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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 26th, 2022


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10 hours ago, marshhawk said:


I don't know what kind of raise, but apparently when she tried to hire a dog walker, she found out that no one works for 5 buck a day.  I also told her that if the doctors appointments are in the middle of the day,  I will let her know that she is responsible for the dog that day.  


OMG - you are doing this for $5 per day?  Are you serious???  

Ignore her offer of some unknown raise and tell her you want $15 and hour and prompt payment or sayonara.  


I don’t know anywhere (even here) where anyone does it for that price.




@ottahand7all my prayer for sure 🙏🏻 



9 hours ago, *Miss G* said:


Also, like most Canadians, we speak Frenglish, which is a mixture of French and English in one sentence.  My husband has learned Frenglish, too, and has declared himself an honorary Canadian.  😂


Here, in the only bilingual province in Canada - we call in Franglais.  I learned it in Moncton and am very fluent 😉 😂 


8 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


We both have Covid, but got home safe and sound and are isolating in the comfort of our own home.  It has been something between a cold and the 'flu for me, so not too bad, Pat is suffering, so I'll try to get him to stay in bed today.  


Oh my, so sorry to hear that Ann.  I hope you are both feeling much better very soon 🤞. Definitely keep that stubborn man in bed.  He needs rest.


Must go check your report.


4 hours ago, dfish said:


I'm hoping the negotiations on this house go a bit more quickly than the drag out rejection of the other house.  We shall see.  


I sure hope things go so much more smoothly for you this time 🤞 


4 hours ago, dfish said:


Meanwhile, time to start getting ready for my cruise.   I timed this well, didn't I?



Yup - pretty much the way I do.  the cruise will be a good diversion though and you sure deserve one 😉 



3 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Rain is a major factor and storm surge.  And even winds that are tropical storm strength can down trees whose roots are weakened by so much rain. Right now they are calling for 6 - 12 inches where I live. Just in time for me not to have to add water to the pool. 


I feel your concern.  We had the same here with all the rain.  Part of the reason so many trees are down (along with the strength of the winds).


I hope all yours hold and you are safe 🙏🏻 





2 hours ago, dfish said:

I keep forgetting what I wanted to say.  Maybe I should go directly to assisted living.  


Not unless you want to.  I’m in a two storey house and do those stairs.  Don’t be discouraged.  


Assisted living is not all that is cracked up to be.  There will be a time - but as long as we can live in our homes - that’s my vote.  At least, for this year 😉 


2 hours ago, Dismomx5 said:

Popping in just to wave goodbye! 👋🏻

We're flying to Amsterdam tomorrow night. And then on to the Rotterdam on Sunday.



Have a great and safe flight and a wonderful time on your cruise 




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 Ann @cat shepard  Great map.

           I think we will be OK in Brevard. Expecting a lot of rain and wind. The only issue is we are on the east side of the storm and that is usually where the tornadoes come from. There is an expected storm surge. The ocean is already churning. So we will take in the patio furniture ( was going to have to do it this weekend anyway ), put the storm shutters down and hope for the best.

         3 ships just left Port Canaveral. Not sure where they are going.

        DH went to help our friends secure the boat. 

        The Tampa area and the west coast are in for a wild ride, we will just be a little bumpy.  

        Everyone stay safe.


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


It was 5608 Lantern Lane.  Looks pretty close to I-10 on a map but there were so many trees I don't remember hearing anything.  We bought the lot, hired the contractor, DH drew up the blueprints and they built it exactly as we asked.  I feel like that was one of the easiest home building experiences we've ever had.  The garage was so large!  24 x 32 feet deep.  We stored our boat in the rear of the garage and had room for two cars, or one car and the snowmobile trailer in the front section.  


Funny!  The owner is in the front yard mowing grass on Google maps.  Photo is 10 years old though!  The best sod we ever put down was at that home.  Michigan has great sod farms.


The house you offered on sounds like an interesting floor plan.  Private space for both of you.  Keeping fingers crossed!


Hope your niece and her DH make it out safely.  DGD has a friend whose Grandma lives in Jupiter but I think the roads will be packed.  I'd hate for them to be stuck on a highway during a hurricane.


