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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 10th, 2023


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Today is National Kitten Day, Pina Colada Day, and Teddy Bear Picnic Day

If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.--Gordon A. Eadie

Meal Suggestion for today - Vegan Crunch Wrap
Drink of the Day - Pina Punch 0
Wine of the Day - Neudorf Pinot Noir Nelson Moutere Home Block 2020
Destination of the Day - Leith-Edinburgh, Newhaven-Rosyth-Queensferry, Scot

Today in History:
2012 The American Episcopal Church becomes the first to approve a rite for blessing gay marriages

Ship Locations


Juneau, Alaska 1300-2200


Tracy Arm/Endicott Arm/Juneau, Alaska 0900-0930

Nieuw Amsterdam

Whittier, Alaska 0700-2000

Nieuw Statendam

Warnemunde, Germany 0600-2300


At Sea destination Ketchikan, Alaska eta 11 Jul


At Sea destination Santorini, Greece eta 11 Jul


At Sea destination Lerwick, Shetland Isles eta 11 Jul


Ketchikan, Alaska 1100-1900


At Sea destination Juneau, Alaska eta 11 Jul


Halifax, Nova Scotia 0900-1800


Grundarfjordur, Iceland 0700-1700



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Good morning everyone.  Thank-you for the daily report.  A fun collection of days today, who can resist a kitten?   The quote reminds us to have convictions or be swayed by anything.  I think I’ll pass on the meal and drink suggestions.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events.  

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Thank you Rich for today's daily reports.

It is sunny and 68°F here at 11.45am.

We both like a Pina Colada while on a ship.

Kittens are cute and sadly so many are abandoned.

The Royal Yacht Britannia is moored at Leith near Edinburgh.

Prayers 🙏 to all on our care list.

I hope everyone has a nice day.


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Good morning, thanks for the Report.


A bright sunny day in store for us.  It should get to 28C (82F) this afternoon.  No plans, just want to enjoy the day.


A nice collection of days.  Kittens are so cute.  I'll pass on a Pina Colada.  I hope all the teddy bears have fun at the picnic.

Good quote.

The meal sounds good.  Hope the drink and wine are good too.


Prayers for everyone.

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Woke up early to thunderstorm and torrential rain. Rain gauge on our deck is overflowing! It was a good morning to stay in bed but I’m up and having first coffee. As of now some of today’s outside chores are delayed and with an 80% chance of more rain maybe postponed. It will still be laundry day.

Watched a pretty good race last night but that also succumbed to rain. Rain is better then drought and forest fires but too much rain can cause crop damage.

We have spent a lot of time around Edinburgh and not sure what Teddy Bear for lunch entails. Surely not what it sounds like?🤔

Thanks Rich for the report and to all our faithful contributors. Have a great week. Bruce



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Today’s Care list:

The passing of cruising sister’s Aunt 7/3

The passing of Mamofami’s friend Judi 7/7

Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, with complications

Smitty34877’s DH Lou recovering from surgery 

1Angelcat’s friend B with medical issues

Summer slope with a health issue

Kazu’s Ivan with health issue


Two Newark firefighters killed fighting a fire at Port Newark

Canadian/US wildfires, storm victims; dangerous heat conditions

Shooting victims again

Citizens of Ukraine


From the rotation:

Lady Hudson’s DH needing PT for leg strength

Denise T with blood sugar elevations since having Covid

StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis

JazzyV’s friend Ruth entering hospice care


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Kazu’s Ivan showing some improvement

Smitty34877’s good news about the pathology report

Bennybear’s (Brenda) good pathology report

The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


Loveandpeas (Volendam to July 12, celebrating 14th anniversary), and Cruzin Terri (Oceania Marina to July 23)

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Good morning friends!  Here we have 70F and rain which will continue for 3 or 4 more hours, and a high of 81.  I'm going out in late morning for my annual mammo so hope the rain stops by then.  


Thanks go to Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report.  It's all fun and games today with kittens, pina coladas and teddy bear picnics!  I like the quote and am interested to see the recipe for the vegan crunch wrap.  Not sure what the drink is but will pass on the pinot noir.  Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for giving us information on the food and beverages.


I had lots of prayers to say today on the treadmill.  I've added those in the path of flooding due to all the heavy rain. Everyone on the Care list is included each day.  Hoping Lou and Terry @smitty34877 have a good appointment today and get good news.  🙏  A salute to everyone cruising and celebrating happy events.  🥂🎂  We could use more nice things happening in our lives.  Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the Care and Celebration lists today.


