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The Daily for Saturday 04/30/2022


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3 hours ago, kazu said:

Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.--Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Today’s quote has never been more applicable.  I got a call late last night from a physician at the hospital who knows Jose (never a good thing when they call late at night).


Jose is being given morphine to try to handle the pain and being referred to palliative care for his final days.  


It looks very much like despite all the valiant attempts, for the 3rd time in 3 months, they will fail.  I was told to prepare for the worst.  They do not think he has long 😢 💔 




There are no words to describe what you are going through and what each Dailyite feels for you and Jose. 😢🙏 Susan 

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@kazu  Jacqui - We are so saddened to read your latest post about Jose's condition. Of course, we are sending virtual <<<<<HUGS>>>>>> across the miles. We certainly wish we could be with you to offer assistance, a shoulder, something. You and Jose are so loved by everyone on The Daily.

-Cat & David

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@kazuJacqui, I have only been on the Daily for a little while and you and Jose have been struggling for a long time.  I am so sorry that you are going through this.  Hopefully the palliative care with give Jose peace.  Prayers for you and Jose.   🙏😢❤️


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Jacqui, again, there are just no words.  I wish so much that there was more that we could do for you!  As from all of us, you have my deepest sympathy, prayers for strength, and loving thoughts to help you through.

I am so sorry for what you are having to endure.


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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:I would also like to mention someone who is not on the list, Sgt. Bishop Evans of the Texas National Guard who drowned after saving two female migrants in the Rio Grande River.  The two women survived but unfortunately were carrying drugs for the cartels to the US.  Sgt. Evans is being laid to rest today and may he rest in peace.  Most of the major news organizations aren't covering this subject because it doesn't fit their narrative or agenda.  🙏

@StLouisCruisers Sandi — thank you for mentioning Sgt. Evans — had not heard this story.  May he RIP.



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Good Morning Dailyites!


      Raining overcast day today.  Grandsons were going to mow lawn today, but now it is to wet, maybe they can mow Monday after school.  The way it has been growing, might need to make it a hayfield instead of lawn!

      @kazu Jacqui, prayers and a hug for you and Jose.

         @JazzyV  Contact the drug company that provides your new RA med.  My daughter was able to get a "co pay" card from the drug companies website for her RA med.  Otherwise it would have been $ 4,000.00 out of pocket (what insurance would not cover)  If she had not found out about the "co pay card"  she would have not been able to try it.  She mentioned the other day that she feels better then she has in a long time!  So we are cautiously optimistic that she has found the right medicine combo.  I wish you good results.

          Enjoying the pictures of China, I doubt that I will get there, but who knows.

Have a safe weekend everyone.


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Hello, I am late today.  I am having a houseguest starting on Monday and I am trying to get her quarters all ready and I have been procrastinating.   It is about all set.  In between watching the 2000 Guineas - like the KY Derby for European racing then at noon trying to stay on top of the NFL draft.  I think the Ravens had 5 picks this 4th round.   I like my hairstylist though I miss mine from Baltimore.    I do not care for jazz - rock and classical for me.   I am usually brutally honest.   The quote is so true, life does not stop for anyone.   @dfish Thank you for the tasty looking recipes.  I wish I had some pork thawed and some salsa verde.   I know the Yellowhammer as a woodpecker.   The Brewer Clifton wine will be pricy.   Thank you for all the photos of the port and China.   I can look at them vicariously.   Not a place I want to visit and @JazzyV it was either really foggy or the smog was horrible.   There are some places where we can enjoy the pictures but know it wouldn't be a good place to visit.   


Prayers for all on Roy's care list, the people in Ukraine and those housing them in Poland and for the souls in Maiupol.   🙏


While waiting for races to go off this morning I downloaded some pics from this month.   Birds and flowers.   

Sand Hill 41222.JPG

Wood Duck 42522.JPG

Tulips 42922.JPG

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After I posted my pictures of Beijing and Tianjin, I knew that there were others that I had posted at some point.  A little research, and I found they had been posted on January 7, 2022.  Guess what?  Those of you who haven't seen them will get to see them now.  That day I did not share any pictures from the Ming Tombs as others had posted similar pictures.


Our first time in China was October 12-13, 2002.  The first day, we took a tour to the Ming Tombs and the Great Wall.  Upon our arrival in Xingang, we noticed that like much of Asia that time you could see the air you were breathing. 





We had a necessary stop on the way to the Ming Tombs.  This was the front of the building where we stopped, and some shopping, naturally.  





Along the way, we passed various types of housing.  The buildings in the second picture I think are some of the big apartment buildings built in the early 2000s, but that were never occupied.





