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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 8th, 2023


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.   Universal music day is probably universally celebrated, music is so important to enjoyment of life's moments.    A good quote by Barrie.    Thanks for the lovely photos of Split today @StLouisCruisers.   Pass on all three of the comestibles today.   Thanks for researching them for us each day.


@mamaofami  I hope Sam is released today and does well in rehab.   @JazzyV  thanks for keeping us up to date with the events in our groups' lives.  Prayers for those needing them, and those in war zones, Israel and Ukraine.   


We have lucked out today as both of our football games will be carried by CBS here, my early Ravens game and John's later Vikings game.    It is sunny but cold, especially after having 80s a few days ago so it will be a day of football from early to late.   To top that off I have the four crab cakes I made and froze for dinner tonight.  Easy peasy.  


I had a good day playing the horse races and ended up in the win column including covering my expensive Daily Racing Form downloads.  I will be late tomorrow as I have an 8:30 mammogram, thanks to the ladies in the group that gave me the reminder to book.   Only one more thing to tick off the list after that is the RSV vaccine.   


Happy cruising to all in our group at sea right now.   Have a lovely Sunday.   Nancy 

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We were in Split on October 14, 2016, on Prinsendam, and again on August 8, 2019 on Veendam.  The difference in the crowds between the two visits was amazing.


These are random pictures from 2016, when we walked through the old walled city.  The first three are from our walk along the wall to the entrance to the old city.







Entering the walled city



Some pictures from our walk through the city.





The shopping arcade that is under part of the walled city



I took one picture of the same place on both visits, and they show the difference between the crowds in summer and in fall.  The first is from 2016.






In 2019, at the recommendation from a friend, we visited a specialty Museum.  To get to the museum we walked along the side of the walled city and then along the street in back of the wall.









The Froggyland museum.  As you can see from the sign, the stuffed frogs, set in various scenes are more than 100 years old and were real stuffed frogs.  It was interesting, but I'm not sure worth the 10 Euros admission.  We were not allowed to take pictures inside.



After Froggyland, we continued on the back street until we could turn along the wall and enter the old city.



We found a back street with some interesting ruins.









Our walk back to Veendam, which was the smallest of several ships in port, and docked the furthest  from town.






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Interesting mix of days.

We should be humble; not easy for some.

Pass on the meal; would try the drink and wine; not been to Croatia.

Also was not aware the microwave was invented so long ago - I remember my first one; used it for years.

Cannot believe it's 48° headed to 81° and 90° tomorrow. I think I'll step outside just to enjoy the cooler temp.



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23 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a cold (for us) central Texas.  It is 50F and feels like 50F with 83% humidity and a dew point of 45F.  Our predicted high today is 79F, but it will not even reach 60F until about 10 am.  That is quite a change from the last several months.  Today I need to not only mow the yard, but trim the bushes and tidy up the iris.  Instead of heading out early, it will be mid-morning and well into the afternoon when I can get to the yard.  I can see needing warmer clothes early and then changing into shorts this afternoon.  AHHH, fall in central Texas, and soon the dreaded oak leaves will be filling our port.


Like others, I'm well past playing touch tag.  DH sold his motorcycle at least 25 years ago, and I neve rode with him.  I will celebrate music day with pleasure.


I like the quote by James M. Barrie.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, and the price is nice also.


We have been to Split twice.  The first time was in 2016 on Prinsendam and the second was in 2019 on Veendam.  I liked Split, but given the choice, there are a couple of other Croatian ports I"d pick first.


Two more interesting days in history, including Captain Cook's discovery of NZ.  Like many other newer inventions, I think microwave ovens were used commercially before making it into our homes.


@puppycanducruise  Melanie, I hope the rain does not cause any problems.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm sorry the retreat wasn't all you expected it to be.  You will find the perfect realtor to help sell your condo

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm sorry Sam is back in the hospital.  I hope he can be discharged to rehab tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad your teams won, but wish Michigan had played another team.












