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Wednesday November 22nd, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning.



@Nickelpenny Bon Voyage!🛳🍾

Today is prep day for our count our Blessings day. The neighbors we are having Thanksgiving with do not like to cook and she has very fussy and simple taste. So we have the majors covered. The other neighbor she is originally from Taiwan and our traditional food is unfamiliar to her. Her and her husband are high level engineers and he prefers canned cranberry not us but he makes a mean corn casserole . We prefer oyster dressing but making some plain for others. Couple won’t have giblet gravy because of content. We will provide the only homemade dessert. So you get the picture we are cooking what we like and trying to please all. Should be an interesting day. No matter their preference's they are cherished friends.

We received some much needed rain yesterday and the day is starting cooler but sunny.

We have been to today’s port and can’t remember if we are visiting again. Pretty place thanks for the pics.

So our Canadian friends it’s your turn to smell all the wonderful aromas coming out our kitchens today. I always feel hungry when reading about your earlier then our Thanksgiving.🦃

Thoughts and prayers for all in need and special thoughts that these innocent hostages are safely released.

Have a great day and safe travels. Bruce






Edited by aliaschief
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Happy Thanksgiving Eve!.    Thanks for the Daily reports @richwmn.   Freckles have made my make up routine twice as long covering up the masses of them that have run in together as my aging skin has thinned.   Cranberry relish is all prepared here and waiting for tomorrow.   I use bagged cranberries, orange marmalade, cinnamon and cloves.   No going for a ride today, final cooking today.  A wonderful quote by Elie Wiesel and so true now as hate and intolerance are rearing their ugly heads.  Thanks for the photos of today's port @StLouisCruisers.  I think when we are on the Eurodam I will start some long term planning on getting to Oceana.   I probably will have to break my rule of no long cruises before Christmas.  The photos were so beautiful and started me dreaming.  Pass on the drink, chili but I love Merlot, hope it isn't Naked. 

Vanessa continued prayers for some relief from your pain,  Thank you for continuing to keep our cares and celebrations lists.   Lenda and dear hubby, welcome to your winter home in your new motorhome, wishes for a winter of perfect weather.    Prayers for everyone in our group who are facing illness and trials,  Special thought to @smitty34877as your family celebrates Thanksgiving with an empty chair and memories of your DD DH.  Prayers that the hostage release goes according to plan and more work can continue to get them all released.    Prayers for those in war zones for no fault of their own,  Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.

Another beautiful sunrise here this morning but I stayed in bed with the news but now it has clouded up.   I will make most of the green bean casserole made with steamed haricot verts, finish the raspberry pie and do the prework on my appetizers to watch during the Lions game.   Thankfully all but one guest are football nuts, mostly Green Bay Packers fans.  I am making a new mashed sweet potato recipe with maple syrup and canned chipotle pepper adobo sauce.   To all who are traveling - safe travels with good weather all the way.   Nancy 

Edited by ottahand7
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Good morning. Snow started last night but now turned to rain. My son is very organized and has an agenda for all of us today. DDIL is an MD and has a full day of work. His be plan us for production of apple pies and butterscotch custard.The other grandma makes great stuffing and pumpkin pies.DS brines the Turkey overnight.

I am glad to be here but keep expecting Lou to be sipingciffee with us at the table or reading in his favorite chair.. Today he feel very close by as silly as that sounds. It is a comfort of sorts. 
We are a very freckled family with quite a few redheads and will celebrate them. Vegetarian chili is a staple at our house.

I hope those traveling are careful today with the inclement weather especially around  here.

Lenda  @Quartzsite Cruiser, I am glad you are there and hope you get a chance to rest-both of you!

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Good morning, everyone! 








14 minutes ago, summer slope said:

DH had a nasty reaction to the spikevax vaccine. Chills, 102 temp, throwing up, aches. I just have a tender spot where I got the shot. 


Oh, I hope he recovers quickly!