Our visit to the Great Wall.  We had lunch in the restaurant at the Friendship Store that had a huge lazy susan in the center of the table where the various dishes were placed.   We also learned at lunch to leave food on our plates or they would keep bring more food, plus, if we liked something to eat it and not ask questions about what it was.  There was a cloisonné workshop in the store where you could see various items being made and of course, buy some of them, which I did.



Outside the Friendship store were stalls where enterprising vendors had just about everything you could want for sale, and much cheaper than the Friendship store.   There were also stalls against the hill with the wall on top.





We were at Badaling and this was the gate to access the wall.



This was as high as I climbed, and as I waited for DH to come back from the tower, I noticed the camel below the wall.







I also got a picture of the modern highway we took to reach the Great Wall with the wall above.


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3 minutes ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Morning Dailyites!

 @JazzyV  Contact the drug company that provides your new RA med.  My daughter was able to get a "co pay" card from the drug companies website for her RA med.  Otherwise it would have been $ 4,000.00 out of pocket (what insurance would not cover)  If she had not found out about the "co pay card"  she would have not been able to try it.  She mentioned the other day that she feels better then she has in a long time!  So we are cautiously optimistic that she has found the right medicine combo.  I wish you good results.

          Enjoying the pictures of China, I doubt that I will get there, but who knows.

Have a safe weekend everyone.



Thanks, but people on Medicare can't use co-pay cards. Under the federal anti-kickback law, it's illegal for drug manufacturers to offer any type of payment that might persuade a patient to purchase something that federal health care programs like Medicare and Medicaid might pay for. So they instead have "charitable" programs/foundations that offer assistance; they can write off those costs. I was able to use that previously to get my Humira for no cost. So that's what I'll try to do this time too.

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Our second day in Beijing in 2002 saw us visiting the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Temple of Heaven.  


Our first stop was the Forbidden City, entering through the gate across from Tiananmen Square.  We exited from the back of the Forbidden City and walked through some of the smaller buildings and areas.  These pictures are from that part of the tour.  These pictures are not shown as much as the ones near the main entrance.







After lunch we had time to walk around Tiananmen Square before heading to the Temple of Heaven.  This man was sitting outside the temple with his bird.



The inside of the temple



Some big carved rocks (probably old) in a garden outside the temple



On June 24, 2005, at the end of our Pacific Princess cruise, our tablemates joined us in taking a taxi from our hotel to Tiananmen Square.  Even more than three years before the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics on 8-8-2008, they had a countdown clock on one side of the square.



A side street near Tiananmen Square



One of the Olympic venues under construction that we passed on the way to the airport on June 25, 2005.  The air at that time was not much improved from 2002.



You can all give a sigh of relief since these are the last pictures from Beijing.




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40 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

After I posted my pictures of Beijing and Tianjin, I knew that there were others that I had posted at some point.  A little research, and I found they had been posted on January 7, 2022.  Guess what?  Those of you who haven't seen them will get to see them now.  That day I did not share any pictures from the Ming Tombs as others had posted similar pictures.


Our first time in China was October 12-13, 2002.  The first day, we took a tour to the Ming Tombs and the Great Wall.  Upon our arrival in Xingang, we noticed that like much of Asia that time you could see the air you were breathing. 





We had a necessary stop on the way to the Ming Tombs.  This was the front of the building where we stopped, and some shopping, naturally.  





Along the way, we passed various types of housing.  The buildings in the second picture I think are some of the big apartment buildings built in the early 2000s, but that were never occupied.





Our visit to the Great Wall.  We had lunch in the restaurant at the Friendship Store that had a huge lazy susan in the center of the table where the various dishes were placed.   We also learned at lunch to leave food on our plates or they would keep bring more food, plus, if we liked something to eat it and not ask questions about what it was.  There was a cloisonné workshop in the store where you could see various items being made and of course, buy some of them, which I did.



Outside the Friendship store were stalls where enterprising vendors had just about everything you could want for sale, and much cheaper than the Friendship store.   There were also stalls against the hill with the wall on top.





We were at Badaling and this was the gate to access the wall.



This was as high as I climbed, and as I waited for DH to come back from the tower, I noticed the camel below the wall.







I also got a picture of the modern highway we took to reach the Great Wall with the wall above.


Thank you for all your China photos Lenda.


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2 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

Will the ministries (food pantry and home-cooked meals) continue? What is happening with the partnership with the Lititz Moravian Congregation?

Are the Reading Moravian members moving together to another congregation, or just on their own?

Was/is Reading Moravian closely aligned with any other churches in Reading?

Sorry, if these questions are too painful. 

The food pantry ended in January due to lack of interest and need  . The dinners ended when Covid arrived. 
The partnership with Lititz has ended by mutual agreement. Technically we became members of Lititz 5 years ago when the outreach started . Some members will continue to worship at Lititz, others elsewhere. We were not aligned with any other church in Reading.

