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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 22nd, 2023


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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Greetings from Bar Harbor.  We are going ashore in search of lobster.  Should be a very successful day!


@grapau27 Happy Anniversary to you and Pauline!


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

A very Happy Anniversary to Pauline and Graham @grapau27 what a great day for you to remember and look ahead. There are never enough anniversaries!  🍾 Lovely photo of the happy bride and groom!  


Happy Hoodie Hoo Day when the sun comes up for our friends in the South. Tell us more….


Tina, I love shrimp and all those Mexican flavors and textures!  Those dishes look perfect for a summer supper. Or anytime for me.  Thank you! 


Nancy @ottahand7 I’m so sorry for your loss of Frank and the community’s loss. How is Frank’s wife?  It must be overwhelmingly hard. 

Terry (no blue bubble😕) hoping the nurses have some suggestions on nutrition for Lou. That would help you both!  

I’ve been sending weather maps and routing updates to the team taking Susan to CA but haven’t heard of an arrival yet, hopefully later this morning. The picture they sent of her nestled in the RV bed showed some “medical items” that indicate some of why she couldn’t fly at this point plus just too weak.  She is a retired OR nurse of many decades and has been a warrior through all her illness difficulties. I’m so glad my friends are caring for her through this special journey to get her to her brothers house. It’s such a privilege to help someone at the end of their life. Thank you all for your support. I think that makes all of you angels too!  

Well we finally got our trust lawyer to commit to a draft of our trust restatement by end of September. I’m not convinced but we’ll stay on the path a little longer. sigh. 

We made progress yesterday getting some things figured out for our upcoming cruise including how DH will use the tonometer to monitor eye pressures, which needs software from the cloud. We’ll use cellular data connection and hope that works ok. I’m too not concerned about spikes while he’s on this second eye drop med which is a double med, but that med is preservative-free and requires refrigeration so packing is a bit of a nuisance. The device in its carrying case fits in a shoulder bag, and the meds are individual ampules grouped in light-blocking pouches, so not too difficult. This is our first cruise since we got the tonometer, good that we’re trainable!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. 
🍻 Cheers to all celebrating milestones of Living Life!  You remind us that Life is Good! 🌈

Smooth travels to all away especially our cruising friends. And the team with Susan! 

May we all have a safe day!  


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I can try to be an angel, but it just doesn't take!   LOL  We haven't had the Tooth Fairy visit in our house for many years.  Hoodie Hoo to those living in the Southern Hemisphere; I hope the weather is warm enough for your to shed your heavy garments!  BTW, here in our province we call hoodies Bunny Hugs.


The rain began last night around 9:30 and continued gently all through the night.  This morning it's still coming down and there's water running down the street, something that hasn't happened in a long time.  I only wish it would rain on the all too many fires in Canada and the U.S.  


@superoma wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday today!

@grapau27 Happy #42 to you and your lovely Pauline!

@aliaschief I'm saddened to learn your DBIL has passed away, but know many prayers were with him on his journey.

@smitty34877 were either of the medical people who saw Lou yesterday able to help with the eating situation?


Well our friend Wayne has booked on to the same cruise as us in February, which will be great for all 4 of us.  He was quite excited when he called yesterday to say he had a booking number, and asked if we can come over today to help them arrange flights through Flight Ease.  You don't have to ask me twice!  We'll head over there after lunch, as this morning I have a pre-wedding with a couple whose ceremony I'm presiding over on Saturday afternoon.  


I have a question for @POA1 - can you tell me if the Sun Trolly is still running around FLL?  We have great memories of trips on it in the past and would like to use it with our friends in February.   And this time we're definitely going on the Water Taxi.


