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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 14th, 2023


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6 hours ago, dfish said:

I spent a lot of time on family history and connected with a cousin to help with that.  We had fun doing it and taking turns going to Ireland to check out cemeteries.  I put what I had into a book with pictures of many of the ancestors and gave each member of the family a copy.  It was met with lukewarm appreciation.  One sibling declared she was an American that lived in the present time and never took her copy.   


One bit of my family came from County Armagh in Ireland, in the North, but the only record of them there is the sale of their farm when they left for America. A distant cousin wrote a family history, but as she had no other information earlier than about 1800, she made up everything before that. Their surname was English, so she began with a description of the Norman Conquest, leading people in the generation immediately before mine to conclude -- almost certainly falsely -- that they had Norman French, thus Norse, ancestry. However, the name is Anglo-Saxon and in the Domesday Book was most common in Dorset and Lancashire.


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Back from bank and acupuncture. I skipped the grocery store because it was raining hard and bread isn't fresh on Wednesdays.


The idea of chicken salad on a waffle appeals to me, more so than fried chicken with waffles, which I think is more typical.

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9 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Our excursion today takes us to the small city of Santiago. For ages Christians have walked here to pay homage to Apostle Saint James whose remains (ashes)are in a crypt in Santiago Cathedral. It still has over 400,000 walk here on pilgrimages every year. Around 20% do it for religious reasons and the rest do it for the great hike that ends at the cathedral square and hugging the statue of Saint James. All day long you can see backpackers arriving.

We talked to one and he had been walking for eleven day. We have our last port in Spain tomorrow in Bilbao, Spain.

Thanks for reports. Bruce



Is this the pilgrimage that Father David just completed?



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Today, I definitely celebrated Family History Day by delving deeper into the past.  Today, there were only a few discrepancies, which were easily solved with one exception.  I'm pretty sure one female ancestor had two husbands, but the dates were such that it was difficult to determine which came first.  I made an educated guess, mainly using the name that was most often associated with the child in question, and just left the other one off the family tree.


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning (really, it was still 8 minutes before noon when I started this post), thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Flag Day to all my American friends.  I'll do a hard pass on the bourbon, appreciate the work that goes into researching family history, and a big Happy Birthday to the US Army.


The quote is nice - there are many moments I wish I could have frozen in time, especially ones involving my parents.   I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy sipping on the drink of the day, and would reluctantly try the white wine.  


I'm surprised by someone who said they'd never heard of chicken and waffles.  We actually had the most delicious chicken and waffles at, of all places, a McDonald's restuarant in Singapore, near our hotel.  We went out in the morning in search of a reasonably priced place for breakfast when we came upon a McD's and their menu was printed on the window glass.    The waffles were huge and fluffy (think BIG Belgian waffles), and the chicken was a full chicken breast, breaded and fried to a crisp deliciousness.


Our friends left about 10 minutes ago; it appears the gastro symptoms stem from his having had bowel cancer a number of years ago.  There isn't any cancer, but he's been diagnosed with IBS and his age isn't helping any, either.  Now they're gone but will be returning in likely a few weeks, as he has to have vascular surgery because the veins in his lower legs are severely blocked.  When they do return, they'll be staying for possibly 2 weeks, as he needs to return to the hospital and surgeon's offices regularly for monitoring.  It's time to strip the beds and load the washing machine again; the dishes are done, so DH will unload that and then we'll be able to sit quietly for a while.


It's hot here right now, already +28 with a high predicted of +34 (93F), and there's a hot wind blowing from the west.  That usually means we'll get a storm coming in - already there are storm watches out for areas to the south and west of us, so we'll see how the afternoon progresses.


@dfish how inconsiderate of your relative; she could have been a little more subtle about it.  You went through a lot of work (and expense) to provide family information, and she was so ungrateful.  Her loss.

@smitty34877 I'm glad there's treatment for your DH, and wish you and him the very best as he goes through it.

@rafinmd Happy Angel Birthday to your DB.

@cruising sister the other woman is obviously jealous of the relationship you have with your friend.  Continue the friendship with that person and don't let this new member turn you off - ignoring her if possible, and if it gets too bad, confront her about it.  Ask "Is there something I've done to offend you, because I've noticed you're very cool toward me."  Sometimes just bringing it out in the open will stop the behaviour.

@marshhawk good for you for also monitoring your nicotine intake - that will help Chuck as well.

