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Sunday November 26th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

It is chilly but sunny today. Nothing much planned. We are expecting rain this afternoon so hoping to get some outdoor decorations up. Took much of this week off so I have to get ready for the work week. 

The meal of the sounds delicious. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


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29 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is 33 heading for 50  later. It was 20 degrees in New Hampshire when I left yesterday morning. The snow had mostly melted. It was fun to watch the temperature climb as I traveled south. I had three different traffic jams to sit through in Connecticut. I thought of you Ann, @cat shepard as I drove through endless Connecticut! My DS thought your Massachusetts map was a hoot when I showed it to him.

It was good to get away and made me realize how tired I really was. I am a world class insomniac and that problem has become worse in the last two months. I helped with the cooking on Thanksgiving but they didn’t let me do anything else while I was there. @kazu, Jacqui, I sent my DS the dog and socks meme this morning. I am sure the grandchildren were tired of hearing about it but all of the adults were perseverating about watching the puppy. And picking up stuff he can get into. 

@rafinmd, Roy, I am glad you are getting seen today. I was concerned when you described having to rest while walking with the porter and your luggage upon debarking the ship.

@StLouisCruisersSandi, and Annie @marshhawk, the stomach issues sound serious to me. If they persist, please get checked out. I am a world class worrier too.

DD and DSIL had their work cut out for them last week as the aide had a GI problem and did not come for two days. It is challenging because Tana remains very short of breath even with the oxygen and her mobility is quite limited. The teenager told me that DSIL was the cook for the week and he used the outdoor grill a lot. He said he helped with meal prep and I told him I would need help today for the soup that has been requested. It is ribolleta which is one of his favorites. My recipe used the Instapot which he wanted to learn how to use. Yes!

We have not been to Indonesia and will pass on the cake. The recipe sounds interesting . Have a great day everyone.




I'm glad to hear you're back home safely and had an enjoyable visit up north.  The teenager's interest in cooking is great and I bet he ends up being quite a chef.  What a shame the aide was ill with the dratted GI issues while you were away.  DD and DSIL deserve a medal for handling it while still doing their jobs.  I worry about Tana.  Being short of breath is frightening especially when you have PF. 


 I promise if the condition I have persists I will make an appointment to be checked out.  Thank you for your concern!



17 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


And thanks JV for posting my upcoming cruise. How do you know these things? Are you some secret agent spying on me? Well it will be great to cruise again after being absent for over a year. We have been dealing with issues that stopped all cruising and hope they are all behind us! For those watching the boats leave next Sunday in PE, I will be wearing a bright red shirt to cover my redneck on my balcony, Deck 7, on the hump.


Now as far as the upcoming cruise, yours truly went shopping over Black Friday and got some great deals on clothing to show off on the boat. First I started at the Dollar Tree store but could not find a pair a pants for a $1.25; use to be a dollar. Then I went to Macys and hit gold.


First I bought a pair of designer pants just perfect for casual nites at the bars. They were Michael Coors!
Second I got a pair of designer pants for country club nite, Tommy “Don’t Give Me The” Hellfinger high priced pants, and they weren’t. 65% off.
And thirdly, the piece duh resistance, I bought a new suit by, Ralph Lauren. This of course is for formal nite but also to wear in the Casino. When I am playing blackjack and there are all those stacks of one dollar chips in front of me, while I am sipping a Diet Coke with an unlit nasty cigarette in my month, I expect the ladies to come up to me and ask, “Who are you?”, which I will reply, The name is Bob, RedneckBob”.


The only problem I had buying all the high end clothes was that Macys would not take my Bass Pro Shop credit card so I had to get a Macys card which resulted in another 25% off.


So happy to hear you were able to find all your designer "duds" for your cruise.  Good luck in the casino RNB!

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Good morning everyone.   Thanks for the Daily Reports.  We are still working our way through pie here so no cake.   The law is very important.   I will celebrate small wineries today, we are not beer drinkers.   A wonderful quote by Helen Keller.   Let's celebrate the first Thanksgiving while we still wade through our Thanksgiving leftovers.  Ours are going today.   Captain Cook really saw a lot of the world before his life ended there on his third visit to the islands.  I will pass on the chicken dish, we are having ground chuck burgers, pass on the cocktail and wine looks pretty good.   Thanks for researching these for us each day. 