The port today is all inclusive I guess.  Any port near Edinburgh seems to be listed so go for it!  In the past it was listed as S. Queensferry, Edinburgh, Scotland.  Those dates were March 12, 2021 and Aug. 12, 2022.  Below are the links and some photos from






For our Port of the Day, South Queensferry, we were there in 2015 on Royal Princess.  On the Prinsendam in 2018 we docked across the bridge in Rosyth.  In South Queensferry we took a tender to the pier and were greeted by a band of bagpipes.  The weather was a little drippy but at least it wasn't pouring.  Instead of a tour, we paid for 2 tickets on a shuttle bus to Edinburgh.  It was a private company that ran the buses back and forth.  I suppose this red bridge is the one that crosses between South Queensferry and Rosyth, Scotland.  Since South Queensferry is on the south side of the River Forth, along with Edinburgh, we didn't have to cross it.  enhance


We arrived in Edinburgh and given the location to pick up the return bus when ready.  Then we headed to Edinburgh castle for a tour.  There were military personnel there holding things up for a bit but we were lucky to get to watch them for a while.  This was in May, not in Tattoo time (August).enhance










We left and walked down The Royal Mile passing St. Giles Cathedral.enhance


With the gray skies and gray buildings it sure looked gloomy.  On a sunny day it would be a whole other story.  We walked the entire length of The Royal Mile but I have hundreds of photos and can't share them all here.  At the other end, we planned on visiting the Palace of Holyrood House.  But someone else had plans for Holyrood House so it was closed for the day. enhance



Sticking my phone and camera through the iron gates I got this photo of the palace.enhance


And moments later we got to see the hoopla as the royal guest left for a meeting somewhere.enhance


Holding my phone overhead I got this photo of The Royal Mile.enhance


We walked quite a bit around Edinburgh and I was able to find a spot to take this photo of Edinburgh Castle.enhance


My goodness, I have hundreds more photos but have to stop.  But this last photo was one of the most enjoyable moments of the day - looking out from our balcony as our ship left South Queensferry later in the day and seeing sights like this beautiful hillside.enhance


My first time in Edinburgh was in 2011 on Emerald Princess and we took a tour of Edinburgh Castle.  It was actually a sunny day!  However I didn't post photos from that day because I stuck to the S. Queensferry location.  I'm sure there will be a lot of photos of Edinburgh today


I saw the penalty kick segment of yesterday's U.S. over Canada (3-2) soccer game on TV this morning.  Wow!  That's all I can say!  Superb work by the U.S. goalie.  Congrats to them!!


Hoping everyone here has a safe and healthy day!



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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann.  I'll pass on the days today.  While kittens are really cute I'm not up to the responsibility.  I love the Eadie quote.  Been to Edinburgh 3 times.  First was a 2003 land trip when I spent a couple days there and visited the Britannia.  Next was 2006 on Crystal Symphony and I think did a forest hike.  Final time there was Prinsendam in 2011 when I disembarked pre-maturely.  Not that I wanted to but did not want to fly home so I had to leave a little early to connect with Queen Mary 2 home.


Koningsdam will miss Tracy Arm today and be late arriving in Juneau due to her late departure from Vancouver.


The Episcopal Church was well ahead of it's times.


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Tim Hortons Chicken Noodle Soup (lunch) and Panera Macarona and Cheese (dinner) as enjoyed in New York July 10, 2018 prior to a July 11 train journey to Vancouver to meet the Volendam for my Grand Alaska tour.




At the time Tim Hortons had a booth in the old Penn Station and there was a Panera a couple blocks awayl



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Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  Lots of us will happily celebrate kitten day.  Teddy Bear Picnic day?  Ivan has a teddy bear (and a koala, squirrel & lamb 😂) that we could have a picnic with, maybe?


There’s some truth in the quote but not for everyone.  A great day in history for fairness for our same sex partners 👍 


@dobiemom so sorry you had to cancel your trip to Las Vegas 😔 


@aliaschief you are a mind reader.  That last meme is me 😉 


Oh my heavens on the flash flooding in New York.  And more threats in other parts now.  Hope anyone who faces them can stay safe 🙏🏻 


Another hot one today and physio.  Last one, I think?  Hoping to get a good report from my vet later this afternoon & some questions answered if it is good. 