Oh, my gosh, I used to walk past that house all the time when I was visiting Mom and Dad.  Some days I'd go for long, long walks and hit almost every street in the neighborhood.  Mom and Dad were through the path way over on Mason.  You wouldn't have gotten the highway sounds where you were but those on Bloomfield would have.  The house we looked at was on Butterfield and the highway went though the back yard.  


My niece and her husband and son are on their way.  I told them they could come here, but they are going to Joe's aunt's house in Tennessee.  

28 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Thought I might mention something about stairs and us older people.  I think the main concern is about falling on them rather than whether or not we have the strength to climb them.  We have a two story house built into a hillside.  The main living area is upstairs, but downstairs includes the laundry, two other bedrooms, a bath, living room and a large storage area plus a bar.  I have to go downstairs to refill my wine glass, so I use the stairs daily.  However, I am not concerned about falling because the stairs have a thick carpet with a pad.  So if I fell, the tragedy would be in spilling my wine.


I managed to fall going up the stairs and broke a hip.  It can be done.  However, I now always use the railing when going up or down stairs.  We can always put in a double railing so there is one on each side.  That is easy to do.  


17 minutes ago, kazu said:


Here, in the only bilingual province in Canada - we call in Franglais.  I learned it in Moncton and am very fluent 😉 😂 

Kind of like Spanglish?   After one trip to Europe I decided I was a lazy bum and started taking Spanish classes.  I even spent a few summers in Madrid living with a Spanish family.  I got pretty good at one point, but haven't used it in ages.  


17 minutes ago, kazu said:

I sure hope things go so much more smoothly for you this time 🤞 

Not as much as we do.  I'm going to be homeless in 38 days.


17 minutes ago, kazu said:


Not unless you want to.  I’m in a two storey house and do those stairs.  Don’t be discouraged.  

Assisted living is not all that is cracked up to be.  There will be a time - but as long as we can live in our homes - that’s my vote.  At least, for this year 😉 


My grandmother had to do stairs until she was in her 80's and sold it.  


46 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Sometimes I worry on these post that a lot of personal information is posted that could lead to personal information that can divulge our full names. Full names can divulge info like addresses. Addresses and stating we are are on a cruise can send up a flag we are on a cruise and our home is vacant and vulnerable.

I guess what I’m trying to say is be careful on how much we share on this tread. These pages are not secure and are scammers dreams. 

Not lecturing just giving some concerning thoughts and reminder.


It is a concern, but I don't think anyone could figure out who I was if I said I used to live at 608 Center Way in Lake Jackson, Texas.  That was almost 60 years ago.  That house seemed so big when I was 8, but looks so little now when I see pictures of it.  I think Facebook is a bigger danger than CC for those who are scamming. 

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Good afternoon.  We got back from the doctor visit a little while ago. It did not go as we expected, but that is not a bad thing.  First we saw the surgeon's resident who was very nice, informed and thorough.  Then, the surgeon came in and agreed with the resident.


First, along with the radiologist who read the MRI, they did not see a tumor near the optic nerve.  They believe it is an atypical growth of the bone.  Secondly, they do not believe the NPH is a big problem at this time.  The surgeon said the back surgery to relieve the spinal stenosis should come first.  He said the spinal stenosis could be the cause of the NPH as it's restricting the drainage of the fluid from the brain.


So now, we try to get an early appointment with the spine surgeon, and start that process.



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I'm happy to report DGD is on her way to Jupiter with her friend to stay at Grandma's house.  At least she's not headed north on I-75.  I feel much better now.


And Debbie @dfishisn't that a coincidence about you walking on our street?  I noted today our names are not listed in the sales history of our old house onthe county assessor's site.  It was 43 years ago we sold it.  So I'm not very concerned about our identity being exposed.  Happy to say we don't do Facebook which is a good thing.

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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31 minutes ago, kazu said:

Here, in the only bilingual province in Canada - we call in Franglais.  I learned it in Moncton and am very fluent 😉 😂 


It’s funny, I never used to think about it, or notice it, until I moved away.  Then one day I went back to visit.  My friend and I were driving along when she said “I have to pick up some mouchoirs.”  I got warm fuzzies and went “Awww.  I miss that.”  She didn’t know what I was talking about. (Other than she thought we had no Kleenex in Florida.) 😂

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My ex h was soooo paranoid about telling people any of his travel plans.  When I found this site, he didn't even want me posting on it.  Back in those days my name was slightly different, but my dd uses a combination of numbers for her roller derby name, so my CC name is based on that.  On the other hand, my FBook name is my full name since I married my current husband.  I don't put any travel info on FBook.   