Prayers for all on our care list and especially Roy, I hope you gets a good diagnosis when you visit the Urgent Care.    Thanks for the update on Baby Murphy @cruising sister.   Thanks for keeping these extensive lists for each day @JazzyV.  Prayers for all in war zones, especially Ukraine, the innocents in Gaza and the hostages waiting to come home.  

We were thrilled the competitive Michigan game with a Michigan win in the end.  It was a day full of good football and I think I watched three of them.   They kind of run in together with a lot of channel flipping.   I am going to finish the turkey soup I started Friday and also make chili to go in the freezer.   Have a lovely Sunday!    Go Ravens!    Nancy 

Edited by ottahand7
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Good morning, everyone!


We all slept in here.  It is a cold and threatening day here in mid-Michigan.  There is a forecast for snow today.  Only an inch here in Midland, but Sue has to take River home and they are supposed to get more.  We made the mistake of letting River have dump cake with ice cream last night and the sugar had her bouncing off the walls until quite late.  Next visit no dessert in the evening.  


@smitty34877 I'm glad you are safely home and that you had a relaxing week with your family.  On to giving cooking lessons.  I think of Tana daily.  I hope she can be kept comfortable.  


@StLouisCruisers I hope the tummy issues continue to improve.  What a pain right around the holidays.  


@rafinmd Please do get checked out and have them take a look at that foot as well.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser It sounds like you are settling in quite nicely in Quartzsite, but horrors to the depleted stock of wine and spirits.


@marshhawk Annie, I hope you continue to improve as well.  


@kazu I love the hedgehog!


@JazzyV I hope you got some sleep last night.  I woke up at 4 with hip pain and again at 5.  When I got up this morning both hips hurt until I was able to walk it out.  


Today's meal sounds good to me.  I'd throw some brussels sprouts on the sheet pan and have a great dinner!  We had something similar a while back but it was chicken and potatoes in a skillet.  I like the garlic in this dish.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/one-pan-garlic-roasted-chicken-and-baby-potatoes/




The green beans on this one look pretty good as well.  I'd eat them!  https://cafedelites.com/sheet-pan-garlic-herb-butter-chicken/




This last one has a mediterranean flair to it with the olives and feta cheese.  https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/garlic-butter-chicken-and-potatoes/




I hope this finds everyone well or improving.  Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Hello from New Jersey. We’re slow. Beginning a little recovery after the push for the move. I’m not caught up on posts but I did read Roy’s blog. 

We had grandkids here several days, they get a lot done. We’re grateful but need time in between to recover, although on our days off we did other chores- got first groceries, gas for car for Thanksgiving Day trip to my cousins, a security sticker for our car, new cell phone service and one cell phone replaced - a new phone is so frustrating!  Granddaughter helped with that. 

The holiday with my cousins was fun but tiring. The drive up, hour and a half, was gentle and I shared it with DH when his eyes were too itchy going up, and he was too tired coming back. We had a meaningful Remembrance for the cousin who died in October; with 2 of his 3 sons and their families with us. We were about 45 people!  Borrowed the fire station meeting hall!  It was perfect. I’m so glad I could be part of it all, closer to family. 

DH’s eyes have been pretty bad with the itching, very inflamed and sore. He did manage to get an appointment with a glaucoma specialist about half hour from us for this coming Thursday. Getting started. Surgery in Maryland is January 16. The granddaughter’s wedding trip to San Antonio is coming fast, we leave Dec 13. Lots coming up, we’re trying to pace ourselves. 

Yesterday was DH’s birthday, a quiet but special day together!  81. I made a favorite cake for him, a flourless chocolate cake!  


[RECIPE:  1 15 oz can drained chickpeas blenderized with 4 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, half tsp baking powder, tsp each vanilla and almond extract; combine with 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips melted;, pour all into pie plate sprayed with Pam, lined with waxed paper and sprayed again. Bake 350 40 mins. Turn out onto plate, gently peel off paper, coat with jam -raspberry, strawberry or orange work we’ll ; frost with 6oz chocolate chips melted and combined with half cup Greek yogurt or sour cream, 1/2 tsp each vanilla and almond extract.]