@Crazy For Cats yikes on the freezer!!!

@Quartzsite Cruiser I'm stealing your bacon meme; I love it!


I'd like today's menu suggestion, but we've got leftovers in the fridge from last night's dinner out and the night before that as well.  Our friends took us for dinner where I had fish & chips while DH had breaded veal - both meals were huge (mine had 4 large pieces of fish), so we ended up bringing half of them home.  Not sure if the weather will allow dinner on the deck or in the pergola, so I think we'll just plan on leftovers at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, it's good your friend does not have an recurrence of the cancer, but I'm sorry about the IBS.  I hope the vascular surgery on his legs in a few weeks will help and the recovery will not be too difficult.


2 hours ago, 57redbird said:

Update on my cousin with glioblastoma....we went to see him (they live about 150 miles from us)...he's doing remarkably well!  The Hospice nurse told him 'you don't look sick' so that probably is the best news they've heard in a while.  He really looks & acts fine - we visited early afternoon both Monday & yesterday & I think that's probably his best time of day.  Please keep them in your prayers & I'll update as needed.


I'm glad your cousin is still looking and acting fine, and that you had a good visit with him.


30 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Today was the last day of school in my county.  On my morning walk today I ran into our school crossing guard and he had a new sign, now with "STOP" showing prominently in a string of bright LED's.




Roy, that is interesting and probably safer.  We've seen more and more regular stop signs with the red led lights.


16 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


One bit of my family came from County Armagh in Ireland, in the North, but the only record of them there is the sale of their farm when they left for America. A distant cousin wrote a family history, but as she had no other information earlier than about 1800, she made up everything before that. Their surname was English, so she began with a description of the Norman Conquest, leading people in the generation immediately before mine to conclude -- almost certainly falsely -- that they had Norman French, thus Norse, ancestry. However, the name is Anglo-Saxon and in the Domesday Book was most common in Dorset and Lancashire.



Paul, I can't help wondering if we might have some distant relatives in common.  😉  There are several who's trees I see on Ancestry that have the incorrect information, which can be corrected with a little digging on Google.  I think they just want to claim the more famous or important person in the tree even if it is not the right one.  I've found many of the correct ancestors who are not well known in history to have been pretty interesting and even some that were a bit strange.




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9 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Wednesday from beautiful Tucson. The high today will be 98F. But our pool is still too cool for us, it’s hovering at 78-80. We prefer it 85 or above and it doesn’t get there until we have a few days over 100. That is supposed to happen this weekend but we won’t be here to enjoy that. We are heading to Mt Lemmon for a week where it will be in the high 70’s. 

I am going to really need my nap today because I don’t have time to get my “second sleep” in, like Maxine @AncientWanderer calls it.  We need to be on the road by 10:00 to get up the mountain. Thank goodness it really isn’t that far but I make Craig drive about 5 miles an hour under the speed limit, yikes I don’t like the twisty road, aka the Hitchcock Highway (not that Hitchcock though). If you are interested this is what Wikipedia has to say:


Have a great day everyone!

Hey Sharon by the time you get back home your pool should be perfect for swimming. I hope you are feeling well by now. Jane

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40 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Today, I definitely celebrated Family History Day by delving deeper into the past.  Today, there were only a few discrepancies, which were easily solved with one exception.  I'm pretty sure one female ancestor had two husbands, but the dates were such that it was difficult to determine which came first.  I made an educated guess, mainly using the name that was most often associated with the child in question, and just left the other one off the family tree.



Gerry, it's good your friend does not have an recurrence of the cancer, but I'm sorry about the IBS.  I hope the vascular surgery on his legs in a few weeks will help and the recovery will not be too difficult.



I'm glad your cousin is still looking and acting fine, and that you had a good visit with him.



Roy, that is interesting and probably safer.  We've seen more and more regular stop signs with the red led lights.



Paul, I can't help wondering if we might have some distant relatives in common.  😉  There are several who's trees I see on Ancestry that have the incorrect information, which can be corrected with a little digging on Google.  I think they just want to claim the more famous or important person in the tree even if it is not the right one.  I've found many of the correct ancestors who are not well known in history to have been pretty interesting and even some that were a bit strange.





Well, the so-called Norman ancestors don't appear in our tree on Ancestry, on account of having no information before the first generation in the U.S. In another branch of my family, there is a photo for my great-grandfather that also appears for the great-grandfather of someone else who is not related to me, at least not as closely as that, but I don't know which is correct, if either, nor do I know the source of the photo.


