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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 3rd, 2024

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@dfish all recipes would be eaten in this house!  yummy.


@Seasick SailorI love the idea of the rocks being painted and placed in the rock garden.


DH found a painted rock on our bird sanctuary path, not sure if it's a geo cache or a dropped rock. But it does tell us to have a nice day.😀


For those of you who imbibe once in a while



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Thanks for the wonderful pictures of Rhodes!  We will be there for the first time in February. Really looking forward to it. Wish I could have done it on the Prinsendam!

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It is one minute after noon here so I am really late. We are expecting “oppressive” humidity tomorrow and Friday but so far today is lovely and only 82.

@dfish,I made the slaw with the blue cheese but used a vinaigrette dressing and some garlic added in with the onion. DD and I practically ate the whole bowl! Thank you so much.So very tasty!

@kazu, I am sorry you will have to have the stent put in but hope it will be sooner rather than later. Is Ivan a good health care worker type dog? I am sure he is very good at keeping you company but some dogs I have had are exceptional nurses!

@Seasick Sailor, Tana wanted me to thank you again for keeping her on your prayer list. All prayers are gratefully appreciated. She also loves to see pictures of Olliver!

A big thank you to all of the very kind and caring Dailyites who are helping us through this time. It can be very isolating.

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Good afternoon to all the Dailyites and Thank you to Rich and all the Daily organizers !
We have been a number of times to Rhodes and have toured much of the island and saw a lot of very nice places . Today I have chosen a few pictures from the 2014 cruise while on the Eurodam  when we went from Rhodes to the Acropolis in Lindos 
Acropolis of Lindos 
St Paul’s Bay and near the top where the Acropolis is standing the Cave where the movie the Guns of Navaronne was filmed with Anthony Quinn 
Climbing to the top of the Acropolis 
On the side of the path the locals were selling their wares 
View from near the top onto St Paul’s Bay 
A little more climbing 
On our return to the town of Rhodes we visited a very old church and monastery 
There were dozens and dozens of peacocks all over the property 
Walking the path , with the stations of the cross , from the church to this huge cross which can be seen from far.
Quick visit to see the beautiful Bay and Anthony Quinn Beach 
Hope I showed a few different photos from what already has been posted today .
......maybe next time I will show some more of the lunch we had with Ann and Pat  in 2021 while doing a similar tour .......
Tony 😁
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Good morning, Dailyites - or Good Afternoon, if you are east of us!  Jacqui, @kazu, I hope all goes well with surgery, and you are much improved, and pdq.  Gotta get you in shape to travel!  I approve of all the days today, and of Mother Teresa's saying.  We saw her once in Calcutta, at a church service, I'm not sure if she thought we were the parents of one of her novices, but she gave us a big smile.  


I seem to be posting at the same time as Tony, I see, so I'm sure we have all the same pictures of Rhodes, I can at least get in a few lunch pictures from a different tour. 





At lunch, we had a beautiful fish.






And I can't remember if I showed you this latest picture of our granddog, Oskar.




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Since I am sitting behind the computer I might as well send a few more pictures of Rhodes when we were on a cruise with Ann and Pat  @Vict0riann in 2021 on the Eurodam our first post Covid cruise !  Hope they won’t mind me showing them having a great time ! Saw Ann just posted another few nice shots ! 😁
What Pat and I saw a day earlier .
Saint Paul's Bay behind the Acropolis of Lindos.
Our Taxi driver / Guide  Nikos Zachariadis took us to this wonderful roadside  family restaurant with a beautiful view over the sea while enjoying a delicious little lunch.
And the grandma of the family send us some extra baked goods for desert 
Wishing everybody a great day 
Tony 😁
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Good morning and Happy Wednesday!  We had a huge monsoon storm last night right when we were going to sleep. Lots of thunder and heavy rain. Surprised me because it wasn’t in the forecast. 

I am getting irritated at CC. I like to read and post on my iPhone. The past few days when I go to the next page it goes down to the bottom of the next page, plus when I click to post a comment it does something similar. Frustrating. 