OK, Ms Crystal, I think I saw these cartoons yesterday. I can only give you a half a laugh! 😏

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. It’s twenty degrees cooler this morning. Currently 52 degrees and will rise to only 77 degrees. We were so sated from our lunch date yesterday we both skipped dinner. Not even a snack.

Other then getting ready for church in a few minutes no other immediate plans for today. With this weather may put the top down on the Spyder and go for a ride.

Thanks  for the report and featured list. Have a great day. Bruce



Boy I got your attention when I was pulling back my laugh symbols due to you repeating some of the cartoons! These are great! Thank goodness the doctor only found one rabbit ! 😀

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Good morning. It was only 48 earlier and I wore a jacket for the first time in months to walk the dogs. It will be cooler tomorrow and we have all of the space heaters in place. I hope the oil tank replacement will not take too long. We eagerly await the workers tomorrow.

I can remember playing tag with the grandchildren about ten years ago but would not be able to keep up now. Music has always been important to me and nowadays I play my favorites the old fashioned way on a CD player. Fortunately Tana and I share the same musical tastes. I will pass on the recipe today.

I made lasagna yesterday after Debbie inspired us the other day. I have a spinach lasagna recipe with bechamel sauce that everyone likes . We ate the entire pan as the teenager had a football game earlier and was very hungry. His team lost but he played well. DD and DSIL went and took videos so Tana could see her very tall and athletic son play. 
Dinner tonight will be bean and cheese enchiladas. I might even bake a cake ….good to have the oven on for a bit.

@HAL Sailer, Melisa, I was so happy to read about the great improvement your DH has made. Prayers that it will continue.

A special thank you to @cat shepard and @Cruzin Terri for your wonderful support.it helps a lot.


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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Sunny and chilly this morning. Perfect day to go out and get pumpkins. 

Packing for my trip to Colorado. I will be flying out on Tuesday. 

Fancy is back to her energetic self. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Image result for sunday cat memes

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53 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

OK, Ms Crystal, I think I saw these cartoons yesterday. I can only give you a half a laugh! 😏


RNB, you and DH caught me.   Sorry about the repeat memes, but glad you were paying attention, which obviously I wasn't.   I realize that I didn't put yesterday's memes in the used file after I finished my post, and in a very senior moment this morning, I didn't remember they were from yesterday.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  I'll salute both the quote and Universal Music day but pass on the other 2 days.


I have not been to Split.  A very windy day North of Nova Scotia, and we expect significant motion in the afternoon. 


2 great days in history and I especially depend on my microwave oven.  I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chicken Consume, Grilled Lamb Chops, and a mix of Vanilla and Banana Ice Cream as served last night on Crystal Serenity.





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Good Morning from a cloudy but warm day at the beach

      No Motorcycles here, I do enjoy most types of music and I dont play tag anymore

    @cat shepard  I think the Pelicans are all here. We were on the beach yesterday and they were everywhere! In fact I see a group of them flying around this AM.

    I am so saddened to hear about what is going on in Israel. When is this madness going to end?

     @HAL Sailer   Glad to hear that your DH is improving. Will keep you both in my prayers.

      @Horizon chaser 1957 Have a wonderful and safe trip.

We are going to try again today to go out for DH`s Birthday dinner. We were all rained out last week on his actual Bday.  

     They opened the golf course for limited "cart path only" play. Hope to get out on Tuesday.


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good Morning Everyone,  thanks for today's daily fleet report.  It's a beautiful crisp day here. Last I went to bed early and the kids let me sleep until 5:30.  Today's meal suggestion is something I'd try if made for me and like @dfish I'd like to add chicken to the dish.  I'm baking a chicken for dinner later today.  I've already made a Walmart and Aldi run. Next up is continuing on cleaning another room that requires DH to assist. If I believe @aliaschief I'm taking down lots of Halloween decorations. 

