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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 9th, 2023


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53 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

OMG I start the day following a @RedneckBob post!😱 Need to get ready for church soon. Sugar cookies or any sweet would be fantastic at this point. Still on diet and so far 13 pounds have disappeared over the horizon.

We had some pretty heavy storms yesterday which brought us more rain but the worst of the storms passed just South of us.

OK need to make myself presentable for church and that is quite the endeavor.

Enjoy your Sunday, prayers where needed and a gracious thank you for all who faithfully contribute to the Daily. Bruce



Sorry Chief. I find that having a Jack & Coke each morning helps me through the day ! 😎

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Good morning,

The news I have on baby Murphy was that she was resting comfortably and making urine. I will update if anything else comes my way. Yesterday was DGD 3rd birthday. She is having her party today. We had a small family celebration yesterday where big brother was a bit jealous. 

I have been to todays port but much preferred when we sailed out of Valparaiso. I love a good sugar cookie but I am off sugar these days.  I have never been known to have just one cookie. Thanks for the quote clarification. 

Prayers those on our list and others in need. Have a great Sunday. 

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19 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Thank you to all who make the F & D possible.  I look forward to the photos of San Antonio.  We will disembark there on our February cruise.  Currently, I have a flight home at midnight the same day.  Could your pictures encourage me to extend our visit?🤔

A bit of more of Kline’s speech provides context for the quote. From his speech at convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America held in Baltimore, in 1918. My friends, after this war, there will be a great unemployment problem. The munition plants will be closed and useless, and millions of munitions workers will be thrown out upon the market. And then the time will come to show whether you strikers and you workers believe one hundred per cent for organized labor or only 35 per cent. And my friends, in this story you have a history of this entire movement. First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that is what is going to happen to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.  BTW, this quote is frequently misattribute to Gandhi.

Positive thoughts to those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.


Thank you for the context. I always appreciate it.

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Good Sunday morning everyone.    We had a great time last night and had more fireworks than we ever have had. It was nice because I finally got to meet someone from the other side of the lake who we have seen from afar since 2007.  They finally took up the offer to come to the party. It is always fun to get together with neighbors we see rarely.  Lots of great food too.  

Thanks for the Daily reports @richwmn. I love sugar cookies and I frequently make them for my Christmas cookie trays they have a lot of lemon peel and extract in them.  I love enjoying the horizon especially on BHBs.  We have been to today's port in January this year.  I would love butternut squash stuffed with some Jimmy Dean hot pork sausage and some onions and peppers.  The cocktail a little strange I doubt many bars keep apricot preserves but today's vino would be good if not so pricey and hard to get. 

Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations reports @JazzyV@smitty34877I hope you can dodge the rain with your DHs appointment tomorrow.  We are supposed to get a big storm tomorrow too.  Prayers for all on our Care list, baby Bailey and the people of Ukraine.  

Our visit to San Antonio was a HA shorex which was a winery visit which was a nice drive into the countryside.  It was nice to get away from the seacoast and see another part of Chile.  I think one of the photos is the fuel bunkering in progress.  














Edited by ottahand7
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Good morning all. Cool start to the day, only 64 but will make it to 80 later in the day. We had some light rain early, then a downpour around 8. Our DD and friends were at an outdoor concert but there was a roof shelter available so they didn’t get too wet.


laundry today since yesterday was too rainy. Tomorrow I will be helping my sister clear our her in laws condo to get it ready to sell. Her DMIL is in a nursing home and the step FIL passed away about two weeks after our own father. She has her hands full! I will catch up on the daily when I get home in the evening.


Yesterday was a bittersweet day. It would have been my DM 93rd birthday. She passed away 33 years ago just a week after her 60th birthday. And on the 29th of July would have been my dad’s 93rd birthday. Like their headstone says “together forever”.

prayers for all that need them. Will raise a glass later for all those celebrating. 



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Good muggy morning, rain is supposed to start around noon, with a flood warning in effect until midnight.

The cats all like to stretch out under the ceiling fan. I hope it cools off soon, but another heat wave is expected by Wednesday.

@Crazy For Cats, how is Jasper doing? 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good Morning to All!


Thanks for the information.  Love sugar cookies, have been binge watching Project Runway (wish I could put together fabric like them!  I don't have an eye for fashion) and I always look at the horizon, dream big dreams and head off to another adventure!!


Interesting quote, love butternut squash, may pass on the drink but the wine?  Maybe.  I will be going to San Antonio Chile next year to disembark.  Very excited!  South America has eluded me in my travels and after next year all I have left to visit all 7 continents is Antarctica.


