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Wednesday, December 20th - The Fleet Report and the Daily


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3 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cold morning. It’s a sad morning in the Philadelphia area. The news helicopter from Channel 6 WPVI crashed in a wooded area in southern NJ last evening. The pilot and photographer did not survive. 💔🙏


Very sad news indeed.

Prayers 🙏 and condolences to the family and friends of the bereaved.

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Interesting collection of days - I like carolers but do not participate myself (nobody needs to hear that), quote is true, yes to the meal and wine, pass on the drink, not been to the port, important day in history. 

PT, work and flight ✈️ today. Checked in for flight, but will check again for an upgrade.

Currently 46° headed to 68° today.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily; thank you @kazu for filling in for Rich while he's away exploring the world on a BHB!  I remember going out caroling with friends as a child, all bundled up with songbooks in hand that were borrowed from school.  Mmmmm sangria, a great summertime drink - I think while we were in Barcelona, I drank enough that if I had to give a blood sample, it would have come out as sangria.  Definitely celebrating Sacagawea today - a brave, strong woman.


Well last night was fun - we met DH's kids (DS, DD and her DH) at a restaurant where we had a great dinner and then drove about 15 miles out of the city to the casino.  DH and I sat down side by side at the penny slots and he promptly ran out of money ($20).  On the other hand, mine seemed to be the hot seat, as I kept going and going and going.  Suffice to say, I won a good amount of holiday money for us!  Unfortunately, the rest of the family didn't do well at all, but that's how it usually goes for me as well.  I think it was just my lucky day.


Today it's clean up and pack up to get ready for the trek to Calgary tomorrow.  It usually takes us about 8 hours - that includes stops along the way for yarn from one small town, and a few hours later just to get a coffee and stretch our legs.   I'll have to run out to make sure there's enough food for Sochi - our lovely neighbour will be coming in twice a day to feed her while we're gone.


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white wine, but look forward to today's recipe.  For us however, it'll be leftovers from last night's dinner, as the portions were huge.  We'll be enjoying reheated dry ribs and Caesar salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and who just need to know others care.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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20 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cold morning. It’s a sad morning in the Philadelphia area. The news helicopter from Channel 6 WPVI crashed in a wooded area in southern NJ last evening. The pilot and photographer did not survive. 💔🙏


Oh goodness - prayers for their families and the community. 🙏

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26 minutes ago, GlennG said:

I don't really follow "The Fleet Report and Daily", but I noted that Kazu has started today's thread.  I follow Kazu, as I find her contributions to this Board to be relevant and useful in my personal circumstances.  Thank you, Kazu, for being a wonderful source of relevant information.  Please know that your contributions are really appreciated.


Welcome to the Daily and oh my heavens and thank you for your very kind words.  ☺️  



20 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

 DH going for his cognative Test at noon.  Then we see the Neurologist on January 11.

On another note, I was notified from the Mayo Clinic that there was an earlier appointment for my Dermatology procedure. So instead of Feb. 27, I will now have it done on January 9.  


Best wishes for Jim’s test today and his appointment with the neurologist. 🤞 


Great news that  you were able to get your procedure moved up to early January. 👍 



16 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cold morning. It’s a sad morning in the Philadelphia area. The news helicopter from Channel 6 WPVI crashed in a wooded area in southern NJ last evening. The pilot and photographer did not survive. 💔🙏



Such very sad news.  My prayers for the 2 lost lives & for their families 🙏 

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Good morning on a chilly but sunny day. It was 28 earlier and will reach 40 later. I will celebrate Sacajawea but someone else should have my sangria. I have not been to the port and the recipe sounds good.

@cat shepard, @Seasick Sailor I thank you so much for the kindness and caring. As @kazu said earlier, it is a difficult time of the year for so many reasons. I so appreciate all of you here as I negotiate this new phase of life. I never knew that I had so many tears.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I sure hope that the proper surgeon can be found. Honestly, I despair about the state,of the medical industrial complex and ridiculous insurance companies. I am really worried about the level of pain you are enduring.