I hope everyone has a good day today. 


Still some blooms in the yard.




The reminder that winter is coming. 



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't played tag in years, don't know anyone close enough to ask for a motorcycle ride, but I always have music on in the house.  When I have to do some housecleaning, I always put on one of my favourite Queen CD's turned up loud, and go to it.  


Who knew that microwaves were so old?  My MIL bought us one just after we got married so the step-kids could cook some things by themselves - she didn't trust my cooking.  LOL  It was huge and ever so heavy.  


@WannaSea and @Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruises!!

@mamaofamiI'm so sorry to hear Sam is back in hospital; I hope it's a short stay.

@RMLincolnsometimes going to a retreat brings back upsetting memories and I think it helps to get through them in order to have a clearer outlook when you leave. I hope this was what happened in your case.


Yesterday's wedding went well; the family has Scottish history so there were traditions incorporated into the ceremony - the Quaich (loving cup), and the hand binding.  The bride carried a bouquet that was bound with ribbon that came from the groom's great grandmother's wedding bouquet.  Instead of a formal sit-down dinner, they had 3 grazing tables that were absolutely laden with different meats, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, nuts and crackers.  They also had a dessert table that was put together by the mothers of the bride and groom from their favourite recipes.  The groom's mother comes from Portugal so she had Portuguese tarts - oh yum!  The bride's mother (my cousin) made jam-jam cookies - using my Mom's recipe.  They also had little bags so people could take some of the baking home with them, and there are a couple of them waiting on the cupboard for us this morning.


Heartfelt prayers for the people of Israel, and my thoughts and prayers go to the people who were medically disembarked yesterday for a good outcome for them.


It'll be a busy but enjoyable day for us as we'll be having Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon.  There will only be 6 of us, as DH's daughter is on a cruise with her mother, and another couple is out of town.  We'll be having DH's son, our son-in-law, and our friends who don't have children, so only 6 at the table, but I'm sure there'll be enough noise that it will sound like many more.  


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, I know I'd enjoy the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion.  Our dinner tonight will consist of roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, a vegetable casserole, coleslaw, fresh buns, cucumbers in vinegar (DH's favourite), and crustless pumpkin pie.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in wars in Ukraine and now Israel.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


TAG, you're it!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  It is cool here this morning.  The computer says it's 50.  I think the inside temp is not much over. that.  DH is snuggled up in the flannel sheets and comforter, and sound asleep.

My new sensors for testing my blood sugar is 20 points off from the actual physical finger stab test but I can tell the new medicine might be worth that 487.00 every three months, but now at night my sensor goes off because it says my blood sugar is too low....which it's not.  And once again when I tried to get my prescription filled through my doctors office, the person in charge of prescriptions has taken it upon themselves to not fill the prescription because it is not covered by my insurance. I pay out with my own money, I told them that when I sent in the prescription.  Their lack of customer service astounds me.  This is the office where the young man went in and shot 4 people back in May.  Turns out that he got stuck in traffic on his way there, and he was there to see a doctor about his mental state.  When he showed up he was told that because he was late, they could not see him.  He went back down to his car, got a gun and went back upstairs and shot and killed several people.  While they now pay for a police officer to set outside their doors, they still dont listen to their patients.  So once again, I will taking a long vacation without my free style libre blood sugar tester.  I will notify the doctor today with a message in my portal.


Other than that complaint, we had a nice time with Penny and Jesse last night, I have not seen them since May.  I also made a major life decision yesterday.  I had to pass it by DH, but I have decided that I will no longer work on Fridays.  We miss free concerts, we never can go to the museum that we joined in April (Science), we joined the History museum last year, and never went, and we never seem to  find time to see our friends.  We need to make time.  Life is too short to just work all the time. 6 days a week was more than when I worked full time.












I hope you all have a wonderful day!

and @grapau27Thank you for the food porn (cruise?) and thank you for Father David.