I think I'll pass on the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and the Shrimp Taco Salad sounds delicious.  It's going to be a busy day, so I think after we're finished over at our friend's, we'll pick up a rotisserie chicken and some potato salad that we can enjoy on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am an angel but my horns keep showing!!  When kids lose a tooth at school, we put it in a "treasure chest" for them to take home.  They are so excited.  I had to look up Hoodie Hoo day so cheers to those in the Southern Hemisphere!!  I think I will pass on the meal and drinks and I have been "close" to Halibut Point.  Interesting quote and day.


I did drive to CA.  Didn't have any problems whatsoever.  Couldn't go I10 as it was closed.  There was a rockslide on I8 that delayed getting through as they were alternating the traffic.  I had no rain or standing water or really anything.  It was a pleasant drive going over.  Coming back, as I couldn't go I10 as it was still closed (OMG Palm Springs really got it) and I wanted to stay away from the San Bernardino Mtns and really the whole area up there) and I didn't want to go through San Diego, I took a pleasant drive through Lake Elsinore area.  I am sure I had been there when I was a kid but it was beautiful!!  So while it took a little longer than usual, I had no problems.  I was watching the storm and live Youtube videos and the weather channel and highway cams for hours before I decided it was okay to go.  Thoughts for those up in the area that was really affected.  I remember as a kid a mudslide in the San Gabriel Mtns after a fire the year before that came down through Azusa where I grew up.  Oh, what a mess.


A day of rest today as I will sub for the rest of the week.


Happy Anniversay @grapau27. Wonderful picture!!  And Happy Birthday @superoma.  And congrats @Denise T on your successful defense of your dissertation!!


Well on to finish reading CC.  I start from the top and go down so there is lots to read.


Have a great day everyone!


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!


@grapau27Happy Anniversary Graham and Pauline!




Yesterday I worked from 1 to 11.  Upset one of my bosses (I wasn't vague enough regarding seating) for a sale when the gentleman used a walker.  I asked for an aisle seat. So even though I got off at 10, I was yelled at via text until 10:45. 


And I start work at 10 this morning.  Since I cant report working more than 8 hours per day, I am taking an extra half hour off, and will get that bird food, I have put off getting.







Work starts in 15 minutes, guess I should get dressed. I know I can work in my PJ's but it just doesnt feel right.




Have a great day everyone!  It is going to be very hot in Atlanta, and I see that a tropical storm is going towards TX.  Stay safe.  Melting here.  Hugs


12 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

3 good days. I like the quote but would change that to coffee for me. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Halibut Point. An important day in history.


It's going to be less humid today, with a high of 81F. Yesterday BFF and I ate at a local restaurant, where about 10 days ago the owner was beaten in the parking lot after closing up. He was found the next morning by an employee going to open the kitchen. So awful, but thankfully he's been upgraded from critical to stable. Otherwise I'm still battling terrible itching from all the mosquito bites, especially on my legs. I will go to PT a bit later.


Hoodie Hoo Day is a day that is celebrated every year on February 20th or August 22nd (southern hemisphere). It is a day designed to help people overcome the winter-time blues and to prepare them for the coming of Spring. Go out at noon, raise your hands over you head and yell, “Hoodie Hoo!!” for all the world to hear. 


@grapau27 Happy Anniversary to you and Pauline!

@superoma Happy Birthday to your DH!

@StLouisCruisers @dfish Enjoy Bar Harbor.

@ottahand7 Condolences on the passing of your friend Frank.

@Quartzsite Cruiser It's good you can do work in the yard early, before it's too hot. Around here, the grass is always wet from dew, especially in the shady areas until the sun hits them. Thanks for the Halibut Cove photos.

@kazu Sorry you're still having to do battle with the insurance companies. 

@smitty34877 I hope the nurse and PT had some suggestions for DH. Enjoy your "escape" at the grocery store. My escape lately has been PT 3 times a week!

@ger_77 It will be nice to have your friend Wayne (and his friend) along on your cruise.

@Nickelpenny Good to hear you made it to CA and back safely. 

@marshhawk Sorry to hear your boss yelled at you via text.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those with something to Celebrate.


