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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday May 19th, 2023


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Good morning to all.


Love Girls and Boys club but not a fan of Nascar.  The meal sounds interesting.  Been to Loreto once on my New Years cruise.  I actually liked the tiny town.  Only a couple of pics.IMG_9330.thumb.JPG.e478b012820e828e4274f63410495671.JPGIMG_9321.thumb.JPG.9854d0138bd6064fd3a8fae1274ad72d.JPG


I can't seem to attach the pic with the Loreto letters - it keeps coming out upside down.  Oh well!


It rained again last night; a very nice thunderstorm.  Of course, we could use the rain but it is more like the monsoons that come in July and August.  Weird.


One more week!  🙂 

Thoughts for those on the care list.

Have a great Friday everyone!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends.  It's 59F and cloudy and will be 74 for a high.  It's not supposed to be raining right now, but when we went outside to walk earlier I felt moisture falling on my face and glasses.  After about 20 minutes DH went back outside and said it's not raining now so I'm going to walk.  I didn't go because I really don't feel well this morning.  I had a mostly sleepless night and had a tummy ache so took a pepto bismol tablet.  Thought I could walk as we had planned but really don't think so.  I need a day of rest!


Our port today is Loreto on the Baja peninsula of Mexico.  I have not been there before.  That port was listed here twice on July 31, 2021 and April 28, 2022.  Here are the links:




A salute to Boys Club Day, World Plant a Vegetable Garden Day, and Nascar Day.  I say no that 3 wrongs don't make a right.  No thanks to the cod dish, cocktail or Chilean Red.  Interesting day in history.  Thank you to Debbie, Dixie, Ann, Rich and Eva for their contributions today to our Daily and Fleet Report.  Prayers for our people in need, and cheers to the happy celebrants.  I hope to feel better and come back later to see what's happening here.  Have a great day!

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well this morning Sandi.

I hope you are soon feeling a lot better.

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Good morning.  Thank-you for the daily report.  While waiting for the bus this morning I saw that someone had purchased many flats of assorted vegetables to be planted.  Maybe today?  Funny quote today, I guess it's always worth a try.  The meal suggestion sounds delicious but I'll pass on the drink.  I haven't been to today's port.  Prayers for everyone on our list and for those who need them.  Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Boy's and Girl's clubs provide a great service to children in various parts of the city; we support them whenever we can.  My mom always planted a garden, even in her last year, and they were always beautiful.  I didn't inherit that gene.  Not a fan of Nascar - can't figure out how people can spend hours watching cars going around in circles.  I know @marshhawk is likely taping it so she can watch it on her return.  Sure hope she, DH and BFF are having a good time.


I checked the overnight forecast before turning in last night and saw it was only supposed to go down to +4 overnight, but when I got up a short time ago, see that we're at +2.  Our yard sits lower down than other areas of the city, so I'm hoping we didn't get frost.  It's too late to do anything about it now, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  We do have bright sunshine and clear skies (no smoke), and it should get back up to +26 again, so maybe we're back on track.  It looks like people will have good weather for the Victoria Day weekend.


The first thing I did when I got up this morning was check the WestJet site and saw that the pilots and the airline reached an agreement overnight.  I'm hoping the flight that will bring the plane to Tokyo today will be a go, which means that our family can board it tomorrow night for their return home to Calgary. Fingers crossed.


@dobiemom I hope everything goes well with your eye appointment.

@Denise T I can feel your excitement building; I do the same thing with a countdown before every cruise.

@kazu I hope you and your workers manage to get most of your yard work done - that's a huge job!

@StLouisCruisers I hope your feeling unwell is short lived.


I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day, and would really like to try the wine, but again, $$$.  I like the menu suggestion and might just make the celery salad to see what it's like.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll head out and pick up something from our local pizza joint to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the people of Ukraine.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report.  It’s another beautiful day in New England.  There are two concerts tonight, Taylor Swift and Janet Jackson, it’s a good day to stay home. The bags are packed and we are ready to board the Zaandam tomorrow.  Today’s work schedule is light, no meetings on the calendar. Hopefully that means I can get a load of laundry done and a quick pass through the house to make sure everything is good for the pet sitter. 

I hope everyone has a good day today.

I hope you have a fantastic cruise.

