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The Daily for Saturday 05/21/2022


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18 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thanks Graham!  


I love the photos taken in your garden room.  When I watch British real estate or decorating programs they show many homes with "conservatories".  They resemble your garden room so I'm assuming the terms are interchangeable.  Believe me, your garden room and garden are so much nicer than the ones shown on the programs.  🙂  No wonder you enjoy relaxing in there so much.

Thank you for your kind words Sandi.

We have a conservatory with access directly into our house and a separate sliding door into the garden and a second conservatory we call our summer house ( garden Room) we access from the garden only.


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3 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you for your kind words Sandi.

We have a conservatory with access directly into our house and a separate sliding door into the garden and a second conservatory we call our summer house ( garden Room) we access from the garden only.



Beautiful!  All the windows bring the gorgeous garden right inside.  

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9 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We celebrated our 50th anniversary on the 14 day Alaska cruise on Amsterdam in 2019.  Like everyone else, we recommend this cruise to anyone wanting to visit the 49th state.


One week before the actual anniversary, we stopped at Icy Strait Point.










Watching the zipline people fly down the mountain00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIHf4XKscqiXy46O9s6j5Us?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1568231667




It was a beautiful day in Alaska.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLE-6Qynkve2IDd9UiegrZx?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1568232032

Absolutely fabulous pictures Sandi and you two look so Young and Happy.


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Good morning everyone. Great collection of days. There is now a shortage of waiters and waitresses so we need to treat them with respect even when service is slow. A shout out to all who serve in the armed forces. 
Temps today are going to be 96. Last night our smoke detectors went off because running a humidifier in the bedroom for many years somehow made heat land in one of them. We had to call the fire department at 1am because they are new detectors and had no battery to remove. 
Happy cruising to all who are about to depart and prayers for all on our prayer list.

Stay safe everyone and we will try to stay cool today ,


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@Heartgrove,Sending my prayers as well for your DB.


@grapau27,The garden and garden rooms are just beautiful. Enjoy.


We are expecting high temps today but it is presently  66 and foggy.I just returned from a long dog walk where our two met every other neighborhood  dog.There was much sniffing  and tail wagging involved.

@dfish, I had a good laugh because lately DH and I argue over who pushes the cart.Yes ,we are both in denial.The recipes look great and we voted for number one.Thanks.

I will salute both the Armed Forces andIt waitresses/waiters. Our nephew returned from his 10 month National Guard stint in Africa a while back. He was able to return to his previous  employment  and is very relieved.The company has been much affected  by covid shortages.

We have been to the port and if I managed pictures they are probably  of dubious quality. 

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26 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@HeartgroveJack, I just saw your edited addition to your post, about your brother in the hospital.  I'm sure you're very worried about him.  Prayers for him and we hope he is soon on the mend and out of that hospital.🙏

Me too.


And checking out of my hotel now.



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31 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@HeartgroveJack, I just saw your edited addition to your post, about your brother in the hospital.  I'm sure you're very worried about him.  Prayers for him and we hope he is soon on the mend and out of that hospital.🙏


Thank you, Sandi,. I had just finished my post when my sister called. This is from three years ago when he had pneumonia for the first time. We thought we would lose him then. He also served in the Coast Guard before me.





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Good morning all. 

One of the most scenic drives that I have been on is from Sorrento, Italy, to Almalfi. We were fortunate to ride the bus there last week.

The Surf tendered into Sorrento and the bus picked us up at the train station near by. Positano was a stop, but we didn't have time, unfortunately. 

Arriving from Sicily, we sailed between Capri and the Sorrento peninsula. 










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Flight to Mainland went without any glitches and we finally hit the hay around 11 PM. Our son will be picking us up in an hour. It will be great seeing them and our granddaughter Tilly.


Thanks for the Fleet Report and a crisp salute to all our Armed Forces!

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A quick good morning from sunny and windy central Texas.  Our predicted thunderstorms last night did not materialized, but we may get some this afternoon and tonight.  This will be a quick post since I want to get the yard mowed and trimmed early.  I'll finish reading the Daily when I'm through with the yard work.


I will salute our armed forces and waters and waitresses.  I haven't written a memo in years.  When we both worked for du Pont in Delaware, we wrote a lot of memos on forms called Don't Say It, Write It.  


The Oscar Wilde quote is one I agree with.  We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine, but I might save the meal for when our vegetarians visit us.


@Heartgrove  Jack, I'm sorry your brother is so ill.  Sending good thoughts that he recovers quickly.


This is what I posted on October 31, 2021.


We have been to Icy Strait Point quite a few times, and we did the 14 day Alaska cruise several times on different ships and usually did multiple b2bs to get out of the the Texas heat.  I want to go back and ride the gondola.


