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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday December 22nd, 2022


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5 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

If I don't post tomorrow, it might be because I was sanctioned by CC, for saying on another board almost, but not quite, what I really think. I seem to have lost the ability to tolerate entitlement and willful stupidity.



Most of us have been put in the slammer at one time or another. 

This too shall pass!

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15 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I tried to explain to my grandchildren  how we used slide rulers for calculations  and they were amazed.We found one in the house and demonstrated how it worked....I think they thought we grew up in the Stone Age!

The Stone Age? Wasn’t that last century? Famous quote, “If you remember what happened in the ‘60’s, you weren’t there”. Oh my bad, that was the Stoned Age 😳


I still have my slide rule which is +50 years old. And it still works as long as I have by my side WD 40!

Edited by RedneckBob
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@richwmn, Rich. Bon Voyage!

@ger_77Geri, The car trip sounded rather difficult but I am so glad you made it safely.

@Seasick Sailor, I am sorry about your hand.I hope it heals quickly.


We have not been to the port but will celebrate  Math Day. No cookies here but that is ok. Eating is a bit of a struggle  but each day things improve. I will wait for food to appeal more and then  look at the recipes.

Best wishes to all and prayers for those who must travel. 

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It is 24 degrees...a huge ice storm is due to hit this afternoon....and last thru tomorrow afternoon...🥶


I am good....candles and flashlights are all rounded up....phone, kindle and computers are all fully charged....


Fingers-crossed and hoping everyone can stay safe....for those at home and those traveling...!!





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Have now returned home from a 31-day South American cruise on the Oosterdam and after a rather grueling travel time of over 24 hours, getting from Buenos Aires to Edmonton, along with a temperature change of +30C to -40C.😎🥶



The person picking us up at the airport, said he noted our flight was the only one which arrived on time, with the other flights being delayed/cancelled.


Sometimes you get lucky!!


We are presently experiencing some of the weather conditions other people throughout the lower parts of Canada and northern parts of US are enjoying. At least we are not getting bad blizzard conditions, just record lows for this time of year.


A quick snap of our thermometer which I just took. We are expected to remain sunny and cold today, but start warming up to seasonal temperatures over the next few days.




For people who may not know it, -40 is the crossover point, of where Centigrade and Fahrenheit are the same.

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44 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

The manager said most people book the free restaurants (Tamarind and Pinnacle)


I don't  understand. I thought that Canaletto was included in HIA. Although my booking shows only two included specialty dinners, and maybe Canaletto is in third place for popularity?


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5 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


If I get put into the brig, will someone bring me a cake with a file in it?



I'll be there for you sister!


As far as HIA, we only got a choice of Tamarind and Pinnacle. Your pkg may be different. If your 4 or 5 star, Canelletto would only be about $12


Prince Charming is waking! I'll check back tonight!

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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!


Preparing today for the incoming storm.  It appears it will be a wind storm with freezing temperatures.


I have a question.  BFF has been trying to make reservations for the Tamarind on the NA in May.  It shows booked every night, and to try again later.  would they be booked up so soon?  Or are we trying too early?


Stay safe in your travels, stay warm be prepared and many hugs being sent to all of you!

I ran into this and it was because the time I was choosing was full changed the time and it went through. 

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I have spoken to my pharmacy and the county health department just called.  I walked about 15  minutes in our mall today with a KN95 mask and the pharmacy and I have agreed that it is safe to pick up my prescriptions (and some groceries) with a mask.  The Health Department just called and indicated that since my cold symptoms started a couple days before the test that my isolation period probably ended a couple days earlier than I thought and it should be within reason to be out without a mask starting tomorrow although I will continue to do so sparingly.and between this and weather I will worship from home this weekend..
Fortunately, this seems to be fading into history.
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2 minutes ago, rafinmd said:
I have spoken to my pharmacy and the county health department just called.  I walked about 15  minutes in our mall today with a KN95 mask and the pharmacy and I have agreed that it is safe to pick up my prescriptions (and some groceries) with a mask.  The Health Department just called and indicated that since my cold symptoms started a couple days before the test that my isolation period probably ended a couple days earlier than I thought and it should be within reason to be out without a mask starting tomorrow although I will continue to do so sparingly.and between this and weather I will worship from home this weekend..
Fortunately, this seems to be fading into history.