7 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Congratulations Graham and Pauline , @grapau27 and by sheer coincidence I had prepared this post for today  on the Daily News .......................  ! 
Today I would like to share with you a few pictures of a very special celebration while on board the Koningsdam 4 years ago yesterday , on August 19  2019  .
Martha and I renewed our vows in front of Captain Darin Bowland just a few months after we had celebrated our 50th  while we were at sea in the Mediterranean  going from Santorini , Greece to Napels, Italy . We were blessed to be able to do this in front of our daughter Natascha , her husband and our two grandsons Jackson and Spencer. 
To show how wonderful and memorable Holland America and Captain Bowland made this special day for us I will include some very personal pictures.
In consultation with my daughter I had booked this ceremony for Martha and I ,  so she was not aware I had booked this , I had only asked my daughter what she thought of my plan and what she thought of how mam would react .
The day we came on board ship ……..this was waiting for us  roses and a letter from the Captain , so I had to explain everything on the first day of what I had done ……. and she did not throw me overboard ! 
We also received a very nice official Certificate but it has too much personal info to post here .
If you feel inclined to do something like this I can fully recommend it , we will also always remember this day on board the Koningsdam ! 
Tony 😍😍

Thank you friends for your lovely anniversary messages today.


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5 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Lovely photos Tony.


Thank you very much Graham @grapau27 it sure was a lovely day ............so maybe after seeing this you should jump on one of these wonderful Blue Hulled Beauties and book this for Pauline but keep it as a surprise for her until she gets on board ship like I did . 

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4 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Congratulations Graham and Pauline , @grapau27 and by sheer coincidence I had prepared this post for today  on the Daily News .......................  ! 
Today I would like to share with you a few pictures of a very special celebration while on board the Koningsdam 4 years ago yesterday , on August 19  2019  .
Martha and I renewed our vows in front of Captain Darin Bowland just a few months after we had celebrated our 50th  while we were at sea in the Mediterranean  going from Santorini , Greece to Napels, Italy . We were blessed to be able to do this in front of our daughter Natascha , her husband and our two grandsons Jackson and Spencer. 
To show how wonderful and memorable Holland America and Captain Bowland made this special day for us I will include some very personal pictures.
In consultation with my daughter I had booked this ceremony for Martha and I ,  so she was not aware I had booked this , I had only asked my daughter what she thought of my plan and what she thought of how mam would react .
The day we came on board ship ……..this was waiting for us  roses and a letter from the Captain , so I had to explain everything on the first day of what I had done ……. and she did not throw me overboard ! 
If you feel inclined to do something like this I can fully recommend it , we will also always remember this day on board the Koningsdam ! 
Tony 😍😍


@sailingdutchy  Tony - Thanks so much for sharing your photos and personal experiences. Captain Bowland (who we met a few times & have very high regard for) looks almost as wonderful as the celebrants.


Thank you also for your encouragement. We wanted to do this for our 30th in December 2020. But you know what happened that year. And the next. In December 2022, we had it all organized, except DH was medically evacuated on Day 3 of our 21-day cruise. Well, not only have we rescheduled for December this year on the Rotterdam, our cruising besties will be with us!! Thank you for sharing your photos; they have definitely energized us!

-Cat & Dave

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4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

It is a sunny and humid 75°F here.

Thank you for today's daily reports.

Many thanks to Vanessa @JazzyV for our wedding anniversary greetings.

Pauline was 19 and I was 24.

I hope everyone has a great day.




Happy anniversary from across the pond to are a nice couple.

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We renewed our vows onboard the Nieuw Amsterdam for 0ur 25th anniversary 9 years ago.  It was a wonderful service like the one above.  We told some friends when we on the N Amsterdam in 2022 on an Alaska cruise, and they did the same thing while onboard. Encourage others to do the same, you never know what life will throw at you.

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So... I was on my way for a haircut this morning and I see that there is a Senõr Frog's opening on A1A along Fort Lauderdale Beach. I guess my adopted home town has gone "full cruise port."