Just curious how you are aware of all this information? Are you a former Lititz resident? Thanks 🙏❤️


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Sorry everyone, real life got in the way today.


1 part Pinnacle® Vodka
1 part Cruzan® Aged Light Rum
1 part DeKuyper® Amaretto
2 parts Orange Juice
2 parts Pineapple Juice
Garnish with Maraschino cherry

Build over ice in a tall glass. Stir, garnish and serve.


Screen Shot 2022-04-30 at 2.44.33 PM.png

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Thank you for the photos of Beijing, I am surprised at the skies, sometimes so gray and other times blue.    We were to visit, but cancelled when they imprisoned two Canadians wrongfully.  Not sure it’s a place we’ll get to.  


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6 hours ago, kazu said:

Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.--Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Today’s quote has never been more applicable.  I got a call late last night from a physician at the hospital who knows Jose (never a good thing when they call late at night).


Jose is being given morphine to try to handle the pain and being referred to palliative care for his final days.  


It looks very much like despite all the valiant attempts, for the 3rd time in 3 months, they will fail.  I was told to prepare for the worst.  They do not think he has long 😢 💔 





Jacqui, I am so sorry to read this.  I will be keeping you and Jose close to my heart and pray that palliative care gives Jose the peace, comfort, and dignity that he so deserves in his final days.  

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1 hour ago, kb4683 said:

@StLouisCruisers Sandi — thank you for mentioning Sgt. Evans — had not heard this story.  May he RIP.



I did hear about this tragedy on the news, how awful for that family and our military.

Loss of a good man because of illegal drugs and greed. He was doing what good men do, help others when there may be risk to self.

He is proof that angels walk among us.


Thank you @StLouisCruisers and @kb4683.

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Good afternoon from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     I am very late today but played golf with DS this AM and then our friends took us on their boat for a few hours. It was great.

     So I was just catching up when I read Jacqui's @kazupost. I am so sorry. I was truly hoping that things would improve. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Wish there was something I could do for you.  Please take care of yourself also.



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7 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We went off for a walk to the gym this morning and got that workout over and done with.  Today is laundry day so that's next.  Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily.  Great days today.  Hairstyle appreciation sounds positive.  I've noticed my 13, 15, and 17 year old grandsons are all wearing the latest boy's Tik Tok hairstyle.  You can barely see their eyes!  Jazz is a very popular type of music, though not my favorite.  Honesty as they always say is the best policy.  The quote is so true, the pork verde looks good, as long as it's not too spicy I would like to try it.  Tianjin (Beijing), China was last posted here March 28, 2021.  I think we decided at the time that the port may have been originally called Xingang.  Let's see what our discussion today brings to the table.


Thank you Roy @rafinmdfor the Daily list.  Prayers were said this morning for all on the list, my 3 family members, the people of Ukraine and all who assist with housing them, and sending them whatever they need to survive.  I would also like to mention someone who is not on the list, Sgt. Bishop Evans of the Texas National Guard who drowned after saving two female migrants in the Rio Grande River.  The two women survived but unfortunately were carrying drugs for the cartels to the US.  Sgt. Evans is being laid to rest today and may he rest in peace.  Most of the major news organizations aren't covering this subject because it doesn't fit their narrative or agenda.  🙏


Here is what I posted last time on Tianjin (or Xingang).  


In April and May, 2010 we took a Diamond Princess cruise from Bangkok to Whittier, Alaska.  Right in the middle of it was our stop near Beijing, called Xingang.  We took a ship's tour with several couples we knew to the Great Wall followed by lunch at a hotel restaurant.  The weather was warm and sunny, plus the trees had begun flowering so it was a nice day all in all if you don't mind a long bus ride.  The section of the Wall we visited was called  Huangyagyuan.  The entrance is below.enhance




If only each step was consistent!  Some were shallow and some were steep so you had to concentrate on each one.




This photo was taken from a window in a tower along the way.enhance


We wanted to make it all the way to the top so we rested for a minute or two along the way.enhance




Near the top.  A friend from China told us this means "The Saint's Peak - scenic viewing platform".enhance


After this we had to make our way down again, which believe me, is just as hard on the knees as going up!  At the bottom of the Great Wall entrance were these beautifully shaped trees which I would love to have seen in bloom.  enhance


We then had time to look at the goods being sold outside the entrance.  enhance




This little guy was hoping for a ride on this contraption but it didn't seem to be in service that morning.enhance


And finally a picture of the room at the hotel where lunch was served.enhance


I think I'm probably through visiting China.  I'm glad I got the trip in when I did back in 2010.  



Sending out prayers 🙏 and condolences to Sgt Evans family and friends.

It is so sad he died saving a couple of drug traffickers in the Rio Grande river.

RIP to a hero.


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