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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday April 3rd, 2023

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38 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. I hope everyone woke to good spirits. 


So much to do today since I've been feeling yucky. We must have a zillion weeds in our yard, so ill

Sorry to hear you are so sick. I hope you don't have what I had. Took me between 3-4 weeks to feel nearly functional. Still I get tired easily.



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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

In checking the alternative meal suggestion I was reminded that on this day in 1917 Ann and Pat received high medallion (at least silver) awards,





Ann and Pat look well in this old photo Roy.🤔

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. I hope everyone woke to good spirits. 


So much to do today since I've been feeling yucky. We must have a zillion weeds in our yard, so ill

I hope you are feeling better soon Joy.

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So great to enjoy your posts of rainbows and Boston today. I want to really visit Boston, have only “passed through” a few times. DH was born in Boston at the time of the big nightclub fire in 1942, the Coconut Grove fire that killed nearly 500. When we visited his childhood homes they were outside Boston in the rural areas. It’s such a historic city I want to spend enough time to absorb its richness. Would love to cruise out if Boston and have a pre-cruise visit!  

Great heart warming stories from Gerry!  High hopes for our caregivers and those who are ill and recovering. 

No word on my friend yet, last I heard his wife filed a Do Not Resuscitate order when his kidneys began failing. Kidneys, pneumonia, cancer…. body giving out. Always harder when we lose those younger and just recently so much stronger than us!  I talked with my two fire dept chaplain friends yesterday, one was on the way to the hospital hoping to be allowed in. We’ll wait.   Side story: after my mom had a heart attack she was apparently not doing well with the heart meds. Docs told us to gather the family as her kidneys were failing and there was nothing more they could do.  The next day her kidneys were functioning, the day after she was getting discharged and we were scrambling to find an assisted living place for her!  She recovered and enjoyed living there for another 4 years. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Blessings to all the caregivers and schedulers looking for respite and support!  
Blessings to all up-ended by the storms, by disasters, and war!  

@marshhawk hoping good results for Chuck.  

Cheers to those celebrating Life’s milestones!  

BonVoyage to Fred, and Ann and Pat, all the others, smooth travels to all the cruisers. Enjoy it all!  

Many thanks to all the Daily contributors. Wondering about Jacqui, and Kathi @Scrapnana too…. 🙏  m—


Edited by RMLincoln
Stupid autocorrect
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Ugh! I had a big long post almost finished, and accidentally closed my browser!!! 😠


Good morning Dailyites. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'm retired, so no work today. I don't think I'll see a rainbow with our weather. I like tweed, but don't have any anymore. I'll pass on the meal (fish - we've had a lot recently, likely due to Lent). Pass on the drink and wine.

I went to school for 6 years in Boston. Those pics are pre-digital. I've been back maybe twice, but not sure I have any photos.


Today will be mostly sunny and up into the 50's. I will mainly be working on laying out stuff to pack. Also making sure I have enough meds for about 6 weeks. 


@StLouisCruisers I appreciate you starting up the FR/Daily today. Thanks for the Boston photos.

@richwmn I saw Martin Cooper on TV this morning as he's back in NYC for the anniversary of the mobile phone. It was 10 years (1983) before they became commercially available.

@mamaofami I'm glad you had no issues driving for the first time since your cataract surgery.

@Overhead Fred Bon Voyage! Have a great cruise.

@marshhawk I hope DH gets a good report from his radiation oncologist.

@dfish Good luck getting your flights straightened out. I've been keeping an eye on mine since hearing about issues people are having.

@smitty34877 Best to you and DH with the medical appointments. And bless DD and DSIL for pitching in to help with Tana. Any prospect of a new aide on the horizon?

@rafinmd I'll take your meal today over the cod meal. Lovely sunrise photo, the Boston pictures, and especially the wonderful photo of you and your brother. 

@ger_77 Such a heartwarming thing you have done for the Ukrainian family. I can imagine it was hard not to cry right then when the little girl gave you that gift!