Keeping my eyes peeled for a Diamonds International. 👀

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5 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:


Thank you very much Graham @grapau27 it sure was a lovely day ............so maybe after seeing this you should jump on one of these wonderful Blue Hulled Beauties and book this for Pauline but keep it as a surprise for her until she gets on board ship like I did . 

That was a lovely surprise you did for Martha.

Pauline has to put her work holidays in a year in advance  and get them agreed.

If she was retired your idea is brilliant and that's what I would do.

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4 hours ago, ottahand7 said:


It was a sad day for all of us on the lake as our elder statesman who sold his property in 2021 passed away.  Our friend Frank was 98 years old.   He was due to have a heart valve replacement tomorrow at the VA but COVID had other plans.  He and his wife caught COVID on a road trip to South Dakota when they both caught it.  They were vaccine refusers but I doubt a vaccine would have saved him at his age. He lived a good, long life and active until a week before his passing.  

Have a nice Tuesday.  Nancy 


Sorry to hear of your friend's passing.   I want to mention that my traveling companion Harry who is Covid vaccinated got Covid August 2022 on Eurodam Alaskan cruise.   He was two months away from 98.   

Ship sold him Paxlovid and he got better and tested negative in less than a week.  He walks every day and will be 100 on our October 2024 cruise.


Edited by SFO Peter
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21 minutes ago, P&PNH said:

We renewed our vows onboard the Nieuw Amsterdam for 0ur 25th anniversary 9 years ago.  It was a wonderful service like the one above.  We told some friends when we on the N Amsterdam in 2022 on an Alaska cruise, and they did the same thing while onboard. Encourage others to do the same, you never know what life will throw at you.

I also recommend it.  We renewed our vows on the Nieuw Statendam in 2019 with the wonderful Captain O'Driscoll.  It was our 50th anniversary.  

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Just a quick check in, not at home. Today is my dh’s 78 birthday. My 73rd was on July 27, just one day before what would have been my dad’s 93rd birthday had he not passed away in may. But all your good wishes are appreciated, regardless of timing. Thank you! Will catch up with the daily in a couple of days when we are back home.

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39 minutes ago, Ichiban Nekko said:


@sailingdutchy  Tony - Thanks so much for sharing your photos and personal experiences. Captain Bowland (who we met a few times & have very high regard for) looks almost as wonderful as the celebrants.


Thank you also for your encouragement. We wanted to do this for our 30th in December 2020. But you know what happened that year. And the next. In December 2022, we had it all organized, except DH was medically evacuated on Day 3 of our 21-day cruise. Well, not only have we rescheduled for December this year on the Rotterdam, our cruising besties will be with us!! Thank you for sharing your photos; they have definitely energized us!

-Cat & Dave


You are very welcome Cat & Dave @Ichiban Nekko we had a very nice time with our Canadian Captain from New Brunswick that day and of coarse we also talked Ice hockey , if I remember well he used to be a goalie which seen his size would be frustrating for the opposing team , he towers over me and I am not a small person .


Best wishes for you two on the Rotterdam in December , the MS Rotterdam has two wonderful Captains ! 



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5 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

It was a sad day for all of us on the lake as our elder statesman who sold his property in 2021 passed away.  Our friend Frank was 98 years old.   He was due to have a heart valve replacement tomorrow at the VA but COVID had other plans.  He and his wife caught COVID on a road trip to South Dakota when they both caught it.  They were vaccine refusers but I doubt a vaccine would have saved him at his age. He lived a good, long life and active until a week before his passing.  


I am sorry to hear of your friend’s passing, Nancy 😔 My condolences.



@SFO Peter your story on Harry and covid re-affirms my belief that vaccinations can help 👍. I am so glad he recovered quickly. 