 It’s been a favorite recipe for 20 years. DH does not like any beans but blenderized with chocolate works!  

We’re trying to take it one day at a time but there is planning to do too. We’re tired, disoriented and I’ll admit I miss my connections I made in Maryland. But we’re here and it’ll work. Dinner on campus has been a godsend. Energy and sanity saving. Food is good, choices are plentiful. More about that another time. Will I settle in here and like it?  I sure hope so but I’m not thinking much ahead. 

Wont see the grandkids till after the wedding trip. The married couple is working this week, then on a cruise with his family for his parents’ 45th!  MSC out of Brooklyn. We’ll learn more!  

We’ll be going slow. Thanks for your continued support. Thank you Vanessa!  Blessings go out every day whether I post or not. Healing, Joy and Peace!  Life is Good!  So many suffering near and far need our support!  

I feel for Roy! I hope you find a cause with a solution!   I have to walk more here to get to dining, mail, front desk, etc and sometimes use the many chairs around for a rest. Hip has been difficult at times, other times better. We tried the hot tub once, I need to do the pool for hip exercises. Maybe today while DH watches football. I haven’t gotten up yet…. no hurries!  

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Happy belated birthday to your DH Maureen @RMLincoln!  Sounds like you are still busy settling in and I hope there aren't too many bumps in the road.  Good luck with your DH's upcoming doctor visit and surgery!  And I hope you all enjoy the DGD's wedding in a few weeks.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like cake, particularly carrot cake. Law is important. Several small breweries have started here; I've tried beer at a couple. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Jakarta. 2 good days in history.


It's chilly, but sunny for now; rain later. I had a bad night, with about 1-1/2 hours of sleep. I think I'll try to sleep downstairs in the recliner tonight. It can't be worse! BFF and I will be taking our UK friends to the airport this afternoon, for their trip home. The flight doesn't leave until evening, so we may go to eat or find something else to do to fill the time void.


@Haljo1935 Bon Voyage!

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you're able to eat, but sorry you still have some stomach discomfort. Feel better soon.

@rafinmd Roy, I'm concerned that you have such a lack of energy. Good idea to get checked out.

@cat shepard I looked for those shrimp on my last Aldi trip, but didn't see them. I'll keep looking. 

@Seasick Sailor No stomach issues for me, just the pinched nerve with leg pain and numbness (that's enough!). I think you meant Annie (Marshhawk). It sounds like you're having a great time onboard Rotterdam.

@kazu Cute hedgehog for Ivan.

@cruising sister Thanks for the update on Murphy. Continued prayers for her and the family.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Exciting getting the new HVAC tomorrow. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you made it home safely, and that the break was somewhat restful. I'm glad DD and DSIL were able to manage even with the aide out a couple of days. Good going on getting the teenager involved in meal preparation.

@RedneckBob You got me, I'm a secret agent 🕵️! I'm glad you're able to cruise again, and good job on the new wardrobe.

@RMLincoln Lots going on to get settled, so no wonder you're tired and need down days every so often. And it was nice you could be there for the Remembrance for your cousin. I'm sorry to hear that DH is having so much trouble with his eye; good that he could get an appointment for this week. Belated Happy Birthday to your DH Richard! And thanks for the cake recipe.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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18 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Hello from New Jersey. We’re slow. Beginning a little recovery after the push for the move. I’m not caught up on posts but I did read Roy’s blog. 

We had grandkids here several days, they get a lot done. We’re grateful but need time in between to recover, although on our days off we did other chores- got first groceries, gas for car for Thanksgiving Day trip to my cousins, a security sticker for our car, new cell phone service and one cell phone replaced - a new phone is so frustrating!  Granddaughter helped with that. 

The holiday with my cousins was fun but tiring. The drive up, hour and a half, was gentle and I shared it with DH when his eyes were too itchy going up, and he was too tired coming back. We had a meaningful Remembrance for the cousin who died in October; with 2 of his 3 sons and their families with us. We were about 45 people!  Borrowed the fire station meeting hall!  It was perfect. I’m so glad I could be part of it all, closer to family. 