We had a good night last night.  Sue and River were up early this morning, but I slept in. I would have slept longer, but I have a lot to do today.  I'm making the dressing/stuffing, a chocolate chip pecan pie, and an apple-cranberry dump cake.  I think that will be enough for now!  Today is the day I am most thankful.  I am thankful that I am retired and do not have to drive 300 miles after a full day of work so that I can have Thanksgiving with family.  I am even more thankful today that I don't have to travel anywhere and can host Thanksgiving in my own home.  


We had today's meal back in July, but now is a good time to review as we are in soup and stew season.  If you prefer your chili with meat like I do, just add some ground beef.  https://cookieandkate.com/vegetarian-chili-recipe/




Here's one for the slow cooker.  https://www.chewoutloud.com/the-best-vegetarian-chili-slow-cooker-or-stovetop-3/




And one for the instant pot.  https://pickyeaterblog.com/the-best-vegetarian-chili-ever/




I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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45 minutes ago, richwmn said:

On this day next month I will be in San Diego preparing to board Volendam for another long cruise. I will be aboard for the Holiday Cruise, followed by the Grand Australia & New Zealand. I will finish up with a Panama Canal Cruise ending in Fort Lauderdale on April 21st. I’ll fly home on the 22nd.


The basic structure of the Daily & Fleet Report will be available each day at halfacts.com/daily which can be copied and pasted to Cruise Critic. The first day I will be unable to do it in a timely manner will be December 21st, although I start traveling on the 19th. I would appreciate it if someone would make sure it gets posted each day.




Rich I can take care of it if you like for most of the days.  tricky part will be April 18th on but I’m sure others wold help.


Just remind me how to get the maps please?




39 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

We have to take a ride today as DH has to go for a CT scan on his lungs; he's been noticing some red when he coughs, and although it might just be the result of the blood thinner he's on, the doctor thought it was better to err on the side of caution and get it checked out.  He's not normally up at this time of morning, but he got up to have some breakfast so he could take his morning medication, as he can't have anything to eat for at least 4 hours before the scan.  


Oh my heavens, Gerry, that sounds scary.  I am so glad he is getting it checked and pray that it is only due to the blood thinners 🙏 



27 minutes ago, summer slope said:

DH had a nasty reaction to the spikevax vaccine. Chills, 102 temp, throwing up, aches. I just have a tender spot where I got the shot. 


Yikes!  I hope he recovers quickly and feels much better fast 🤞 

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Good morning,

I am feeling great this morning. I can remove then bandage and shower this afternoon. My DGS will be over this morning. He is out of school and his parents are swamped with work. DGD preschool is open which is good as I don’t think I can handle both. 

I have no plans for tomorrow. I have been invited to several places but not really wanting to go anywhere. DS and family will be at her folks for the day. DS will be cooking a meal for us on Friday. 

Happy Birthday @1ANGELCAT  

I am sad to hear that Vanessa is still in so much pain. I really hope they can get her relief soon. Prayers the hostage exchange works. Prayers for those on the care list and others in need. Have a great day. 

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Happy Thanksgiving Eve!  My mother makes the cranberry sauce to go with our turkey.  She uses jello, apples and oranges along with the cranberries.  We all love it.  I wonder why we only have it once a year?  My grandmother always told me that my freckles were “angel kisses”.  I’m glad I don’t have to “go for a ride” today, to much traffic.  

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Cloudy and cool here, 52, going down into the 30's tonight.


If you remember several  months ago I complained about a childhood friend, who would call and complain all the time.  Mostly about his health, and when a doc would suggest a test, he would call everyone he knew to get their opinion, and then he did nothing.  If he saw a doc in the ER, he would refuse treatment because the doc "wasn't like him".  It drove me nuts, and I eventually stopped responding to him.   


Well somehow while I was gone, he found a doc, and decided to get those tests done.  Kidney cancer, which has spread.  I called our mutual friend who said yes it was true, and not one of his usual rants.  The "friend" blames the docs for not finding it.  Dont know how they could when he kept postponing the tests.  It is said that insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

I have been emailing him some of your great memes, and sending him messages.  Turns out he told our mutual friend that he hates getting texts and emails, and that I wasnt nice to him, because I wont call.  Even though I told him that I wasnt calling anyone but work people because of my current lung problems.  How did his wife stay with him as long as she did I will never know, but she has come home to take care of him.  Bless her.  His comments to my BFF did not inspire me to pick up the phone.