@aliaschief Great memes today.

@TiogaCruiser I hope your Dad's oral surgery goes well.

@Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope you're feeling better today.

@cruising sister I'm glad you made it to Tucson safely. That rainbow picture has special meaning.

@Cruzin Terri Good that you're getting things done and can feel some sense of accomplishment. 

@GeorgeCharlie Great rainbow picture.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

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Good morning from a sunny, slightly breezy and humid central Texas.  We woke up to fog this morning, and it didn't clear until we got back home after running errands and getting a drive-thru breakfast.  While it was still 70F out, I took my walk, but with the humidity I only did the shorter loop.  Our highs are predicted to reach 93F this afternoon.


We have been to Boston several times, and these are my pictures from 2004 on the old Regal Princess.


In 2004, on the old Regal Princes, we stopped in Boston twice on a roundtrip from NYC to Montreal.  The first day, we took the Ho-Ho around town.  We'd planned to go to see the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) the second time we were there.  However, Mother Nature had other ideas, and it poured rain that day, which turned into a sea day.


These are a few of my pictures from 2004 and from our sail aways.


The area where the Boston Tea Party took place



Quincy Market, which we wandered through for a little while.  We also visited Faneuil Hall, but I don't have any pictures.



The Charlestown Navy Yard



This is as close as we came to Old Ironsides.  We did tour her sister ship the USS Constellation in Baltimore many, many years ago.





A few pictures from our sail aways leaving Boston.








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Now, for the rest of the pictures.  These are from 2013 when we did two roundtrips to Quebec City on the Veendam.  


We were back in Boston for the turnaround day on September 7, 2013.  Because a short day, we opted to take a ship tour of Boston.


Our first stop was Boston Commons.  These pictures are in around the Commons.







Paul Revere statue with Park Street Church in the background.







Our next stop was Harvard Yard.







Our final stop was the Old North Church, Christ Episcopal Church.  The first is a common garden with the church in the background.





The church is tall and the area around it does not give much room for a photo.  I had to take two pictures to get the entire front of the church.







The inside of the church





A neighborhood street leading to the church.




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1 hour ago, ocean sounds said:

@dfish, your menus are amazing.  When I first heard Cod again, all I could think of was creamed cod we had to eat as kids.  We ate it a lot.  With tiny little bones.  Ugh. It had no taste to me. 

Then I read your comments on the benefits of Cod, and saw how beautifully it can be prepared.  Thanks for that!  You may have converted me.


Appreciate all that you do for us.


Thank you so much.  We mostly had fish sticks as kids.  In the mid-west it was hard to get fish in those days and choices were limited.  Fortunately, we liked them.  


I did call Flight Ease this morning and all is taken care of.  Delta now has our flights on their web page and we are set to go!


@Seasick Sailor I sure hope you are feeling better soon.

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Good morning all!

I love rainbows and they have a special meaning for me especially since a double rainbow appeared in front of me just as I was feeling really down a few days after the death of my dear sister.  ❤️

I think I had some fun at all my jobs, all but one -- and that one I had no fun at all. 😅

Not a fan of the fabric tweed, the quote is good, will pass on the drink but the wine sounds good.  I'd like the 4th recipe today.  We've been to Boston several times and done pretty much all the touristy things.  After doing all that we even went to Salem one day.  The last time there we spent the day with Debbie @dfish who graciously waited for me as I got a much-needed haircut 😉  Then we had a fun day.


Today I'll finish the laundry I started yesterday, and catch up on some housework.  The weather is still cold and cloudy (no rainbows today) but at least there's no "frozen mix" coming down like yesterday.


Gerry @ger_77I love your stories about the Ukrainian family and this latest one was especially heart-warming.  Bless you!


@Overhead FredBon Voyage!


@superoma What gorgeous Hellebores.  The dark ones are my favorite.


Here's a rainbow photo from Yellowstone.




