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Wednesday December 13th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good chilly evening, I hope everyone has had a good day. It’s supposed to be warmer on Friday and Saturday but then storms are coming Sunday and Monday. 
    @grapau27Happy Anniversary and thanks for all your kind words since you joined us. 
I ask for prayers for my friend Lynda as her husband Bill is nearing the end of his earthly journey. 🙏❤️

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.



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@Cruising-along and @durangoscots, my luggage goes out tomorrow too. Very exciting to me that I finally got that part done!


I clicked on the link that said I will bring my luggage to my local UPS store. That way I don't have to wait all day for them. I will be out during the times and with all of the porch pirates now, I felt it was the best decision for me. We have not had issues in my neighborhood but don't want to be the first!

My horror would be getting to San Diego with no luggage!  My pick up times were from 1-5pm.

I only have 2 pieces of luggage for PU, so no issues for the drop off. Our weather is supposed to be good to.


Have a good evening all. Hope all sleep well tonight. 😴


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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

@rafinmd glad the cardiologist went well!  



My condolences to @StLouisCruisers

Love banoffee pie!   If you get to Ireland treat yourself! 

Fun hearing about all the packing!  



Thank you Brenda.




39 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good chilly evening, I hope everyone has had a good day. It’s supposed to be warmer on Friday and Saturday but then storms are coming Sunday and Monday. 
    @grapau27Happy Anniversary and thanks for all your kind words since you joined us. 
I ask for prayers for my friend Lynda as her husband Bill is nearing the end of his earthly journey. 🙏❤️

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.




I'm so sorry to hear your friend Lynda's DH Bill is nearing the end.  Prayers for them both. 

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43 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

I ask for prayers for my friend Lynda as her husband Bill is nearing the end of his earthly journey. 🙏❤️


Prayers for Lynda and her husband 🙏 



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Good evening.  I think about half the cookies are finished, and the ones that are left are the easier ones to do with the exception of one.  I wasn't sure about changing the way I've done the cookies for more years than I wanted to admit, but by doing a few different cookies, and getting them completed seems to work well.  I think it is knowing they are finished and not half done like all the rest.  Seeing the number of cookies that are left to decorate dwindle is encouraging.  I should finish easily tomorrow and be able to get the ones that need mailing sent off Friday.


3 hours ago, Niagarawine said:

Good afternoon from cool and sunny Hamilton Ontario. Hope everyone is well.we are getting ready for Christmas here and it has been unseasonably warm. Suffering from post cruise depression. Have to make my own breakfast and there’s no Ardy to tidy up my dishes. He was great. My father in law has been in hospital since last week with Covid so we are busy with visits. He wants to leave the hospital lol. 
I love the Amaryllis plant, so pretty. 


Sorry about the post cruise depression, but it's the price we pay to cruise.  I'm sorry your father is in the hospital with covid.  Sending positive thoughts for a quick and complete recovery.


2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Sorry I hit quote I didn't intend to.  John took a covid test and he was negative. At least he is sitting in his easy chair by instead of sleeping.   I got three batches of cookies completed and only need to do fruit bars tomorrow then I can plate them up and deliver them Friday. Using three brand new recipes pulled off the Internet they all turned out great.

My blood work came back and my low red blood cells have continued to drop from my test in April. I need another trip to PCP office for them to draw blood for B12 and Folate, probably on Friday, thankfully the results come back quickly. 


Nancy, that is good news that John tested negative.  I'm sorry your bloodwork results were less than what you wanted.  I hope after the bloodwork Friday your PCP will be able to help.


5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Talked to my handyman who also plows my driveway. He will see it is done early morning if needed, but he also says he will come get my luggage tomorrow if need be and get it out to drop-off. Getting up to have it out by 6 is not a problem.... I am usually up about 5:30 and will set the alarm. Actually will haul it down the stairs to just inside the front door tonight - then I don's have to wake my downstairs neighbor bumping down the steps before dawn. It will be what it will be I guess. I guess they are responsible if they fail to pick it up, but I don't want to find out. Living in Durango can get pretty interesting sometimes.... we seem to march to a different drummer.




Susan, I'm happy your handyman is willing to take your luggage to the drop off point if needed.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good afternoon everyone,

I was able to get out in the garden and do a lot of clean-up.  Kind of silly, I know, since there will be storms making a mess this winter while we're gone, but I feel better knowing it looks good before we leave. And it just felt good to be doing something outside after all the rain we've had.


Meanwhile, DH has gotten all the bags and one box all ready for Luggage Forward tomorrow.  I doubt they'll show up at 10, probably more likely 5 after we've sat home all day.  But that feels good too, to have everything ready to go.  


Roy @rafinmd I'm happy you got a good report from the cardiologist!  

Susan @durangoscots That's great that your handyman is helping out and being extra "handy"!  Yay!