I like the days. I have a bag of frozen clams that I need to use but need a good fried clam recipe. I’ve seen a lot of painted rocks, especially at DM’s residence. I try to use less plastic and reuse what I have for picking up the yard after Blue. 

I would love today’s meal and would make it with beef or a half and half mixture. Yesterday I didn’t make anything special because I was exhausted after running errands and having blood work. I ended up missing the zoom meeting with my Tasting Grace group too. I slept really good last night so I’m much better today. Today I’m attempting oven fried chicken. Hopefully it comes out good. We don’t have plans for tomorrow but I think we’ll have sliders. 

Jacqui @kazu, I am thinking and praying for you, and hope that your surgery is very soon. I am sorry that you are having so much pain. 

Well, it’s 10:00 and I need to get the teenager up and fed. Have a great day!

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5 hours ago, cat shepard said:

With an unplanned visit to my dealership for “training”. My low tire pressure warning light came on & instructed me to access the “Car System” app on my display screen. Well after searching every app on the display screen and not finding this app, I went to the manual. The manual told me everything I needed - except it told me that after adding air to the tire(s), I had to update the tire pressure in the app that I could not find. Sigh. I am sure a six year old could help me, but none are available. So I am heading to the dealership. 


5 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     No rain here and none expected. But who knows?

 I try not to use plastic bags . I love fried clams and would love a fried clam roll. Hope to have a few while in Boston in a few weeks.

       There was a launch very early this morning waking us all up. Windows were really rattling and it was louder than normal. It set off a few car alarms in the neighborhood.

     @kazu  I am sorry to hear of what you are going thru. Hopefully the stints will take care of the problem. 

      @cat shepard  I am right there with you! I was at the gas station yesterday with my new car and didnt know where the release was. So no gas for me. Had to look it up in the manual! So my wonderful nephew took it back to fill up. Why are things so complicated?

       Water aerobics this AM. I am debating on playing golf later this afternoon. 


Stay safe and enjoy today


Glad to know that I’m not alone!  After getting my new iPhone 15 I had to re-sync everything but couldn’t figure out how to add my contacts. The car’s screen kept telling me that I needed to allow access to the car. I tried everything. Settings, contacts, etc.  Finally after days of looking I discovered it under the Bluetooth settings. It did make me feel better that the teenager couldn’t figure it out either. 

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Good (late) morning all!

Drop a rock is a nice idea, pass on the clams fried or otherwise, and we try to not use plastic bags.  The Navy Commissary here just this month stopped using plastic and requires cloth bags (which we had been doing anyway).  But it's nice to have some plastic bags for garbage and  especially now that I have the grand-kitties here and am cleaning out the littler box every hour (it seems!)


Hope the wine isn't sweet, would try the drink but not sure about it either.  I love lamb but have never had ground lamb!  So not too sure about the meal either.  That's 3 maybe's 😉  We were in Rhodes overnight in 2021.  I have tons of photos but am sure they're all like ones already posted.  Will see if I have anything different.


I read that you should try to desensitize your pets by playing low volume fireworks on YouTube.  So I've been playing some every few hours today and keeping fingers crossed that the cats don't get stressed out.  As I've said before, our area is the worst for noise 😞  I plan to have several sound machines going in the house and other low-stress noises too.  


DD and family are now in Sedona, AZ -- so down in Sharon @Sharon in AZ and Pennie @Nickelpenny's state.  They drove from Sequoia yesterday and to Grand Canyon tomorrow.  I can't believe how much they've seen in one week!


Jacqui @kazu I'm so, so sorry to hear about the pain you're going through.  Good though that you have a diagnosis and prayers that the surgery will be sooner than later and will be completely successful so you can be pain-free.


Here are a few of my photos from our 2 days in Rhodes.  We did a tour around the island one day and the other day we were on our own on foot.  We went to the Grand Master's Palace and to Old Town.  