DH’s eyes have been pretty bad with the itching, very inflamed and sore. He did manage to get an appointment with a glaucoma specialist about half hour from us for this coming Thursday. Getting started. Surgery in Maryland is January 16. The granddaughter’s wedding trip to San Antonio is coming fast, we leave Dec 13. Lots coming up, we’re trying to pace ourselves. 

Yesterday was DH’s birthday, a quiet but special day together!  81. I made a favorite cake for him, a flourless chocolate cake!  


[RECIPE:  1 15 oz can drained chickpeas blenderized with 4 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, half tsp baking powder, tsp each vanilla and almond extract; combine with 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips melted;, pour all into pie plate sprayed with Pam, lined with waxed paper and sprayed again. Bake 350 40 mins. Turn out onto plate, gently peel off paper, coat with jam -raspberry, strawberry or orange work we’ll ; frost with 6oz chocolate chips melted and combined with half cup Greek yogurt or sour cream, 1/2 tsp each vanilla and almond extract.]


 It’s been a favorite recipe for 20 years. DH does not like any beans but blenderized with chocolate works!  

We’re trying to take it one day at a time but there is planning to do too. We’re tired, disoriented and I’ll admit I miss my connections I made in Maryland. But we’re here and it’ll work. Dinner on campus has been a godsend. Energy and sanity saving. Food is good, choices are plentiful. More about that another time. Will I settle in here and like it?  I sure hope so but I’m not thinking much ahead. 

Wont see the grandkids till after the wedding trip. The married couple is working this week, then on a cruise with his family for his parents’ 45th!  MSC out of Brooklyn. We’ll learn more!  

We’ll be going slow. Thanks for your continued support. Thank you Vanessa!  Blessings go out every day whether I post or not. Healing, Joy and Peace!  Life is Good!  So many suffering near and far need our support!  

I feel for Roy! I hope you find a cause with a solution!   I have to walk more here to get to dining, mail, front desk, etc and sometimes use the many chairs around for a rest. Hip has been difficult at times, other times better. We tried the hot tub once, I need to do the pool for hip exercises. Maybe today while DH watches football. I haven’t gotten up yet…. no hurries!  


Maureen, I'm glad you are settling into your new place.  I suspect that once you are settled, you  will make new friends and connections.  A belated HAPPY 81 BIRTHDAY to your DH.  I hope he can get some relief for his eyes at his appointment Thursday.  Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family.


21 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


We all slept in here.  It is a cold and threatening day here in mid-Michigan.  There is a forecast for snow today.  Only an inch here in Midland, but Sue has to take River home and they are supposed to get more.  We made the mistake of letting River have dump cake with ice cream last night and the sugar had her bouncing off the walls until quite late.  Next visit no dessert in the evening.  


@smitty34877 I'm glad you are safely home and that you had a relaxing week with your family.  On to giving cooking lessons.  I think of Tana daily.  I hope she can be kept comfortable.  


@StLouisCruisers I hope the tummy issues continue to improve.  What a pain right around the holidays.  


@rafinmd Please do get checked out and have them take a look at that foot as well.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser It sounds like you are settling in quite nicely in Quartzsite, but horrors to the depleted stock of wine and spirits.


@marshhawk Annie, I hope you continue to improve as well.  


@kazu I love the hedgehog!


@JazzyV I hope you got some sleep last night.  I woke up at 4 with hip pain and again at 5.  When I got up this morning both hips hurt until I was able to walk it out.  


Today's meal sounds good to me.  I'd throw some brussels sprouts on the sheet pan and have a great dinner!  We had something similar a while back but it was chicken and potatoes in a skillet.  I like the garlic in this dish.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/one-pan-garlic-roasted-chicken-and-baby-potatoes/




The green beans on this one look pretty good as well.  I'd eat them!  https://cafedelites.com/sheet-pan-garlic-herb-butter-chicken/




This last one has a mediterranean flair to it with the olives and feta cheese.  https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/garlic-butter-chicken-and-potatoes/




I hope this finds everyone well or improving.  Wishing you all a wonderful day!



Debbie, with not being in Quartzsite last year, it is taking a bit longer to settle in.  Thanksgiving and Christmas decorating were nice, but did slow things down a bit.  Also, I'm taking it a little slower this year after the hectic two weeks getting things out of the old motorhome, sorted and either stored or put in the new motorhome.  Never fear, we have enough wine and gin (DH) to last until I make it to the store tomorrow.  That is one thing I planned very carefully before we left Texas.