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30 minutes ago, dfish said:


Oh, my gosh, I used to walk past that house all the time when I was visiting Mom and Dad.  Some days I'd go for long, long walks and hit almost every street in the neighborhood.  Mom and Dad were through the path way over on Mason.  You wouldn't have gotten the highway sounds where you were but those on Bloomfield would have.  The house we looked at was on Butterfield and the highway went though the back yard.  


My niece and her husband and son are on their way.  I told them they could come here, but they are going to Joe's aunt's house in Tennessee.  


I managed to fall going up the stairs and broke a hip.  It can be done.  However, I now always use the railing when going up or down stairs.  We can always put in a double railing so there is one on each side.  That is easy to do.  


Kind of like Spanglish?   After one trip to Europe I decided I was a lazy bum and started taking Spanish classes.  I even spent a few summers in Madrid living with a Spanish family.  I got pretty good at one point, but haven't used it in ages.  


Not as much as we do.  I'm going to be homeless in 38 days.



My grandmother had to do stairs until she was in her 80's and sold it.  



It is a concern, but I don't think anyone could figure out who I was if I said I used to live at 608 Center Way in Lake Jackson, Texas.  That was almost 60 years ago.  That house seemed so big when I was 8, but looks so little now when I see pictures of it.  I think Facebook is a bigger danger than CC for those who are scamming. 

City records would probably show every resident/owner on record. I agree FB is a bigger scammer paradise but I was just reminding folks to be cautious. Giving the actual address of a former residence is easily traceable.

It’s the world we live in.

Don’t mean to sound bossy. Just sharing my personal concerns. I have done a Google search on myself and after breaking it down was amazed on how much info is available  on boring me. 😁





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The saga continues….


September 13th

Back to the States….


We were up early to pack. Everything I planned to use in Seattle was in my 19” suitcase, or my tote. Then before checking out we enjoyed another amazing breakfast buffet. We had both fallen in love with the avocado coconut Greek yogurt and the banana bread. At least one of them was healthy. I enjoyed a piece of crustless spinach artichoke quiche too. After breakfast we checked out of the room and headed out to grab a cab to the “wannabe” train station. Amtrak does not have enough personnel to run the train from Vancouver to Seattle, so they offer bus service between the cities. But they use train stations at both ends. 

We had a wannabe New York City cab driver who was attempting to break the land speed record on the way to the station. Happily it was a very short distance. 

At least we knew that we would be on a bus ahead of time. Some people did not know this until they arrived at the train station! The bus arrived, the driver checked us off and loaded our luggage into the storage compartment. There would be one stop at the border to clear customs, and that was it. So we were happy to have our peanut butter stuffed pretzels to munch on. 

At the border we all had to exit the bus, grab our luggage and then wait in line to be cleared. I have Global Entry, so my process was smooth. Oddly the only thing that had to be Xrayed was my tote bag. I just wheeled my suitcases around the machine. Done. I was now cleared to re-enter my homeland. 

Back on the bus, we still had a bit to go before Seattle. The clouds started to appear as we traveled South, but they appeared to be fair weather clouds. We arrived at the station promptly at 3:30. By the time we grabbed our luggage, my friend’s brother had found us. He made me feel welcome. We loaded our bags into the trunk and climbed in. We were off!


We headed North to a neighborhood just North of Carkeek Park.  Bella, their beautiful black lab mix was so excited to have other folk to play with. She promptly went to get her favorite toy!


My friend’s SIL was working from home, so we peeked in to her office & waved. We each had our own bedroom and bathroom. And the bathroom had heated floors! We got a bit settled and then reconvened in the kitchen. We were offered an amazing red blend wine from Browne family wines & headed out to their back deck. I promptly dubbed it “the oasis”. It was a magical place of trees, bushes, flowers and whimsy. We could occasionally hear a bird, or one of the neighbor’s chickens.  



