and stairs.I was walking like an old woman this morning ( ha ha) with the dogs in spite of icemelt. There is a big storm coming over the weekend.Oh boy.

My middle name is for my Swedish Mormor(grandmother). I have never met another Hildegarde. She was a wonderful  woman  and I am glad I share her name.

I will salute the Salvation  Army and Awesomeness  Day.I will pass on the meal as enchiladas  are requested today.

We went to the port on the Voyage of the Vikings cruise.I remember a large iceberg  in the harbor. If I took pictures they are if the less than ideal quality.


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Good morning from St Thomas on the beautiful Azamara Quest. We sailed an hour from St John and then the Captain docked here in SaintThomas. A night of no rocking. We were supposed to have an evening of Broadway Under The Sky and Cherry Jubilee night around the pool but after all the crews work it started to rain.They scrambled and move to the Cabaret and we were treated to spectacular singing from our CD,Assistant CD and  cast singer.


We have been to St. Thomas many times so we are staying on board and enjoying the ship.


Life is good! Thanks to all.


A view of the neighborhood this morning.










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35 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I think Awesomeness really applies to everyone of you Daily-ites.   We support the Salvation Army with donations of clothing and household goods throughout the year, and then with a financial donation to their Christmas Kettle program.  As much as I didn't care for my first name, I loved my middle name because I was named after my Aunt Katie (Katherine).  She was a feisty woman with red hair who could always make people laugh and feel comfortable.


We're cold again, -20C with a strong wind, but apparently nothing compared to the winds that are expected later today.  We're currently under a "Blowing Snow Advisory" for the day and although it's early, people are already being warned to stay off the highways unless travel is absolutely necessary.  You won't see us heading out anywhere!


I haven't been to St. John's (DH has been there for a conference), but last night we were watching TV when another of the beautiful ads came on advertising Newfoundland an Labrador.  Both DH and I agree, we'd love to visit some day, as it looks like such a great place.   Another bucket list location.


Although DH breezed through the angiogram with flying colours, it seems he still has issues, as he can't seem to keep warm and is still needing naps.  We'll see what the cardiologist has to say when he receives the report from Monday's procedure and go from there.  He may need the pacemaker after all, but we'll take it as it comes.



I've had papadum and really enjoyed them, especially with different dipping sauces our friend provided.  I won't go so far as to make them myself, but will continue to indulge when I see them on a menu.  For us though, I think it's a good day to put another pot of soup on the stove.  I've got a bunch of vegetables that need to be used up and a rotisserie chicken carcass in the freezer that I can toss into the pot that will be simmering throughout the day.  I'm petty sure there's still a container of buns in the freezer as well, so it's looking like chicken soup and buns for our dinner tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all those who are reaching out to help them.  We'll raise our glasses and cheer on everybody on the happy list.  Stay safe, wear your masks when you need to, get your boosters, wash your hands, be well and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


I am sorry to hear DH is still feeling cold and so tired.My DH had his bypass surgery 17 years ago and  also underwent angioplasty for the same symptoms about 3 years ago. .  A pacemaker was implanted about a week later and he does feel a difference.He still feels the cold but we were so glad the grafts had held for so many years.Your climate is so much colder than ours  and has to be a lot  to accommodate  to when  outside as well.


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Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and Debbie for today's recipes.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I have taken a few weeks off from the Daily as I found it hard to write what has been going on in our lives. Last month I found out that my older sister,  who has been fighting Ovarian Cancer for four years, has run through the gamut of chemotherapies. They have given her three to six months, but the doctors are now making one last effort with Imunotherapy because of the way it has metastaisized to be similar to lung cancer. Still hard to accept this after all these years! Because of that we made a trip to Chicago, the first since December 2019 due to the pandemic! Difficult to plan in the past two years as we didn't want to bring covid with us nor infect ourselves with it as well. The trip also allowed us to visit with my older brother who has suffered with Parkinson's for 20 years. He has gone down hill since I last saw him and I feel that I could lose him this year as well! But on a brighter note - I was finally able to meet my second grandson who is now almost 1-1/2 years old. That is a story in itself with my older daughter not believing in the vaccine.


My younger sister's daughter is getting married in July. Hopefully my all of my siblings and families will be in attendance. I almost feel guilty with our BHB cruise in three weeks but have cancelled our June mini-cruise.