6 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like cake, particularly carrot cake. Law is important. Several small breweries have started here; I've tried beer at a couple. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Jakarta. 2 good days in history.


It's chilly, but sunny for now; rain later. I had a bad night, with about 1-1/2 hours of sleep. I think I'll try to sleep downstairs in the recliner tonight. It can't be worse! BFF and I will be taking our UK friends to the airport this afternoon, for their trip home. The flight doesn't leave until evening, so we may go to eat or find something else to do to fill the time void.


@Haljo1935 Bon Voyage!

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you're able to eat, but sorry you still have some stomach discomfort. Feel better soon.

@rafinmd Roy, I'm concerned that you have such a lack of energy. Good idea to get checked out.

@cat shepard I looked for those shrimp on my last Aldi trip, but didn't see them. I'll keep looking. 

@Seasick Sailor No stomach issues for me, just the pinched nerve with leg pain and numbness (that's enough!). I think you meant Annie (Marshhawk). It sounds like you're having a great time onboard Rotterdam.

@kazu Cute hedgehog for Ivan.

@cruising sister Thanks for the update on Murphy. Continued prayers for her and the family.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Exciting getting the new HVAC tomorrow. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you made it home safely, and that the break was somewhat restful. I'm glad DD and DSIL were able to manage even with the aide out a couple of days. Good going on getting the teenager involved in meal preparation.

@RedneckBob You got me, I'm a secret agent 🕵️! I'm glad you're able to cruise again, and good job on the new wardrobe.

@RMLincoln Lots going on to get settled, so no wonder you're tired and need down days every so often. And it was nice you could be there for the Remembrance for your cousin. I'm sorry to hear that DH is having so much trouble with his eye; good that he could get an appointment for this week. Belated Happy Birthday to your DH Richard! And thanks for the cake recipe.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry you are still having so much trouble sleeping.  I hope sleeping in the recliner lets you get more sleep.  Not having to climb the stairs before bedtime might help, too.  Wishing your UK friends a safe flight home tonight.



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9 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like cake, particularly carrot cake. Law is important. Several small breweries have started here; I've tried beer at a couple. Good quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Jakarta. 2 good days in history.


It's chilly, but sunny for now; rain later. I had a bad night, with about 1-1/2 hours of sleep. I think I'll try to sleep downstairs in the recliner tonight. It can't be worse! BFF and I will be taking our UK friends to the airport this afternoon, for their trip home. The flight doesn't leave until evening, so we may go to eat or find something else to do to fill the time void.


@Haljo1935 Bon Voyage!

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad you're able to eat, but sorry you still have some stomach discomfort. Feel better soon.

@rafinmd Roy, I'm concerned that you have such a lack of energy. Good idea to get checked out.

@cat shepard I looked for those shrimp on my last Aldi trip, but didn't see them. I'll keep looking. 

@Seasick Sailor No stomach issues for me, just the pinched nerve with leg pain and numbness (that's enough!). I think you meant Annie (Marshhawk). It sounds like you're having a great time onboard Rotterdam.

@kazu Cute hedgehog for Ivan.

@cruising sister Thanks for the update on Murphy. Continued prayers for her and the family.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Exciting getting the new HVAC tomorrow. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you made it home safely, and that the break was somewhat restful. I'm glad DD and DSIL were able to manage even with the aide out a couple of days. Good going on getting the teenager involved in meal preparation.

@RedneckBob You got me, I'm a secret agent 🕵️! I'm glad you're able to cruise again, and good job on the new wardrobe.

@RMLincoln Lots going on to get settled, so no wonder you're tired and need down days every so often. And it was nice you could be there for the Remembrance for your cousin. I'm sorry to hear that DH is having so much trouble with his eye; good that he could get an appointment for this week. Belated Happy Birthday to your DH Richard! And thanks for the cake recipe.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Thanks JV.  Since I’m 007 you can be 007-1/2

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I'm glad to hear you're back home safely and had an enjoyable visit up north.  The teenager's interest in cooking is great and I bet he ends up being quite a chef.  What a shame the aide was ill with the dratted GI issues while you were away.  DD and DSIL deserve a medal for handling it while still doing their jobs.  I worry about Tana.  Being short of breath is frightening especially when you have PF. 