Prayers for those on the Care list & for those that need them, all with losses and health challenges 🙏🏻. Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 




Have a good. Monday everyone !!



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Pina Punch O cocktail:


1 part Midori® Melon Liqueur
1 part Pinnacle® Pineapple Vodka
1 part Mango Juice
3 parts Pineapple Juice
Mango Slice
Pineapple Slice

Pour all ingredients into a punch bowl over ice. Stir well and garnish with a pineapple and mango slices.


Screenshot 2023-07-10 at 7.16.24 AM.png

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Good morning,

Today is a big day for Baby Murphy. They will do tests to see the strength of her heart and and scan her head. Good signs over the weekend were moving her arms and legs and she opened her eyes. She has been taking breast milk off a q-tip and squeezed her mothers finger when touched. 

I have decided to book myself into a wellness spa for the week of my DS first year anniversary of his death. I don’t want to sit around by myself and get into a worse funk. a wellness spa may be what I need. Now I need to decide on which one. 

It will be sunny and hot today. I will pick up DGD from daycare and we will play (in my cool house) while DGS has a baseball game. 


Prayers for all on our list and those in need. have a great day. 

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Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

In honor of National Kitten Day, I feel a sudden urge to run out and adopt more kittens for the household. However, when I mentioned this to my adult cats, I received the dirtiest of looks. So, maybe not. 


Scotland is on my bucket list as my family is of Scottish descent (as well as British and Armenian). 

We had a LOT of rain over the past several days. 


Today I will be grading assignments from a total of four classes. That is a total of 54 students. I love the teaching aspect but the number of assignments that must be graded is exhausting. I will make sure that I take frequent breaks throughout the day. 


Thinking of all on the care list. I woke up this morning with a fasting blood sugar of 156. This is the lowest it has been in months. I have altered my diet and am drinking much more water. I will be at the doctors on Wednesday to see if medications are necessary. Diabetic medication, especially the newer medications, are so expensive. 


Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 


Have a safe and healthy day. 

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Thank you for today’s R & D, Rich. Another lovely morning. We were surrounded by storms yesterday, but they moved through quickly. The deer were everywhere this morning. 

Vanessa, thank you for sharing our cares and celebrations.  Bindi heads off to day camp soon and then the visiting family gang arrives and we are off to the beach - at least until Mother Nature decides we’ve had enough. Then back to my place for supper and pool time. Somewhere in there - I pick up Bindi from camp. 








Prayers for all who need our support. Thrilled to read that Murphy is holding her own. Cheers to all who are celebrating. Get well & stay well everyone!



Neudorf Pinot Noir Nelson Moutere Home Block 2020

Another elusive New Zealand entry, but I found one Hong Kong distributor that ships worldwide for $45.34. 

Cameron Douglas’ review


Complex, layered, varietal, fruity, floral and very enticing bouquet. Aromas of dark spiced cherry, red apple, some pomegranate and plum. Layers of new and older wine barrel with a sweet spice and mild toasty qualities - a touch of clove and vanilla then, a fine raw cashew nut quality. Complex and youthful. Flavours transition through the palate and reflect the bouquet - youthful, ripe and varietal. Oak provides the foundation delivering some spice and mild, toasty complexities, tannins and acidity layer in a tautness and distinctive mouthfeel. New, fresh, and complex with best drinking from mid to late 2023 through 2033+. Great potential, but please, just give this wine time.

95 Points - Outstanding

Edited by cat shepard
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Good morning everyone.  It is raining here but is supposed to clear up with thunderstorms later today.  My DS and DBIL will be coming here for dinner tonight.  They had a reason to celebrate their 24 year old daughter got engaged yesterday.  She and her fiancee were up at the family cabin so her parents could hear about the good news almost immediately.  

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports Rich.  I would love another couple kittens but we travel too much and it wouldn't be fair to them to be left for so long.  No Teddy bears in the house. I used to love Pina Coladas when we had our time share in Cancun.  Can't work off all those calories these days.  Pass on all three comestibles.   Thanks for the photos of Edinburgh.  

Prayers for all on our Care list and the people of Ukraine.  Vanessa thanks for keeping up with all the events good and bad.   

A few photos from fishing last week. Mainly we have been catching Northern Pike.  Have a lovely day.  Nancy 




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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Woke up early to thunderstorm and torrential rain. Rain gauge on our deck is overflowing! It was a good morning to stay in bed but I’m up and having first coffee. As of now some of today’s outside chores are delayed and with an 80% chance of more rain maybe postponed. It will still be laundry day.