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Good morning, all! It’s good to slide back into the coffee and Daily morning routine. Yesterday was spent cutting the tent caterpillar nests out of the apple trees. That is NOT a routine I enjoyed in the least! 
We’ve never been to Loreto, even though DH’s brother had a place there for a few years. Somehow the timing never quite worked out for going with them. 
The nearly 8 month trip was amazing. My personal highlight was probably watching baby elephants play in the wild. Or skimming over the sea in a timber sailboat in Zanzibar. 
Happy Friday, everyone! As wonderful,as the world is, it’s sure nice to be home!


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Good morning from a mostly sunny with a light breeze central Texas.  It is 70F now and will rise to 90F this afternoon.  There is a chance of rain beginning about 6pm with a chance of thunderstorms overnight.  As soon as I finish here, I'm heading out to trim and mow the yard before it gets too hot.  I want to get it done today so the grass is not as wet when I mow.  I also plan to spray the weed killer again.  If there's time before it's too hot out, I want to do some work in the flowerbeds.


I salute the Boy's and Girl's Clubs, but the nearest ones are in either Waco or the DFW area.  We had a vegetable garden when we lived in Pennsylvania, but not since moving back to Texas.  We watch the NASCSR races mainly to see how many wrecks there are.  


I don't agree with the quote, but I think some people do.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  We'll probably have cod tonight as fish and chips cooked in he air fryer.  The wine sounds intriguing, but will pass because of the price.


We were in Loreto in 2015 on Ruby Princess.  I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes.


Today's day in history marks the first steps in bringing the colonies together, and beginning the roots for this country.


@dobiemom  I hope you get good news from the eye doctor and that there is nothing serious going on.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope you feel better soon.

@kazu  I hope you can get everything done today without interruptions.

@aliaschief  Great pictures of the hawk, Bruce.  

@ger_77  Gerry, it sounds like your family will make the plane tomorrow.  I hope they have a safe and smooth flight.


It's about time to head outside.










Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning Dailyites. Rich thanks for posting the Fleet Report.


Sandi hope you are feeling better. Prayers lifted to all on our cares list and many thanks to our food and beverage ladies. @dobiemom hope your appt goes well. 


Had bloodwork this morning and now enjoying a cup of coffee.


No on the quote..




We had a big garden in Montana. Especially loved our asparagus and golden raspberries. When the nights started getting cold, Allen would pull the whole tomatoe plants out and hang them upside down in the garage. That gave us at least another month of eating fresh tomatoes. 


Gerry I'm hoping your family makes their flight home. It's nerve wracking. 


Thinking of our fellow cruisers and will raise a glass to you tonight.




Have a blessed day! Be kind.






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We were in Loreto on the Ruby Princess in 2016.  It is in the Sea of Cortez on the east coast of Baja California north of La Paz.  Cruise ships usually only do one or two cruises in that area each year.  We took a tour to San Javier, a small town up in the mountains; then, we walked through Loreto on the way back to the pier.  I would like to go back and spend more time in Loreto.


The sun rising on Loreto as we approached the anchorage.



The main street and church in San Javier








Behind the church was an area with ancient trees with twisted trunks.



A local resident



The little cafe where we had an early, good lunch



On the way back to Loreto, we stopped at a view point with a wayside chapel.




Back in Loreto, our guide took us to the local church.




Loreto on the walk back to the pier and the tenders.








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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! Currently 70 degrees with a forecast high of 83 and a 50% chance of rain. As I mentioned on a late post,  on yesterday’s Daily our ladies deep cleaning crew did a fantastic job. They moved everything and cleaned under furniture and appliances. They have been hired. I believe I got my needed prescriptions done and they should be ready Monday. 
My favorite sport is NASCAR and I will enjoy watching the annual All Star race from the historic newly renovated North Wilksboro Speedway.

We have had fish two nights in a row and haven’t decided what’s on the menu for tonight. We are trying to lose a few pounds before our cruise so we are abstaining from wine and booze and low carb meals. No shaky symptoms and have already shed four pounds.

Thanks Rich and all who contribute. Have a great day. Bruce




I can relate to the doctors visit. Just there on Tuesday and waited over an hour to see the doctor! Should had turned back the bill but there was no co pay.

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15 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We were in Loreto on the Ruby Princess in 2016.  It is in the Sea of Cortez on the east coast of Baja California north of La Paz.  Cruise ships usually only do one or two cruises in that area each year.  We took a tour to San Javier, a small town up in the mountains; then, we walked through Loreto on the way back to the pier.  I would like to go back and spend more time in Loreto.


The sun rising on Loreto as we approached the anchorage.



The main street and church in San Javier








Behind the church was an area with ancient trees with twisted trunks.



A local resident



The little cafe where we had an early, good lunch



On the way back to Loreto, we stopped at a view point with a wayside chapel.




