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Guarantee assignment


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I am just having fun here so please don't take this post/comment as if it is overly important.  


I am doing a daily check on my one (1) remaining Guarantee reservation and finding this little study very interesting.  I HAD two (2) bookings both Guarantee PH3 for a November 2023 10 day Mediterranean Cruise.  One reservation which was mine, I did a guest "Paid" upgrade so I have a stateroom now.  The other Guarantee is for the guest that will be joining us which is still in PLAY.


Here are the facts:

  • This cruise is NOW in the deposit penalty period.

        Newbee Assumption:  Logic tells me prior to this first penalty period, some folks would cancel with NO penalty. Like a first small wave of cancelations.  

  • The final payment is scheduled for August 11, 2023.

        Newbee Assumption: The second wave of cancelations logically would happen just before final payment avoiding additional guest loss. 

  • Currently only two (2) Staterooms show available.  One (1) Vista Suite and one (1) Owners Suite.
  • All other categories are waitlist. 
  • The majority of waitlist happened when new bookings could take advantage of BOTH "four category upgrade" and "Extraordinary Saving Sale" at the same time. 
  • About once a week, a PH category becomes available and within an hour or two is gone. 
  • The Summer sale is current in effect for this sailing however I am not sure if that has any effect on the remaining Vista or Owners Suite category. 

          Newbee Assumption:  The last wave of cancelations should be as the embarkment day gets closer most likely based on sudden health and scheduling issue crop up. I am sure there are other reasons. 


I find it very interesting to look at this data as it moves forward.  It now makes so much sense what so many people have stated on this specific thread. My interpretation. Unlike when a Air Craft overbooks, overbooking is rarely the case on a cruises. When/if it does happen again rare, the few Guaranteed Staterooms WILL  be filled.  Those on the cruise paid in full (Not those in Guarantee) may have an paid upgrade possibility presented OR may be offered a benefit to take another cruise OR may be given a benefit to take a lower stateroom category.  These offers are very calculated by the ships "Revenue" department for maximizing sales and profits as one would assume. All this is hypothetical of course with the logical assumption, staterooms WILL naturally become available up to the last minute. 


It now makes compete sense that the Guarantees are filled most of the time, after the final payment is due and as close to the sailing date as possible.  It also makes sense that although there is a possibility of an upgrade within the category you are booked (PH3 to PH2 to PH1), a higher category is HIGHLY unusual and very RARE if at all. Does the Complementary Upgrade fairy exist? Maybe but they are all based on algorithms that don't favor the kind of upgrade we all dream on.


As I continue to watch this every day (I have a lot of time on my hands obviously), I will report back.  Please know, regardless to when my final guarantee is filled, each cruise is an island to itself with unique aspects that control timing and placement of guaranteed staterooms. I am simply enjoying the process for "Sport".  


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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Interesting reading these comments about how Oceania handles stateroom assignment.


In 2021 we booked a cruise on Vista for a concierge cabin with an extended balcony. All correspondence with Oceania reflected that cabin until we received our sailing information notebook. It showed a different cabin without an extended balcony. Since we never requested a change and we were never asked if we would give up the extended balcony, my travel agent and I asked Oceania why, when, and who made this change.  After weeks of no response, Oceania said they have no answer to those questions, but offered a $500 ship board credit.


I am appalled.  We book in 2021 and they boot us out to accommodate someone who comes along at the last minute? And we lose the extended balcony on a 18 days cruise with only $500 compensation?  Why don’t they give the new occupants the $500 credit and give us back the stateroom?


This will be our 17th cruise with Oceania, plus we are booked for a November 2024 Penthouse.  Unless someone higher up on the upcoming cruise gives us appropriate compensation, I will do enough cruises on this cruise line to get my free cruise and then walk away for good.  I have sailed on no other cruise line since I first stepped foot on the Regatta the first year oceania started sailing. 

the worse thing is it seems no one at Oceania cares. 