Watched a pretty good race last night but that also succumbed to rain. Rain is better then drought and forest fires but too much rain can cause crop damage.

We have spent a lot of time around Edinburgh and not sure what Teddy Bear for lunch entails. Surely not what it sounds like?🤔

Thanks Rich for the report and to all our faithful contributors. Have a great week. Bruce




How ‘bout my toilet and plunger!





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Good morning Dailyites. 


I am jumping on early today as I have a lot of juggling this week and not much time to read all the Daily Days. I always have time for prayers and they are lifted today! 


On Saturday we changed our mulch to river rock in the front. Guys did a beautiful job. Early Friday they will come and finish the back yard.


Today we meet a little 11 month old dog at a sanctuary. He was part of the tragic home in Dallas that had 60 dogs in cages and over breeding. He is chihuahua and yorkie. We would need to wait til next week to get him as he will be getting a full vet work up,  shots, and neutering on Friday. That will be best because:


My sister comes on Wednesday, step son and GS on Thursday. We have 24 people for a taco truck Birthday party for Allen's 80th birthday on Friday. A dinner party for 12 on Saturday to celebrate 4 July birthday's. Sunday 10 ladies over for a bloody mary pajama birthday party for our girlfriend turning 65. My sis flies home Monday..


Then start doctor's appointments!


Thanks to everyone who contributes on this thread. I went thru the prayer list and do not think I missed anyone. 


Take care all and have a blessed week!





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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  I woke to pouring rain, with the alarm going off.  I hate that!  I love to sleep to the sound of rain.  However, from what I saw on the news, those of you in the Northeast are getting too much rain!  Our rain comes in pop ups.  the sky is blue, then you hear thunder,m and then Wham !! about an inch of rain in 15 minutes, the sky is blue, ..reminds me if florida.  I bought a plant last week at Krogers, and right now, it's getting root rot from the rain.


DH has an appointment with the eye doc this morning.  He wants to get the upper lid lifted, well, I am pretty sure that the eye infection is back, and no lid lifting, but more drops....we shall see.


i have a new conspiracy theory about the earth's heat.  Maybe it's heating from the inside out...a lot of active volcanos...just a theory.  


Well, I ended up with a repeat campaign, Yay.  20 hours a week, which is fine right now,  The hours are good, and I will get Fridays off, and work on Saturday mornings.  I get retrained this afternoon, so it's the doc, make lunch, walk the neighbors dog, find my old folder for the campaign, get trained, and back to work!





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Good morning, everyone!


It is supposed to be a hot day today with temperatures up to 87F.  We left the windows open last night and the house is very cool this morning.  I closed the windows this morning and we'll see how long the house stays cool.  Nothing on the agenda for today except to pack a little more.  It is hard because we will need summer clothes as well as warmer clothing for Greenland and Iceland. And, I suspect, Newfoundland and Labrador.  


An interesting twist to our Greenland/Iceland cruise:   Those with excursions in Red Bay were informed that we would not be stopping there and had their excursions refunded.  It seems the whole city council resigned in a dispute with a tour operator.  Now, those same people are finding those excursions in their cart on the HAL site and being asked to rebook them.  We really don't know what is going on.  I guess we'll find out when we get there.  


@cruising sister Thank you for the update on baby Murphy.  Continued prayers for her healing and progress.   I think the wellness spa is an excellent idea!  


@kazu I hope there is good news on Ivan.  


Today's meal sounds fun!   While these are vegan recipes, they can easily be adapted to individual tastes.  Use ground beef if you prefer!  Look for the low carb tortillas.  Make it yours.  Here's our first recipe:  https://pinchofyum.com/vegan-crunchwrap




This next one is a copycat from Taco Bell, but vegan.  It looks like a lot of work, but I'm sure the result is worth it.  https://rainbowplantlife.com/the-best-vegan-crunchwrap-supreme/




This next one is also patterned after the Taco Bell offering, but promises to be much less greasy.  https://www.kathysvegankitchen.com/cruchwrap-supreme/




I love crunch and may have to try this out.  I hope there is something that appeals to all.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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@dfish I love the look of the wrap.  We had something like that at a Turkish fast food place in Vancouver, but it had either lamb or chicken, as a meat, and I guess I could have added the entire garden of veggies, but I had no idea what it was I had ordered.  And the sauces, oh my!  DH and I decided that was one of the best meals we had ever had!

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