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Good morning again.  After looking at the weather forecast this morning, I think spring might finally be here.  Our highs will be in the 80s with some 70s for the next ten days, unless the forecast changes -- again!  Another sign of spring is one of my iris is preparing to bloom in a few days.


While, I tried to have fun at work, there were some days that fun was the furthest thing from my mind.  We have some lovely rainbows in Quartzsite, and I have a few pictures to share.  I've always thought rainbows were magical even if there was no pot of gold at the end.  I don't think I've ever had anything tweed.


The Richard Bach quote is very true, and I'm very glad my mission on Earth is not finished.


I thing we'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.


@richwmn  Rich, we had one of the earliest mobile phones.  It was a box that mounted on the floor of the van, so it was not truly mobile unless we were in the van.  When our van was stolen off our driveway in The Woodlands, it was stripped of just about everything, but they left the phone.  😁

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, the odd building in your pictures is the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

@seagarsmoker  Thank you for your comments about the NS and not feeling too crowded even when full.  

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm glad your eye has healed enough that you can now drive.

@marshhawk   Annie, sending good vibes for a good follow-up visit with the oncologist for your DH.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you got your flights straightened out today.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope all goes well for your DH at the doctor today, and that your DD and Tana have an easy day at home.

@ottahand7  Nancy, that is a nice project for the bank, and it helps your garden club too.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm so glad you met the young Ukrainian family and are able to help them.  I, also, doubt I could have made it to the car before the tears came.  That little girl has been given a good head start in life by her parents. 

@TiogaCruiser  Sending positive thoughts for successful oral surgery for your father.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad you are beginning to feel better, but please don't over do and get plenty of rest.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm glad you made it to Tucson safely.  I think the double rainbows were a sign your DH and DS approved of you cruising and getting on with your life.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you are getting the projects done, and you sound like you are in a better place.


As usual, I couldn't decide on just one rainbow picture, so you get four pictures.  We are lucky to have some very good rainbows in Quartzsite.





Occasionally, we even get a double rainbow.



This is our cruise related rainbow that was taken at Dittifoss outside Akureyri, Iceland; on August 23, 2017, when we stopped on Prinsendam.






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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Now, for the rest of the pictures.  These are from 2013 when we did two roundtrips to Quebec City on the Veendam.  


We were back in Boston for the turnaround day on September 7, 2013.  Because a short day, we opted to take a ship tour of Boston.


Our first stop was Boston Commons.  These pictures are in around the Commons.







Paul Revere statue with Park Street Church in the background.







Our next stop was Harvard Yard.







Our final stop was the Old North Church, Christ Episcopal Church.  The first is a common garden with the church in the background.





The church is tall and the area around it does not give much room for a photo.  I had to take two pictures to get the entire front of the church.







The inside of the church





A neighborhood street leading to the church.




Nice interesting photos Lenda.


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@grapau27  Graham, thank you for your nice comments.


@dfish  Debbie, I've been meaning to say this for some time.  Thank you for all the information you give about tweaking recipes.  It has given me the courage to change some recipes that either weren't working or needed updating.  Last night, I switched my Thai Pork recipe from the slow cooker to the Instant Pot pressure cooker.  The slow cooker called for cooking the pork tenderloin 2 to 3 hours, which always made it come out dry.  I found a couple of recipes on line for the pressure cooker and used the one that the picture of the finished meat looked the most appetizing as a guide for the timing .  That was the best the recipe has ever been.  The other recipe was a 1950s recipe that used a lot of butter to brown the ground beef, and the result was very greasy.  By getting leaner ground beef and using half the butter, the meal turned out just a tasty, but with very little grease.  There are other things I've had the courage to try, so again thank you for letting all of know it's okay to deviate from a recipe.


I thought we could use some laughs this afternoon.  There are only two, as FB was rather lacking today, and the third was just a little to iffy.