Edited by sophia thomas
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17 hours ago, sophia thomas said:

Interesting reading these comments about how Oceania handles stateroom assignment.


In 2021 we booked a cruise on Vista for a concierge cabin with an extended balcony. All correspondence with Oceania reflected that cabin until we received our sailing information notebook. It showed a different cabin without an extended balcony. Since we never requested a change and we were never asked if we would give up the extended balcony, my travel agent and I asked Oceania why, when, and who made this change.  After weeks of no response, Oceania said they have no answer to those questions, but offered a $500 ship board credit.


I am appalled.  We book in 2021 and they boot us out to accommodate someone who comes along at the last minute? And we lose the extended balcony on a 18 days cruise with only $500 compensation?  Why don’t they give the new occupants the $500 credit and give us back the stateroom?


This will be our 17th cruise with Oceania, plus we are booked for a November 2024 Penthouse.  Unless someone higher up on the upcoming cruise gives us appropriate compensation, I will do enough cruises on this cruise line to get my free cruise and then walk away for good.  I have sailed on no other cruise line since I first stepped foot on the Regatta the first year oceania started sailing. 

the worse thing is it seems no one at Oceania cares. 

I’m confused. Did you book a specific cabin or was it just guarenteed concierge level? I’m not sure they can guarantee something as specific as an extended balcony unless you book a specific cabin. 

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18 hours ago, sophia thomas said:

Interesting reading these comments about how Oceania handles stateroom assignment.


In 2021 we booked a cruise on Vista for a concierge cabin with an extended balcony. All correspondence with Oceania reflected that cabin until we received our sailing information notebook. It showed a different cabin without an extended balcony. Since we never requested a change and we were never asked if we would give up the extended balcony, my travel agent and I asked Oceania why, when, and who made this change.  After weeks of no response, Oceania said they have no answer to those questions, but offered a $500 ship board credit.



If you had a specific cabin booked  I would be getting your TA to  get it back

They should be on to Oceania   & as you say offer the other people the  OBC & get your cabin back for you


Seems odd they would bump you though

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We did book a specific cabin number.  And paid in full before I learned of the change. That’s why I am so shocked by this treatment. 


My travel agent did contact Oceania every day for me and they kept saying they were investigating it. Then they finally came back with this pitiful response. 

I have even thought about sending a certified letter to a VP or someone in the organization. 

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On 7/14/2023 at 10:16 AM, sophia thomas said:

We did book a specific cabin number.  And paid in full before I learned of the change. That’s why I am so shocked by this treatment. 


My travel agent did contact Oceania every day for me and they kept saying they were investigating it. Then they finally came back with this pitiful response. 

I have even thought about sending a certified letter to a VP or someone in the organization. 

Oceania's complete disregard for a loyal (or any) customer is indeed appalling.  I'm sorry this happened to you Sophia. My confidence in Oceania is shaken. The lack of communication or consultation is shocking and the compensation offered is totally insufficient.  Keep after them with certified letter.  Perhaps post your experience in a separate thread on this forum and let us know how it turns out.

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On 7/14/2023 at 9:16 AM, sophia thomas said:

We did book a specific cabin number.  And paid in full before I learned of the change. That’s why I am so shocked by this treatment. 


My travel agent did contact Oceania every day for me and they kept saying they were investigating it. Then they finally came back with this pitiful response. 

I have even thought about sending a certified letter to a VP or someone in the organization. 

@sophia thomas I have been following along with your story since you wrote it.  I am NEW to Oceania but not new to cruising.  I am also not new to issues happening within my booking and being quite upset.  If I may be so bold to offer you an approach that has worked for me with a high level of success.  I hesitated to even respond because of the comments I have gotten in the past from my approach.  However, putting myself in your place, nothing would give me greater joy then to assist in some way towards gaining you a resolution you felt comfortable with.  In my Pre-Retirement Life, I taught "Issue Resolutions" for some big companies.  