Back in Loreto, our guide took us to the local church.




Loreto on the walk back to the pier and the tenders.








Very interesting photos Lenda.

As always I enjoy seeing your photos especially of places we have never been to.

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Thanks Rich and everyone. Two nights now I have not gotten a lot of sleep. It seems for no logical reason raccoons have decided that my deck is the place to be. They seem to like 1:45 in the morning but start the party about ten. I sprinkled garlic powder on the railings and it seems to have shortened their party. Hopefully they will find another place to spend their evenings. One of my alerts on my camera had one of them swinging from the camera and all I see is the fur glowing in the night light. They aren't even afraid of me. I open the door and shine lights at them and make lots of noise and they just sit on the kayaks and clap. Life is never boring.

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Happy Friday!  
I have been to Loretto by air and sea. It’s quite stark. DH’s niece took us sailing in the Sea of Cortez from there. My most vivid memory is first taking the dingy to the boat and seeing phosphorescence around us!  Then we went swimming in the phosphorescent water!  Magical. On old Ryndam we stopped there on our Copper Canyon cruise. Took a shuttle to the beach for an hour or so. Daytime, so no phosphorescence!  

I agree with Graham @grapau27 that no number of wrongs make anything right. 
Happy to hear that @summer slope and @1ANGELCAT have better news for now!  
Bon Voyage to @Crazy For Cats and soon to @Denise T and @aliaschiefs. 

Blessings for relief for @dobiemom, @Vict0riann, @JazzyV, @StLouisCruisers, @CruznTeri  and all who are feeling pain or struggles .  And all those in dire needs near and far. Hope the smoke clears!  

🥂Cheers for celebrations and the small ups that lift our spirits!  Thinking of @luvteaching and @smitty34877, hang in there one day at a time. 

Applause 👏 for all the growers!  @ger_77 Gerry, enjoy Friday night pizza, and wine!  Hope you can have it on your deck!  


DHs eye readings have been a little high and trending up. Haven’t been advised by the doctor yet to make any changes in meds.  We have 2 months before surgery to get through without high pressures causing optic nerve damage 🤞. Thanks for your caring support!  

@ottahand7, wondering where your cabin in UP is. I did geology graduate work in UP, mostly out of Marquette (long ago). In 2018 I went back there, also visited friends on the UP south shore, all seems like yesterday. Beautiful country!  Hope the power comes up and the well pump starts!  🤞 



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Good morning all!
Another beautiful day in the  PNW.  I overdid yesterday in the yard/garden.  Aching last night!  But most likely will do it all again today.  The back yard needs a lot of attention.  At least it helped me sleep very well last night. 🙂  


The closest thing to Boys and Girls Club that I'm aware of is the after-school program the grandsons attend a few days a week.  It really helps working parents and is fun for the boys.  I've had great vegetable gardens in the past, I don't have room here though.  So I have a few herbs planted and will get some tomato plants.  I agree with @RedneckBob's DW.  Not All Spouses Care About Racing 😉  


The quote is funny and not to be taken seriously IMO.  Will pass on the wine, but the drink sounds like a yummy dessert!  Will pass on the meal, the ginger and curry would ruin it for me although I'd try it if someone else made it!


Sandi @StLouisCruisersI hope you feel better very soon!

Jake @Crazy For CatsBon Voyage!

Laura @dobiemomI hope your eye appointment goes well and there's nothing serious going on.

Debbie @dfishI wonder if you could repost the recipe for the Tzatziki chicken?  I missed it, probably when we were in Yellowstone. Thanks!!



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1 minute ago, RMLincoln said:

Happy Friday!  
I have been to Loretto by air and sea. It’s quite stark. DH’s niece took us sailing in the Sea of Cortez from there. My most vivid memory is first taking the dingy to the boat and seeing phosphorescence around us!  Then we went swimming in the phosphorescent water!  Magical. On old Ryndam we stopped there on our Copper Canyon cruise. Took a shuttle to the beach for an hour or so. Daytime, so no phosphorescence!  

I agree with Graham @grapau27 that no number of wrongs make anything right. 
Happy to hear that @summer slope and @1ANGELCAT have better news for now!  
Bon Voyage to @Crazy For Cats and soon to @Denise T and @aliaschiefs. 

Blessings for relief for @dobiemom, @Vict0riann, @JazzyV, @StLouisCruisers, @CruznTeri  and all who are feeling pain or struggles .  And all those in dire needs near and far. Hope the smoke clears!  