I am glad the news was somewhat encouraging. At least it was safe to get the food and medicines.I hope the storm is manageable in your area and you don’t lose power. 

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@summer slope I am sorry your kitty is sick.  Irving gets that way every time we leave home for more than a night.  We realize that we give him part of our dinner every night, and he is used to be spoiled.  When we leave I tell the sitter to give him some real food, like the deli meat we bought for him, and she forgot to give it to him,  however our vet thinks something else is going on.  Good luck!  Irving is the same age as your cat.  Mature.


@kochleffelI used to get "binged" a lot, but i behave better now.  (not) .  I did read the older we get  the less we tolerate,  Life is short, and we dont have to put up with stupid.   

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Good morning, Everyone.  I'll take all the days except mathematics.  All left brains around here.


@aliaschief and others hitting the road, wishing you safe travels. @ger_77, you had a challenging one.  Glad you arrived safely!  And were able to go to Ikea.  Last night at dinner I was complaining that due to being ill most of this season, I missed many annual traditions -- like going to Ikea!  A year without looking at their wrapping paper, cookie cutters, and, yes, tea lights, is just somehow "off."


@Crazy For Cats, sorry you're not feeling well.  So many things going around this year.  Stay warm!  Everyone out there, stay warm!  Yikes on the weather.  😳


@Seasick Sailor, you hand looks painful.  Hopefully you can still use it okay.  Nasty bruise!  Heal quickly.  ❤️


@summer slope, sorry to hear about Kitty.  Poor baby missed you!


We had a nice Hanukkah dinner last night with DD and DSIL.  Though we are not Jewish, we enjoy sharing this traditions with DSIL.  I mentioned before that they have to move to Los Angeles because of his job.  Right now they live seven minutes away from us.  It's looking likely that we'll move right along with them.  Hard, since we've been in San Diego for 40 years and it's a little early to down-size, but I think we will.


Thanks once again to Rich and our other contributors here.  Another bunch of great photos from @StLouisCruisers.  Thank you for those.  Everyone, stay warm and safe and keep spirits up.    For those out there on adventures, wishing you a wonderful time!   🥰




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Well, we are ready for whatever Mother Nature sends our way. The snowblower  is working. I have 3 books downloaded from the library and some printed books that are waiting to be read. Our grand dog has been walked today, tomorrow May be a different story! We have food in the house and nowhere we have to be. And i got word at 10:14 that daughter and family are on the road to Toronto airport, about a 3.5 hour ride, their flight leaves after 6 tonight so they should be able to get out before the real mess starts in Toronto. Keep them in your thoughts. The drive through the London ontario area is always fraught in the winter because of lake effect snow which is unpredictable. 

Stay warm and safe everyone. Hoping no one loses power.

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15 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


Good morning, Everyone.  I'll take all the days except mathematics.  All left brains around here.


@aliaschief and others hitting the road, wishing you safe travels. @ger_77, you had a challenging one.  Glad you arrived safely!  And were able to go to Ikea.  Last night at dinner I was complaining that due to being ill most of this season, I missed many annual traditions -- like going to Ikea!  A year without looking at their wrapping paper, cookie cutters, and, yes, tea lights, is just somehow "off."


@Crazy For Cats, sorry you're not feeling well.  So many things going around this year.  Stay warm!  Everyone out there, stay warm!  Yikes on the weather.  😳


@Seasick Sailor, you hand looks painful.  Hopefully you can still use it okay.  Nasty bruise!  Heal quickly.  ❤️


@summer slope, sorry to hear about Kitty.  Poor baby missed you!


We had a nice Hanukkah dinner last night with DD and DSIL.  Though we are not Jewish, we enjoy sharing this traditions with DSIL.  I mentioned before that they have to move to Los Angeles because of his job.  Right now they live seven minutes away from us.  It's looking likely that we'll move right along with them.  Hard, since we've been in San Diego for 40 years and it's a little early to down-size, but I think we will.


Thanks once again to Rich and our other contributors here.  Another bunch of great photos from @StLouisCruisers.  Thank you for those.  Everyone, stay warm and safe and keep spirits up.    For those out there on adventures, wishing you a wonderful time!   🥰




Nothing better than living close to your children and I would move too just to stay close. Hope you find something suitable quickly.