Yesterday was a "I'm not going to do a thing" day.  So today is kicking into gear to accomplish something.  Cooking, cleaning, replanting, and who else knows.


Thoughts for the care list and cheers to those getting ready or already on their wonderful travels.


Have a great day everyone!! 



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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     I havent posted in a bit but I have read the daily posts. I This last week has been very busy with company and events. My sister and her family were here and family from the other side were also here. I had 18 for dinner a couple of nights. It was fun. My sister and her group have gone off on a RCL cruise. Had to shuttle them all to the port. They will be back next Saturday but only over nite.

    @cruising sister  Warm thoughts and prayers for baby Murphy and her family.

      @smitty34877    Continuing prayers for your DH and you. 

     I have another busy week ahead. A couple of doctor appointments. Hoping to be cleared to play golf. It has been almost 3 months !!  Luckily it so hot at this time of year, the course will be wide open.

     Something I just do not understand and it never ceases to amaze me. Yesterday, the thunder was crazy with occasional lightening. No rain. People just stayed on the beach and in the water. crazy.


Stay safe and enjoy today

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't had sugar cookies in ages, so might seek some out today.  I do love looking out at the horizon from one of the outside decks on a BHB.  I used to have a fairly fashionable wardrobe while I was working, but after retirement, it's been pared down considerably.  Now comfort rules.


We couldn't have had a more perfect day than yesterday for Summerfest 2023 with bright sunshine, a high of +28 and absolutely no mosquitos.  After I finished my post here, DH and I basically hit the ground running.  There was barely time for each of us to have a quick shower before our guests began arriving.  Everyone was properly lei'd upon entering our back yard, chairs were set out and around 5:30 we began eating.  Our Ukrainian friends asked if they could grill the smokies, as they'd never done it before, so we gave them the chance to try something new.  They did an admirable job, only burning a couple of them (DH loves them charred), and were so proud of their contribution to the party.  The banquet tables were laden with an assortment of salads, fruit plates, cheese trays, cakes, pies, and snacks - I think there were only 2 salads that were the same.  DH and 2 of his bandmates entertained for a couple of hours and although some folks began leaving at 9:45, the last didn't leave until 11.  All 65 attendees said they enjoyed the evening and were hoping to be on the invite list for next year - which of course, they will be.


Sochi was ready for Summerfest, too.











Today will be a much more relaxed day, putting things away, cleaning out the drink dispensers, finding room in the freezer for leftovers, etc.  I'd like to try the wine, but will pass on it because of the price, wouldn't enjoy the drink, and neither of us is a fan of squash.  I don't have to worry about dinner tonight, as there are so many leftovers.  For us it will be smokies, salads, fruit and cake for dessert to be enjoyed on the deck tonight.  And wine. 


Prayers for all who have needs, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report.  It’s warm and muggy here, no rain though. I like the days, I can’t resist a good sugar cookie.  I’m always searching the horizon looking for our next destination.  I might have some trouble with fashion day.  The quote has repeated itself many times throughout history.  The meal suggestion looks great in all it’s variations.  The drink sounds nice too.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events this day!

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57 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good muggy morning, rain is supposed to start around noon, with a flood warning in effect until midnight.

The cats all like to stretch out under the ceiling fan. I hope it cools off soon, but another heat wave is expected by Wednesday.

@Crazy For Cats, how is Jasper doing? 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

I’m waiting on the test results.  There is a delay in getting the results since the doctors father passed on the 4th.  Jasper is acting is usual self.

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Wishing everyone a great day!  
Happy Birthday to Fr David. Thank him for the message today!  

Very good news about baby Murphy!  Getting stronger!  

Thanks for the Summerfest pictures Gerry!  Glad your Ukrainian friends could participate. What a special joy for them to be part of a community. You and DH are quite inspiring. 

Blessings to all in need for healing, comfort or hope. Strength to those in different circumstances. Cheers for those celebrating Life!  Wishing smooth travels to all away. 

Haven’t been to the port, was in Valparaiso but so sick that day! Canceled our excursion. I was pleasantly surprised Carnival refunded our excursion fees, and even more so for both of us!  Much nicer than HAL when I was sick in Greece. 

I’m following Wimbledon. Would enjoy the recipes but not DH. Always grateful for the context of the quotes @0106

Probably should get groceries today even with rain coming this afternoon as tomorrow could be a kayaking day!  🙃 Then Tuesday we have an appointment with the financial guy… that’s all coming along slowly.  Life is good!   m—

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14 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Just been reading an article about fire retardant panels on cruise ships including Rotterdam and potentially 45 cruise ships built after 2020 where the panels have lost their safety certificate.