Maureen @RMLincoln Safe travels

@Niagarawine I'm sorry your father in law is in the hospital with Covid.  Prayers for a full recovery.





Carolyn, I understand wanting the yard to look good before you leave.  I'm the same way, and also want the house clean and the laundry done.  This year when we left for Arizona, I didn't have time to put the weed killer down, and the weeds were still growing.  I think I'll have my work cut out for me next spring.  Glad your DH got all the luggage and box ready to be picked up.


1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good chilly evening, I hope everyone has had a good day. It’s supposed to be warmer on Friday and Saturday but then storms are coming Sunday and Monday. 
    @grapau27Happy Anniversary and thanks for all your kind words since you joined us. 
I ask for prayers for my friend Lynda as her husband Bill is nearing the end of his earthly journey. 🙏❤️

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.




Sending positive thoughts for strength for your friend Lynda during the difficult time, and for her husband Bill's last days to be comfortable, pain free and for him to be at peace.  Also, strength for you so you can help Lynda.




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Noordam is having a sea day off the Otago coast, is  now near Oamaru.  Sad that Noordam unable to berth today.

Supermarket this morning, then out for lunch....... restaurant was very busy with several groups out for pre Christmas  celebrations.

@rafinmd thanks for the update at your cardiology appointment.

Best wishes to all on the Care List.

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I had just finished catching up with reading the daily this  morning, and had switched over to my jackie lawson advent calendar game, and all of a sudden there was a huge POP, and the power went out.  DH had just gotten up so I nagged him to call the power company.  The power company acknowledged that there was a power outage.  It would be fixed by 2.


But it wasnt the power from a transformer, ( I was expecting to go outside and find another fried squirrel) but it was the cell tower about a half mile from the house, and when the power went, so did the phones.  Our cell phones.  After DH made the call, we had nothing.  We could get messages, but we couldn't send our bosses messages. And it got fixed quickly, power was back on by 11:55.  Which is good, because it was still in the low 30s outside and was not warm at all inside.  I lit some candles, for cheer, and the two fur boys cuddled up  with me.  Not next to each other, but one on each side.


The thought of packing is the last thing I want to do.  I got an email from our local clothing charity and they are looking for clothing donations.  That I can do.  Once the drawers get full, it's time to give away. and right now, I am having to stuff things in the drawers.


Otto by the way kills me when I am trying to text.  I've learned to keep it as direct and simple as possible.  And then I see that it does the same to my bosses, so enh.


One of my bosses never proof reads before hitting the send, he sent us two weeks ago our SHIFT SCHEDULE and left the F out.  Which also fit our schedule.


Have a great evening, I hope that @RMLincolngot to Texas safely.  @1ANGELCATI am thinking of your friend and sending prayers to my higher power for her.


And now for my weird question of the day..  I have been seeing on the news, and the googly news that there is a new variant of covid.  How do the tests know what to test for, when covid does it's own thing in order to survive.  And if we all isolated again, how can it survive, if we dont give it new hosts to live off of......You know I wont sleep well tonight..................

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Good evening.

We are home safe and sound.  

We made a stop at Costco and Total Wine in Jacksonville before we got on our way.

We finally got home about 3:45 this afternoon. We had to stop and pick up some milk, bread, OJ and some prescriptions.  Just did not want to go out again.  

We had leftovers from our two nights of eating out so we ate one of those dinners.  It was great that I did not have to cook.  I am tired.


I did get the results of the leg biopsies.  Both lesions on each leg are squamous cell carcinoma.  I just was able to pull up the results on the patient portal at 5 pm this evening.  No phone call, no nothing.  This is not what I expect from the Mayo Clinic.  It takes 2 1/2 hours for us to get there.  I have always felt that the care I received there was excellent, but I must say that this time i was disillusioned. In Dermatology i was seen by a Resident who made the wrong call and said that the lesions were not concerning.  However, I insisted on biopsies.  The supervising doctor did not dispute my request.  i was right in my request.  i will call tomorrow to find out the next steps.  However, someone should have called me.


My headache is somewhat better but not all gone.  i have to get in touch with my Primary Doc tomorrow to report on the increased dosage of Prednisone.  For those of you who are not familiar with PMR, if it is not controlled, it can lead to Temporal Arteritis (Giant Cell Arteritis).  This is serious and can lead to stroke or blindness.  I don’t want either.  So controlling this thing is of utmost importance to me.  


Sorry for dumping on you all, but I really have no one else.  Right now it is better that I leave Jim out of this.  


Tomorrow he has a dentist appointment and then on Monday he has an MRI of the brain.  It is a very busy time for us medically.  


i have not yet read the posts.  Will do so tomorrow.  It is time for bed.