Edited by marshhawk
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Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for your Split photos.  A fascinating place.   For your DD's sake, I wish Michigan had played someone else, too (but still won!)😉


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Excellent photos of a lovely port Sandi.


Thank you so much Graham.  Your steak picture looks tasty.  You do love your meat dishes!




1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Sunday morning to all

I am up early and realize that if I don’t check in now, it might not be until tonight.

Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily.

The days are interesting, but the only one I think I can associate with is Music.  Have never been on a motorcycle and now is not the time to start.  Touch Tag Days are long over.  Love music and listen to it as often as I can.

I like the quote.

I have been to Split, Croatia a few times but my photos are not as nice as Sandi’s @StLouisCruisers.  I really envy how organized yours are.  Thank you for sharing them with us.

I will skip the meal and drink.  I like Merlot and may try that.

Today in History shows that we have New Zealand thanks to Captain James Cook.

I too did not realize that Microwave Ovens were around that long.


Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for keeping up with our cares and happenings.

Prayers always for Baby Murphy and her parents,.It would be nice to get an update.  Hopefully a positive one.

Prayers always for Tana as well and for @smitty34877 as you adjust to your new way of life.

Prayers for the people of Ukraine and Israel.  War is horrible.  Pray for peace.


Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.  Hope everyone is having a wonderful time.

Glad that those cruisers on the New Statendam were able to get out of Haifa timely.


Thank you also to Debbie @dfish for the recipes for the meal for the day. And to Dixie @summer slope for the drink receipt and @cat shepard Ann for the wine of the day.


Thank you to Graham @grapau27 for Father David’s sermon.


Today is a day to get some stuff organized for our trip.  We leave in 2 weeks from Tuesday.  I am still trying to figure what the weather will be like and what types of clothes to bring.  Right now the temps in all three cities (Venice, Florence, Rome) are still in low 80s and high 70s.  The cruise doesn’t have many port calls, but we do stop in Cadiz, Funchal and Bermuda.  Guess I need clothes for warmer weather there.  Big decisions. 

The other thing that gets me excited is that I received a notice from the Post Office that I have a package with printed matter that will come in the the next few days.  This is the pre-cruise material and luggage tags from Oceania.  it is a nice book with all the cruise info, etc.  So that should come in the next few days.


I hope that everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

God Bless,



Terri, so glad you liked the photos.  I have a suggestion.  When you return from your next trip, sign up on Shutterfly for an account.  You can upload your trip photos to Shutterfly, and then gradually move your other photos when time permits.  Each trip, click on Photos, then Albums, where you can create a new album by clicking on the + sign .  Name it after the trip description and year.  For instance 2023 Italy.  Where it says add photos click on that then you can move those photos to your album.  You will be able to keep track of things much easier.  You can also put photos in a Dog album, or Home album, or Family photos album.  I have some old photos my DB and DS sent me taken in the 1950's and 1960's and they are grouped all together in a Shutterfly album.  You will be organized before you know it.




1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Sam is back in the hospital. Hoping to be discharged to rehab tomorrow. 
praying for Israel.


Carol, I'm sorry Sam has to be in the hospital again and hope to hear he's back in rehab tomorrow.  What a merry-go-round you've had!




31 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It was only 48 earlier and I wore a jacket for the first time in months to walk the dogs. It will be cooler tomorrow and we have all of the space heaters in place. I hope the oil tank replacement will not take too long. We eagerly await the workers tomorrow.

I can remember playing tag with the grandchildren about ten years ago but would not be able to keep up now. Music has always been important to me and nowadays I play my favorites the old fashioned way on a CD player. Fortunately Tana and I share the same musical tastes. I will pass on the recipe today.