I did call one of my old bosses yesterday, who told me she had been laid off.  Not enough work for so many assistant managers.  I am glad I reached out to my current bosses, and am back to work, as non working employees would probably not be rehired either.  


One of my bosses texted me yesterday.  He had been assigned to listening to our calls to patrons. He said I did a fantastic job, and in his opInion was AWESOME!  I asked him if he could copy the comment, and let me hang it on the wall.  He said that he had mentioned it to the other bosses, that I should get something for being so great.  😸  LOL.  Told him, I would just staple my cell phone to my wall..

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Good morning everyone from an overcast, drizzly McMinnville OR.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  Great collection of days today, I love cranberry relish.  Wise quote, I like it.  The meal suggestion sounds tasty but I’ll pass on today’s drink. Haven’t been to today’s port but I’m enjoying the nice photos.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events like @angelcat Happy Birthday and @Nickelpenny Bon Voyage!

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36 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

And another camera shot of her.  Nice morning there (of course).



Our first cruise together was in 2007 on the Volendam and we got an upgrade offer to a Neptune. That experience has cost us a fortune and over 500 plus days of cruising and 285 days booked in future cruises. I think the Volendam started our cruising addiction.

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@1ANGELCAT Happy 70th Birthday!  I’m right behind you in a year and 7 months. Crazy because I don’t know how that happened!


Pennie @Nickelpenny, Bon Voyage!  Enjoy!


Linda @lindaler, Welcome Home!


@Heartgrove,  did you have any issues traveling through that fire area you mentioned a few days ago?


Nancy @ottahand7, I think it was you who mentioned that you had a hard time finding Wondra flour. I did too and finally bought it on Amazon. It is great for making gravy and use it for other things too. 

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, so good to know you both got home yesterday safely. 




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Happy Wednesday, prayers and good thoughts for all on the care list, especially everyone dealing with pain issues and war torn countries.  We like chili, but we use ground turkey.  The drink sounds interesting.  No freckles here, but getting those lovely age spots! Cranberry relish is done for tomorrow.  I use fresh cranberries, an orange, some sugar and spices.  My DH likes the stuff from the can, so we have that also.  The turkey is roasting and the stuffing will be next.  I'm cooking the gizzards, might try giving them to the pooch here, but he wasn't fond of them last year!  I think everything else is ready to go!  Bon Voyage to those traveling and Happy Birthday to @1ANGELCAT.

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, but we took a land tour to the Holy Land with a group from our church, led by one of our pastors.  My pictures look a lot like the ones posted yesterday.  

The sun is shining here, and it's supposed to get to around 40F, not bad for November.  

Someone mentioned getting sugar earlier...I read a headline that there may be a shortage coming soon...just in time for baking season...

Have a great day!  karen


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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

DH had a nasty reaction to the spikevax vaccine. Chills, 102 temp, throwing up, aches. I just have a tender spot where I got the shot. 


Dixie, very sorry to hear George has been so ill!  I wonder why it's hit him so hard?  Hoping he's feeling much better soon, especially with the holiday tomorrow.


I'm not sure where Gerry's @ger_77 post went in my multi-quote endeavor but I hope your DH is okay and it's nothing serious.  Good luck getting that CT scan taken care of and the results back quickly.


Also, sorry to hear Jack @Heartgrove has Covid.  It's a relief to hear it feels like nothing more than a cold.  Take care of yourself Jack!