When my hostess had finished her online meeting she came out to join us and unwind. Then we headed in to the kitchen. They started preparing dinner and wouldn’t let us do anything - except sip our wine. 😎. Dinner was going to be a Caprese salad with tomatoes fresh from their garden, grilled garlic bread, and penne a la vodka. And wine. Their oldest daughter and her boyfriend would be joining us for dinner. When they arrived, the boyfriend pitched right in and started to help cook dinner, while the daughter set the table. It was a wonderful family vibe. 

Dinner was delicious and relaxing. It was wonderful having  no place to be in the morning.  We helped clear the table and hand washed the wine glasses. Their daughter and her boyfriend left. Then we all turned in for the night. 

Another great night’s sleep. And boy I loved that heated bathroom floor!





Edited by cat shepard
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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Sometimes I worry on these post that a lot of personal information is posted that could lead to personal information that can divulge our full names. Full names can divulge info like addresses. Addresses and stating we are are on a cruise can send up a flag we are on a cruise and our home is vacant and vulnerable.

I guess what I’m trying to say is be careful on how much we share on this tread. These pages are not secure and are scammers dreams. 

Not lecturing just giving some concerning thoughts and reminder.

I agree with you for the most part. Luckily, we have a live in daughter, so our house continues to be lived in. 🙂 DD said just last night, "Sometimes I feel like a burden" and I reassured her that, even though we sometimes call her the girl in the basement, it is with love, and she isn't the first one to come back home to live as full grown adults. Also, I didn't have to give one iota of a thought to my (senior) cat. I can up and leave for a month and she will be well cared for. Now I only hope the cat doesn't decided to cash in that ninth life while we are away. DD would be devastated.

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@aliaschiefis correct.  Everyone, please be careful.

1 hour ago, dfish said:

I used to live at 608 Center Way

Please be careful.  House was built in 1960.  I was able to find your Elementary school and a list of you and your classmates in less than 2 minutes.

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1 hour ago, HAL4NOW said:

We also have neighbors that know everything that is happening on our block. They aren't nosy; they are just aware, and we all care about each other and watch out for each other.

Neighbors who watch out for each other are worth their weight in gold.  I have neighbors like that too, and they are all aware of when we're gone (and vice versa).  A good home security system helps too.

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3 minutes ago, Dismomx5 said:

I agree with you for the most part. Luckily, we have a live in daughter, so our house continues to be lived in. 🙂 DD said just last night, "Sometimes I feel like a burden" and I reassured her that, even though we sometimes call her the girl in the basement, it is with love, and she isn't the first one to come back home to live as full grown adults. Also, I didn't have to give one iota of a thought to my (senior) cat. I can up and leave for a month and she will be well cared for. Now I only hope the cat doesn't decided to cash in that ninth life while we are away. DD would be devastated.

Agree. However, there are many other issues other then know addresses and vacancies. Just a gentile heads up to be cautious and watch what we divulge on this thread. Why? I like everyone and this social venue.

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I have finally had time to catch up on the Daily. 


We are careful about giving to much information on line.  I very, very rarely post anything on FB.  I mainly go on there to check on the neighborhood groups in Arizona and any events planned my high school class.  Our neighbors here and in AZ keep an eye out for each other, so we don't worry too much when we are gone.


9 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all. Interesting recipes on the hibiscus, I’ve had  tea that beautiful colour.   Thankful for my High School French class where I met DH😍

@Vict0riann sorry to hear you and Pat caught Covid cruise,  I hope you recover quickly!  Is this your first bout?  

@StLouisCruisers and @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the photos of Heraklion/Iraklia and Knossos,   We love Crete and have spent nearly two months on that lovely island.  We’ve enjoyed the great museum in Heraklion but find the city less charming than others. 

Another interesting nearby place to visit is the ancient Malia Palace.  Dailyites would love the amphoras that hold 1000 litres of wine 🤷‍♀️😂🥂







Thanks for the pictures and another place to visit next time we're there.


7 hours ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon, everyone!


I am safely home from our whirlwind house hunting trip.  Thank you to @0106 Tina for stepping in for me.  I do appreciate that.  I'm sorry for everyone experiencing health woes - I'll catch up tomorrow and be specific, but I wish everyone a speedy recovery.  @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad to hear you weathered the storm.  


We saw 5 different houses.   The two that were right in our price range were quickly eliminated.  One already had offers and would certainly go over asking and I wasn't willing to pay that much for it.  The furnace was quite old and would need replacing soon.  The windows were old and most likely a great source of heat loss. All the appliances were old and needed replacing.  The third bedroom had room for a crib and not much else.   No where to put guests. The fireplace didn't work and needed repairs. And the laundry was in the basement.  