May be an image of text that says 'I've always wondered why lemonade is made from artificial flavors but furniture polish is made from real lemons. Aunnr'


May be a cartoon of ‎text that says '‎ม ی QUInTANAR "I have an overwhelming fear of mustard, relish and sauerkraut"‎'‎

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5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I think if people stayed home from work because it wasn't fun, we'd all be in trouble!  I'd love to find a rainbow, but the only place I'll see one today is in photographs.  We have a famous Tweed from our city - Shannon Tweed, wife of Kiss mogul Gene Simmons.


It seems like Winter and Spring are having a custody battle and neither one really wants us.  We're back in the snow and freezing temps again - yesterday was so miserable as we were trying to get things done.  There was more snow overnight and I just heard on the radio that the major highway just west of us is closed due to ice and snow.  Argh.


@smitty34877sending good vibes for your DH's appointments today.

@Overhead FredBon Voyage!


Although the weather was uncooperative, we had a very satisfying day yesterday.  We packed up the back of the car with all the things we had collected from friends and neighbours, made a couple of stops for gift cards, and went over to our new young Ukrainian family's apartment to drop them off.  When you walk into a basement suite that only has a beat up couch, 2 kitchen chairs and 1 pot to heat water on the stove, it really puts it all into perspective.  They thought they were lucky they had a couch.  We brought all the things into their place, bundled them up into the car and off we went for some shopping.  After stopping at a few stores, and having fed them a good lunch at a family style restaurant, we headed back to their place and helped them set up air beds, a folding table with kitchen stools, and numerous appliances for their kitchen.  We bought the little girl (who is a beautiful little blonde) some cuddly stuffies, and she was so happy that she went to her suitcase and brought out a teeny tiny little Paw Patrol figure and put it in my pocket.  She wanted to give me something to say thank you, and that was all she had.  I have to tell you, I held it together until I got into the car, then I burst into tears.   We won't see much of them this week, as they have appointments with various government offices, etc., and we're going away, but we'll be together again when we get back.


Today DH has a coffee date with a friend, and I'm going to get started on making a big batch of porcupine balls to take with us to Calgary.  I'll brown them up first, freeze them on baking sheets and then will put them into zip top bags for storage and transport.  Having said that, although I know we'd enjoy today's menu suggestion, we'll be having porcupine balls, garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers to all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I have tears just reading your account about the little Ukrainian girl.  How sweet!


Could you post your porcupine meatball recipe?  My DM has a recipe but I want to see yours too.  Thanks!


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Good afternoon, all. I have been up since before the sun peeked over the hill, but dashing about getting some errands completed. A visit with the condo insurance agent was first on the list to review our policy and then a stop by the shelter to see if the roofers were taking care of a problem that developed. They were there and hopefully this will finally complete the work. I did not go onto the roof to inspect but our contractor was up there so I am hopeful this will finally get finished. If not, I will hand it off to the next Board President as my time is nearly done and I will be glad for someone else to have to deal with this. I plan to spend a lot of time with my dogs.


Weather was really nice this morning and we reached a high of 50F, but the temps are starting to drop and tomorrow is supposed to be High of 25 with snow showers. Winter just won't give up but maybe this last attempt will convince Mother Nature to pay attention to the calendar.


I am truly envious of all those on cruises or anticipating cruises in the near future. I still have a long way to wait and I am already a bit worried about getting out of Durango in Dec/Jan.





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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Could you post your porcupine meatball recipe?  My DM has a recipe but I want to see yours too.  Thanks!


This was my dear godmother, my Aunt Katie's recipe - whenever we came to visit, she always made this for us.  It's fast, easy, and is a family favourite:


1 lb ground beef                                                                            1 med onion, chopped

1 cup uncooked Minute Rice                                                      1 can tomato soup

Mix together the beef, onion and rice.  Shape into balls and brown in a little oil, draining off fat.  When browned, remove to a casserole dish.  Add 1/4 cup warm water to frying pan, scraping up the browned bits.  Add the tomato soup to the pan, stirring well and pour mixture over the meatballs in the casserole.  Bake at 350 for 30 minutes, covered.  Remove cover, stir and bake another 15 to 20 minutes.