Social Media will NOT help.  It will make you feel better and maybe give you some idea's.  The key to resolving your issues it a "Very Professionally Written Letter".  In this letter NEVER threaten, show no anger, disappointment in the brand is a better approach.  Simply explain the facts of your situation, how it made you feel as a loyal Oceania Client.  Then at the end, make a suggestion of a Realistic Resolution to this issue.  Realistic for both sides with an emphasis on your satisfaction.  Unrealistic is "Give me a free cruise, in the Owners Suite and a full Refund".  I think you get the idea.


The letter must seem somewhat formal in format.  Then send it to the top 4 executives of Oceania In Miami.  As someone else has said, send it Certified Mail.  You will repeat this process every week until they call you back and resolve your issue.  If you want to send an email also, with the same letter.  The Code for Oceania is First Initial, Last Name @ OceaniaCruises.com or NCL.com.  


It would take many more paragraphs to give you every example of how my issues have been resolved over the last 44 years of cruising.  Yet, resolved they were.  All fairly and with somewhat of a Win/Win conclusion.  All this said, I get so much push back when I make this suggestion on a Social Media Board.  Usually from those that never approached things in the manner I suggest.


Good luck and let us all know what happens.


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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Thank you so very much for your advice. I will follow your suggestions and I will post updates.


And I see you really understand that the disappointment in Oceania is far greater than the balcony loss. I have been so happy cruising with Oceania over the years and I don’t want to leave them. I just want them to acknowledge how unacceptable their actions were and offer something realistic as an apology. 

Genuine apologies go a long way in healing relationships.


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24 minutes ago, sophia thomas said:

Thank you so very much for your advice. I will follow your suggestions and I will post updates.


And I see you really understand that the disappointment in Oceania is far greater than the balcony loss. I have been so happy cruising with Oceania over the years and I don’t want to leave them. I just want them to acknowledge how unacceptable their actions were and offer something realistic as an apology. 

Genuine apologies go a long way in healing relationships.


@sophia thomas Your welcome. As I read your initial post and comments after, I was taken back.  Something is OFF in the situation.  This happens sometimes on social media.  It just does not feel right.  My gut told me you are being transparent with your situation.  Another words, you were telling the story emotional but also factual. 


You have very few post on Cruise Critic and been on for a while.  That told me you only post or comment when it is very important to you.  You would rather sit back and enjoy the banter.  NOW, on the Oceania Side, something is amiss


I don't recall if you booked directly with them or used a travel agent.  I usually use a travel agent for lots of reasons.  HOWEVER, my experience is "no one can fight for what I feel is right better than I can".  I want to give you confidence in your letter so here is a "true story" that JUST happened.  Remember my attitude, I never got angry or really upset. I stay in control.  I was simply disappointed. That means my letters will be more factual than emotional.


Here is my story: I booked my Oceania voyage in September 2022 with the four category upgrade promotion. The booking was a PH3 Guarantee which is why I watch this stream so much.  I than leveraged the "Extraordinary Sales Event" to lower my over all investment a good bit.  Those on this board suggested to have my Travel Agent let Oceania know that I was a candidate for a "Paid Guest" upgrade.  At the time their were two Vista and four Owners Suites left and the entire (PH) category was "Wait Listed".  My agent called me while Oceania was on the phone and gave me an upgrade amount that was, "To Good To Be True".  She verified it twice while I was listening.  I accepted it immediately.  About a minute later I had my American Express In hand, the offer was taken back. Not your situation however you can see why it was disappointing to me. 


My agent got nowhere on that call and with me off the phone went to several supervisors.  It was a no go, a mistake had been made.  So I went into action using the approach I gave you.  Three days later, I was confirmed in a Vista Suite.  NO, NOT even close to the original offer.  But an offer I could live with.  Win/Win situation for everyone.  It is all the way we ask for things and the realization that mistakes happen on both sides.  Honey vs. Vinegar even when you did nothing wrong. I just wanted a favorable outcome and maybe like you, an acknowledgement that a mistake was made. This was simply my most recent experience.  Side Note: My Travel Agent called me and asked me how I did it. It seems her strategy was not approaching the situation nicely.  She tried to bully.  That does not work in human interaction when the company or brand has all the leverage. Loosing one customer or a booking is minor.  Not what I would hope but the truth. 