The other one had a lovely yard, but the house was pretty much a dump.  The kitchen was a gut job, there was no dining area, you had to walk through the furnace room to get to the bathroom, one of the bedrooms was locked and we couldn't see it and the there was no bathroom upstairs where the other two bedrooms were.  It was quickly scratched off the list.  


Next we went to a nice ranch home.  The layout was kind of quirky.  The living room was really small and the dining room was huge.  The basement was mainly finished off and had a nice big family room.  Laundry was in the basement.  It has been on the market for a while now as it is over priced.  


Then we saw one that is again overpriced for location and what you get.  It is located near the highway and the noise from the highway was constant.  You wouldn't be able to open windows in the summer because of the noise. The kitchen was way too small.   It did have a main floor laundry, but the highway noise was a deal breaker.   You might as well sit in the median and watch the cars whizz by.


The last one was multi level, but stairs were limited in number at any one time.  There is plenty of space.  In fact Sue decided she would like to take the bottom floor for her bedroom and there is a space close by for her art studio.  There is also a bedroom down there for guests.  And, of course, the laundry is down there.  I'll just throw it down to Sue.  There was a nice large family room off the kitchen and the dining room was great with built ins.  This is the one we decided to make an offer for.  We are waiting to hear back.  I'm sure they'll counter with a higher price.   We're a little hesitant because there was an earlier offer and it was withdrawn after 9 days and the house came back on the market.  We are curious as to why.  


I'm hoping the negotiations on this house go a bit more quickly than the drag out rejection of the other house.  We shall see.  


Meanwhile, time to start getting ready for my cruise.   I timed this well, didn't I?



Debbie, I hope the seller will not drag things out, and you have a house to move into when your house closes.



4 hours ago, dfish said:

It is a split level, sort of.   There is a full flight of stairs between the top floor and the lowest floor.  The top floor has two bedrooms, a bath and the living room.  Then you go down 4 steps to the kitchen and dining room.   From there  you go down to the lowest level.  You also go to the family room from the kitchen.  If the kitchen level had a powder room I would be home free.


Where did you live in Midland?   I wonder if my realtor can access pictures.  That conversion does sound strange.  


I keep forgetting what I wanted to say.  Maybe I should go directly to assisted living.  My niece and her husband are in Sarasota, just down the road a piece from Tampa.  They are currently packing and are heading to Tennessee.


That is good news your niece and her DH are headed out of the danger area.


4 hours ago, Dismomx5 said:

Popping in just to wave goodbye! 👋🏻

We're flying to Amsterdam tomorrow night. And then on to the Rotterdam on Sunday. We're feeling great, and with no stress of testing, we know that, as long as the plane gets us there, we are good to go. 🥰


Blessings and a happy October to everyone!


Safe travels to you (and your luggage) tomorrow.  Have a great cruise.


3 hours ago, *Miss G* said:


Oooh, exciting!  I wish for you zero problems with the flight and a wonderful holiday!


I am tired and I haven’t packed yet.  I am on my last load of laundry now.  I think, just thinking about all the things one has to do, adds to the tiredness.  I had to add a visit to the chiropractor because my lower back and neck went out last night.  Too much stress, travel, and cleaning.


Thanks for the well wishes on tomorrow’s drive!  I am impressed with your memories.  My brain is in such a swirl I had to verbally remind myself where I was going when I was heading out to my appointments today.  😳 Luckily you can talk when you’re alone in your car and people will think you’re on the hands-free phone.  


Sorry to hear of all the covid illnesses.  I hope everyone is feeling well soon.

I also hope that everyone in Ian’s path stays safe.  Let us know how you’re doing when you can.  Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with the fire report, @HAL4NOW.  Stay safe.


Again, safe travels tomorrow.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I'm happy to report DGD is on her way to Jupiter with her friend to stay at Grandma's house.  At least she's not headed north on I-75.  I feel much better now.


And Debbie @dfishisn't that a coincidence about you walking on our street?  I noted today our names are not listed in the sales history of our old house onthe county assessor's site.  It was 43 years ago we sold it.  So I'm not very concerned about our identity being exposed.  Happy to say we don't do Facebook which is a good thing.