Grand Master's Palace from the ship



Rhodes seen from the ship



Gorgeous beaches on our drive around the island



We saw Lindos and the Acropolis



The ruins of Aphrodite



I loved this arched passageway in Rhodes



The courtyard at the Grand Master's Palace



Beautiful arches and ceilings inside the palace



A fireplace inside the palace





Still excavating



One of many cats I admired in Rhodes



We enjoyed a delicious lunch before returning to the ship








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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The island of Rhodes.  


These pictures were taken as we drove along the north side of the island.



Near the far end of the north shore, we stopped at a small harbor with a café where we had a coke.  There was a Lycean tomb in the hill by the harbor.  Lycean tombs are not normally found on Rhodes.  It is the area of the hill that looks manmade.





We saw the runs of Kritinia Castle on the hill near the harbor; so we drove up there but did not go inside.




A secluded beach which I think is on the south shore.



I'm not sure where these were taken, but I thought they were interesting.  It might have been in Rhodes Town or one of the villages the taxi driver showed us in 2003.




A view of Lindos from an overlook up in the hills



Lindos from the parking lot on the main road



And finally, our elegant home away from home




Nice photos, brings back nice memories from when we visited Rhodes in 1991 with Renaissance Cruises, we had 2 great tours, one through the cruise line and then a private one after lunch. Every time I watch The Guns Of Navarone it also brings back fond memories.

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Happy Wednesday!  Our city has fireworks tonight, my sister lives close to the park, so we can sit in her driveway and see them without being in all of the commotion and traffic.  The meal sounds good, haven't been to the port, thanks for sharing your pictures.  My DH is revising my sewing desk...it was too small for putting bindings on the heavy quilts, he's making some extensions.  

@JazzyVI'm trying your recipe for the bread today...we shall see. I added some basil and parmesan cheese...have to use some of my basil!  All of the recipes are the same, with little differences.  Thank you!  

@kazuI'm happy that you got some answers, too bad the surgery can't be sooner.  

Have a good day, blessings and cheers to all! Karen


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We are back on board after a full day excursion today. It was wonderful and we saw so much with our tour.


It was such fun meeting Sandy yesterday. @StLouisCruisers - her cross stitch is incredible and she showed me pictures of all her other ones as well.  I was amazed. 


Jacqui, @kazu sorry to hear you are in so much pain but glad the doctor figured out where it is coming from. I hope the surgeon can schedule you sooner vs later so that you get relief from the pain.  


Beautiful pictures of Rhodes. We visited there as well but all the pictures are on my husband's computer.  We have similar pictures of the synagogue which we also visited - in fact the wall of names listed my maiden name.  There were also pictures of my distant extended family on the wall - the men all wearing their fezzes since they were mostly Jews from the Ottoman empire who migrated to Rhodes.  After we finished  taking all the pictures another couple came up and took the same ones as us -standing before the exact same pictures - it turns out we had the same family history only their family ended up in Mexico city. My grandparents actually had dinner at their grandparents home when they visited Mexico City.  It is truly a small world.  


I hope everyone has a good day. 

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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

It is one minute after noon here so I am really late. We are expecting “oppressive” humidity tomorrow and Friday but so far today is lovely and only 82.

@dfish,I made the slaw with the blue cheese but used a vinaigrette dressing and some garlic added in with the onion. DD and I practically ate the whole bowl! Thank you so much.So very tasty!

@kazu, I am sorry you will have to have the stent put in but hope it will be sooner rather than later. Is Ivan a good health care worker type dog? I am sure he is very good at keeping you company but some dogs I have had are exceptional nurses!

@Seasick Sailor, Tana wanted me to thank you again for keeping her on your prayer list. All prayers are gratefully appreciated. She also loves to see pictures of Olliver!

A big thank you to all of the very kind and caring Dailyites who are helping us through this time. It can be very isolating.

Hi Terry.

Tana is always in our thoughts and prayers 🙏.