Note:  I always add 1 egg per pound of beef to help keep it together.  Today I used 5 pounds of beef, so used 5 eggs.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@dfish  Debbie, I've been meaning to say this for some time.  Thank you for all the information you give about tweaking recipes.  It has given me the courage to change some recipes that either weren't working or needed updating.  Last night, I switched my Thai Pork recipe from the slow cooker to the Instant Pot pressure cooker.  The slow cooker called for cooking the pork tenderloin 2 to 3 hours, which always made it come out dry.  I found a couple of recipes on line for the pressure cooker and used the one that the picture of the finished meat looked the most appetizing as a guide for the timing .  That was the best the recipe has ever been.  The other recipe was a 1950s recipe that used a lot of butter to brown the ground beef, and the result was very greasy.  By getting leaner ground beef and using half the butter, the meal turned out just a tasty, but with very little grease.  There are other things I've had the courage to try, so again thank you for letting all of know it's okay to deviate from a recipe.


Thank you for the comments.  I've always done substitutions since back in college days when I made Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with just water because I didn't want to spend money on butter and milk.  It wasn't good, but you could eat it.  


Most recipes can tolerate tweaking.  Where you don't want to deviate is when baking.  Baking is more of a chemistry experiment and you need the exact amounts of certain ingredients to get the rise or leavening that you want.  But a dinner recipe doesn't require that precision.  So, substitute away!   I never add the carrots!


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

  We've been to Boston several times and done pretty much all the touristy things.  After doing all that we even went to Salem one day.  The last time there we spent the day with Debbie @dfish who graciously waited for me as I got a much-needed haircut 😉  Then we had a fun day.


Debbie graciously waited by going in search of Benedryl.  Found it at the drugstore down the street from the hair salon.  Then we went and had Cannoli and coffee before heading on to Paul Revere's house and t-shirt shopping.  





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1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good afternoon, all. I have been up since before the sun peeked over the hill, but dashing about getting some errands completed. A visit with the condo insurance agent was first on the list to review our policy and then a stop by the shelter to see if the roofers were taking care of a problem that developed. They were there and hopefully this will finally complete the work. I did not go onto the roof to inspect but our contractor was up there so I am hopeful this will finally get finished. If not, I will hand it off to the next Board President as my time is nearly done and I will be glad for someone else to have to deal with this. I plan to spend a lot of time with my dogs.


Weather was really nice this morning and we reached a high of 50F, but the temps are starting to drop and tomorrow is supposed to be High of 25 with snow showers. Winter just won't give up but maybe this last attempt will convince Mother Nature to pay attention to the calendar.


I am truly envious of all those on cruises or anticipating cruises in the near future. I still have a long way to wait and I am already a bit worried about getting out of Durango in Dec/Jan.






Susan, I'm glad you felt like running errands.  We have been talking about having to fly to cruises, and I think the problems the past year have almost convinced DH to fly a minimum of two days early instead of the day of.  It's just too risky, and the one time we flew three days early, we had fun exploring Honolulu and just taking it easy.


13 minutes ago, dfish said:

Thank you for the comments.  I've always done substitutions since back in college days when I made Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with just water because I didn't want to spend money on butter and milk.  It wasn't good, but you could eat it.  


Most recipes can tolerate tweaking.  Where you don't want to deviate is when baking.  Baking is more of a chemistry experiment and you need the exact amounts of certain ingredients to get the rise or leavening that you want.  But a dinner recipe doesn't require that precision.  So, substitute away!   I never add the carrots!



Send me the carrots.  🤣  I know about being careful when baking.  When DH was in the Army stationed at Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey, I worked for a chemical company that also made margarine and shortening for several grocery chains.  Part of the job was to test the various batches by baking cakes and pies.  The only time I've ever messed with a cake recipe was to add blueberries to a lemon Bundt cake, and that worked.  Otherwise, I don't mess with the recipes.