We are lurching along here and trying to make the holiday a good one for everyone. Our teenager needed assistance to pick out jewelry for his girlfriend and was anxious to show us the things he selected. It has to be hard for him to have so many adults in his life with opinions!


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36 minutes ago, kazu said:




Good timing on you posting this - I shared it w/my family as we celebrate a new member and remember the ones who are no longer with us; it is bittersweet when the empty seat is filled.💔❤️

Hugs and prayers 🙏 for you - you will be as strong as you need to be.

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So sad to hear about the crash outside of Philadelphia.  @JazzyV I hope you can get approval from your insurance company to see the only doctor that does this procedure.  

 @Cruzin Terri - I am glad to hear you are feeling better and have an earlier appointment. I hope all your DH's procedures go well.

@ger_77 safe travels tomorrow.  


It sounds like everyone is busy baking and writing Christmas cards.  We don't do the latter, and I will be baking when my grandkids come to visit. They love to help and it is one of the fun activities we do together.  We make quite the mess and so far I haven't gotten them to participate in the clean up part of baking.


We are hoping they will arrive tomorrow night but both were sick with fever yesterday. Today so far no fever and the antibiotics seem to be working.  


Our weather this winter has been back to the more normal Florida winter- not the heat we have had in the last winter. I like the cooler weather much better but not the awful rain and wind storm we had over the past weekend.


I don't have much on the agenda, except work and some errands.  


Bon Voyage to all of those enjoying cruises or heading to cruises.  



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Greetings from the Atlanta Airport. I made it thru security again so now I have a bit over an hour before boarding the flight to San Diego. Arrival time there is around noon I think.

The quote today is from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and the automatic process left some out. The full quote is:

Every heart has its secret sorrows, which the world knows not, and often times we call a man cold, when he is only sad.

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Good morning,

I better post now or not at all. DGS will be here in a few and the party begins. He wanted to have a sleep over last night and his parents said no. Thank goodness they took care of that. We are off to the movies today. I have a few Xmas projects for him to help pass the time. 

@JazzyV I am sorry to hear that the doctor is out of network. I love being on Medicare where nothing is out of network. My work insurance was getting so difficult  My husband went all over the country for his cancer care with no problem.  I pay extra for a supplement rather than advantage plan but worth it for me. I am a control freak when it comes to medical care. Must be the doctor in me. Hopefully you can get it worked out soon. 

I will try to get an update on Murphy. I always worry when I don’t hear from them. Maybe they are just busy. 

Have a great day everyone. 



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Good morning. A cool 35 here in Florida this morning which leads to sleeping in. Dental cleaning went well and the car windshield replacement was approved and will be replaced Dec 27. These new windshields are a little more complicated than ago. With cars that have lane change notices or corrections it requires the windshield to be calibrated.

Today a haircut this morning and we are both going for pedicures this afternoon. One of life’s great pleasures. It will be no snag happy feet tonight!😊
@kazu Thanks for again stepping up and keeping us CC’ers up to date and rolling. You have been a great contributor to CC  and most importantly a friend to many of us though we have never met in person. Maybe some day.

Have a great hump day folks and rest of the week. Bruce





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Good morning everyone.   Jacqui thanks for taking over as Rich travels for his world cruise.   No caroling here but I did get out my Christmas CDs and have especially been enjoying John Rutter.   I will be sad when we get a new truck and the CDs will become obsolete.   Pass on Sangria, too sweet for me.   Sacajawea should be recognized for her contributions to the Lewis & Clark expedition and for being pregnant through part of it.  A wonderful quote and thanks for the further clarification @grapau27 and @richwmn, safe flight Rich!  Thanks for the photos of today's port.  

Will wait for today's recipes for meal yea or nay.   Probably pass on the cocktail but today's wine looks like a winner.  Thanks for researching these for us each day.