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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On 7/13/2023 at 11:50 AM, sophia thomas said:

Interesting reading these comments about how Oceania handles stateroom assignment.


In 2021 we booked a cruise on Vista for a concierge cabin with an extended balcony. All correspondence with Oceania reflected that cabin until we received our sailing information notebook. It showed a different cabin without an extended balcony. Since we never requested a change and we were never asked if we would give up the extended balcony, my travel agent and I asked Oceania why, when, and who made this change.  After weeks of no response, Oceania said they have no answer to those questions, but offered a $500 ship board credit.


I am appalled.  We book in 2021 and they boot us out to accommodate someone who comes along at the last minute? And we lose the extended balcony on a 18 days cruise with only $500 compensation?  Why don’t they give the new occupants the $500 credit and give us back the stateroom?


This will be our 17th cruise with Oceania, plus we are booked for a November 2024 Penthouse.  Unless someone higher up on the upcoming cruise gives us appropriate compensation, I will do enough cruises on this cruise line to get my free cruise and then walk away for good.  I have sailed on no other cruise line since I first stepped foot on the Regatta the first year oceania started sailing. 

the worse thing is it seems no one at Oceania cares. 

Please get on touch with me before going through all of the above and let me see what I can do..


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Hello again.  The reason you have not seen me actively involved on cruise critic is because I signed up years, actually decades ago and then didn’t use it. I looked at it this time, because of my current situation, and was surprised that I was still enrolled.  I assure you, I am a real person.  I had wanted to see if other guests had this happen (a reality check) and what they did to resolve it. 

Yes, my initial emotion was anger.  But I have not contacted Oceania yet, and now I have gotten past anger and entered sadness. Viewing others posts and comments helped. I will draft a letter today to the executives.


I apologize for the tone of my previous posts.  I never intended to be hostile. 

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27 minutes ago, sophia thomas said:

Hi! How do I get in touch with you? I would like to hear from you.

Lots of people on here can help you get in touch with me..post your email someone Im sure will send you my email


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2 hours ago, sophia thomas said:

Hello again.  The reason you have not seen me actively involved on cruise critic is because I signed up years, actually decades ago and then didn’t use it. I looked at it this time, because of my current situation, and was surprised that I was still enrolled.  I assure you, I am a real person.  I had wanted to see if other guests had this happen (a reality check) and what they did to resolve it. 

Yes, my initial emotion was anger.  But I have not contacted Oceania yet, and now I have gotten past anger and entered sadness. Viewing others posts and comments helped. I will draft a letter today to the executives.


I apologize for the tone of my previous posts.  I never intended to be hostile. 

@sophia thomas You read my response wrong.  I totally know you are real and that your situation is disappointing to you or anyone else that it would have happened to. My comment on Anger had to do with the best approach to letters with big companies.  Sorry, post don't allow for quick interactions or questions.  


It seems you might have a person that can assist you prior to that letter.  That is a good thing.  I personally want your room back because it is what you wanted in the first place.  I also hope you gain real compensation and a apology from the powers that be.  Life should always be happy conclusions in my opinion. 


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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@Sthrngary I been reading your posts and you mentioned you paid for your upgrade to the Vista Suite. Did you also write letters to the top executives? Is this how you got your Vista Suite for only $4700 per person? Sounds like a great deal.

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2 minutes ago, BSR said:

@Sthrngary I been reading your posts and you mentioned you paid for your upgrade to the Vista Suite. Did you also write letters to the top executives? Is this how you got your Vista Suite for only $4700 per person? Sounds like a great deal.

Where did you see $4700/pp?


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