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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday February 11th, 2023

cat shepard

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Good morning all. We are just above freezing with a clear blue sky. Maybe we can catch some sun in our sun trap later for Happy Hour. We hope to see the green comet tonight with these clear skies. Should be visible after sunset near mars. Need to consult a star map as to where Mars is for us lol. 

cleaning house and laundry are the only things on my agenda today. Wishing everyone a great day and weekend.

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  The computer is back to normal, I am getting the weather again, and not stock reports....51 and cloudy.  The news is on the tv behind me, the weather person just said that by noon, the rains will be heavy, and the winds will pick up to as high as 40 miles an hour. 




There has been so much talk about pizza recently that DH and I went out for a salad and  pizza at our favorite Greek restaurant.  I had a 6 inch vegetarian pizza(loaded with Greek olives) and DH had an Athens pizza, and we split a Greek salad,  and then we headed to the grocery store.  And left disappointed, no steaks, no fresh seafood, the highlight of the trip was finding two frozen Stouffers veggie side dishes.  


I got a sale yesterday, it took more than an hour, it was the smallest sale I have made for Hollywood, but the person who bought two subscriptions for 1 person was 94 years old.  Yes, and she goes by herself. And she has to travel more than 3 hours to get there. She does not drive. She uses a walker. Now that is a person that loves music!  Music feeds the soul, she said...she wants to be well fed while she is on earth.  And that sale was a joy!  The whole hour was a joy!




@aliaschiefI am loving your pictures from Cancun.


For all of you who have stepped up to the plate to keep this thread so marvelous with the recent "management" changes THANK YOU!


I have a zoom meeting at 11, and a couple of errands to still run before then.  Have a great day!

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Good Saturday morning. 

It's best not to cry over spilled milk. I've made new friends here on the Daily. I salute inventors, who make life better for us. I like the Brigham Young quote: “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” 

The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink, but yes to the wine (if someone else buys it due to $$$).

I've been around Cape Horn on my SA/Antarctica cruise in 2019.


It's 30F this AM, going up to 44F and dry. I woke up at 2AM and 4AM, but fortunately went back to sleep both times. No big plans, just more decluttering. My alarm guy came by and I'm going to update my system so I can disarm or arm by my phone or a fob (I was having trouble seeing the keypad). I forgot to mention that I got my Prevnar20 pneumonia vaccine yesterday.


@cat shepard Thank you for starting us up today.

@aliaschief Sorry to hear SIL is missing all those ports. Thanks for the great sunrise pics.

@grapau27 I hope you and Pauline remain negative.

@rafinmd It sounds like you're making progress, although it would be nice to sleep longer.

@mamaofami Good news on all the medical appointments.

@kazu I'm sure you think Spring can't come fast enough, with your weather.

@ger_77 That's a nice thing to do for your friend. 

@dfish Thanks for the recipes, and enjoy your dinner this evening with friends.

@StLouisCruisers Bon Voyage! We'll be looking for you on sail-away.

@smitty34877 Good job on walking to the grocery store.

@marshhawk Wow on that sale; at her age and what it takes to get to the music, that's dedication!


Prayers for the Care list and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.


Copied from Dec 18, 2021

Cape Horn, from the Zaandam, December 26, 2018



Cape Horn Lighthouse Station and Wooden Chapel 



Albatross Monument, a memorial to sailors who lost their lives rounding Cape Horn






Seas getting rougher in the Drake passage





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50 minutes ago, travelnap said:

RedneckBob, I am sure that some people think your humor is udderly ridiculous, but I disagree.  You should milk it for all its worth.

Thank you. Thank you very much!


As “The Killer” might say. Whole lot of milk shakin going on! 😀

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Good Morning Everyone, @cat shepard thank you for the daily report and @JazzyV thanks for the cares list.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds really good thank you @dfish for the pictures and recipes.  Now if only I could go to the Tamarind, their ribs are wonderful.  Made a quick trip to one grocery store this morning.  DH is starting to look for a new car, I think that is on our agenda for today. I hope everyone has a good day today.

The kids in the house would be thrilled if I spilled milk. They might even make me spill the milk.


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Great start to the day with Ann @cat shepardand Vanessa @JazzyVposting. It’s not easy keeping up with the lists and you did an excellent job Vanessa!  Also @puppycanducruisegood catch on the quote. Very interesting. Just sitting here waiting to head over to terminal 2. Prayers for the many in need and those suffering around the world. Happy cruising everyone!

Bon Voyage! Enjoy!

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Thanks for the stunning sunrise pix. And good views of Cape Horn! Beautiful. 

Today is laundry and cleaning day, and prepping for a friend coming tomorrow for Super Bowl.  Tooth is calming down after Wednesday’s new crown. Will try granola again. Tomorrow is group call with family to get some plans for airport pick-ups to the rental house in Ft Lauderdale the day before 8 of us begin our family Rotterdam cruise. We’ll drive 3 days, they will all fly in. 2 weeks!  Still hoping DS’s passport arrives!  

Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope “here” and afar. Cheers for all celebrating. Life is good!  

Happy for you Nancy getting back into your cabin. Hoping the air is not unhealthy for you. 

Bon Voyage Sandi!
Smooth travels to all away from home. 

Yesterday was lovely in Maryland,  did last grocery shopping before we leave. Today is cooler and mostly cloudy but not bad for February!  We’ll take it. 

May we all be well!  

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Just spoke with BFF. The patriarch of his family in Germany (his Uncle) was just diagnosed with cancer, and may not make it to our visit in May. So sad. He and his wife were so welcoming to me on my first visit in 2003. Sadly she died in 2017, but we were able to make a special visit to see her before she passed. Although he didn't speak much English, he seemed to understand things, and we got on well. He always sent greetings to me when BFF talked to him on the phone.

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Good morning again from a sunny central Texas where it is 36F with a light breeze.  Today should be warmer than yesterday.


Again, thank you Ann @cat shepard for starting today's Daily and to Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping the lists up to date.


I try not to cry over spilled milk, and I know I've made many friends here.  Inventors do a lot to make our lives easier.


I like the complete quote today.


The meal sounds good, but we'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have sailed around Cape Horn twice, and I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes.  I only have pictures from our second time around the Horn, since our first time was in the pre-digital dark ages in 1999.


@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you are sleeping better, but sorry about the 3:30 am wake up time.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope for you sake that spring arrives soon.

@ger_77 Gerry, that is very nice that you are taking coffee and cinnamon rolls to your friend.  

@StLouisCruisers  🎈 🛳️ BON VOYAGE!  🥂 🍾   I know you will have a great cruise.

@smitty34877  Terry, I like your plan for getting your DH to walk some.  That wouldn't work here since the nearest store is six miles one way.

@marshhawk  Annie, I bet the sale was one of your most satisfying sales.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope your DS's passport arrives in time.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry your BFF's uncle was diagnosed with cancer, and may not live to see you when you visit in May.





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These are the pictures I posted September 16, 2022..


Here are a couple of pictures of our 2015 visit to Cape Horn on the Ruby Princess.  We were supposed to sail around the island, but the weather was extremely bad and the seas were so rough, the Captain decided to stay behind the island in the calmest area.  I think Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, will agree that he made the correct decision since we'd had two days of extremely rough seas between Cape Horn and The Falkland Islands.


In the first picture of the lighthouse, you can see how the flag is blowing in the wind.  The second picture shows the rough seas and the waves crashing on the shore.





In 1999, the crew on the Noordam III couldn't believe how calm the seas were.  That was the only time that season they'd had calm seas.



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I was thinking about the quote, and then added what I knew to be the true quote (in my head) and it was the quote that @JazzyV said.  I just got back from my errands, it is feeling much colder than 51, and while driving from point a to point c, i came up with a spring poem...


the cherry trees are showing their pink

and the daffodils are dillin

but it's way too early for spring I think

cause the temperatures are chillin. 😸


I stopped at chick fil a to get breakfast, two chocolate milks, two chicken biscuits, two tater tots.  I got home opened the bag, and there was one chicken biscuit, two tater tots, two chocolate milks.  arghh! I called, and she said I could drive back over and get another biscuit.  And that was not going to happen today.


We have had problems with our phone system (OMG! a telemarketer without a working phone!) but they switched it to another system, and we are working less, because a computer dials, and if it get na (no answer) it goes to the next dial card.  Since most people no longer have house phones but they are listed as the first number, we are missing a lot of people who are cell phone only.  So we are having a zoom meeting, either we are all fired, they are going back to the old system, or we finally get to vent.

In three hours on Thursday night, I had 5 calls, when usually I get 65, so I am not happy.  You must stay on line, you have no control, you cant just put it on hold.  Now I did come up with another way, but it means that management has to do more. In an ever changing business world, you sometimes have to see things as gray, not black and white.

Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning from the Oceania Sirena.

Today is Day 5 of our cruise and as predicted, we missed our port of call in St. Barth’s.  So far we have missed 2 of the first 3 ports on this cruise and I predict there are more to come given the condition of the seas.  

It appears that we will probably not dock at any ports where the pier is not protected—especially on this little ship.

According to the Marine Forecast, this has no intention of letting up anytime soon. 

So this may turn into a “ Cruise to Nowhere”.  We shall see.


Thank you to @cat shepardfor the Daily and Fleet Report for today.  I like the combination of days. I think that we should take care not to spill milk these days or we will cry, given the prices of everything.  I have made many friends here and treasure them.  Hope to meet you all some day. Inventions are always good and interesting.

I like the quote, the full quote,  

The wine is a bit above my budget.  Will skip the meal.  We circled Cape Horn on the Veendam in 2012.  Enjoyed that cruise very much.

Thank you to @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration list. Prayers to all that need them.

Good to see that Roy is improving slowly buy surely.  

Jacqui, hoping that Spring comes quickly for you and that your arm heals just as quickly.

Joy, hope you are feeling somewhat better.