1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!.    Thanks for the Daily reports @richwmn.   Freckles have made my make up routine twice as long covering up the masses of them that have run in together as my aging skin has thinned.   Cranberry relish is all prepared here and waiting for tomorrow.   I use bagged cranberries, orange marmalade, cinnamon and cloves.   No going for a ride today, final cooking today.  A wonderful quote by Elie Wiesel and so true now as hate and intolerance are rearing their ugly heads.  Thanks for the photos of today's port @StLouisCruisers.  I think when we are on the Eurodam I will start some long term planning on getting to Oceana.   I probably will have to break my rule of no long cruises before Christmas.  The photos were so beautiful and started me dreaming.  Pass on the drink, chili but I love Merlot, hope it isn't Naked. 

Vanessa continued prayers for some relief from your pain,  Thank you for continuing to keep our cares and celebrations lists.   Lenda and dear hubby, welcome to your winter home in your new motorhome, wishes for a winter of perfect weather.    Prayers for everyone in our group who are facing illness and trials,  Special thought to @smitty34877as your family celebrates Thanksgiving with an empty chair and memories of your DD DH.  Prayers that the hostage release goes according to plan and more work can continue to get them all released.    Prayers for those in war zones for no fault of their own,  Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.

Another beautiful sunrise here this morning but I stayed in bed with the news but now it has clouded up.   I will make most of the green bean casserole made with steamed haricot verts, finish the raspberry pie and do the prework on my appetizers to watch during the Lions game.   Thankfully all but one guest are football nuts, mostly Green Bay Packers fans.  I am making a new mashed sweet potato recipe with maple syrup and canned chipotle pepper adobo sauce.   To all who are traveling - safe travels with good weather all the way.   Nancy 


Nancy, you won't regret planning a cruise to New Zealand and hopefully you'll include Australia. I enjoyed every minute of my time spent in those locations.  I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!





57 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. Snow started last night but now turned to rain. My son is very organized and has an agenda for all of us today. DDIL is an MD and has a full day of work. His be plan us for production of apple pies and butterscotch custard.The other grandma makes great stuffing and pumpkin pies.DS brines the Turkey overnight.

I am glad to be here but keep expecting Lou to be sipingciffee with us at the table or reading in his favorite chair.. Today he feel very close by as silly as that sounds. It is a comfort of sorts. 
We are a very freckled family with quite a few redheads and will celebrate them. Vegetarian chili is a staple at our house.

I hope those traveling are careful today with the inclement weather especially around  here.

Lenda  @Quartzsite Cruiser, I am glad you are there and hope you get a chance to rest-both of you!


Terry, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your visit there in New Hampshire with family.  I have a feeling your Lou is watching over you all so no wonder you feel very close to him this trip.  Enjoy that Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow!




56 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone! 









Oh, I hope he recovers quickly!


We had a good night last night.  Sue and River were up early this morning, but I slept in. I would have slept longer, but I have a lot to do today.  I'm making the dressing/stuffing, a chocolate chip pecan pie, and an apple-cranberry dump cake.  I think that will be enough for now!  Today is the day I am most thankful.  I am thankful that I am retired and do not have to drive 300 miles after a full day of work so that I can have Thanksgiving with family.  I am even more thankful today that I don't have to travel anywhere and can host Thanksgiving in my own home.  


We had today's meal back in July, but now is a good time to review as we are in soup and stew season.  If you prefer your chili with meat like I do, just add some ground beef.  https://cookieandkate.com/vegetarian-chili-recipe/




Here's one for the slow cooker.  https://www.chewoutloud.com/the-best-vegetarian-chili-slow-cooker-or-stovetop-3/




And one for the instant pot.  https://pickyeaterblog.com/the-best-vegetarian-chili-ever/




I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Debbie, it sounds like you are having a great time with River, and I'm sure the family will love being at your home this holiday for a change.  Happy Thanksgiving to you all!




15 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Cloudy and cool here, 52, going down into the 30's tonight.


If you remember several  months ago I complained about a childhood friend, who would call and complain all the time.  Mostly about his health, and when a doc would suggest a test, he would call everyone he knew to get their opinion, and then he did nothing.  If he saw a doc in the ER, he would refuse treatment because the doc "wasn't like him".  It drove me nuts, and I eventually stopped responding to him.   


