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Friday November 10th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Chores are done and now we having our neighbors from across the street over for dinner. We are having cedar plank fresh salmon from the grill, sweet potato fries and creamed spinach. Sue made a pineapple upside cake for dessert.

It’s payback as they do a great job of taking care of our home and we cherish their friendship.

@lazey1Jane it was sad to hear about your health and you having to cancel your cruise.

Take care of yourself. Bruce




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Happy Friday, sorry to hear some sad news about sore backs, swollen knees and cancelled cruises.  May better days be ahead.  

Not sure I'd like the meal or drink.  Haven't been to the port, but again, the photos are great.  Happy birthday to the US Marine Corps, and thank you to all of our veterans.  

Still didn't get my user name changed back...Karen




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2 hours ago, lazey1 said:

I saw my pulmonologist yesterday and was told that I not only had Covid, I also had a rebound Paxlovid Covid infection and now I have bronchitis along with a flare of my CHF. He said I was not nearly strong enough to cruise on the 18th so I had to cancel.  Not the news I wanted to hear as I started feeling a bit better a couple of days ago. Oh well, this just has to run it's course.

Nothing planned for today except going to Albertson's to pick up a few groceries and another new Rx.



Oh my Jane 😔. I hope you can recover easily and quickly 🙏 


I am so sorry you have had to cancel your cruise - that’s a big disappointment 😢 

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Hi friends! In honor of our veterans, DS & I went for lunch to a local (I think) chain called Mission BBQ. It is owned by veterans, and helps support veterans' programs. At noon every day, they stop everything & ask people to rise as they play the National Anthem. I was surprised afterwards when a server stopped by and complimented me for singing along -- apparently few people do! Members of the local VFW were there passing out poppies, instead of forget-me-nots.

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Good afternoon from a cool and cloudy central Texas.  The retail therapy was so-so.  I found what I needed at Sam's, and made a good haul on books at the used book store.  However, I couldn't find what I wanted on the remainder of the list.  I did find some tops with longer sleeves that didn't come half way down my fingers, and they were on sale at a very, very good price.


10 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Friday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Chilly and rainy today. Taking the day off as I am feeling under the weather. Issues with my diabetes. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 



Denise, I hope you have the diabetes issues under control and are feeling better.


6 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


The sun is peeking out at the moment but rain is forecast for later today and tomorrow along with a wind warning. I'm planning on staying home for a few days and have important things to do - a jigsaw puzzle, needlework, Cruise Critic, etc. 


Actually today is busy as I'm having friends in for lunch (first since DH's passing) and I'm making a potato corn chowder and homemade rolls so have to get the bread machine out for the dough. The company comes at 1:00 so I've got the morning to finish up cleaning, etc. 


This week was busy with water aerobics, physical therapy, and Wednesday a friend and I went to B.C. to visit my 97 year old mother and took her out to lunch. She's a going concern and have to get on her social calendar! I hope I'm like her when I get to 97!


Have an enjoyable Friday. 



Karen, enjoy all those important things the next few days.  😉


4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

The worst of the driving is over.  I am at my Fort Lauderdale hotel but my room won't be ready for at least another hour. 




Roy, I'm glad you made it to FLL.  We've found I-95 in that area to be a real challenge.


3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, i had hoped for better news.  They could not get much fluid out of the knee so it its still swollen. Jim now has to wear a compression stocking up to his thigh and apply heat 3 times a day to his knee and ice to his ankle. He has to do this for a week.  

He can still go on the cruise but has to be careful.  

Not the news I wanted but that is what it is.

Thanks for all your support and prayers.



Terri, I'm sorry they couldn't drain more fluid from your DH's knee.  I hope the compression sock, the heat and icing help with the knee.  The good news is you can still cruise.


3 hours ago, lazey1 said:

3 good days to celebrate. I couldn't possibly figure out my taxes without my accountants help, vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting, yum. I will give a miss to the meal and the drink, would certainly want to try the wine. I've not been to the port of ther day.