 I promise if the condition I have persists I will make an appointment to be checked out.  Thank you for your concern!




So happy to hear you were able to find all your designer "duds" for your cruise.  Good luck in the casino RNB!

Thanks SLC. I admit there were great deals and few people shopping. I guess on line shopping is more fashionable, but not for me. 

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A great message at church this morning. It’s going to be raining most of the day. Radar shows rain for a long time to come. A nice slow soaking rain. Just what we desperately need.

Susan’s niece and husband will be passing by this morning and will stop for a short visit. We’ll take them to lunch if their time allows.
We broke down and did put up some Christmas decorations but very few and can take down and stow in probably 20 minutes. No tree.

Have a great day and for those in South East stay dry.

How large are cruise ship getting? Well this one is over the top! Bruce





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Good afternoon and thank you for today's daily reports.

We have just arrived home after a 14 night cruise visiting


Gran canaria.




La Corunna.

I'm sorry I couldn't say anything during the cruise but I appreciate you all know why.

Fred Olsen Borealis formerly

MS Rotterdam was in Madeira.





Edited by grapau27
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Thank you Graham @grapau27 for showing us all your travel, food and former HAL ship photos from your cruise!  I'm glad you are both home safe from your journey and it certainly looks like you had a great time.  And thanks also for Father David's sermon.  I've already watched it so please send our thanks to him for making a video of his sermon each week.  Welcome home to you and Pauline!

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12 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thank you Graham @grapau27 for showing us all your travel, food and former HAL ship photos from your cruise!  I'm glad you are both home safe from your journey and it certainly looks like you had a great time.  And thanks also for Father David's sermon.  I've already watched it so please send our thanks to him for making a video of his sermon each week.  Welcome home to you and Pauline!

Thank you so much Sandi for your kind words.

I hope you are feeling a lot better now.

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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and DIxie.  I'll celebrate Cake Day and Law Day.  I like the Keller quote.  I think I was in Jakarta on Crystal Serenity in 2014 but will check some other time.


I will certainly celebrate the first Thanksgiving.  The meal sounds nice.  My alternative is a custom lido omelet (ham only) my final meal on MS Rotterdam.




I am quite concerned about my dropping energy levels and think I'll start the day at the local urgent care.




Take care Roy and I hope your energy levels improve.

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Good morning, 


It's a frosty and clear day here in the Pacific Northwest. We've had quite a string of these days and no rain forecasted until Friday. This morning it's 22F on the front porch and the predicted high is 47. 

I had a lovely Thanksgiving with DDIL's family at the place they rented. It was an afternoon of easy conversation and good food so what more can you ask for? On Black Friday I was one of those out shopping. I was at Fred Meyer before 8:00 AM and got the items on my list so that was good. Yesterday was a quick stop at Costco for the Cranberry Walnut bread (2 loaves to slice and freeze) and it wasn't that busy which surprised me. Today is staying home, rearranging the living room and getting the tree up and the lights on. If I get further than that I'll be happy.


Have a lovely Sunday!


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I'm not sure what an International Cake would be. There are a number of small breweries near me, but I'm not a frequent customer.


The meal would be OK with me but I'm more likely to have fish. The drink would be OK, too, but drinks formulated to sell a specific brand of liquor annoy me. Cheaper Bourbon would probably be indistinguishable in this one; I'd drink the Maker's Mark by itself. For a Pinot Noir, Element 2012 is legendary and still available, at a price. I haven't been to Jakarta.


@grapau27 Graham, I am envious. The Oosterdam went to Gran Canaria and Tenerife instead of Lisbon and Madeira.


I'm thinking again about packing for the January cruise. It's on the Anthem of the Seas, 11 days with 2 days in NYC before. HAL's laundry service was incredibly convenient, but RCI doesn't offer laundry packages and, unless there's a mid-cruise special, it's all by the piece -- and anyway, RCI's laundry gets bad reviews -- so I'll be doing hand laundry, which means focusing on clothing that isn't too difficult to wash in a sink. 


But before that I have to finish a presentation for class on Thursday, and before that a lesson Isaiah to teach on Monday evening.






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