In 2012 on the Amsterdam and 2015 on the Statendam, we anchored and tendered.  We finally got to dock in 2018 on the Zaandam.


In 2012, DH did the zip line, but I chickened out.  At that time, it went a lot faster than it does now.  The drop took about 60-62 seconds.


I'll start with my pictures of ISP, and post those of Hoonah later.



Once in 2012, it was very foggy and in order to not cancel the call, the Amsterdam had to move closer to the tender dock so the Bridge Team could have visual contact with the tenders at all times.  This meant the Amsterdam was in much deeper water than usual.  Unfortunately, when she dropped her anchor, the chain brake failed, and the anchor and all the chain landed on the ocean floor.  It was determined that the cost of a new anchor and chain was less than trying to retrieve the old one.  Interestingly, the same thing happened the year before in Sitka, but the water was shallow enough to retrieve the anchor and chain then.  We did not find out about the incident until the next segment, when some of the people getting DH ready for the zip line mentioned it.



We took this picture when we docked at Ogden Point in Victoria at the end of the cruise.



These pictures are from 2012 and 2015 before the new dock and facilities were opened.





The new facilities at the terminus of the zip line.




The Statendam in 2015 on one of her last calls in ISP.



The Zaandam at the new dock in 2018.



As we were walking back to the dock and passing the food area, we found part of the cleaning crew hard at work.



We saw this eagle in a tree near the dock.



We have taken a couple of whale watching tours and have seen many humpback whales, orcas and otters.







Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Here are just a few pictures of Hoonah.  We usually take the bus into town and walk around for a while.  




This eagle built her nest in a tree just down from the school in Hoonah.



A local restaurant



The two local churches




The local store



Main street




The totem carving demonstration




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Bon Voyage Roy.  Hope you have a great cruise.  To all those folks who are expecting a warm day, it is the other way around here.  It got down into the 30's last night and I had to switch the furnace back on.  Send that warmth our way please.  

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Great respect for the Armed Forces and the jobs they do.  We appreciate all restaurant servers and know that these days they have a difficult job, as they are in high demand due to staff shortages.  I haven't written or received a memo since retiring almost 8 years ago.  One of the last memos I sent was on the "While You Were Out" note pads; I sent it to 3 other judges and it read:  "Don't forget your 2PM appointment", but didn't sign it.  I sent it through the inter-office mail so nobody would know who it came from.  LOL


Well it's the long weekend here in Canada (Victoria Day), so many people are on the highways heading to campsites, cabins, etc.  We stopped at the Dollar Store yesterday and saw a young couple with 2 little ones stocking up on dishes, kitchen supplies, etc., as they were outfitting their first camping trailer and were so excited.   Typical of Saskatchewan weather, we are expecting below freezing temperatures and we're wondering just how much they're going to enjoy their first camping experience.  I'm sure it will be memorable for them.  For us, we're happy to camp at home.


@Heartgrovewill send healing vibes to your brother so he can beat pneumonia once more.

@rafinmdBon Voyage!  Enjoy your get-away cruise!


Not a lot going on around here today, I think it's time to reclaim some counter space and move the air fryer out to the deck, but first I have to make a dust cover for it, otherwise it will be a constant cleaning task for me.  I like today's menu suggestion, but will try the lemon garlic linguine with egg tonight and will definitely scramble the egg.   I might add some bacon to it, just for good measure.  So, it's looking like pasta and salad for dinner for us tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance to them.  Extra also for our Daily family who are struggling.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate the much larger happy list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, wear masks when you need to, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning all!

Too all our armed forces veterans here and my DH, Happy Armed Forces Day!  The only memos I write now are in my "notes" on my phone to myself.  I have great respect for waiters and waitresses. I know I couldn't do their job.


The wine, drink and meal all sound good today.  None of our Alaska cruiises have gone to Icy Strait.  Thanks for all photos!


Yesterday was a frustrating day... While gardening this week I've been noticing more bird activity and even dive bombing me as I work.  Knowing they must be building a nest, but I couldn't figure out where.  Then as I was checking my hanging baskets of Fuchsias, the dive bombing and screaming at me got worse.  I was checking them because some of the leaves were looking droopy and I didn't know why.  Ok, I took down the baskets, and sure enough, one of them had a deep hole, uprooting part of the plant. 😞  Thankfully I caught it before the nest was built or any eggs laid.  I had put aluminum foil on the baskets to deter the birds, but I won't be bothering to do that again.  I've now put forks (tines up) in the baskets, I'm even thinking of hanging some mint-scented sachets near the baskets.  Any ideas from the Garden Club?  I love my Fuchsias, but if this doesn't work I'll have to give up on them.  