@JazzyV I am sorry you are having problems getting a surgeon within your network.   Prayers that you had a better night's sleep and perhaps the neuro could give you some pain reliever that is different that could help.  A friend of mine ended up getting surgery the next day by going in through the emergency department.  She was putting it off as long as she could and then suddenly she couldn't.   Prayers for everyone needing them in our group and the people in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the innocents in Gaza and Israel.   Prayers for the safe return of the hostages.   

I am going out to pick up my Synthroid that can be filled today and finish filling my pill pods.  Also dry cleaning, I think my jacket would be gone if I forget to pick it up before we leave next Thursday.  So far our long range forecast points to not having to depart a day or two early because of poor weather.  Temps in the 40s and lows around 30.   I had a lovely long lunch with my DS and got in and out of Walmart quickly, the only boggle was the check out with a 5 minute wait.   Have a lovely day!   Nancy 

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 30 and there is frost on the roof tops, the grass, and the top of the trash cans. 

Bubbles got bit by something yesterday, he was oozing from his head last night.  I gave him some steak which he ate from my hand, but he is still in the box this morning.  He does not allow touching or petting, so to get meds on him will be an adventure.

Plans for today -walk the dog,  work 3 shifts, break up the day with breaks.  With one campaign ending tomorrow until the 2nd and the other campaign cutting work days next week to two, that first paycheck in January will be tiny.  This past Saturday the boss gave away 50 buck bonus for the two top sales.  I bet there are times he wishes he didn't do that, as I won both bonuses with two not so big sales.  But I was the only one who sold anything.  I had a sale on Monday night too, (again I was the only one who sold anything) and I got a donation yesterday on the fundraising campaign.  I probably just jinxed myself. 


Still no decorations on the tree, I bought Christmas cards, but not the stamps, so none are done. I still need to figure out what to get my BFF Dan.  He is a hoarder of stuff, and I have no idea what stuff he needs.  I was going to order him something from Sugarbush Farms ( he does love food) but couldnt order from their site. Maybe they are closed for the holidays?  I still need to get stocking stuffers for Chuck, I've just run out of ideas.  I need to get into a store, and have visual products give me a hint.







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Good morning, everyone!  


It is a gray morning here in mid-Michigan.  There is snow to the north of us, but we are getting nothing right now.  I'm a little creakier today as I had to stop taking my Aleve in preparation for surgery.  You don't realize how much it is doing until you quit taking it.  The neighbors are coming for coffee this afternoon to talk about party arrangements.  We are hosting the neighborhood winter party and they have agreed to be our assistants, so we'll divvy up the tasks and enjoy some coffee and cookies.  


@kazu What a stellar job this morning starting the Daily.  Thank you!


@richwmn Safe flight and enjoy San Diego.  


I am still advertising for a substitute for the Meal of the Day from January 28 - February 20.  It is really quite easy.  Contact me at debfish34 at gmail. com


Today's meal is a repeat from earlier, but worth taking a second look.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/baked-queso-chicken/




That looks so good to me!  I think it would be perfect for a cold winter night.  This next one seems super easy as long as you remember to marinate the chicken in buttermilk.  That is supposed to tenderize the meat and help the chicken hold juices.  https://www.butterandbaggage.com/queso-chicken/




A similar recipe with a variation in spices.  https://juliasalbum.com/queso-baked-chicken/




We will definitely be trying that dish.


Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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39 minutes ago, richwmn said:

Greetings from the Atlanta Airport. I made it thru security again so now I have a bit over an hour before boarding the flight to San Diego. Arrival time there is around noon I think.

The quote today is from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and the automatic process left some out. The full quote is:

Every heart has its secret sorrows, which the world knows not, and often times we call a man cold, when he is only sad.

Safe travels Rich. 

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Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach

     It is currently 63 and not going to get much better. Christmas forecast is not a good one. Oh well nothing can be done about weather!