Sandi, I'm glad your  DGD is on her way to Jupiter and safety.



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1 hour ago, Dismomx5 said:

Now I only hope the cat doesn't decide to cash in that ninth life while we are away. DD would be devastated.

We visited our daughter in Pennsylvania for her college graduation and while we were gone, the sixteen-year-old cat she had grown up with died back in Washington. The lady that was taking care of Tigger was devastated and checked with a vet to see what to do so we could see Tigger and say our goodbyes. The vet said he would have put the cat in a freezer, so she put our dead cat in her garage freezer and then let us know when we returned. Our daughter had wanted us to bring the cat back to Pennsylvania where she was staying for a job after college. We are so glad we didn't bring him on the plane and have him pass during transport.

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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

@aliaschiefis correct.  Everyone, please be careful.

Please be careful.  House was built in 1960.  I was able to find your Elementary school and a list of you and your classmates in less than 2 minutes.

I'd be interested in seeing that information.  Can you send it to me?  


If someone wants to find me, they'll find me.  Although, I'll be gone in a few weeks.  

Edited by dfish
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A few years ago we subscribed to the local newspaper.  We found that when a customer told the delivery person to hold the paper for a few days or weeks while out of town, the delivery person would pass that info to his friend who was a thief.  We stopped our subscription.  We let our neighbor know we will be gone so he can pick up any advertising newspapers that are thrown on our driveway which after a few days tell any drive by thief that the house is vacant.  Prior to covid we have cruised 2 to 3 months each year and have not had a problem.

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34 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

A few years ago we subscribed to the local newspaper.  We found that when a customer told the delivery person to hold the paper for a few days or weeks while out of town, the delivery person would pass that info to his friend who was a thief.  We stopped our subscription.  We let our neighbor know we will be gone so he can pick up any advertising newspapers that are thrown on our driveway which after a few days tell any drive by thief that the house is vacant.  Prior to covid we have cruised 2 to 3 months each year and have not had a problem.

We received a number of packages from UPS today in Skykomish, but we are in Westport. Our neighbor in Skykomish got the packages from the porch for us. Normally, we don't receive packages while we are gone, but the highway had been closed for a couple of weeks and UPS wasn't able to deliver until today. The highway is closed again because the fire has reached the road. We may be staying longer in Westport than we anticipated.



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10 hours ago, Dismomx5 said:

Popping in just to wave goodbye! 👋🏻

We're flying to Amsterdam tomorrow night. And then on to the Rotterdam on Sunday. We're feeling great, and with no stress of testing, we know that, as long as the plane gets us there, we are good to go. 🥰


Blessings and a happy October to everyone!

Sending you our best wishes for a wonderful cruise.

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8 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Sometimes I worry on these post that a lot of personal information is posted that could lead to personal information that can divulge our full names. Full names can divulge info like addresses. Addresses and stating we are are on a cruise can send up a flag we are on a cruise and our home is vacant and vulnerable.

I guess what I’m trying to say is be careful on how much we share on this tread. These pages are not secure and are scammers dreams. 

Not lecturing just giving some concerning thoughts and reminder.

Great advice.

A loss adjuster told Pauline that they check social media sites when people put in burglary claims to see if they were advertising they were on holiday.

I never use FB and only post on cc.

We have outside CCTV cameras so can watch our house anywhere in the world on our phone.

We also have an excellent neighbour who watches our house.



Edited by grapau27
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8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I'm happy to report DGD is on her way to Jupiter with her friend to stay at Grandma's house.  At least she's not headed north on I-75.  I feel much better now.


And Debbie @dfishisn't that a coincidence about you walking on our street?  I noted today our names are not listed in the sales history of our old house onthe county assessor's site.  It was 43 years ago we sold it.  So I'm not very concerned about our identity being exposed.  Happy to say we don't do Facebook which is a good thing.

Pleased to hear your DGD is moving to safety.

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14 hours ago, Dismomx5 said:

Popping in just to wave goodbye! 👋🏻

We're flying to Amsterdam tomorrow night. And then on to the Rotterdam on Sunday. We're feeling great, and with no stress of testing, we know that, as long as the plane gets us there, we are good to go. 🥰


Blessings and a happy October to everyone!

Have a wonderful cruise. 

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