That’s not good!  Was there an indication of how to mitigate this until the panels can be replaced?  I’d think they could be coated but those surfaces might not stand up to the rigorous cleaning regimes. 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Sugar cookies are ok, but not my favorite. I think the horizon calls all of us cruisers. Since being retired, I stick to comfy clothes and don't dress up much. Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, can't afford the wine. I'm watching Wimbledon tennis now. My SA/Antarctica cruise left from San Antonio, as there was a strike affecting Valparaiso, but I only have pictures of the port.


It's a rainy, gloomy day here today with thunderstorms. I'm glad it wasn't yesterday as there was a big Ed Sheeran stadium concert. So I'll be inside. My knees are hurting from all the steps to do laundry yesterday, and the rainy weather doesn't help. 


@grapau27 Thank you for the link to Fr. David's sermon. 

@aliaschief Great job on the weight loss!

@smitty34877 Sorry to hear everyone was up during the night. This weather is conducive to naps, so I hope that can happen.

@kazu Good to hear that Ivan seems to be doing somewhat better. Fingers crossed for good test results for him.

@0106 As usual, thanks for the context of the quote.

@cruising sister Good to hear that baby Murphy is stable. Happy Birthday to DGD.

@ottahand7 Nice that you got to meet the folks from across the lake. Thanks for the photos.

@cunnorl I hope you get the ok to resume playing golf.

@ger_77 Your Summerfest sounds like it was a grand success! 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


The Zaandam in San Antonio 2018



Leaving the port



051 - 12.17.18 Port San Antonio, Chile.jpg








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Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas.  It is 85F and feels like 92F with a predicted high of 96F, but like yesterday, I think we'll go higher than 96F.  I managed to get my walk in while it was still very cloudy and comfortable outside.  After breakfast, I did a light dusting and vacuuming before older DD and DSIL arrive later this morning.  She just texted DH they were leaving, so they should be here shortly after 11 am.


Sugar cookies are another favorite cookie after any cookie with chocolate.  I usually turn the sugar cookies I make into snickerdoodles though.  We've followed the call of the horizon both on land and sea for most of our married life.  I still have some more fashionable items in the closet which I haven't worn in a long time, but I probably can get into them again now, if I want to take them on a BHB.  Mostly, I dress for comfort now.  I keep clothes for a long time, because once I find a style I like, I often get it in several colors and variations before it is not longer sold.


Today's quote is interesting, and thanks to Tina @0106 I understand it better.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.   I'm not sure what we'll be having as DD and DSIL are bring the meal with them.   Yeah, two days in a row I don't have to cook.  The wine sounds nice but again pricey.


We have not been to San Antonia, Chile.  We sailed from Valparaiso twice on BHB, and it was a port and turnaround day on our 2015 Ruby Princess cruise.


I don't follow tennis but I do know about Wimbledon, along with the other three tournaments in the grand slam series.


@kazu Jacqui, I'm happy Ivan is having another good day.  I hope the tide has turned for the better in this latest episode, and he enjoys good health and less pain soon.  

@cruising sister Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy.  Sending very positive thoughts that her recovery continues on an uneventful course.  HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY a day late to your DGD.

@Nickelpenny Penny, that's the nice thing about retirement.  You are free to do as little or as much in a day as you want, and you don't really need a set schedule or routine.  There's room for spontaneity.

@cunnorl  Charlene, you have been busy lately.  I hope the upcoming doctors appointments go well and you are cleared to play golf soon.  Please be careful in the heat when you are on the golf course.  I think you summed up the people staying on the beach in thunder and lightning with one word -- crazy.

@ottahand7  Nancy, thank you for the pictures of the countryside in Chile.  We have gone from Santiago to Valparaiso twice, but after an overnight flight in coach, I think I slept most of the way.   Last night's party sounds like fun.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad the weather cooperated and everyone had a great time at Summerfest.  Thanks for all the pictures.

@Crazy For Cats Jake, I'm sorry for the test results delay and for the death of the vet's father's death.  I'm glad Jasper is acting his usual self.

@grapau27  Graham, I saw that article too.  I'm just glad the newest ship we've been on was the Koningsdam which entered service in 2016.   This will be a big problem for the cruise lines, and I can see cancelled cruises as they replace the panels.  What a mess.

@smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry everyone's sleep was interrupted.  I hope getting your DH to the doctor is not too difficult with the rain.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I'm sorry your knees are so sore today after all the steps yesterday.  Thanks for the pictures.















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Good morning. As per usual we are sunny, dry and windy with a fire weather warning. Hopefully the monsoons will be forthcoming. The rains we had in the Spring caused weeds to grow and now those are drying out which does make for a real fire hazard. The temperatures are good for sleeping at night - it was 45F when dogs and I walked at 7. Highs today into the low 90's. Since we only have a couple of months of this in a year I just plod on. No AC in most of Durango.