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Just heard the team helping Susan made it. Must be a great relief for Susan to be with her brother for her last days. They had to detour around a road closed for rock slides but had no problems. I’m sure they won’t be long on the turnaround and will leave this morning to head back to NM. Thanks again for your support. You all remind me that we’re never alone!  


That is good news.  I am so glad that Susan will have company in her last days.  Bless them for making the trip ♥️ 



1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Biopsy results. It’s a wart!😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻



YIPPEE 🙂 👏 👏 👏 

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Good morning from a partly sunny, partly cloudy central Texas.  With all the dormant grass that doesn't get watered, the mowing and trimming only too about an hour.  However, since part of the front yard was still in shade, I decided to pull some of the crab grass I've been battling for the last several years.  The difference is this year, the Bermuda grass is healthy and growing, so I could risk a few small spots being bare.  The grass will (hopefully) fill in the areas.  There is still more to pull, but that is for another day.  I quit when after kneeling down to work on one area that looked like it was just grass and weeds, I was attacked on that knee and thigh by fire ants.  They must have been moving from one area to another.  Those little pests can pack a mighty sting that feels like it's burning.  I'm slightly allergic to them, so I expect some of the bites to look a little worse tomorrow.  I still managed to fill up a 30 gal trash bag with crab grass.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. Halibut Cove looks very beautiful to me, thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the pictures. It is cooler here today and only going to 80 or so. We have occasional angels here and on the Daily but it is a difficult role to maintain. I think the recipe will be saved for another day but it certainly sounds good. Dinner tonight will be oven BBQ chicken and potato salad.

The Hospice nurse and the visiting nurse for DH we’re here at the same time yesterday. They knew each other from prior workplaces. It can be such a small world.

@aliaschief, condolences on the passing of your BIL. It is always hard,even when expected.

@ger_77, I hope your DH has been feeling ok while waiting for the pacemaker to be implanted. Also, your productivity with yarn is amazing!

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I am so sorry those horrid mosquitoes were able to penetrate your compression socks. I hope today is less itchy. Thank you for all the work done with our lists.

Today I am planning an “escape” to the grocery store. It will be nice to see some other faces and get away for a while. 
Take care everyone



Terry, I'm glad the nurse and therapist had some more good ideas, and I hope some of them will be a big help.  I understand your "escape" to the grocery store.  In the past three years, between Covid and medical appointments, my big outings are to the grocery store.  I've gotten to know some of the employees very well.


4 hours ago, dfish said:

Greetings from Bar Harbor.  We are going ashore in search of lobster.  Should be a very successful day!


@grapau27 Happy Anniversary to you and Pauline!


Debbie, you won't have any trouble finding lobster today.  Safe travels to your and Sue tomorrow.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

A very Happy Anniversary to Pauline and Graham @grapau27 what a great day for you to remember and look ahead. There are never enough anniversaries!  🍾 Lovely photo of the happy bride and groom!  


Happy Hoodie Hoo Day when the sun comes up for our friends in the South. Tell us more….


Tina, I love shrimp and all those Mexican flavors and textures!  Those dishes look perfect for a summer supper. Or anytime for me.  Thank you! 


Nancy @ottahand7 I’m so sorry for your loss of Frank and the community’s loss. How is Frank’s wife?  It must be overwhelmingly hard. 

Terry (no blue bubble😕) hoping the nurses have some suggestions on nutrition for Lou. That would help you both!  

I’ve been sending weather maps and routing updates to the team taking Susan to CA but haven’t heard of an arrival yet, hopefully later this morning. The picture they sent of her nestled in the RV bed showed some “medical items” that indicate some of why she couldn’t fly at this point plus just too weak.  She is a retired OR nurse of many decades and has been a warrior through all her illness difficulties. I’m so glad my friends are caring for her through this special journey to get her to her brothers house. It’s such a privilege to help someone at the end of their life. Thank you all for your support. I think that makes all of you angels too!  

Well we finally got our trust lawyer to commit to a draft of our trust restatement by end of September. I’m not convinced but we’ll stay on the path a little longer. sigh. 

