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How "safe" is the ship?


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I have often had my Kindle, iPhone, expensive binoculars, etc in a tote bag that I feel perfectly comfortable leaving on a lounge chair when I go to the ladies’ room.  Don’t believe anyone is going to rummage through it.  I feel perfectly comfortable and safe on the ship.

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10 minutes ago, LMHSRN said:

Sounds like maybe you should stay home. LOL

I don't think that is an appropriate comment.  Many people are apprehensive in unknown situations, that doesn't mean they shouldn't experience them.  Asking for advice is never wrong.

In 40+ cruises, mostly with Celebrity I have never had anything stolen although I am reasonably careful.  I keep my passport and wallet in the safe, and my phone and Kindle are the only 'valuables' I carry around the ship.

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As previously mentioned, situational awareness is key and however long it takes for you to become aware of your onboard experiences will determine how long it takes you to become comfortable with your daily activities and actions. If it seems right for you, it is. Act accordingly and realize that as additional experiences and cruises occur, your comfort level will become more acceptable and subsequently your peace of mind.

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I would treat my room like a hotel room - if I had something super valuable, I might put it in the safe, or at the very least, in my luggage rather than being out and extremely visible, but I've never seriously considered the possibility of an employee jacking an old laptop. It'd have to be an employee, since your room is locked. I would treat the pool deck like... a public place. Sure, there are cameras, but it'd still be super easy for someone (a guest) to just walk by and grab someone else's wallet they left sitting, ripe for the yoinking, so why chance it?

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Passport and wallet in the safe with any jewelry. I used to put my electronics in the safe, but my more valuable “toys” don’t fit in the E class safe, so I don’t bother anymore! On my last cruise, I only brought 2 pairs of earrings that were at all “valuable”, so I left my jewelry roll in a drawer as well.

As others have said, the stateroom attendants wouldn’t be employed long if they started stealing,

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5 hours ago, ACJV said:

A few years ago, I left my shawl in the lounge.  I never got it back.  I checked with the lost and found periodically, and it was never turned in.. I did look around to see if anyone was wearing it😬


On my last cruise, I left a favorite pair of reading glasses somewhere.  I always have a backup pair, but I was particularly fond of this pair.  Checked with the Luminae maitre d', but they didn't have them.  Went to Guest Relations.  She pulled out a huge box of glasses and asked me if they were in there.  They were!

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10 hours ago, Tierun said:

Threatening behavior on a Celebrity ship? Carnival maybe, but not the relaxed, laid back world of X. Too mature for the nonsense.

Simply not true.  
We cruised to Bermuda from Cape Liberty July 2018.   A male was detained in his stateroom across from ours and was under security watch 24/7 until arrival in Bermuda at which time he was escorted off and flown back to NJ under police supervision.  
That same cruise, we observed security immediately attend to a couple obviously inebriated, cursing loudly, throwing drinks at each other and swinging arms at each other.  
it can happen anywhere.  X is not immune. 

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I've only been to a Royal Caribbean cruise, but I didn't feel the need to put my laptop in the safe, I just left it out of sight. We did put the passports and wallets in the safe. One night I returned to my cabin a bit tipsy, and then I realized I had lost my scarf. So I went out again to find it. Someone had left it adorning the miniature of the ship 🤣 It was really funny, I didn't think I would find it.

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For the cruise or any travel, we suggest traveling with some locks for suitcases, backpacks, and some ski locks (combination lock with wire string that loops back to the lock) and possibly an additional lock box (Master makes one that fits in a backpack that also has a wire string).  That way you can lock items closed, and to fixed or heavy objects if the need arises.  A locked suitcase under the bed on the ship or in a hotel room can be a nice place to store items that don't fit in the safe (which is probably something one can open by watching a Youtube video).  If you're afraid of someone taking the entire bag then you can wire lock it to something in the room or wherever it may be.   There's also waterproof bags that can be used for phones and anything that is brought to beaches, which are perhaps the weakest part of the Celebrity experience as compared to a private island that is an extension of the ship bubble.  


If anyone reading has children and would be considering safety on the ship, and possibly anxiousness of the child, we found on Edge in April that our son was well known to many of the crew even before an introduction and that helped.  We surmise, but did not confirm, that a list of children may have been shared with crew.  There were only a handful.  Crew definitely seemed well trained to be aware of and interface with children in a positive way, and from a safety and security standpoint.   Visiting the muster station, trying on a life jacket, meeting some crew, Captain Kostas, security, etc. was helpful.  Reza at the OVC ice cream stand also had his head on a swivel, introduced himself to one and all, and had instant recall of everyone's name.  Same for Martin the Maitre D in Luminae , of course our butler and attendant, and others throughout the ship.  Everyone just wanted to be helpful and friendly.  Many cruisers too.  (We didn't confuse this with a false sense of security, but it does help a great deal to set the mood -- e.g., posters that have had things returned to lost in found or untouched, etc.)