Ran some errands yesterday and took some boxes to the thrift store....mainly books. Will pack the car today for another run tomorrow. Have a  meeting at 3 this afternoon to replace a Board member for the kennel club.... I have already turned down the position. We are also setting up another rattlesnake avoidance training session - out last one being such a great success. Just peeked ahead at next week and it looks like I am going to be doing things at my own pace .... no scheduled events!!! Yay!!!


Off to give the dogs a second walk since it is still cool. Glad to hear that both Ivan and baby Murphy are getting better. Take care all. Remember to keep your feet firmly on the ground ... one of my neighbors fell yesterday. Fortunately no damage, but she felt pretty shaken.





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I agree with Lenda about using sugar-cookie dough to make snickerdoodles. I wonder whether the call of the horizon is like the call of the wild. For people like me there should be an out-of-fashion day.


I don't mind stuffed butternut squash but would be unlikely to make it. Not particularly interested in the cocktail. For the wine I might substitute Hosmer Estate Pinot Noir 2021. I haven't been to any San Antonio, not even the one in Texas.



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1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

That’s not good!  Was there an indication of how to mitigate this until the panels can be replaced?  I’d think they could be coated but those surfaces might not stand up to the rigorous cleaning regimes. 

It is up to the individual cruise lines.

All new ships currently sailing were given the safety certificate when they were built so it seems the ships currently being built can only use panels that have the 5 year safety certificate which will delay completion.


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Good morning, Dailyites, and many thanks to Rich, and all who post all the interesting news of the day!  We are back from our few days in Bellingham, and it was a success, although not everything turned out as we thought.  We had to make reservations for the ferry both ways, there have been terrible delays the last few weeks as so many are travelling, and BC Ferries has had a lot of staffing shortages, so sailings are cancelled at a moment's notice.  But we made it!  The mall took us by surprise, as it now opens at 11 and of course we were there much earlier!  A lot of the stores are closed, but we did find a few things to buy.  There are still empty shelves, though!  We were disappointed with our favourite restaurant, Anthony's, they seem to have doubled prices and reduced choices, I think we will be looking for a new favourite next time.  


Pat did really well, and seems to have adjusted to his "new reality".  We slowed down a lot, and I made sure he drank a lot of water and rested between bouts of activity.  Now all that remains to see is what happens when he finishes his course of antibiotics in a couple of weeks.  This infection keeps coming back, this is the fourth bout, at least...  and he has had four different antibiotics this time.  Hopefully it is sensitive to at least one of them!  Vanessa, @JazzyV, I think you can take him off the Cares list, perhaps on the rotation it would be nice to see his name occasionally.  


Pat has gone off to church, but I decided not to go, I'm still finding it difficult to sit still with this headache.  I will go and do some watering for my poor plants which suffered without me for 3 days, and say my prayers then, for all the Dailyites and their loved ones who are ailing.   I count Father David as my church for the day!  Please say Happy Birthday to him for me, too, Graham.



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4 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and many thanks to Rich, and all who post all the interesting news of the day!  We are back from our few days in Bellingham, and it was a success, although not everything turned out as we thought.  We had to make reservations for the ferry both ways, there have been terrible delays the last few weeks as so many are travelling, and BC Ferries has had a lot of staffing shortages, so sailings are cancelled at a moment's notice.  But we made it!  The mall took us by surprise, as it now opens at 11 and of course we were there much earlier!  A lot of the stores are closed, but we did find a few things to buy.  There are still empty shelves, though!  We were disappointed with our favourite restaurant, Anthony's, they seem to have doubled prices and reduced choices, I think we will be looking for a new favourite next time.  


Pat did really well, and seems to have adjusted to his "new reality".  We slowed down a lot, and I made sure he drank a lot of water and rested between bouts of activity.  Now all that remains to see is what happens when he finishes his course of antibiotics in a couple of weeks.  This infection keeps coming back, this is the fourth bout, at least...  and he has had four different antibiotics this time.  Hopefully it is sensitive to at least one of them!  Vanessa, @JazzyV, I think you can take him off the Cares list, perhaps on the rotation it would be nice to see his name occasionally.  


Pat has gone off to church, but I decided not to go, I'm still finding it difficult to sit still with this headache.  I will go and do some watering for my poor plants which suffered without me for 3 days, and say my prayers then, for all the Dailyites and their loved ones who are ailing.   I count Father David as my church for the day!  Please say Happy Birthday to him for me, too, Graham.



Thank you Ann I will tell him when I see him.

I'm sorry to hear you are still having headaches.


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