We made progress yesterday getting some things figured out for our upcoming cruise including how DH will use the tonometer to monitor eye pressures, which needs software from the cloud. We’ll use cellular data connection and hope that works ok. I’m too not concerned about spikes while he’s on this second eye drop med which is a double med, but that med is preservative-free and requires refrigeration so packing is a bit of a nuisance. The device in its carrying case fits in a shoulder bag, and the meds are individual ampules grouped in light-blocking pouches, so not too difficult. This is our first cruise since we got the tonometer, good that we’re trainable!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. 
🍻 Cheers to all celebrating milestones of Living Life!  You remind us that Life is Good! 🌈

Smooth travels to all away especially our cruising friends. And the team with Susan! 

May we all have a safe day!  


Maureen, I'm glad the trust lawyer is finally responding to your requests.


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I can try to be an angel, but it just doesn't take!   LOL  We haven't had the Tooth Fairy visit in our house for many years.  Hoodie Hoo to those living in the Southern Hemisphere; I hope the weather is warm enough for your to shed your heavy garments!  BTW, here in our province we call hoodies Bunny Hugs.


The rain began last night around 9:30 and continued gently all through the night.  This morning it's still coming down and there's water running down the street, something that hasn't happened in a long time.  I only wish it would rain on the all too many fires in Canada and the U.S.  


@superoma wishing your DH a very Happy Birthday today!

@grapau27 Happy #42 to you and your lovely Pauline!

@aliaschief I'm saddened to learn your DBIL has passed away, but know many prayers were with him on his journey.

@smitty34877 were either of the medical people who saw Lou yesterday able to help with the eating situation?


Well our friend Wayne has booked on to the same cruise as us in February, which will be great for all 4 of us.  He was quite excited when he called yesterday to say he had a booking number, and asked if we can come over today to help them arrange flights through Flight Ease.  You don't have to ask me twice!  We'll head over there after lunch, as this morning I have a pre-wedding with a couple whose ceremony I'm presiding over on Saturday afternoon.  


I have a question for @POA1 - can you tell me if the Sun Trolly is still running around FLL?  We have great memories of trips on it in the past and would like to use it with our friends in February.   And this time we're definitely going on the Water Taxi.


I think I'll pass on the drink of the day, am pretty sure I'd like the wine, and the Shrimp Taco Salad sounds delicious.  It's going to be a busy day, so I think after we're finished over at our friend's, we'll pick up a rotisserie chicken and some potato salad that we can enjoy on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, you and your DH should have a great time on the cruise with Wayne and his lady friend.  I'm glad they are joining you.


3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am an angel but my horns keep showing!!  When kids lose a tooth at school, we put it in a "treasure chest" for them to take home.  They are so excited.  I had to look up Hoodie Hoo day so cheers to those in the Southern Hemisphere!!  I think I will pass on the meal and drinks and I have been "close" to Halibut Point.  Interesting quote and day.


I did drive to CA.  Didn't have any problems whatsoever.  Couldn't go I10 as it was closed.  There was a rockslide on I8 that delayed getting through as they were alternating the traffic.  I had no rain or standing water or really anything.  It was a pleasant drive going over.  Coming back, as I couldn't go I10 as it was still closed (OMG Palm Springs really got it) and I wanted to stay away from the San Bernardino Mtns and really the whole area up there) and I didn't want to go through San Diego, I took a pleasant drive through Lake Elsinore area.  I am sure I had been there when I was a kid but it was beautiful!!  So while it took a little longer than usual, I had no problems.  I was watching the storm and live Youtube videos and the weather channel and highway cams for hours before I decided it was okay to go.  Thoughts for those up in the area that was really affected.  I remember as a kid a mudslide in the San Gabriel Mtns after a fire the year before that came down through Azusa where I grew up.  Oh, what a mess.


A day of rest today as I will sub for the rest of the week.