- Jack

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Good morning all you awesome people 😊. I never had a middle name so when I got married I started using my last name as my middle name. What a fight! Every computer wants to make it an initial. I am adamant that it’s all three names, no hyphen or abbreviation. 
Hope you all have a great day. Susan 

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28 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and Debbie for today's recipes.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I have taken a few weeks off from the Daily as I found it hard to write what has been going on in our lives. Last month I found out that my older sister,  who has been fighting Ovarian Cancer for four years, has run through the gamut of chemotherapies. They have given her three to six months, but the doctors are now making one last effort with Imunotherapy because of the way it has metastaisized to be similar to lung cancer. Still hard to accept this after all these years! Because of that we made a trip to Chicago, the first since December 2019 due to the pandemic! Difficult to plan in the past two years as we didn't want to bring covid with us nor infect ourselves with it as well. The trip also allowed us to visit with my older brother who has suffered with Parkinson's for 20 years. He has gone down hill since I last saw him and I feel that I could lose him this year as well! But on a brighter note - I was finally able to meet my second grandson who is now almost 1-1/2 years old. That is a story in itself with my older daughter not believing in the vaccine.


My younger sister's daughter is getting married in July. Hopefully my all of my siblings and families will be in attendance. I almost feel guilty with our BHB cruise in three weeks but have cancelled our June mini-cruise.


- Jack

I am so sorry to hear about your sister and her struggle with Ovarian cancer. It had to be a difficult trip to see her and your brother but it is so good you were able to go.

We also have family members who will not get vaccinated. Oh my.

Enjoy your cruise in three weeks!

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39 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and Debbie for today's recipes.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I have taken a few weeks off from the Daily as I found it hard to write what has been going on in our lives. Last month I found out that my older sister,  who has been fighting Ovarian Cancer for four years, has run through the gamut of chemotherapies. They have given her three to six months, but the doctors are now making one last effort with Imunotherapy because of the way it has metastaisized to be similar to lung cancer. Still hard to accept this after all these years! Because of that we made a trip to Chicago, the first since December 2019 due to the pandemic! Difficult to plan in the past two years as we didn't want to bring covid with us nor infect ourselves with it as well. The trip also allowed us to visit with my older brother who has suffered with Parkinson's for 20 years. He has gone down hill since I last saw him and I feel that I could lose him this year as well! But on a brighter note - I was finally able to meet my second grandson who is now almost 1-1/2 years old. That is a story in itself with my older daughter not believing in the vaccine.


My younger sister's daughter is getting married in July. Hopefully my all of my siblings and families will be in attendance. I almost feel guilty with our BHB cruise in three weeks but have cancelled our June mini-cruise.


- Jack


Jack, I'm sorry to hear about your sister's cancer and extensive treatments.  So glad to hear you were able to go see her in addition to your brother.  But the best part of that visit was being able to meet your new grandson.  This pandemic has really stopped families from seeing each other and living our lives to the fullest.  I hope we can get back to that more and more as this year goes on.  Plus you have the neice's wedding to look forward to, along with your upcoming cruise.  Enjoy!!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

St. John, New Brunswick,

Just a bit of perhaps trivia.  The city in New Brunswick is always fully spelled out (Saint John) another step to try to avoid people ending up in the wrong place.



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1 minute ago, rafinmd said:

Just a bit of perhaps trivia.  The city in New Brunswick is always fully spelled out (Saint John) another step to try to avoid people ending up in the wrong place.




Very good point!  They no doubt wanted to differentiate between the two.  Another place I'd like to visit.

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Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor sharing the Care and Celebration Lists. 

I saw a post today: Which would you choose? Paying higher gas prices or running for your life in Ukraine.

We must remember who the villain. Prayers to all in need and to the brave people in Ukraine. 


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Good morning, all! I agree with Gerry - all our Dailyites are Awesome! Pamper yourself, this is your day! My middle name is Marie. It was given to me by a French Canadian nurse the day I was born. The doctors believed I was dying, and she didn’t want the baby’s soul to go to purgatory. Her final act in a day of fighting to keep me alive was to baptize me. I paid more attention to the nurse than to the doctors, and lived.  My parents kept the name as my middle name.