    @richwmn   Safe travels  and have a wonderful trip. Sounds wonderful! Thank you for all you do to keep us going.

      @kazu  Thanks for stepping up. This is a wonderful thread and truly appreciate the effort to keep it going.

      We used to go Caroling but it all stopped in the Pandemic. One of my neighbors tried to get a group together for this year, but no one was interested.

       The quote is interesting and true. Everyone has something going on in their lives. Always at the Holidays, sickness and sad events are always worse. We all deal with things in our own ways.

       @aliaschief Loved the "lifesaver book" I bought those all the time! Great memory.


     Stay well and enjoy today


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Good Morning from the Rotterdam,  thanks for today's report.  It's amazing how late you can sleep without the furry alarm clocks going off at 5 am. Today we have a Mariner recognition event at 11 then the PG for lunch. After those events nothing is planned. 

Last night we had dinner at the Tamarind and the food was good.  That said something felt off but I can't put my finger on it. 

One of our favorite bar staff from the Zaandam is on board. She knew we were going to be here and she brought us some dried mangos from the Philippines. 

Suddenly the sun is gone and it looks like rain will be in the forecast. 

I hope everyone has a good day. 

This morning the cabin stewards left this for us, very cute.


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Good Morning to all and thanks @kazu Jacqui for the daily and fleet report!!  No caroling for me anymore but I will raise a Sangria for Sacagawea!  Thought provoking quote, saved the recipe (Yum), not sure of the drink, a no on the wine, and I have been to Avalon many, many times but on a BHB I was there in Oct.  What an addition to the US the Louisiana Purchase was.




We have cloudy skies with a hint of rain.  But the temp is nice at 53F on its way up to the low 70s. Even though it is 0800 it seems so dark still.




Today my job is to finish up getting ready to leave.  I will put the suitcases in the car tonight as I should be at the airport by no later than 0415 tomorrow morning.  I use compression packing cubes and they are all done; now just to figure out which suitcase(s) I will be taking.  I have several sizes.  


Nails and toes done, hair trimmed and cash gotten - ok, I think I am ready.  




@JazzyV I hope you can see the doc near you even though they are not in your network (oh, how I hate insurance companies!!).  


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!!


Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning all, and many thanks to @kazu Jacqui for your service to us in so many ways!  
I’m still very much in recovery mode. I applaud the ambition of so many of you!  I just don’t have it in me this year. I’m grateful for a quiet week!  

Loss is magnified this time of year. And the longer we live the more loved ones we miss. Gentle hugs to @luvteaching Karen, @smitty34877 Terry, @kazuJacqui, and your loved ones. Hope you can enjoy your visit with Jose’s BFF today. I certainly am grateful for tge very meaningful visit with my old friend in Seguin who lost his wife in September. Everyone misses someone this time of year!  

Sacagawea certainly deserves to be honored. She died very young, I think 27 years old, after her short, bitter life which was closer to enslavement than most realize. Capt. William Clark looked after her son, born during the expedition. He provided for his education in St Louis and always had a bond with him. I’ve been fortunate to have followed much of the course of the great expedition and visited their western post, Ft Clatsop, on the Oregon coast in 2021. 

Blessings and strength to Terri and Jim and Venessa in their search for answers and relief. And for all in need of healing, comfort and hope. 
Congratulations to all celebrating, reminding us that Life is Good!  
Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers and our honeymooning grandkids!  

Maybe I’ll get the suitcases unpacked today and do some laundry. Can’t face cookies, decorating or Christmas cards yet although it’s already too late. At least I know what I’ll make for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - reservations!  At our dining room!  They’re having extravagant brunches- maybe not up to old cruise standards but the menus have lots of great options, better than I can put together. 

We enjoyed our day in Avalon from HAL Amsterdam, such a pretty port to walk in. DH grew up just across from Catalina so had been there earlier in his life. Plus we got to sail there with his niece on a sailboat early in our marriage, quite an adventure for this girl then!  
Hugs to you all!  Maureen


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