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@ger_77 Gerry,Thank you for the porcupine meatball recipe. It looks so good and so simple. I am going to try it, probably tomorrow, as I need to buy an onion.

@Sharon in AZSharon could you post your porcupine meatball recipe also?

I would love to try any of the Cod and Asparagus dishes if someone else would cook them for me, would be wonderful with the wine of the day.

I have been to Boston twice, once spending 3 days precruise there. It was a great disappointment that we did not get to see a game or even tour Fenway Park. Other that that we did nearly all of the tourist things and really enjoyed out limited time there.  As usual I have no photos to post.


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12 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

@ger_77 Gerry,Thank you for the porcupine meatball recipe. It looks so good and so simple. I am going to try it, probably tomorrow, as I need to buy an onion.

@Sharon in AZSharon could you post your porcupine meatball recipe also?


You're most welcome; I've always said if it isn't easy, I can't cook it.  LOL


And yes, @Sharon in AZ, I'd love to see your Mom's recipe!

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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

I have to say I'm getting nervous about our cruise next year.  We normally just drive to Ft. Lauderdale but are flying to San Diego.  I hope the airlines get their act together before then.

Dixie, I think the airlines are getting better. Our overseas flights last year were stressful so we are staying closer this year. We have had no problems with domestic flights. 


9 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

@ger_77 Gerry,Thank you for the porcupine meatball recipe. It looks so good and so simple. I am going to try it, probably tomorrow, as I need to buy an onion.

@Sharon in AZSharon could you post your porcupine meatball recipe also?

I would love to try any of the Cod and Asparagus dishes if someone else would cook them for me, would be wonderful with the wine of the day.

I have been to Boston twice, once spending 3 days precruise there. It was a great disappointment that we did not get to see a game or even tour Fenway Park. Other that that we did nearly all of the tourist things and really enjoyed out limited time there.  As usual I have no photos to post.


Will do Jane!

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9 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

@ger_77 Gerry,Thank you for the porcupine meatball recipe. It looks so good and so simple. I am going to try it, probably tomorrow, as I need to buy an onion.

@Sharon in AZSharon could you post your porcupine meatball recipe also?

I would love to try any of the Cod and Asparagus dishes if someone else would cook them for me, would be wonderful with the wine of the day.

I have been to Boston twice, once spending 3 days precruise there. It was a great disappointment that we did not get to see a game or even tour Fenway Park. Other that that we did nearly all of the tourist things and really enjoyed out limited time there.  As usual I have no photos to post.



Jane, I have another recipe for porcupine meatballs that was taken from a 1969 General Mills publication called "Betty Crocker's Ways With Hamburger".   As a new bride of a college student, an aquaintance asked if I'd like to see some tasty dishes that were easy to cook.  One of them was Porcupine Meatballs.  It was a hit, and our kids grew up loving this recipe served on Minute Rice.  My son enjoys preparing this for his family and makes enough for plenty of leftovers.  He likes lots of sauce so doubles the amount shown in the recipe book.  Here's the recipe.


Porcupine Meatballs


1 lb. ground chuck

1/2 cup uncooked Minute Rice

1/4 cup water

1/3 cup chopped onion

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. celery salt

1/8 tsp garlic powder

1/8 tsp. pepper

2 Tbsp. shortening (or substitute oil) for skillet

For the sauce:

15 ounces tomato sauce

1 cup water

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce


Mix ground chuck, rice, water, onion, salts, garlic powder and pepper.  Shape mixture by hand into balls.  Melt shortening or pour oil into large skillet (we use an electric skillet), brown meatballs on all sides.  Drain off fat.

Stir together remaining liquid ingredients, pour over meatballs in skillet.  Reduce heat, cover and simmer 45 minutes.  If necessary, add 1 to 2 Tbsp. water during cooking.  4 servings.  Serve over rice.

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