Happy Anniversay @grapau27. Wonderful picture!!  And Happy Birthday @superoma.  And congrats @Denise T on your successful defense of your dissertation!!


Well on to finish reading CC.  I start from the top and go down so there is lots to read.


Have a great day everyone!


Penny, I'm glad you made it to Huntington Beach and back with only a few detours.  I guessed you had gone when we didn't hear from you yesterday.


2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Just heard the team helping Susan made it. Must be a great relief for Susan to be with her brother for her last days. They had to detour around a road closed for rock slides but had no problems. I’m sure they won’t be long on the turnaround and will leave this morning to head back to NM. Thanks again for your support. You all remind me that we’re never alone!  


Maureen, I'm glad everyone made it safely to Susan's brother's place.  I hope her last days are pain free and comfortable.  I'm glad she will be surrounded by family.  Safe travels back to NM for your angel friends.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello everyone,

Just checking in.  I appreciate being on the cares list.

Things are just not going well and I am not feeling well.

Hope to try to catch up today and read the Daily for the last few days.

Hope everyone is doing well and will post later if I can.

Floors still not done



Terri, I hope you are feeling better soon, and that things improve for you too.


1 hour ago, SFO Peter said:


Sorry to hear of your friend's passing.   I want to mention that my traveling companion Harry who is Covid vaccinated got Covid August 2022 on Eurodam Alaskan cruise.   He was two months away from 98.   

Ship sold him Paxlovid and he got better and tested negative in less than a week.  He walks every day and will be 100 on our October 2024 cruise.



Peter, your wonderful and uplifting story is inspiring.  Vaccines do work.  


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Biopsy results. It’s a wart!😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Good news, Bruce.


49 minutes ago, superoma said:

Just a quick check in, not at home. Today is my dh’s 78 birthday. My 73rd was on July 27, just one day before what would have been my dad’s 93rd birthday had he not passed away in may. But all your good wishes are appreciated, regardless of timing. Thank you! Will catch up with the daily in a couple of days when we are back home.


HAPPY 78TH BIRTHDAY to your DH today.


1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:
Congratulations Graham and Pauline , @grapau27 and by sheer coincidence I had prepared this post for today  on the Daily News .......................  ! 
Today I would like to share with you a few pictures of a very special celebration while on board the Koningsdam 4 years ago yesterday , on August 19  2019  .
Martha and I renewed our vows in front of Captain Darin Bowland just a few months after we had celebrated our 50th  while we were at sea in the Mediterranean  going from Santorini , Greece to Napels, Italy . We were blessed to be able to do this in front of our daughter Natascha , her husband and our two grandsons Jackson and Spencer. 
To show how wonderful and memorable Holland America and Captain Bowland made this special day for us I will include some very personal pictures.
In consultation with my daughter I had booked this ceremony for Martha and I ,  so she was not aware I had booked this , I had only asked my daughter what she thought of my plan and what she thought of how mam would react .
The day we came on board ship ……..this was waiting for us  roses and a letter from the Captain , so I had to explain everything on the first day of what I had done ……. and she did not throw me overboard ! 
We also received a very nice official Certificate but it has too much personal info to post here .
If you feel inclined to do something like this I can fully recommend it , we will also always remember this day on board the Koningsdam ! 
Tony 😍😍


Tony, thank you for sharing your special day with us.


@JazzyV Vanessa, I'm sorry your legs are still itching.  I can get out and work in the yard early since the humidity is low.  Earlier this summer and last spring, it was another story when we had heavy dew.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, safe travels tomorrow for you and your DH.



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Happy Tuesday!  @grapau27Happy Anniversary to you and your dear Pauline!  @sailingdutchy Your Vow Renewal ceremony looked wonderful!  Thanks for sharing!  @kazuYour meme about the "smart" things in your house is very true!  I'm still trying to figure out things in our "Smart" car!  The meal recipes look good today!  @kochleffelHow are your kitties doing?  Maybe I'm missing your updates on them.  