Note:  On phones and trackers - don't overly count on tracking working as they do on land.  There's plenty written about this elsewhere.  Also, consider a battery on phone will drain at some point, and maybe more quickly due to use of the Celebrity App.  Also, if one had to wipe a phone remotely, write down somewhere not on your phone the codes you'd need to get into Apple or Google Android profiles to do so.  You may not remember them if you don't key them in often.  And, two factor authentication may require a device you don't have ready access to.  


Bank apps will also allow debit cards and accounts to be locked, or limited to certain dollar amounts, without a second step being taken.  This can be helpful if you want to know you could access funds if you needed them, do want access to some amount, but also that no one with your access devices could actually obtain the full amounts and liquidate a checking account, etc.  Something you may not always do in regular day to day life.  


And, not a physical security or safety matter specific to ships, have backups of critical docs printed, copied, and uploaded to a cloud drive.  


Edited by Cap_D
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18 hours ago, chemmo said:

Never had an issue on a ship.

However, many ports are not as safe. Pick pocketing is rife in many ports and cities. Whilst most of the time you are ‘safely’ robbed (you don’t even notice) there are occasions where violence is used especially when tourists leave the main areas…


General rules…


Find out about each port you visit, safe and unsafe areas. Tourist maps often available.
Take minimal cash with you.Use a lanyard or belt rather than a wallet in a pocket.

Avoid wearing expensive watches and jewellery.

If you take a credit card off ship make sure you still have a different one on board.

Be alert when you put items (bags) next to you in cafés etc.

Be alert to locals offering to ‘take you’ to shops or restaurants ‘great value, just down here…’

If you are threatened to hand over valuables just do it.


Whilst most of us usually have no problems in ports it is the unwary who are often targeted…



I have to admit that I agree with you.   Many large sites e.g. Barcelona, Rome and Paris are known areas for pickpockets. 


I've actually pushed a guy away from me who "accidentally" bumped into me and I could see was going for my wallet.    I spent most of my career traveling internationally to most major city and learned early to be cautious.  

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Yep. This past June when we checked into our hotel in Barcelona, the staff person explicitly warned us to be careful in the area because of pickpockets. And this hotel was in a very nice section of Barcelona.


Having lived in NYC in my mid-twenties, I learned a lot of life's lessons early on that were of great benefit in the following years...lol... 

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We have sailed over 30 cruises, including 5 on Celebrity which I assume is your main focus.  We put cash and jewelry in the safe – but we often forget to lock it!  We leave our computers and phones and cameras lying about the cabin [no charging ports in most safes!].


We have NEVER had anything stolen.  We have total faith in the honesty of the cabin attendants – because all those we have met seem like honorable people and if not because their job is much more valuable to them than the short-term gain they might get from stealing something.


As to leaving a wallet on a pool chair – why would you have a wallet with you there, since your ship card is the only payment option you need?


I can't speak to your final question because neither I nor DW have ever felt threatened on a cruise ship.  I know it happens, but since you are asking on the Celebrity forum I think it's much less likely here than some other cruise lines...

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On 12/1/2022 at 9:09 PM, PineappleTraveler said:

I realize opinions will be subjective here, but your good/bad experiences are appreciated.


How safe is your stuff on a full ship? One of us is probably a little too carefree on vacation, and the other one probably a little too paranoid. Would you lock your phone in the safe rather than leave it plugged in when you leave the cabin? If you left a purse/wallet on a pool chair and went swimming, would you feel the need to keep an eye on it the whole time? Have you ever been pick pocketed on a ship?


If another passenger was threatening to you in some way, do you believe the ship security would respond helpfully to a request for assistance? Any safety tips you recommend? 


I would think you would coverup that purse or wallet with a towel.  Otherwise I feel safe. But if something happens make a lot of noise!

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On 12/2/2022 at 2:09 AM, PineappleTraveler said:

I realize opinions will be subjective here, but your good/bad experiences are appreciated.


How safe is your stuff on a full ship? One of us is probably a little too carefree on vacation, and the other one probably a little too paranoid. Would you lock your phone in the safe rather than leave it plugged in when you leave the cabin? If you left a purse/wallet on a pool chair and went swimming, would you feel the need to keep an eye on it the whole time? Have you ever been pick pocketed on a ship?


If another passenger was threatening to you in some way, do you believe the ship security would respond helpfully to a request for assistance? Any safety tips you recommend? 