Prayers for Kathi, Tana and all others who need them.


Cheers for those who are celebrating and cruising.  Bon Voyage to @StLouisCruisers. I hope you have calmer seas than we are having.

Thank you to @summer slopefor the drink recipe.  May try one.

And a thank you also to @dfishfor your dedication to making sure we are well nourished everyday.


Since we have an unexpected sea day, I plan to work on some ports for our upcoming Baltic Cruise.  i have put that on the back burner due to all the problems with our house.  This is a good opportunity today.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday and God Bless,


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Good morning from a frosty Durango. At least it was above 0F when dogs and I went out, but just barely. Will be mid-40's today and then snow and cold return. Valentine's Day could be pretty white if the forecast holds true.


Have been 'round the Horn three times. The first time on the QE2 we had to go 'round and then wander back through the Straits of Magellan. The QE 2 was not allowed to dock in Argentina due to her participation in the Falklands War. We had good, but windy weather, all 3 times.


My lab results came back yesterday afternoon. All was good or improved. Guess I will be able to face my primary care doctor Monday although I have not lost weight. Need to work on that. Need to keep chugging. By the way.... I have the same sleep issues as many of you. I sleep until about 3 then wake up. Fortunately the dogs don't wake and I usually can get back to sleep for another hour or so after a brief bit of restlessness. I think 5 solid hours is what I am no programmed for. After that it varies but never more than a couple  more hours. I can live with it. My Sister is the same way.


Need to get moving now to take trash out and also recycling. Better do it today before it decides to freeze my cans shut.


Careful everyone.... no new falls, avoid those germs and those that are cruising... enjoy. I envy you.







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Good morning all!

Today will be sunny and high 40's F so I hope to get out to the garden.  Now the Crocus are starting to bloom along with the Hellebore -- I love to see the first signs of spring! And they're predicting a little snow next week..... Also will paint that last wall in the entry.  Yesterday I had to stop painting to get to the dentist by 2:30.  


The meal today looks so good.  I printed off the first recipe and we'll have it tonight.  Nice to have all the ingredients already.


We're getting lots of photos from DD of the new kitties -- no names yet!  Last night went well,  the cats seem to have settled in quickly.  Each of the boys had a cat in his bed again.  DD said to hear the sound of purrs in the house again was so good. 🙂  Cannot wait to meet them tomorrow.


Vanessa @JazzyVI'm so sorry to hear that your BFF's uncle was diagnosed with cancer.  I hope you'll be able to see him when you visit in May.  


Prayers for all on the care list and cheers to all who are celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!



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We had our cruise to Antarctica on the Zaandam in January of 2015 from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires and had one of the calmest passages of Cape Horn than went completely around the Cape from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean and back . 
Cape Horn is well known of very stormy seas first described by the early discoverers and the Cape was named by navigator Willem Schouten in 1616 after his hometown in the Netherlands . He named it “Kaap Hoorn “  after Hoorn in the province of North Holland . Captain Cook also managed to circumvent Cape Horn about 150 years later .
Our Captain PJ van Maurik reported the weather that noon being 8C ( or for Americans 46 F ) , clear skies with winds from North West at 21 knots .
See here how we tracked that day and some more familiar pictures of the small Island and in a way the shape of the Island is like the shape of a horn.
Our friend from The Netherlands took this gorgeous picture ! 
The monument on Cape Horn , the “ Albatross Monument “ made by the Chilean sculpture Jose Balcells featuring the silhouette of an Albatross in honour of the many sailors who have died while attempting to ‘round the Horn ‘ is 24 feet high had been heavily damaged by one of these storms , when we passed
No photo description available.
Chilean Navy approaching the Zaandam on an exorcise  manoeuvre .
Gorgeous sunset that evening and now on our way to Antarctica .


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47 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
We had our cruise to Antarctica on the Zaandam in January of 2015 from Valparaiso to Buenos Aires and had one of the calmest passages of Cape Horn than went completely around the Cape from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean and back . 
Cape Horn is well known of very stormy seas first described by the early discoverers and the Cape was named by navigator Willem Schouten in 1616 after his hometown in the Netherlands . He named it “Kaap Hoorn “  after Hoorn in the province of North Holland . Captain Cook also managed to circumvent Cape Horn about 150 years later .
Our Captain PJ van Maurik reported the weather that noon being 8C ( or for Americans 46 F ) , clear skies with winds from North West at 21 knots .
See here how we tracked that day and some more familiar pictures of the small Island and in a way the shape of the Island is like the shape of a horn.
Our friend from The Netherlands took this gorgeous picture ! 
The monument on Cape Horn , the “ Albatross Monument “ made by the Chilean sculpture Jose Balcells featuring the silhouette of an Albatross in honour of the many sailors who have died while attempting to ‘round the Horn ‘ is 24 feet high had been heavily damaged by one of these storms , when we passed
No photo description available.
Chilean Navy approaching the Zaandam on an exorcise  manoeuvre .
Gorgeous sunset that evening and now on our way to Antarctica .


Excellent photos.

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