I'm busy with garden stuff here now.  The tomatoes are turning red, and something is eating them just as they are ready to pick.  I stopped at a farm stand the other day for corn, the farmer said it could be mice or voles, not what I wanted to hear!  We picked some a bit early the other day, they're turning red in the sunshine, so I froze some now.  Unfortunately, our 21 year old basement freezer died this weekend.  We were able to save some food, luckily.   We hope to get to a concert in the park tonite, The Britins, a Beatles tribute band.  Tomorrow we're supposed to get to close to 100F...not looking forward to that.  Have a great rest of your day.  K

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1 hour ago, superoma said:

Just a quick check in, not at home. Today is my dh’s 78 birthday. My 73rd was on July 27, just one day before what would have been my dad’s 93rd birthday had he not passed away in may. But all your good wishes are appreciated, regardless of timing. Thank you! Will catch up with the daily in a couple of days when we are back home.

Happy 78th birthday to your DH today.

Happy belated birthday to yourself on July 27th and 93rd birthday in heaven on July 28th for your dad.

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Good morning and thanks all!  I love the quote, never enough tea and if the book is good like Hilary Mantel’s I will agree.  However the luminaries was 800 pages too long! 
@grapau27 happy anniversary to you and Pauline! 
@superoma happy birthday to your DH! 
like @Quartzsite Cruiser and @kazu I can be a bit of an imp too!  But my DGD told me years ago I’m her big angel! 
Jacqui, that rhubarb jam sounds wonderful!  Sorry about the insurance, I think they are in business to make things as difficult as possible and avoid paying! 
Tina, yum on those salads! 


@sailingdutchy what an amazing celebration!   Congratulations! We were onboard Koningsdam right after your celebration.



Edited by bennybear
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6 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  I love the quote, never enough tea and if the book is good like Hilary Mantel’s I will agree.  However the luminaries was 800 pages too long! 
@grapau27 happy anniversary to you and Pauline! 
@superoma happy birthday! 
like @Quartzsite Cruiser and @kazu I can be a bit of an imp too!  But my DGD told me years ago I’m her big angel! 
Jacqui, that rhubarb jam sounds wonderful! 
Tina, yum on those salads! 


@sailingdutchy what an amazing celebration!   Congratulations! 



Thank you for your nice message.

Nice photo.

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I don't think that I'd heard of Hoodie Hoo Day, even the northern hemisphere version.


Definite no on the meal suggestion, probably no on the drink. Maybe on the wine. Parker says that it's made from a blend of 30 different grapes, predominantly varieties that don't grow here. I'll counter with Salmon Run Coho Red from Dr. Frank's. I don't think I've been to Halibut Point, unless we passed it on a whale-and-otter tour from Sitka, but I wouldn't mind some halibut instead of shrimp, shrimp, and more shrimp.


The drink of the day often sounds like nothing I would like, but here is a review of possibly the worst alcoholic concoction ever invented: Eggo Brunch in a Jar. It's supposed to taste like waffles and syrup with a hint of bacon, and 20% alcohol, but the reviewer says:

How, I wondered, could something be both acridly bitter and simultaneously tooth-achingly sweet? I detected all of the promised food groups: faux buttery notes with a bit of smoke (the bacon, I suspected) and a kind of toasted-bread-like quality, all punched in the gut by an overwhelming dose of sharp imitation maple, as if Mrs. Butterworth was getting the better of everyone in a barroom brawl. The texture was viscous and mouth-coating, and I couldn’t imagine anyone drinking more than a sip they’d come to regret.



Maybe inspired by the thrift-shop discussion last week, I've been taking advantage of a spell of mild weather to check my clothes for fall and winter, thinking not only about whether I could wear them, but also about whether there is any chance that I ever would. Some going into the thrift-shop bag are in colors so unflattering to me that I can't imagine why I ever bought them.



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