Roy @rafinmdhave a wonderful cruise!!

Jack @Heartgroveprayers that your DB recovers fully from the pneumonia once again.

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@cat shepard that Chardonnay sounds lovely but the price?  😱 


@summer slopethat drink sound like a nice one on a warmer day


1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Just heard from my younger sister that my brother was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He has pneumonia along with a 104 degree temperature. Serious because he has been suffering with Parkinson's for almost 19 years. He is not in the ICU but just a step below so that he could be quickly moved in.


Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear this 😔 Prayers that the doctors can help him and he can improve quickly 🙏🏻 



1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

It was a great day for youngest grandson Austin who graduated last night from 8th grade and his Catholic school had an awesome ceremony with much appreciation to the parents for their support.  Then the students had a post graduation dance. 


Congratulations to Austin 👍 


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Late night out but they are off to pick up new puppy Sadie this morning and I'm excited!  Waiting to see those first photos of her with her new Mom, Dad and brother.


Aww - how exciting!  Hope you will share pics of Sadie, please???  Pretty please????


8 minutes ago, travelnap said:

Send that warmth our way please.  


And here too, please 🥶 

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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Strawberry Basil"

2 parts Skinnygirl® Bare Naked Vodka
2 large Strawberries
3-4 pieces Basil
Splash Soda Water
Lime Wedges

Muddle strawberries in a glass. Add ice, basil and Skinnygirl® Bare Naked Vodka. Top with soda and garnish with a fresh lime wedge.


Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 8.09.13 AM.png


That looks so good especially after a long walk this morning.  The heat is already building.


2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:


Just heard from my younger sister that my brother was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He has pneumonia along with a 104 degree temperature. Serious because he has been suffering with Parkinson's for almost 19 years. He is not in the ICU but just a step below so that he could be quickly moved in.



Prayers for your brother that he recovers quickly and fully.  You don't need more to deal with.


30 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Flight to Mainland went without any glitches and we finally hit the hay around 11 PM. Our son will be picking us up in an hour. It will be great seeing them and our granddaughter Tilly.


Thanks for the Fleet Report and a crisp salute to all our Armed Forces!


Glad you made it safely!


I forgot to mention earlier that we did the gondola ride at ISP and enjoyed it.  There is no way I would get my sister on the zip line.  I'd like to try it, but it probably isn't a good idea with my back issues. We did have the best halibut fish and chips at ISP.  Worth every penny and all the steps we took to walk it off.  

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Today's sunrise is from a 2016 Veendam Bermuda cruise.  May 21 was the day we returned to Boston:





Enjoy your trip, Roy.  The last time I was on Adventure (over two years ago) there was a separate area in the dining room for Diamond and above during breakfast.  No lines.  Also the Diamond club on Adventure is very nice.  I will be interested in how the Bermuda authorization works.  If all goes well I will be doing a solo trip on Enchantment in June.  Needs kids to be able to stay with DH so still up in the air.  Stay safe and hope your weather is great.  Katherine 

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21 minutes ago, kazu said:


Aww - how exciting!  Hope you will share pics of Sadie, please???  Pretty please????


Absolutely!  I'm anxiously awaiting some photos and would love to share them.  Hope little Sadie is not too overwhelmed today meeting her forever family.🐕

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Our only visit to Icy Strait Point was in 2017 while aboard the Amsterdam.  We walked around some and then took a whale watching tour.  We bought the tickets directly from the tour operator.  The price turned out to be the same as HAL’s excursion.












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Good morning, all! Respects to all in the Armed Forces, especially now as we are reminded that peace and safety cannot be taken for granted. Also a salute to waiters and waitresses. It’s not an easy way to make a living. In this society where manners are disappearing and entitlement is off the charts, working with the public is harder than ever. The meal looks delicious, and might be a good choice here for tonight.

I’m been absent for almost a week. DH and I recovered from Covid, tested negative, met all the isolation timelines, and made it to DS and BIL’s 50th Anniversary. The venue was a yacht club, and large enough to prevent crowding. It was warm enough that the staff were able to open up the big glass doors along the outside deck over the lake, so there was a constant flow of fresh air. We haven’t heard of anyone getting sick after, which would have happened by now. The party was a big success, and DS was just shining!

My cousin stayed with us for a few days after. We dropped her at Vancouver airport yesterday, and carried on to the ferry. She arrived in Toronto about 15 minutes after we made it to Salt Spring.

@Heartgrove I’m sorry to hear about your brothers illness. Now that he is in hospital, hopefully they can get the fever and pneumonia under control and get him home again.

Happy Saturday, everyone! Best wishes to those enjoying the weekend aboard a BHB!

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