I made lasagna yesterday after Debbie inspired us the other day. I have a spinach lasagna recipe with bechamel sauce that everyone likes . We ate the entire pan as the teenager had a football game earlier and was very hungry. His team lost but he played well. DD and DSIL went and took videos so Tana could see her very tall and athletic son play. 
Dinner tonight will be bean and cheese enchiladas. I might even bake a cake ….good to have the oven on for a bit.

@HAL Sailer, Melisa, I was so happy to read about the great improvement your DH has made. Prayers that it will continue.

A special thank you to @cat shepard and @Cruzin Terri for your wonderful support.it helps a lot.



Hoping for good news tomorrow when the workmen are finished repairing the oil tank!  Good job to the teenager on his play during the football game.  That's what counts!  It was very thoughtful of DD and DSIL to record the game for Tana to see.  I continue hoping and praying for better days for your family.

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Does anyone remember TV tag?  You had to name a TV show in time not to be "it"?  Back in the early 60's there were not that many tv shows, but everyone knew them.  Now there are millions of shows on the tube, and you could make one up and no one would know.


I love music.  In my yearbook from high school, it says by my name, "walking choir".  


Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian Friends!  I hope your time is filled with family and joy!


@mamaofamiIm sorry that Sam is back in the hospital, and hope he can get into rehab soon.


I really need to make notes while I read so that I remember what is going on with everyone, but even now my memory doesn't remind me.  So, love and hugs to all!


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15 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a cloudy but warm day at the beach

      No Motorcycles here, I do enjoy most types of music and I dont play tag anymore

    @cat shepard  I think the Pelicans are all here. We were on the beach yesterday and they were everywhere! In fact I see a group of them flying around this AM.

    I am so saddened to hear about what is going on in Israel. When is this madness going to end?

     @HAL Sailer   Glad to hear that your DH is improving. Will keep you both in my prayers.

      @Horizon chaser 1957 Have a wonderful and safe trip.

We are going to try again today to go out for DH`s Birthday dinner. We were all rained out last week on his actual Bday.  

     They opened the golf course for limited "cart path only" play. Hope to get out on Tuesday.


Stay safe and enjoy today



Charlene, I hope you can enjoy your DH's belated birthday dinner.


14 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone,  thanks for today's daily fleet report.  It's a beautiful crisp day here. Last I went to bed early and the kids let me sleep until 5:30.  Today's meal suggestion is something I'd try if made for me and like @dfish I'd like to add chicken to the dish.  I'm baking a chicken for dinner later today.  I've already made a Walmart and Aldi run. Next up is continuing on cleaning another room that requires DH to assist. If I believe @aliaschief I'm taking down lots of Halloween decorations. 

I hope everyone has a good day today. 


Still some blooms in the yard.




The reminder that winter is coming. 




Great pictures, Jake.  Good luck with the room cleaning.


12 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't played tag in years, don't know anyone close enough to ask for a motorcycle ride, but I always have music on in the house.  When I have to do some housecleaning, I always put on one of my favourite Queen CD's turned up loud, and go to it.  


Who knew that microwaves were so old?  My MIL bought us one just after we got married so the step-kids could cook some things by themselves - she didn't trust my cooking.  LOL  It was huge and ever so heavy.  


@WannaSea and @Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage; enjoy your cruises!!

@mamaofamiI'm so sorry to hear Sam is back in hospital; I hope it's a short stay.

@RMLincolnsometimes going to a retreat brings back upsetting memories and I think it helps to get through them in order to have a clearer outlook when you leave. I hope this was what happened in your case.


Yesterday's wedding went well; the family has Scottish history so there were traditions incorporated into the ceremony - the Quaich (loving cup), and the hand binding.  The bride carried a bouquet that was bound with ribbon that came from the groom's great grandmother's wedding bouquet.  Instead of a formal sit-down dinner, they had 3 grazing tables that were absolutely laden with different meats, cheeses, vegetables, fruits, nuts and crackers.  They also had a dessert table that was put together by the mothers of the bride and groom from their favourite recipes.  The groom's mother comes from Portugal so she had Portuguese tarts - oh yum!  The bride's mother (my cousin) made jam-jam cookies - using my Mom's recipe.  They also had little bags so people could take some of the baking home with them, and there are a couple of them waiting on the cupboard for us this morning.