I saw my pulmonologist yesterday and was told that I not only had Covid, I also had a rebound Paxlovid Covid infection and now I have bronchitis along with a flare of my CHF. He said I was not nearly strong enough to cruise on the 18th so I had to cancel.  Not the news I wanted to hear as I started feeling a bit better a couple of days ago. Oh well, this just has to run it's course.

Nothing planned for today except going to Albertson's to pick up a few groceries and another new Rx.



Jane, I'm sorry about all the health issues that have caused you to cancel your cruise.  I hope you are better and stronger soon.



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31 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi friends! In honor of our veterans, DS & I went for lunch to a local (I think) chain called Mission BBQ. It is owned by veterans, and helps support veterans' programs. At noon every day, they stop everything & ask people to rise as they play the National Anthem. I was surprised afterwards when a server stopped by and complimented me for singing along -- apparently few people do! Members of the local VFW were there passing out poppies, instead of forget-me-nots.


I love this!  I hadn't heard of Mission BBQ so looked them up.  They do a LOT for veterans, fallen police and firefighters.  They even support organizations like USO, Wreaths Across America and Honor Flight Network.  (My DB used to help the Honor Flights by getting veterans to the airport and back for their trips to Washington, DC.)  I wish we had a Mission BBQ here in Georgia!  Good for you singing along to the national anthem!🎖️

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8 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Roy, I'm glad you made it to FLL.  We've found I-95 in that area to be a real challenge.


I can't argue with that but this time I found the Orlando area even worse.



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11 hours ago, kplady said:

Good morning!!


In addition to @richwmn Rich's days to celebrate, today is the 248th birthday of the US Marine Corps. I will be sure to wish my DH a very happy birthday today before he goes to dinner with his other Marine friends. (and a happy birthday wish to @Copper10-8 John!!)


Prayers for those in need, cheers to everyone feeling well and sailing or soon to be sailing. Take care of each other!!




11 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It's appropriate that we think of the veterans who returned battered and beaten from the wars, many whose scars are internal on Forget Me Not Day.  I may have been good at many things, but accounting was not one of them; I often had to ask a clerk to help me with that.  I'd love a vanilla cupcake if it had chocolate icing on it!


Pitch black out there it is, with sunrise not happening until 8:18 this morning.  We don't have to go out until after 9 for DH's 3 month bloodwork, so it'll be bright by then, as I can see we have clear skies.  Yesterday's Device Clinic appointment went SO well - DH's pacemaker was reviewed and both he and it are doing "exceptionally well".  I don't think it gets better than that, so we were totally happy walking out of there.  Eventually he'll have to have a valve replacement when the angina gets unmanageable, but that doesn't look to be any time soon, thankfully.


This morning it's DH's appointment and then we'll head out and get some groceries.  There are lots of leaves still on the back lawn, so I think today will be the day we'll pick them up and put them in the compost bin for next week's pick-up.  This afternoon friends are coming over for coffee, so I'll pick up some sweet treats (maybe cupcakes?) that we can enjoy while they're here.  


Happy Birthday to @kplady's DH, and @Copper10-8!!


I'm going to take a pass on the drink and the wine, and will reserve judgement on the menu suggestion until I see the recipes @dfish has for us.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us that we can enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need all over the world.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



10 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Happy birthday to @kplady Laura's DH and to John @Copper10-8!  Many happy returns for you both.  


Also happy 248th  birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps!


Sorry to hear Ann @Vict0riann about your continued walking problems.  Also good wishes to Maureen's @RMLincoln DH as he faces eye surgery in the coming months.  The same for Penny @Nickelpenny.  


Time to head out to pick up some groceries.  Talk to you later!


7 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Forget me not, as in flowers, raise money for disabled veterans. Accounting is important. I'd prefer a chocolate cupcake. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal if someone makes it for me. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Cagliari. 2 good days in history. When going around in Germany you'll see chunks of the old Berlin wall on display in different cities; and around the world.