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Good afternoon from a hot and windy central Texas.  The weather app says it's 96F but feels like 103F.  It was hot when I took the golf cart up to the mailbox, and if it hadn't been for the wind, it would have been miserable.  Our humidity has dropped to 48% with a dew point of 68F, and that makes it a bit more comfortable outside.  The house is clean, and I'm waiting for the towels to finish drying.  Since the house looks good, we're having our neighbors over for happy hour this afternoon.  We always have happy hour here since they have a cat, and DH is allergic.


Besides the package I was expecting, we received a Christmas card today from our neighbors down the street.  They had mailed it last December, and used our Texas address thinking it would be forwarded to Quartzsite.  However, unknown to us until much later, our forwarding request did not go through because the local post office missed a step.  Anyway, the label on the envelop said undeliverable, return to sender.  I guess it was just now going to the sender, and our mail carrier saw the address and put it in our box.


6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites!


Damn, it's hot.


When our friends grandkids visit they paint rocks and leave them near our front flower beds. It's a sweet reminder of thier visit.


Friends dropped by last night for a visit. I made banana tea for them. She's from Costa Rica and swears it helps her arthritis pain and swelling. 


Jacqui I'm praying you get your surgery and recovery as quickly as possible. You have been in my prayer book a long time! As well as Tana.. my prayers are with you all and I believe in the power of prayer.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for the thought of my foot. It's down to a spec of a scab. That was one of the dumbest things I've done in awhile...


Our neighbor's mom passed away last night after a long battle in hospice care. They will fly up to Connecticut and sort out arrangements. We offered to watch thier sweet dog, but someone already offered. We have great, caring, neighbor's and no one hesitates to pitch in to help.


Pool time today. Pork chops in a mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes and spinach for dinner tonight.


Blessings to each of you. Be kind. 



Joy, our condolences to your neighbor on the passing of her mother.  I'm glad your foot is almost healed.


6 hours ago, 0106 said:

Thank you for all the wonderful information provided by the F & D; a special thanks to the regular posters.  

International Plastic Bag Free Day reminds us of the importance of eliminating as much plastic from our lives as possible. We make 5 trillion plastic bags each year. The average person uses a plastic bag for 25 minutes. Every minute around the world, we use 1 million plastic bags. It takes between 100 and 500 years for plastic bags to disintegrate.

IMG_0630.thumb.jpeg.f9eaad79e2ed9a72ab997530babae15e.jpegEach year, 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean harming fish and wildlife. Plastic bags kill around 100,000 marine animals each year. When plastic enters the food chain, it can also harm human health. 

Positive thoughts to all who are in pain caused by medical issues, emotional stress or environmental disasters.  Cheers to those who are celebrating.



Tina, we all need to do our part in reducing the use of plastics, and a much better job of recycling or disposing of it.


5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Howard Johnson’s fried clams were good but those full belly fried clams from Canada or New England are the best. That’s all I have to say about that!


When calms are not easy to get, and a Howard Johnson's was close, that was the best place to get fired clams.  We've also gotten some very good fried clams in Charleston, OR, near Coos Bay.


5 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Give me butter brittle with fried claims!


Dont’t know if I like that quote about cops in front of a neighbors house. Several years ago three deputy sheriffs cars showed up in front of my house. It wasn’t for me but for one of our neighbors. But, boy, I can’t tell you how many neighbors asked me what I had done to the Misses! Found out later that day that when cops are going to arrest someone they never park in front of that persons house!


RNB, now we know, you don't need to worry about the neighbor who's house the cops stop in front of.


5 hours ago, kochleffel said:


A year or so ago, police from two departments (it was Sunday and my town has only one officer on duty then) showed up at my door with guns drawn. County dispatch had send them because of a call saying that someone was wielding a knife, but got the address wrong. They called in for clarification but the dispatcher couldn't come up with a correct address.


Paul, that must have been scary.  I'm glad it turned out all right, but it would have been nice to find the correct address.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

It is one minute after noon here so I am really late. We are expecting “oppressive” humidity tomorrow and Friday but so far today is lovely and only 82.

@dfish,I made the slaw with the blue cheese but used a vinaigrette dressing and some garlic added in with the onion. DD and I practically ate the whole bowl! Thank you so much.So very tasty!