Heartfelt prayers for the people of Israel, and my thoughts and prayers go to the people who were medically disembarked yesterday for a good outcome for them.


It'll be a busy but enjoyable day for us as we'll be having Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon.  There will only be 6 of us, as DH's daughter is on a cruise with her mother, and another couple is out of town.  We'll be having DH's son, our son-in-law, and our friends who don't have children, so only 6 at the table, but I'm sure there'll be enough noise that it will sound like many more.  


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, I know I'd enjoy the wine, and will pass on the menu suggestion.  Our dinner tonight will consist of roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, a vegetable casserole, coleslaw, fresh buns, cucumbers in vinegar (DH's favourite), and crustless pumpkin pie.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those involved in wars in Ukraine and now Israel.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


TAG, you're it!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with your family and friends.


12 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  It is cool here this morning.  The computer says it's 50.  I think the inside temp is not much over. that.  DH is snuggled up in the flannel sheets and comforter, and sound asleep.

My new sensors for testing my blood sugar is 20 points off from the actual physical finger stab test but I can tell the new medicine might be worth that 487.00 every three months, but now at night my sensor goes off because it says my blood sugar is too low....which it's not.  And once again when I tried to get my prescription filled through my doctors office, the person in charge of prescriptions has taken it upon themselves to not fill the prescription because it is not covered by my insurance. I pay out with my own money, I told them that when I sent in the prescription.  Their lack of customer service astounds me.  This is the office where the young man went in and shot 4 people back in May.  Turns out that he got stuck in traffic on his way there, and he was there to see a doctor about his mental state.  When he showed up he was told that because he was late, they could not see him.  He went back down to his car, got a gun and went back upstairs and shot and killed several people.  While they now pay for a police officer to set outside their doors, they still dont listen to their patients.  So once again, I will taking a long vacation without my free style libre blood sugar tester.  I will notify the doctor today with a message in my portal.


Other than that complaint, we had a nice time with Penny and Jesse last night, I have not seen them since May.  I also made a major life decision yesterday.  I had to pass it by DH, but I have decided that I will no longer work on Fridays.  We miss free concerts, we never can go to the museum that we joined in April (Science), we joined the History museum last year, and never went, and we never seem to  find time to see our friends.  We need to make time.  Life is too short to just work all the time. 6 days a week was more than when I worked full time.












I hope you all have a wonderful day!

and @grapau27Thank you for the food porn (cruise?) and thank you for Father David.


Annie, I'm sorry the doctor's office made a vital for you without consulting your.


Now, for the memes for day.  Sorry about repeating yesterday's memes.

















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Good morning to all!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. Getting ready to disembark in a couple of hours to head to the train station. It was a wonderful cruise; sorry to see it end. Only consolation is my next cruise is in 44 days!  

Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating!!


have a great Sunday everyone!!

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26 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Terri, so glad you liked the photos.  I have a suggestion.  When you return from your next trip, sign up on Shutterfly for an account.  You can upload your trip photos to Shutterfly, and then gradually move your other photos when time permits.  Each trip, click on Photos, then Albums, where you can create a new album by clicking on the + sign .  Name it after the trip description and year.  For instance 2023 Italy.  Where it says add photos click on that then you can move those photos to your album.  You will be able to keep track of things much easier.  You can also put photos in a Dog album, or Home album, or Family photos album.  I have some old photos my DB and DS sent me taken in the 1950's and 1960's and they are grouped all together in a Shutterfly album.  You will be organized before you know it.

Thanks for the suggestion,.  I think I will try that.  I have a new laptop that i just put all the photos into.  The problem is I use my Ipad where all the photos are together and hard to separate.

I will try your suggestion.


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