It's cloudy and chilly here today. Same sleeping issues, but maybe I got 4 hours by taking a Benadryl before bed. Maybe the increased Gabapentin is helping a little, as I was able to change the bed linens without as bad pain as I was anticipating. I will be speaking to the social worker later; I found out it was the Rheumatology office that requested it.


@StLouisCruisers Great photos from Cagliari. 

@Denise T I'm sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather due to issues with your diabetes. Feel better soon!

@rafinmd The gardens look very nice. Safe travels to FLL today.

@Nickelpenny You sound like me, starting with a referral to a pain clinic. Is one of the procedures the epidural steroids? I understand about wanting to remain active, something I can't do right now. I find NSAIDS don't help with nerve pain. Wishing you the best outcome!

@ger_77 I'm glad to hear about DH's great report from the Device clinic. 

@RMLincoln I'm sorry to hear that DH needs eye surgery and prayers that it will be successful. I spent a few months at Wilmer Eye Institute way back in the 70's - great place!

@Vict0riann I can empathize with your trouble walking. I hope you're enjoying the cruise despite that and the changes in itinerary. 

@dfish Good luck with the CT scan. Thanks for the recipes (too much work for me though). 

@ottahand7   I'm glad you're doing well after the tooth extraction.

@aliaschief I do have one usb-c brick that I think came with an iPad. I bought a couple of adapters from C to A, so I can use old cables. I don't know if that will affect charging speed.

@GTVCRUISER Great photo.

@Cruzin Terri Praying for good news.

@HAL4NOW Nice to see you here on the Daily again.

@Heartgrove Have a great cruise!

@luvteaching Enjoy the lunch today. And way to go for your DM.

@kplady Happy Birthday to your DH!

@Copper10-8 Happy Birthday John!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


Hey y'all; Thanks! My birthday is actually in March however, today is the official birthday of the United States Marine Corps whom I had the honor nd privilege to serv in as a young Dutch boy fresh "off the boat" in this great country! So HAPPY BIRHDAY to the Cops! 248 Years Strong! Semper Fidelis! 

USMC Birthday.jpg

USMC Birthday 10 Nov 1775.jpg

USMC Good Morning.jpg

USMC spie rig.jpg

USMC Torrance AFD.jpg

USMC Sgt.jpg

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@Nickelpenny  thank you for your explanation of Forget me Not day.   

My Chatham Island Forget me Not is flowering beautifully.

Happy Birthday to  @kplady DH.

@Vict0riann  sorry that you are having dificulty walking, hopefully this will be assessed when you return home.   Is Pat coping OK  being away from home?

@RMLincoln  sorry that DH will require surgery.  

@ger_77  such good news from DH's checkup yesterday.


Made a Christmas cake this morning, the dried fruit had been soaking in Brandy for a week.  Cake smells good.

Noordam is in Sydney today.




Edited by erewhon
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Good days, pass on the meal and drink, would try the wine, not been to Sardinia. 

Walked in the house about 20 min ago - dogs are still running in circles. Hope they work it out by bedtime, lol. Even though it's only 6:30pm, for us it's 1:30am due to the 7 hour time difference  - we're tired.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 

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2 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Good days, pass on the meal and drink, would try the wine, not been to Sardinia. 

Walked in the house about 20 min ago - dogs are still running in circles. Hope they work it out by bedtime, lol. Even though it's only 6:30pm, for us it's 1:30am due to the 7 hour time difference  - we're tired.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 

Welcome home!

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I can't argue with that but this time I found the Orlando area even worse.



 Cant argue on that point  Roy. Orlando has really wicked traffic and crazy impatient drivers. It was one of the reasons we moved to the beach after retiring.

     Have a wonderful trip!

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12 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Good days, pass on the meal and drink, would try the wine, not been to Sardinia. 

Walked in the house about 20 min ago - dogs are still running in circles. Hope they work it out by bedtime, lol. Even though it's only 6:30pm, for us it's 1:30am due to the 7 hour time difference  - we're tired.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


Welcome home 🙂 

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