Well somehow while I was gone, he found a doc, and decided to get those tests done.  Kidney cancer, which has spread.  I called our mutual friend who said yes it was true, and not one of his usual rants.  The "friend" blames the docs for not finding it.  Dont know how they could when he kept postponing the tests.  It is said that insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

I have been emailing him some of your great memes, and sending him messages.  Turns out he told our mutual friend that he hates getting texts and emails, and that I wasnt nice to him, because I wont call.  Even though I told him that I wasnt calling anyone but work people because of my current lung problems.  How did his wife stay with him as long as she did I will never know, but she has come home to take care of him.  Bless her.  His comments to my BFF did not inspire me to pick up the phone.


I did call one of my old bosses yesterday, who told me she had been laid off.  Not enough work for so many assistant managers.  I am glad I reached out to my current bosses, and am back to work, as non working employees would probably not be rehired either.  


One of my bosses texted me yesterday.  He had been assigned to listening to our calls to patrons. He said I did a fantastic job, and in his opInion was AWESOME!  I asked him if he could copy the comment, and let me hang it on the wall.  He said that he had mentioned it to the other bosses, that I should get something for being so great.  😸  LOL.  Told him, I would just staple my cell phone to my wall..


Congrats on being rated AWESOME!  I don't blame you for wanting to hang that comment on the wall.  I'm sorry to hear about your old friend with kidney cancer.  I wish he'd done something before when he kept procrastinating.  Did you get your oxygen yet?  And how is Chuck feeling after that awful fall?  




4 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Our first cruise together was in 2007 on the Volendam and we got an upgrade offer to a Neptune. That experience has cost us a fortune and over 500 plus days of cruising and 285 days booked in future cruises. I think the Volendam started our cruising addiction.


I'm so glad I haven't been upgraded to a Neptune or we would be spoiled so rotten we could never cruise again in anything less.  And yup, it's a good way to spend the kids' inheritances.


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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Happy Birthday @1ANGELCAT.  Welcome home @Quartzsite Cruiser and @Heartgrove, but sorry about the Covid.  I'll pass on the first 2 days but does riding on a ship count?  I think I visited Tauranga just once, on Crystal Symphony in 2018.  Three great dates in history and I love the Wiesel quote.


I'll pass on the Chile.  My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, Beechers Macaroni and Cheese, and Apple Crumble Tart as served on MS Rotterdam Club Orange 2 days ago.


A very hot day in Montego Bay.  We're currently in the middle of the weekly crew drill.





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Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday!  It’s chilly and the high should be 74F. We were surprised to see that our pool was serviced already this morning when we let Blue out. He usually comes on Thursday but later in the morning and Blue goes crazy if he hears the noise from the wrought iron gate and fencing that are around the pool, sort of like the door bangers on BHB’s. Craig is getting ready for a follow up with the dentist after his dental surgery last week and is planning on running by TJ’s for another pumpkin pie and wine. They were out of Charles Shaw SB and pie on Monday. 

I am not going for a ride today but will celebrate cranberry relish and freckles. DGD has the cutest freckles. I’ll pass on the meal suggestion but I have made it before, but I used precut butternut squash and left it in chunks. I think it was a Pioneer Woman recipe. 

Dixie @summer slope, I hope your DH feels better soon. Crazy about having to have a wellness check but yay on the gift card. I hate that crazy Medicare form you have to fill out when you have a physical. 

@seagarsmoker, I’m late catching up with the Daily and just read the awful news about your job. Thinking of you and best wishes for finding something soon. 

Annie @marshhawk, I hope you are feeling better and get the oxygen soon. My DSIL uses oxygen at night as a result of her bout with covid July 2020 when she almost died. 

Have a great day everyone and enjoy prepping for Thanksgiving!


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33 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:


@Heartgrove,  did you have any issues traveling through that fire area you mentioned a few days ago?



Sharon, thanks for asking. No, we didn't have a problem because I guess they were able to contain it quickly. If not, it would have been about a sixty mile detour as the interstate and US highway both travel through the same gap in the mountain. 


- Jack

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