@kazu, I am sorry you will have to have the stent put in but hope it will be sooner rather than later. Is Ivan a good health care worker type dog? I am sure he is very good at keeping you company but some dogs I have had are exceptional nurses!

@Seasick Sailor, Tana wanted me to thank you again for keeping her on your prayer list. All prayers are gratefully appreciated. She also loves to see pictures of Olliver!

A big thank you to all of the very kind and caring Dailyites who are helping us through this time. It can be very isolating.


Terry, I may not say it often, but you, Tana, the teenager, and the rest of the family are always in my thoughts.  After DH's surgeries and other problems, I understand the isolation.  HUGS


2 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good afternoon to all the Dailyites and Thank you to Rich and all the Daily organizers !
We have been a number of times to Rhodes and have toured much of the island and saw a lot of very nice places . Today I have chosen a few pictures from the 2014 cruise while on the Eurodam  when we went from Rhodes to the Acropolis in Lindos 
Acropolis of Lindos 
St Paul’s Bay and near the top where the Acropolis is standing the Cave where the movie the Guns of Navaronne was filmed with Anthony Quinn 
Climbing to the top of the Acropolis 
On the side of the path the locals were selling their wares 
View from near the top onto St Paul’s Bay 
A little more climbing 
On our return to the town of Rhodes we visited a very old church and monastery 
There were dozens and dozens of peacocks all over the property 
Walking the path , with the stations of the cross , from the church to this huge cross which can be seen from far.
Quick visit to see the beautiful Bay and Anthony Quinn Beach 
Hope I showed a few different photos from what already has been posted today .
......maybe next time I will show some more of the lunch we had with Ann and Pat  in 2021 while doing a similar tour .......
Tony 😁


Tony, thanks for your pictures from Rhodes.  Now, I know where my picture of the donkeys was taken.  After reading your post, DH is watching the Guns of Navaronne again.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites - or Good Afternoon, if you are east of us!  Jacqui, @kazu, I hope all goes well with surgery, and you are much improved, and pdq.  Gotta get you in shape to travel!  I approve of all the days today, and of Mother Teresa's saying.  We saw her once in Calcutta, at a church service, I'm not sure if she thought we were the parents of one of her novices, but she gave us a big smile.  


I seem to be posting at the same time as Tony, I see, so I'm sure we have all the same pictures of Rhodes, I can at least get in a few lunch pictures from a different tour. 





At lunch, we had a beautiful fish.






And I can't remember if I showed you this latest picture of our granddog, Oskar.





Enjoyed seeing your pictures, Ann.  Oskar is a cutie.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:


Glad to know that I’m not alone!  After getting my new iPhone 15 I had to re-sync everything but couldn’t figure out how to add my contacts. The car’s screen kept telling me that I needed to allow access to the car. I tried everything. Settings, contacts, etc.  Finally after days of looking I discovered it under the Bluetooth settings. It did make me feel better that the teenager couldn’t figure it out either. 


Sharon, glad you figured your iPhone settings out.  It always feels good when you can do that.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good (late) morning all!

Drop a rock is a nice idea, pass on the clams fried or otherwise, and we try to not use plastic bags.  The Navy Commissary here just this month stopped using plastic and requires cloth bags (which we had been doing anyway).  But it's nice to have some plastic bags for garbage and  especially now that I have the grand-kitties here and am cleaning out the littler box every hour (it seems!)


Hope the wine isn't sweet, would try the drink but not sure about it either.  I love lamb but have never had ground lamb!  So not too sure about the meal either.  That's 3 maybe's 😉  We were in Rhodes overnight in 2021.  I have tons of photos but am sure they're all like ones already posted.  Will see if I have anything different.


I read that you should try to desensitize your pets by playing low volume fireworks on YouTube.  So I've been playing some every few hours today and keeping fingers crossed that the cats don't get stressed out.  As I've said before, our area is the worst for noise 😞  I plan to have several sound machines going in the house and other low-stress noises too.  