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This discussion prompted me to check Ancestry for the first time in a while. I found that a cousin had mistakenly accepted a hint for our aunt (his father's and my mother's sister) that gave the wrong place and date of death; it was for someone whose birth name was similar, but that was all. Although I could remember the occasion -- I was visiting and was taxed with informing her daughter -- it took a while to find a definitive source.

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9 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@kochleffelmy DH has family  in that county too.! 
@smitty34877 sending hugs, seeing the oncologist is SO hard!  Black humour really can help!  
@57redbird some good news 



I wish but he's already Stage 4 & it's a large, extremely fast growing tumor --- not feasible to do surgery or chemo unfortunately.

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9 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Today is my brother's heavenly birthday. He was born 82 years ago today but has been gone now for 2 1/3 years.  The photo is a new one to me, just sent by his widow.  I'm pretty sure it was the embarkation photo for our 2014 Alaska cruise on Radiance of the Seas out of Vancouver:




Wonderful photo. 😊 

36 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We are under a tornado warning.  Presently taking shelter.


Stay safe. 🙏 

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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

I wish but he's already Stage 4 & it's a large, extremely fast growing tumor --- not feasible to do surgery or chemo unfortunately.

It’s such a nasty disease!  My brothers was the size of an orange when they operated.   Praying he has some more good days! 

@Cruzin Terri stay safe,  we’ve had several yesterday and today in our province, too.

Edited by bennybear
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First I want to thank @JazzyV for including me on the care list and @StLouisCruisers and others for their good wishes. Problems continue and I finally went to urgent care. Had to collect some "samples" and will bring them back tomorrow. I'm scared it's C-Diff. It keeps coming and going.


Prayers to all with medical and other issues. 

@smitty34877 DH especially today.


Joy to those with something to celebrate


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Tornado warning is over but we are having severe thunderstorms.  Lots of winds and rains.


On another note, the supervisor at the Post Office is not a person I ever want to deal with again.  What a sour individual.  I really got the impression that she would do anything I wanted if I greased her palm.  I, of course, did nothing of the sort.  It took 15 minutes of discussion (I kept my calm) until she finally agreed.  She made it very clear that if I did not pick up the mail on the day agreed she would send back every piece of mail they would hold.  

The last time I asked for this, it was so easy. The lady was so nice and it was no problem at all. Yet this time it had to be so contentious.  Interesting that it depends on who you talk to.


Tomorrow is packing day.  Nothing else to do and we should be ready to go on Friday afternoon.

Good night and God Bless,



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@Cruzin TerriDo you receive mail at your home or in a PO Box? Did you ask your carrier, if you have home delivery, about holding the mail? As a retired rural mail carrier, it was never a problem to hold mail longer than 30 days. If someone received an excessive amount of mail, they would have a friend pick it up every 3 weeks or so. If you have a PO Box the mail should be held until the box rent is due and will then be sent back if the rent isn't paid.

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Good evening.  We were under a tornado watch earlier, but everything was north and east of us.  Late this afternoon, the area north and east of Dallas was getting heavy storms.  It seems warmer and muggier now than it did twomhours ago.  It is 9:20 and it is 86F out.


4 hours ago, kochleffel said:


Well, the so-called Norman ancestors don't appear in our tree on Ancestry, on account of having no information before the first generation in the U.S. In another branch of my family, there is a photo for my great-grandfather that also appears for the great-grandfather of someone else who is not related to me, at least not as closely as that, but I don't know which is correct, if either, nor do I know the source of the photo.



If the picture is on your computer, you could use Google to do a search of the picture. All you need to do is right click on the picture.  At the bottom of the menu box click on search with Google.  When the search window opens click on the picture.  It's surprising how many pictures I've been able to identify and either reject or accept.


51 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Tornado warning is over but we are having severe thunderstorms.  Lots of winds and rains.


On another note, the supervisor at the Post Office is not a person I ever want to deal with again.  What a sour individual.  I really got the impression that she would do anything I wanted if I greased her palm.  I, of course, did nothing of the sort.  It took 15 minutes of discussion (I kept my calm) until she finally agreed.  She made it very clear that if I did not pick up the mail on the day agreed she would send back every piece of mail they would hold.  