Good night and God Bless,


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I’m in bed in Texas!  It’s been a long tiring day but most everything went well, just a bit of frustration circling the airport trying to find the economy parking lot- they moved the entrance and didn’t tell google apparently. But we had plenty of contingency!  Flights were full but we had room for us and our carryons. Had enough snacks plus picked up a wrap in Orlando that wound up being supper. Had a nice visit with DH’s done and his wife tonight, staying at same hotel. Our plan for tomorrow is breakfast with them, then a visit with my old friend who lost his wife in September… they’ve been a cornerstone in my life for nearly 40 years. I’ll him a panettone!  We’ll have a sweet visit. 

Wow Terri @Cruzin Terri I’m so glad you pressed for the biopsies. Now you can address this and get on to the other issues. Glad you’re home!  

Sorry for your loss Sandi. 
And Jacqui, and @1ANGELCAT .  Being with a loved one at the end of their life is a privilege. 
Susan, glad you’re getting help. My mountain community was like that, we looked after each other. 

Good night all!  Or good day! 

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We had two of the gingerbread cookies for dessert tonight.  They were very moist and tasty.  As for looks, they were what I called the walking wounded.  There was a slight mishap yesterday when I was taking one pan out of the oven and putting another in.  Somehow, the two pans hit each other and four done cookies were knocked off the pan.  Two had an arm broken off which I "glued" backon with the icing.  The other two broke in half besides having an arm broken off.  I glued them back together rhe best I could.  No pretty, but tasty.


1 hour ago, superoma said:

Otto lives with me. I will tell him to stop lol!


Otto seems to also live in my phone.  When I correct him, he still changes the word back to what he wants.  This can go on for two or three rounds.  That's why he's turnednoffnon my computer.


1 minute ago, marshhawk said:

I had just finished catching up with reading the daily this  morning, and had switched over to my jackie lawson advent calendar game, and all of a sudden there was a huge POP, and the power went out.  DH had just gotten up so I nagged him to call the power company.  The power company acknowledged that there was a power outage.  It would be fixed by 2.


But it wasnt the power from a transformer, ( I was expecting to go outside and find another fried squirrel) but it was the cell tower about a half mile from the house, and when the power went, so did the phones.  Our cell phones.  After DH made the call, we had nothing.  We could get messages, but we couldn't send our bosses messages. And it got fixed quickly, power was back on by 11:55.  Which is good, because it was still in the low 30s outside and was not warm at all inside.  I lit some candles, for cheer, and the two fur boys cuddled up  with me.  Not next to each other, but one on each side.


The thought of packing is the last thing I want to do.  I got an email from our local clothing charity and they are looking for clothing donations.  That I can do.  Once the drawers get full, it's time to give away. and right now, I am having to stuff things in the drawers.


Otto by the way kills me when I am trying to text.  I've learned to keep it as direct and simple as possible.  And then I see that it does the same to my bosses, so enh.


One of my bosses never proof reads before hitting the send, he sent us two weeks ago our SHIFT SCHEDULE and left the F out.  Which also fit our schedule.


Have a great evening, I hope that @RMLincolngot to Texas safely.  @1ANGELCATI am thinking of your friend and sending prayers to my higher power for her.


And now for my weird question of the day..  I have been seeing on the news, and the googly news that there is a new variant of covid.  How do the tests know what to test for, when covid does it's own thing in order to survive.  And if we all isolated again, how can it survive, if we dont give it new hosts to live off of......You know I wont sleep well tonight..................


Annie, I laughed about the Shift Schedule.  Once when giving younger daughter a prectice spelling test she left the r out of shirt.  Glad that wasn't the real test.   That is why Sam Houston Institute of Technology quickly chnaged its name to Sam Houston State University.


Just now, RMLincoln said:

I’m in bed in Texas!  It’s been a long tiring day but most everything went well, just a bit of frustration circling the airport trying to find the economy parking lot- they moved the entrance and didn’t tell google apparently. But we had plenty of contingency!  Flights were full but we had room for us and our carryons. Had enough snacks plus picked up a wrap in Orlando that wound up being supper. Had a nice visit with DH’s done and his wife tonight, staying at same hotel. Our plan for tomorrow is breakfast with them, then a visit with my old friend who lost his wife in September… they’ve been a cornerstone in my life for nearly 40 years. I’ll him a panettone!  We’ll have a sweet visit. 

Wow Terri @Cruzin Terri I’m so glad you pressed for the biopsies. Now you can address this and get on to the other issues. Glad you’re home!  

Sorry for your loss Sandi. 
And Jacqui, and @1ANGELCAT .  Being with a loved one at the end of their life is a privilege. 
Susan, glad you’re getting help. My mountain community was like that, we looked after each other. 

Good night all!  Or good day! 