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Good morning from a cold and windy Central Texas, which is getting colder and windier by the minute.  Right now at 9:35 am CST it is 43F and dropping.  The highest temperature I saw today was 44F.  Our temperatures should reach freezing about 11 am and keep dropping to 14F tonight.  We won't be above freezing until sometime Saturday morning.  Also, we won't see the sun until Saturday.  The only good news is there is not rain, sleet or snow predicted.  Whether or not we will lose power depends on the weather north of us, and how much load is put on our iffy power grid.  🤞  We can always move into the motorhome and run the generator if the power is off for a long period of time.  Our electric co-op used rolling blackouts during the really bad storm in 2021.


The only thing on the agenda today is a visit from the admitting nurse at the home health care, and she is coming to check on DH and discharge him from their service.  I took advantage of not having to go anywhere this morning to sleep late.  I didn't wake up until after 8:30.






Rich, thank you for posting the Fleet/Daily while traveling and for arranging for others to post it during your long cruise.  I know you will have a great time.


I will celebrate mathematics day although I am the least mathematically blessed in the family.  DH has a collection of slide rules in the attic.  While we didn't have a formal cookie exchange, I did take some gingerbread cookies to some of our neighbors.  Zimbabwe Unity day should be celebrated along with the hope that the government will become a lot less despotic.


The Helen Keller quote is very true.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, but it is pricey.


We might have been to Hakodate as the port for Sapporo in 2000 on the old Regal Princess or the port might have been Otaru.  I guess it really doesn't matter since we were there in the pre-digital age.


@aliaschief  Bruce, safe travels today as you do battle on I-10 east.  Enjoy your Christmas with the family and especially the grand kids.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, I'm sorry you are not feeling well, and hope you feel better soon.

@cat shepard  Ann, have a safe flight and a safe drive from Boston to your family's home.  Enjoy your visit.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, that is good news that DD is doing so well and could go out to dinner with a dear friend.  Fingers crossed for good weather for your travels on Saturday.

@summer slope  Dixie, I'm sorry your cat is not doing well, and I hope things will be back to normal soon.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm very happy you both arrived safely in Calgary after that harrowing drive.  Enjoy your visit with your family.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad Sue's boss canceled the afternoon appointments, and she will be in Midland before the storm gets bad.

@kochleffel  As others have said most of us have either been warned or put in CC jail at one time or another.  There are some things it is getting harder to tolerate, and remember, you can't fix stupid.  🤣@GeorgeCharlie  I'm glad you arrived home safely, and that you lucked out to be on the only plane on time.   

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you are doing better, and appreciate the fact you are wearing a mask when out and staying away from people as much as possible for a while.  Hope you are 100% soon.

@superoma  Eva, I'm glad you are ready for whatever is coming your way.  Safe travels to your DD and her family today.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, thank you for the lovely pictures.  Sorry you hurt your hand, and  hope it's better soon.


By the time I finished this at 10:20 am, it is now 34F.




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A rerun today of last years pictures  of the wonderful tour we had on Hakodate with Smile Taxi ! ( Thanks @StLouisCruisers for the prompt. Because we are busy today getting ready for the storm ) 
We had the pleasure to get to Hakodate while on the Transition Cruise on the Volendam on Oct 11th , 2017  , the weather was a little bit windy and the day started of with some rain but we had a wonderful tour with 8 of us in a “ Smile Jumbo Taxi “ with our driver /guide Hideo .
Like I said the day started quite rainy and windy but our driver had umbrellas for each of us on board , notice the white gloves that Hideo wore all day and he had nice clean and ironed white head covers on our seats in the taxi .
And with a very nice personal welcome from the company .
We first went up the mountain near Hakodate to the National park to have a great view over the city and walked over to the Gokoku Shrine where some special ceremonies were going on .
From there we drove to the very top on the mountain to the Ropeway 
Sorry not as nice a view as on the picture I noticed earlier today ..........
We watched a very good film at the theatre there about the history of the city , had a snack and most of the ladies because of all the rain had to go and deal with the special WC for which you really needed a drivers licence  and Japanese sign language ……….. but they were impeccably clean 
We than left to have a walk though the Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse with all kind of small specialty stores 
Even upside down you can see the beautiful swords ........lol 
After a nice little lunch , with some nice Ramen Soup in a small port we than drove to the Hakodate Magistrate’ s Office the “ Bugyosho “ in the Goryokaku Park , we toured that building and learned about the  special construction of it 
After the Bugyosho we went to visit the gardens of the  Catholic
Trappistine  Monasteries a Convent founded by 8 French nuns , most of the buildings were reconstructed in 1927 .
After visiting a couple more small parks and the Old British Consulate it was time to get back to the Volendam 
Despite it raining for most of the day and very few people able to speak English we all had a fantastic day , and hardly noticed the rain anymore after a while 
Greetings from Japan ! 
Tony :classic_laugh:
Sorry about the length of my post but I wanted to show that after long searching there are a few scarce nice independant tours available even with the lag of English speakers and this was a wonderful tour , we saw an awful lot that day ! 
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Good morning. And a bright and sunny morning it is.... and surprisingly warm. The storm is holding east and north of us here.... and the temperature when I walked the dogs was a balmy 27F. Much warmer than the past weeks. It is supposed to stay that way through Christmas and then next week the pattern will change. Living in a high desert on the edge of mountains does have its perks at times. Anyway, looks like our weather will be nice throughout the holiday weekend.... but if you are planning to leave town there may be some problems on some of the passes.