Papadums are great. They are naturally gluten free, so I always get some if we order Indian food.

Today I’m off to my first doctors appointment since the pandemic began. I’ve avoided clogging the medical system for things that could be minor, but the time comes to get things checked out.

Happy Thursday, and I’d rather be sipping my coffee in the Lido on a BHB!


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One day while taking a credit card over the phone, I asked the elderly gentleman if there was a middle initial on his card.  He said, "No, I grew up during the depression, and my parents couldn't afford a middle name.".  I think of him and smile every time I ask someone what the name on the card is.

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Having a special day for middle name pride is interesting.  I know some people who actually prefer their middle name to their first name including my own Father.  My middle name of Kay is fine with me and I wasn't named that to honor a family member.  I like that it's short, too!

Sandi, my middle name (and what I go by) is also Kay.  Really don’t know why they even bothered to name me “Barbara” Kay since they never called me Barbara 🤬.  Of course, all official documents, thus cruise bookings, have the dreaded “Barbara” on them.  Oh well, too old now to sweat the small stuff, just answer to Barbara and carry on. 😜


For all the Barbara’s out there — I don’t dislike the name, just doesn’t really fit me personally.



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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and Debbie for today's recipes.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I have taken a few weeks off from the Daily as I found it hard to write what has been going on in our lives. Last month I found out that my older sister,  who has been fighting Ovarian Cancer for four years, has run through the gamut of chemotherapies. They have given her three to six months, but the doctors are now making one last effort with Imunotherapy because of the way it has metastaisized to be similar to lung cancer. Still hard to accept this after all these years! Because of that we made a trip to Chicago, the first since December 2019 due to the pandemic! Difficult to plan in the past two years as we didn't want to bring covid with us nor infect ourselves with it as well. The trip also allowed us to visit with my older brother who has suffered with Parkinson's for 20 years. He has gone down hill since I last saw him and I feel that I could lose him this year as well! But on a brighter note - I was finally able to meet my second grandson who is now almost 1-1/2 years old. That is a story in itself with my older daughter not believing in the vaccine.


My younger sister's daughter is getting married in July. Hopefully my all of my siblings and families will be in attendance. I almost feel guilty with our BHB cruise in three weeks but have cancelled our June mini-cruise.


- Jack


Jack, I'm so sorry to read your post today.  It must have been very difficult to even write about it.  DH and I  join others here in sending kind thoughts and prayers to your family during these tough times.


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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


I so enjoy spending parts of each day with all the awesome people here. A salute to the Salvation Army, I appreciate their services. I have a common middle name, Ann, which I use the initial or full name in all signatures. My Aunt's and Uncles have always called me by my first and middle names. Not sure how that got started.


I would like the meal and the quote is a good one.


@Heartgrove Jack, I am so sorry about your sister and brother. I am very happy you were able to visit with them and meet your grandson. I will be praying for the health of your siblings and that everyone meets again at your niece's wedding.


Well, the visit with new friends in Viera did not end so well. It's sad because I think we could have been good friends.


I have read the Daily off and on the past two or three days, but didn't post due to being stressed and even a little depressed about what was going on. It will take a few more days of processing for me, but I have blocked their numbers and am moving on.


Praying for everyone here, especially those in Ukraine and those in the path of storms.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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6 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


I so enjoy spending parts of each day with all the awesome people here. A salute to the Salvation Army, I appreciate their services. I have a common middle name, Ann, which I use the initial or full name in all signatures. My Aunt's and Uncles have always called me by my first and middle names. Not sure how that got started.


I would like the meal and the quote is a good one.


@Heartgrove Jack, I am so sorry about your sister and brother. I am very happy you were able to visit with them and meet your grandson. I will be praying for the health of your siblings and that everyone meets again at your niece's wedding.


Well, the visit with new friends in Viera did not end so well. It's sad because I think we could have been good friends.


I have read the Daily off and on the past two or three days, but didn't post due to being stressed and even a little depressed about what was going on. It will take a few more days of processing for me, but I have blocked their numbers and am moving on.


Praying for everyone here, especially those in Ukraine and those in the path of storms.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.


Sorry about the disappointing visit with the new friends.  I've known people who turn out to be not at all what you first thought.  Cut your "losses" and move on!!