The last time I asked for this, it was so easy. The lady was so nice and it was no problem at all. Yet this time it had to be so contentious.  Interesting that it depends on who you talk to.


Tomorrow is packing day.  Nothing else to do and we should be ready to go on Friday afternoon.

Good night and God Bless,




Terri, I'm glad the tornado warning is over.  I'm sorry the perdon at the PO was so difficult.


1 hour ago, srdancer said:

First I want to thank @JazzyV for including me on the care list and @StLouisCruisers and others for their good wishes. Problems continue and I finally went to urgent care. Had to collect some "samples" and will bring them back tomorrow. I'm scared it's C-Diff. It-Diff keeps coming and going.


Prayers to all with medical and other issues. 

@smitty34877 DH especially today.


Joy to those with something to celebrate



I'm sorry you are still gaving problems, and I hope you get an answer soon.  I also hope it's not C-Diff.



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1 minute ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

@Cruzin TerriDo you receive mail at your home or in a PO Box? Did you ask your carrier, if you have home delivery, about holding the mail? As a retired rural mail carrier, it was never a problem to hold mail longer than 30 days. If someone received an excessive amount of mail, they would have a friend pick it up every 3 weeks or so. If you have a PO Box the mail should be held until the box rent is due and will then be sent back if the rent isn't paid.

We have it delivered at home.  We asked for it to be held longer once before and it was not a problem.  This time it seemed to be a big problem.  I was not aware that I could have someone other than i or my husband pick up the mail at the post office.  She would not even allow me to fill out two hold requests. Maybe she was having a bad day and taking it out on me.


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15 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Great photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers.

I booked another Mediterranean cruise this morning.

Pauline mentioned Panama canal but I said Friends on HAL said you need plenty of insect repellent so she went cold on that.

Australia is on our list but it is a long flight.

We both fancy a New England cruise so that is on our list too.


@grapau27  Graham,  when we cruised the Panama Canal, San Diego to Fort Lauderdale, return to San Diego, we were not bothered by any insects.

If you wish to take Pauline to visit her cousin in Australia, book Business or First Class seats for the flights.  Singapore Airlines is very good, you could stop over for a night or two in Singapore, if not the airport is very user friendly.    If you travel First or Business class,  go to  the airline lounge, there is time to have a shower to freshen up before the second leg of the journey.   On long haul flights, we find that it is easy to sleep on the lie flat seats.

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1 minute ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We have it delivered at home.  We asked for it to be held longer once before and it was not a problem.  This time it seemed to be a big problem.  I was not aware that I could have someone other than i or my husband pick up the mail at the post office.  She would not even allow me to fill out two hold requests. Maybe she was having a bad day and taking it out on me.


Write out a note asking the named person to pick up hold mail and sign it. Be sure to have them let the clerk know to keep the mail on hold. I'd let your carrier know what's going on.

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17 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

If the picture is on your computer, you could use Google to do a search of the picture. All you need to do is right click on the picture.  At the bottom of the menu box click on search with Google.  When the search window opens click on the picture.  It's surprising how many pictures I've been able to identify and either reject or accept.


That works best when the photo is somewhere else on the Internet. I used it yesterday on a news photo that had lost its caption, for example. But the closest match it finds to this picture is Saint Nectarios of Aegina, well-known in the Greek Orthodox Church. His lifespan was almost the same as that of my great-grandfather, but my great-grandfather was from what is now Lithuania and definitely not a saint.


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7 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


That works best when the photo is somewhere else on the Internet. I used it yesterday on a news photo that had lost its caption, for example. But the closest match it finds to this picture is Saint Nectarios of Aegina, well-known in the Greek Orthodox Church. His lifespan was almost the same as that of my great-grandfather, but my great-grandfather was from what is now Lithuania and definitely not a saint.


I've used it with pictues posted on Ancestry, but also with pictures I've taken on cruises when I did remember what building or site we visited.  It's amazing what you can find on the Internet.



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Have finally read all the posts on this thread today.

Thanks for the HAL Fleet locations and the Daily.

Another New Zealand wine today, so many NZ  wines produced in the country, it's difficult to keep up with them all.!

@Cruzin Terri sad that you had such a bad experience arranging for your mail to be held.

@rafinmd  Roy, such a good photo of you both, it's a sad day for you, 

@smitty34877  best wishes to you and your DH as you deal with the Cancer. Sending Hugs.

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