Little else from here. Bon Voyage to all those lucky enough to be sailing. Your pictures and descriptions are what is keeping me going at this time. I have started counting down the days until I am off of the BoD at the shelter and can plan my time at sea.



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Good morning, 

It is 0F (yes zero) on the front porch thermometer and I got up to no water. We're on a well and the pipes or pump is down. Our son's water is out as well - he discovered it as he was getting ready to shower! He's going to go get some super heater and be here to help thaw me out. Then he'll thaw his place out. 

More later. 


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Good morning!  Prayers to all on the path of this crazy storm.  Take care driving and stay home if you can. 

Maxine @AncientWanderer, I remember you mentioning that your DD and DSIL were probably moving. I can totally understand why you would move also and I’m sure you will miss San Diego. How soon would this happen?


Joy @Seasick Sailor, ouch on the bruise. Do you have any Arnica?  You might buy some the next time you are on turn around day in Fort Lauderdale. I like to use the oral pellets and the topical gel. 

I will pass on today’s meal suggestion. I set out a baked pasta from the freezer. And tonight DGD is coming to spend the night and we are going shopping tomorrow. 

Stay safe!  Have a great day everyone!


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Good morning, all!  Thanks for the Daily news and weather reports!  Hope all those ailing, including the furry ones, get better quickly.  Terry, i hope you are not too uncomfortable as you heal.  


Well, here I am more or less in the situation Jacqui was a week ago - will we go or won't we?  It is freezing cold, -7 celsius this morning, the hummingbird feeders keep freezing, Pat was changing them every half hour or so yesterday.  Later in the day, DD struggled through the snowdrifts down to Canadian Tire and bought a package of hand warmers which we are hoping will help keep the feeders from freezing today.  We did get to the mall, although the roads are really bad and I got my haircut, but DD's doctor appointment was cancelled, also my stamp club meeting, and the church has been closed all week.  But it's going to get worse!  We are due for a little warming and more snow tonight, then more warming and freezing rain and more snow.  Pat has to keep checking the slow leak on the tire, so who knows if we will get to the airport on Tuesday - then if we do, we fly through Vancouver, where everything is a mess with many canceled flights and people trying to re-book....


DD called Whole Foods to see if we could change the timing of her pick-up of our (vegan) Christmas dinner but it was too late, so we will have to try to get there on Friday, failing that they'll just have to hold onto it until Saturday.  I am very stressed by all this.  I imagine I will definitely leave something behind when I pack!


That's my rant for the day.    Now we are going to try to deliver gifts today, rather than wait until the last minute.


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I'm sure that many Dailyites have visited Pompeii during Mediterranean cruises.


In recent years, the vast archaeological park of Pompeii, a city buried alive by the eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79, has turned to high-tech options to maintain its excavated ruins. A surveillance drone makes a monthly flight over the site’s roughly 10,000 exhumed rooms. Artificial intelligence programs analyze aerial images for new cracks, fallen stones and other signs of erosion. But to prevent the third of the park that remains hidden under pumice and meters of earth from becoming overgrown with thorn bushes, wild hedges and trees, Pompeii has found a more appropriately ancient, and inexpensive, solution in hungry sheep.



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