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Dailyite Friends, today's destination, St. Johns, Newfoundland, brings something to mind.  Getting serious here about researching ports for next year's travels - Japan and also Voyage of the Vikings - all research roads lead to one place:  The Daily!  It's seriously amazing how much useful information has come together here during the course of this pandemic.  Not just photos, but also folks sharing how they spent their time in port.  Great stuff that many will benefit from.  The Daily rocks.


The collection of days is nice today.  The drink sounds divine.  🍫  🍒   I'd never heard of Papadum, though.  Looks like a nice snack.


Julia @JAM37, your post popped up as I'm writing this.  I'm sorry you were disappointed with your visit.  In cruise language, navigating the waters can be daunting sometimes.  I hope you quickly put the bad experience behind you.


We're waiting for a health report from DD this morning.  @rafinmdRoy, thanks for putting her and DGD on the care list.  They really are a source of concern.


Thanks Rich and all contributors to the Daily.  Wishing everyone a joyful Thursday as we think of and pray for our world.  🌻


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Good morning to all the awesome posters here!

We also donate to the Salvation Army, and my middle name is Anne (I have no idea if that's because of Princess Anne who is a year older than I am).  I don't mind the name, but do remember a couple times being called Carolyn Annie and hated that 😉  


The meal sounds interesting, I'd like to try it.  Will pass on the red wine, and the drink sounds yummy although I doubt I could drink more than a little bit.  


We got very good news yesterday.  A few weeks ago I told about a lawsuit that a neighbor brought against the seller and realtors of the house DS and DDIL bought.  He has a reputation for frivolous lawsuits and tantrums if he doesn't get his way.  Yesterday he dropped the lawsuit so hopefully DS and DDIL can (again) line up some work to be done on the house.  They had someone lined up but of course have to go to the end of the line now.  I guess the threat of countersuits from the seller, realtors and DS brought the man to his senses.  I don't think he expected that much of a fight.  


Yesterday I spent a couple hours in the backyard and filled up the yard waste can.  It felt good to get it cleaned up and ready for spring.  Today is my yearly mammogram, and learning how to use the Comcast X1 with voice control we got yesterday.  Our DVR was acting very strangely and driving me nuts, I think we'll be happy with this.  


@HeartgroveI'm so sorry to hear about your sister's and brother's health problems.  Sending prayers for all.  


We were in St. John's in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings.  We took a tour that day, here are my photos.


This is a photograph I bought while there.



And my photo of Fort Amherst, a similar view minus the iceberg!



We went to Cape Spear, the easternmost point in North America.



The oldest surviving lighthouse in Newfoundland



We went to Petit Harbor, a fishing village



Petit Harbor



And Cabot Tower





Looking down on our ship (the old Rotterdam) from the tower



And the city of St. John's



A friendly Newfie we saw in St. John's



Mallard Cottage, oldest house in Newfoundland now a restaurant





We visited Quidi Vidi





And had lunch at the Shamrock City Pub where we had fish & chips and beer made from the water of icebergs



I think we talked about poutine the other day, here's Moose Poutine





Edited by Cruising-along
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Good morning, Awesome Dailyites!  We are heading out to Butchart's for lunch today, so I won't be long.  My middle name is Ann, first one is Penelope on my passport, so I have to at least pay attention the names are being called out.  In the hospital the other day someone called me Penny, that took me by surprise!


Pappadums are lovely.  Cooked in hot oil, they burst into crispiness!  I just buy ones in a box, but we have them whenever we have curry (Pat grew up in India so we have to have curry fairly often).




We have been to St. John's a few times.  It is a big bay, so, to remember its name, and why it has that apostrophe, I remember it might have been St. John's Bay!  It is a steeply hilly, but colourful town.  A tour might take you to Cape Spear, which is the most easterly point or you might take a tour west to see puffins on an island out of town  - but that might be a bit far for just one day in port.  


St. John;'s (bay)




Tha "main drag"




Sign at Cape Spear



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@Cruising-along that is GREAT news about the house for DS and DDIL.  It's so disheartening how jerks can just mess with people.  Wonderful that things came out right!

And before I forget... @smitty34877, our neighbor when I was a kid was named Hildegarde.  She's the only one I've ever known and she was the kindest and prettiest lady one could ever know.   Lovely name.  😊

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