DD and family are now in Sedona, AZ -- so down in Sharon @Sharon in AZ and Pennie @Nickelpenny's state.  They drove from Sequoia yesterday and to Grand Canyon tomorrow.  I can't believe how much they've seen in one week!


Jacqui @kazu I'm so, so sorry to hear about the pain you're going through.  Good though that you have a diagnosis and prayers that the surgery will be sooner than later and will be completely successful so you can be pain-free.


Here are a few of my photos from our 2 days in Rhodes.  We did a tour around the island one day and the other day we were on our own on foot.  We went to the Grand Master's Palace and to Old Town.  


Grand Master's Palace from the ship



Rhodes seen from the ship



Gorgeous beaches on our drive around the island



We saw Lindos and the Acropolis



The ruins of Aphrodite



I loved this arched passageway in Rhodes



The courtyard at the Grand Master's Palace



Beautiful arches and ceilings inside the palace



A fireplace inside the palace





Still excavating



One of many cats I admired in Rhodes



We enjoyed a delicious lunch before returning to the ship









Carolyn, your family's trip sounds like a few rv trips we took with the DDs.  Enjoyed your pictures from Rhodes.



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2 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good afternoon to all the Dailyites and Thank you to Rich and all the Daily organizers !
We have been a number of times to Rhodes and have toured much of the island and saw a lot of very nice places . Today I have chosen a few pictures from the 2014 cruise while on the Eurodam  when we went from Rhodes to the Acropolis in Lindos 
Acropolis of Lindos 
St Paul’s Bay and near the top where the Acropolis is standing the Cave where the movie the Guns of Navaronne was filmed with Anthony Quinn 
Climbing to the top of the Acropolis 
On the side of the path the locals were selling their wares 
View from near the top onto St Paul’s Bay 
A little more climbing 
On our return to the town of Rhodes we visited a very old church and monastery 
There were dozens and dozens of peacocks all over the property 
Walking the path , with the stations of the cross , from the church to this huge cross which can be seen from far.
Quick visit to see the beautiful Bay and Anthony Quinn Beach 
Hope I showed a few different photos from what already has been posted today .
......maybe next time I will show some more of the lunch we had with Ann and Pat  in 2021 while doing a similar tour .......
Tony 😁

Great photos Tony and nice photos of you two.

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33 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

We have similar pictures of the synagogue which we also visited - in fact the wall of names listed my maiden name.  There were also pictures of my distant extended family on the wall - the men all wearing their fezzes since they were mostly Jews from the Ottoman empire who migrated to Rhodes.  After we finished  taking all the pictures another couple came up and took the same ones as us -standing before the exact same pictures - it turns out we had the same family history only their family ended up in Mexico city. My grandparents actually had dinner at their grandparents home when they visited Mexico City.  It is truly a small world.  


Wow! You likely know this, but some Jewish communities in Greece date back all the way to the Second Temple period, growing considerably in the first century C.E. The historic communities, including Rhodes, followed "Romaniote" customs and rituals; the name refers to the eastern Roman empire, that is, the Byzantine empire, and at one time Constantinople was the center of Romaniote culture. Romaniotes were vastly outnumbered by Jews coming from Spain and Portugal after 1492, but a few Romaniote synagogues in Greece are still operating. The language of Romaniotes was Yevanic, a dialect of Greek written with Hebrew letters, while those from Spain spoke Ladino, a dialect of Spanish, also written with Hebrew letters.

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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites - or Good Afternoon, if you are east of us!  Jacqui, @kazu, I hope all goes well with surgery, and you are much improved, and pdq.  Gotta get you in shape to travel!  I approve of all the days today, and of Mother Teresa's saying.  We saw her once in Calcutta, at a church service, I'm not sure if she thought we were the parents of one of her novices, but she gave us a big smile.  


I seem to be posting at the same time as Tony, I see, so I'm sure we have all the same pictures of Rhodes, I can at least get in a few lunch pictures from a different tour. 





At lunch, we had a beautiful fish.






And I can't remember if I showed you this latest picture of our granddog, Oskar.




Lovely photos Ann.