🥂Cheers for celebrations and the small ups that lift our spirits!  Thinking of @luvteaching and @smitty34877, hang in there one day at a time. 

Applause 👏 for all the growers!  @ger_77 Gerry, enjoy Friday night pizza, and wine!  Hope you can have it on your deck!  


DHs eye readings have been a little high and trending up. Haven’t been advised by the doctor yet to make any changes in meds.  We have 2 months before surgery to get through without high pressures causing optic nerve damage 🤞. Thanks for your caring support!  

@ottahand7, wondering where your cabin in UP is. I did geology graduate work in UP, mostly out of Marquette (long ago). In 2018 I went back there, also visited friends on the UP south shore, all seems like yesterday. Beautiful country!  Hope the power comes up and the well pump starts!  🤞 



Thanks Maureen. Got a few days. Fly to Barcelona June 1. Stay at the famous Cotton House free gratis from our travel agency and embark June 3. B.

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1 hour ago, lindaler said:

Thanks Rich and everyone. Two nights now I have not gotten a lot of sleep. It seems for no logical reason raccoons have decided that my deck is the place to be. They seem to like 1:45 in the morning but start the party about ten. I sprinkled garlic powder on the railings and it seems to have shortened their party. Hopefully they will find another place to spend their evenings. One of my alerts on my camera had one of them swinging from the camera and all I see is the fur glowing in the night light. They aren't even afraid of me. I open the door and shine lights at them and make lots of noise and they just sit on the kayaks and clap. Life is never boring.


Linda, last night 4 of us took Elvis out about 10. The streets were empty. (after 9 we call it the Sun City sleepers) We couldn't believe all the raccoons, skunks, feral cats, and loads of deer. My problem is the "dam" armadillo tearing up our yard. Too early for seeing them last night.

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1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

@ottahand7, wondering where your cabin in UP is. I did geology graduate work in UP, mostly out of Marquette (long ago). In 2018 I went back there, also visited friends on the UP south shore, all seems like yesterday. Beautiful country!  Hope the power comes up and the well pump starts!  🤞 


We are about an hour and a half SW of Marquette near Crystal Falls/Amasa.    It is on Porter Lake.   We have about a 45 minute drive on dirt and logging roads to get there from Amasa.  It is indeed beautiful and mostly unspoiled.   

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Today's sunrise is from a 2013 Blount Cruise from New Orleans to Saint Petersburg.  I boarded on May 19 but woke earlier that morning on Amtrak's City of New Orleans:





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Great fan of The Boys and Girls Clubs! Our local club includes a swimming pool and year round swim team. Our three children flourished at the Club with occasional after school programs, summer activities and swim team events. We continue with annual financial support.

Years ago, DH and DS went to a NASCAR race. DS was so impressed with the politeness of the fans, holding doors open, saying please and thank you, and the prayers before the races. DH commented on the noise, but would certainly return! 

Thanks, Dailyites for the news and comments, happy sailing for all on board. Prayers for wellness. 

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6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends.  It's 59F and cloudy and will be 74 for a high.  It's not supposed to be raining right now, but when we went outside to walk earlier I felt moisture falling on my face and glasses.  After about 20 minutes DH went back outside and said it's not raining now so I'm going to walk. 



Rest up - I hope it helps and you sleep better tonight and feel much better tomorrow 🤞 



5 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Woke up a bit earlier today. Sam has been fed and a trip outside. Now he is bugging for his daily walk. That seems to be a dog's favorite activity. Even Juno on the morning yjat we put her down still went for her morning walk. Off we go!


You got that right!  They sure love their walks - same with me - even on Marley’s last day, he still wanted a walk when he could barely walk on the one leg.



5 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

The bags are packed and we are ready to board the Zaandam tomorrow.


Yippee!  Safe travels and Bon Voyage!!!!




3 hours ago, lindaler said:

Thanks Rich and everyone. Two nights now I have not gotten a lot of sleep. It seems for no logical reason raccoons have decided that my deck is the place to be. They seem to like 1:45 in the morning but start the party about ten. I sprinkled garlic powder on the railings and it seems to have shortened their party. Hopefully they will find another place to spend their evenings. One of my alerts on my camera had one of them swinging from the camera and all I see is the fur glowing in the night light. They aren't even afraid of me. I open the door and shine lights at them and make lots of noise and they just sit on the kayaks and clap. Life is never boring.


Dam those raccoons. 😡. You’ve probably tried it but just in case - sometimes mothballs can deter them.  And a mix of chili pepper infused spray as well.

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