Maureen, I'm glad you arrived safely in San Antonio and had a nice visit with your DH's son and DDIL.  Enjoy your visit with your friend tomorrow.


Just now, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening.

We are home safe and sound.  

We made a stop at Costco and Total Wine in Jacksonville before we got on our way.

We finally got home about 3:45 this afternoon. We had to stop and pick up some milk, bread, OJ and some prescriptions.  Just did not want to go out again.  

We had leftovers from our two nights of eating out so we ate one of those dinners.  It was great that I did not have to cook.  I am tired.


I did get the results of the leg biopsies.  Both lesions on each leg are squamous cell carcinoma.  I just was able to pull up the results on the patient portal at 5 pm this evening.  No phone call, no nothing.  This is not what I expect from the Mayo Clinic.  It takes 2 1/2 hours for us to get there.  I have always felt that the care I received there was excellent, but I must say that this time i was disillusioned. In Dermatology i was seen by a Resident who made the wrong call and said that the lesions were not concerning.  However, I insisted on biopsies.  The supervising doctor did not dispute my request.  i was right in my request.  i will call tomorrow to find out the next steps.  However, someone should have called me.


My headache is somewhat better but not all gone.  i have to get in touch with my Primary Doc tomorrow to report on the increased dosage of Prednisone.  For those of you who are not familiar with PMR, if it is not controlled, it can lead to Temporal Arteritis (Giant Cell Arteritis).  This is serious and can lead to stroke or blindness.  I don’t want either.  So controlling this thing is of utmost importance to me.  


Sorry for dumping on you all, but I really have no one else.  Right now it is better that I leave Jim out of this.  


Tomorrow he has a dentist appointment and then on Monday he has an MRI of the brain.  It is a very busy time for us medically.  


i have not yet read the posts.  Will do so tomorrow.  It is time for bed.

Good night and God Bless,



Terri, glad you’re home safely.  I'm sorry about the biopsy results.  I hopr you cwn get it removed quickly.



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7 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good chilly evening, I hope everyone has had a good day. It’s supposed to be warmer on Friday and Saturday but then storms are coming Sunday and Monday. 
    @grapau27Happy Anniversary and thanks for all your kind words since you joined us. 
I ask for prayers for my friend Lynda as her husband Bill is nearing the end of his earthly journey. 🙏❤️

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.




Thank you for your nice words.

I'm sorry to hear your dear friend Lynda's husband Bill is nearing the end of his earthly journey.

Sending prayers for a peaceful passing for Bill into heaven and the afterlife.

Graham x


Edited by grapau27
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6 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening.

We are home safe and sound.  

We made a stop at Costco and Total Wine in Jacksonville before we got on our way.

We finally got home about 3:45 this afternoon. We had to stop and pick up some milk, bread, OJ and some prescriptions.  Just did not want to go out again.  

We had leftovers from our two nights of eating out so we ate one of those dinners.  It was great that I did not have to cook.  I am tired.


I did get the results of the leg biopsies.  Both lesions on each leg are squamous cell carcinoma.  I just was able to pull up the results on the patient portal at 5 pm this evening.  No phone call, no nothing.  This is not what I expect from the Mayo Clinic.  It takes 2 1/2 hours for us to get there.  I have always felt that the care I received there was excellent, but I must say that this time i was disillusioned. In Dermatology i was seen by a Resident who made the wrong call and said that the lesions were not concerning.  However, I insisted on biopsies.  The supervising doctor did not dispute my request.  i was right in my request.  i will call tomorrow to find out the next steps.  However, someone should have called me.


My headache is somewhat better but not all gone.  i have to get in touch with my Primary Doc tomorrow to report on the increased dosage of Prednisone.  For those of you who are not familiar with PMR, if it is not controlled, it can lead to Temporal Arteritis (Giant Cell Arteritis).  This is serious and can lead to stroke or blindness.  I don’t want either.  So controlling this thing is of utmost importance to me.  


Sorry for dumping on you all, but I really have no one else.  Right now it is better that I leave Jim out of this.  


Tomorrow he has a dentist appointment and then on Monday he has an MRI of the brain.  It is a very busy time for us medically.  


i have not yet read the posts.  Will do so tomorrow.  It is time for bed.

Good night and God Bless,



Wow, Terri!  I’m glad you pushed for the biopsies.


You’ve got a lot on your plate.  Glad you are home safely.


Best wishes for Jim’s appointments - especially his MRi. 

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@Cruzin Terri yikes on the biopsies,  glad you insisted!  I can relate as I found both my DHs melanomas.   Good news is squamous is easily treatable if caught early,  I had to have another excision after the biopsy when I had one,  but all is good now.   Praying yours is easy to deal with.  Sorry you have so much right now! 

I am chuckling about Otto, but at times i could wring his neck!  

so happy I can actually still comment! 

Edited by bennybear
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