Very safe. However we always put our money, jewellery, passports etc in the cabin safe. Why? because if anything were to go missing our insurance wouldn't pay out if we chose not to use the safe.

Off the ship we wear cheap watches, no jewellery, keep money and cards in a zipped security pocket ( never in a back pocket) or in a closed bag worn across the body.

Enough money in a separate security belt to ensure we can always get back to the ship. Two different Credit Cards - one set that remains on the ship as backup.

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Within the ports you have two different issues, first is the pickpockets (Nassau is one of the worst) and then you have places like Jamaica where you'll be approached by a local who will want to fist bump you and say "respect man", they'll then ask your name and will start carving your name into a trinket

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17 hours ago, dlh015 said:

Yep. This past June when we checked into our hotel in Barcelona, the staff person explicitly warned us to be careful in the area because of pickpockets. And this hotel was in a very nice section of Barcelona.

That's why the pickpockets are there. 😉

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To add to a lot of the great suggestions for while in port, I really think it is important to make use of layers of protections.  A number of years ago in Barcelona (not while on a cruise), I fell for a distraction scam (one half a couple asked me for directions while the other grabbed my purse once I turned).  It really can happen to anyone even if you are trying to be mindful.  But because my credit cards, passport, and important stuff was on me (in a money belt), they got nothing of value to them (a train ticket, a cheap point and shoot camera that needed replacing, and sadly a notebook of my own poetry).  It was sad to lose my poetry (which I'm sure was dumped in a garbage can) but it was very easy to just buy another (inexpensive) train ticket and continue on my trip.

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On 12/1/2022 at 9:09 PM, PineappleTraveler said:

If another passenger was threatening to you in some way, do you believe the ship security would respond helpfully to a request for assistance?

This question must be on the minds of many for a cruise line to feel the need to post ( in 3 languages) that a passenger that feels threaten in any way need only to bring it to the attention of any staff member.


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Just remembered an incident that happened one NewYears eve on board a ship at midnight. It was a new ship (don't think it is in service today). The ship listed so sharply that dishes could be heard crashing to the floor. We were in our cabin and thought for sure the ship was going 'down'. We dressed quickly and ran from our cabin to our muster station. DW lost her wallet on the run. There was no one else out on deck, everyone was still partying so we walked back to our cabin when she realized she dropped her wallet with all her credit cards, etc. We retraced our steps again to the muster station with no luck. Shortly our cabin phone rang. It was the Bridge calling to say their night rounds officer found it and to come to the Bridge to retrieve it. Everything was intact. Moral of the story for us is if one loses anything on a cruise ship, pray that it is staff or crew that finds it.


Edited by morpheusofthesea
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1 hour ago, morpheusofthesea said:

Just remembered an incident that happened one NewYears eve on board a ship at midnight. It was a new ship (don't think it is in service today). The ship listed so sharply that dishes could be heard crashing to the floor. We were in our cabin and thought for sure the ship was going 'down'. We dressed quickly and ran from our cabin to our muster station. DW lost her wallet on the run. There was no one else out on deck, everyone was still partying so we walked back to our cabin when she realized she dropped her wallet with all her credit cards, etc. We retraced our steps again to the muster station with no luck. Shortly our cabin phone rang. It was the Bridge calling to say their night rounds officer found it and to come to the Bridge to retrieve it. Everything was intact. Moral of the story for us is if one loses anything on a cruise ship, pray that it is staff or crew that finds it.


And no one else noticed the ship going down?

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22 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:


I have to admit that I agree with you.   Many large sites e.g. Barcelona, Rome and Paris are known areas for pickpockets. 


I've actually pushed a guy away from me who "accidentally" bumped into me and I could see was going for my wallet.    I spent most of my career traveling internationally to most major city and learned early to be cautious.  

Ah yes.  In Rome I would often circle back around.  


Always put your valuables in your front pockets and only put nonvaluables in a  backpack.


We had a big biker guy with a Harley shirt on have a robbery attempt against himself.  It was a younger girl with her Mom.


I would have liked to have had a 360 degree view camera on myself while I was walking in Rome as I at times heard noises like somebody was trying to get into my backpack (with only waters).


I would also not book an AirBnB in these places as they have the same problems with theft.



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18 minutes ago, zitsky said:

And no one else noticed the ship going down?

Not a single soul. New Years Eve and the bubbly was flowing throughout the ship. Maybe too much celebrating on the bridge caused an officer to lean against the ship's 'joy stick' that caused the ship to make such a sharp turn  causing everything not batten down to come crashing down. No one could care that evening , it would appear, had we hit an iceberg in the Caribbean ?

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