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3 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


Wow! You likely know this, but some Jewish communities in Greece date back all the way to the Second Temple period, growing considerably in the first century C.E. The historic communities, including Rhodes, followed "Romaniote" customs and rituals; the name refers to the eastern Roman empire, that is, the Byzantine empire, and at one time Constantinople was the center of Romaniote culture. Romaniotes were vastly outnumbered by Jews coming from Spain and Portugal after 1492, but a few Romaniote synagogues in Greece are still operating. The language of Romaniotes was Yevanic, a dialect of Greek written with Hebrew letters, while those from Spain spoke Ladino, a dialect of Spanish, also written with Hebrew letters.

Yes I did know this - our family was one of the ones exiled from Spain and my grandparents spoke Ladino.  My maiden name traces back to the RaDak.   

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good (late) morning all!

Drop a rock is a nice idea, pass on the clams fried or otherwise, and we try to not use plastic bags.  The Navy Commissary here just this month stopped using plastic and requires cloth bags (which we had been doing anyway).  But it's nice to have some plastic bags for garbage and  especially now that I have the grand-kitties here and am cleaning out the littler box every hour (it seems!)


Hope the wine isn't sweet, would try the drink but not sure about it either.  I love lamb but have never had ground lamb!  So not too sure about the meal either.  That's 3 maybe's 😉  We were in Rhodes overnight in 2021.  I have tons of photos but am sure they're all like ones already posted.  Will see if I have anything different.


I read that you should try to desensitize your pets by playing low volume fireworks on YouTube.  So I've been playing some every few hours today and keeping fingers crossed that the cats don't get stressed out.  As I've said before, our area is the worst for noise 😞  I plan to have several sound machines going in the house and other low-stress noises too.  


DD and family are now in Sedona, AZ -- so down in Sharon @Sharon in AZ and Pennie @Nickelpenny's state.  They drove from Sequoia yesterday and to Grand Canyon tomorrow.  I can't believe how much they've seen in one week!


Jacqui @kazu I'm so, so sorry to hear about the pain you're going through.  Good though that you have a diagnosis and prayers that the surgery will be sooner than later and will be completely successful so you can be pain-free.


Here are a few of my photos from our 2 days in Rhodes.  We did a tour around the island one day and the other day we were on our own on foot.  We went to the Grand Master's Palace and to Old Town.  


Grand Master's Palace from the ship



Rhodes seen from the ship



Gorgeous beaches on our drive around the island



We saw Lindos and the Acropolis



The ruins of Aphrodite



I loved this arched passageway in Rhodes



The courtyard at the Grand Master's Palace



Beautiful arches and ceilings inside the palace



A fireplace inside the palace





Still excavating



One of many cats I admired in Rhodes



We enjoyed a delicious lunch before returning to the ship








Thank you for your photos.

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Well, an interesting start to the day. The 1st Wednesday of the month is our group meeting at the Lutheran church to sew comfort quilts for the U of Washington Medical Center. I arrived early to set up and thought the church had sort of a strange odor. Others arrived and commented but we finally decided it might be natural gas so called to have someone check it out. We were told to evacuate the building so everything was put away and we left (barely an hour into our sewing). Turns out there was work done on the hot water heater yesterday and the pilot light had gone out. Guess we might try again next week. Hope everyone has a better day than this! And stay safe tomorrow!

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35 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Hi Terry.

Tana is always in our thoughts and prayers 🙏.

Thank you Graham. 
And we both were salivating at the food porn…..thinking about dinner here in a few hours!

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No on plastic bags! What a terrible waste. My grocery sacks get a bleach/water spray and wipe once a week. I'm OCD and admit it. 


And, it makes me crazy to see all the poop stations with big plastic waste bags throughout Sun City. I admit I scoop Oliver's tiny turd and flush it. EPA okayed.


No plastic bottles, no plastic straws! 


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Terry, from this day on - I will be sure to show Tana on my post. She is always in my prayers & if seeing it in writing gives her any measure of comfort, it is worth me doing it. 

Bless you both. 

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