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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday August 9th, 2024


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@lindaler I hope your son can work through his emergency and can return in time to make your cruise.  


@Heartgrove thanks for sharing Sam's last walk with us and sharing him with us over time.  I truly feel for you, the hardest day for a lover of a loyal friend.  😿

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47 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

It's over. Sam went very peacefully. He was treated with dignity. 


I'm sure that my previous Mals, Juno, Oke', Sascha along with my other dogs, Kelsey, Squicky, Bonnie, and Tippy plus my cats Winnie and Tigger have met him at the Rainbow Bridge.


- Jack




Jack, I know we're all sad today, but grateful that Sam went peacefully and was treated with dignity.



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2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


We're on the second day of a "heat alert" but it really didn't get above 85F yesterday and today is supposed to be a bit cooler. 

@grapau27 Thanks for the Bon Voyage wishes! Yesterday was packing day and the larger suitcase is all done except for shoes. The carry-on will finish up today as it's my jewelry, meds, laptop, etc. My friend Karen, who is going with me, is very excited. It's her first cruise and first time to Alaska. So far Juneau and Skagway are forecasting some rain but Ketchikan is showing 72F and sun - wow! 

Today is the Widow's Support group potluck (I'm taking brownies I froze a few days ago) and a quick grocery store stop. I am debating going in to the pool and doing my own workout beforehand. 


Yesterday I ended up at another friend's office as she and her husband are going with me on the Eurodam next month. She needed help booking excursions, Pinnacle Grill, etc. so got her all checked in and everything done. 

Have a lovely Friday! 



Karen, I had to smile that your heat alert did not go above 85F.  We'd be happy to have that as our high, but will have to wait until late September or October.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@Heartgrove I have tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat as you say goodbye to dear Sam!  Sending gentle hugs! 
@aliaschief please don’t wait too long on your skin cancers.  DH had a squamous cell that required a six inch incision whereas mine was tiny, less than half an inch.  I know you love to travel, but maybe they can squeeze you in sooner.  Sorry if I’ve overstepped, but I honestly had no idea that a squamous could be so invasive.  
@StLouisCruisers glad there is some progress on your flight refund.  I can’t remember if it was due to weather,  in which case travel or credit card insurance may cover your extra expenses.  Something to check into in case it is time sensitive. 

We had a lovely evening walk the other night,  saw the Great Horned owlets who have grown. So much fun enjoying watching them scamper around.   The feather markings are incredible.  Highlighted by finding a bunch of wild Saskatoons! 






Brenda, thanks for the pictures of the owls.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today and tomorrow will be our last "warmer" days in the 80's, then down to the 70's and even high 60's.  Fine with me!


Interesting collection of days, I'll pass on the meal, drink, wine, and don't agree with the quote!  We have, however, been to this port.  We were there in November of '22 on the Nieuw Statendam.  I think it was a once and done for me.


Rich, @richwmn We're looking forward to seeing you in Seattle the end of this month. Still need to get dinner reservations, we realized that's Labor Day weekend and could be even busier in the city than usual...it will be good to see you.


Jack @Heartgrove My heart breaks for you today as you say goodbye to your sweet Sam.  Sending hugs across the country.


Elizabeth @Haljo1935 Oh no on the painful rib!  I hope it gets better soon -- or you can have someone take a look.  Sorry too about the no-sleep nights. 😞  


Sandi @StLouisCruisers Good for you on getting the stocking nearly finished -- we'll want photos!  I rarely do any of my counted cross stitch in the summer, I'd rather ben gardening then. 😂 I'll pick it up again this fall, or at least that's the plan!


Rich @richwmn Our family doesn't have any special holiday meals, we pretty much mix it up and have different meals each time.  Good idea though!



We took a tour when we were at Amber Cove.  It was an "interesting" day.  
It included a flat tire on our tour bus and being led into a persistent hoard of hawkers. 
I booked the tour because it said we would go up into the mountains and see beautiful foliage and flowers (we did). But first we had to spend way too much time with the hawkers who insisted on taking our photos, “escorting” us through the gift shops (said NO to all, but it was annoying anyway), especially to someone like me who avoids things like that like the plague. 
The beauty up there was amazing, I just wish we could have had more time looking at it. But instead we were rushed through the best part of the tour.
Flat tire on the way back to the ship, but thankfully it happened where we had a lovely breeze and views of the beach.
At the duty free shop at the pier we got some more 18-year-old rum to bring home. That and the flowers were the best part of the day. 😉  Here are some of my photos:
The dock at Amber Cove
First we went to see the Statue of Christ in the national park.
Gorgeous views from the top of the mountain.
Views.jpg.37f9471374df09b2699cffeb4ac3ec1c.jpgLush vegetation
After dealing with the hawkers at the site, we finally got into the gardens.  I felt like we were rushed through, so it put a damper on the day.  It was beautiful, I'd have rather had more time there..
To top off the day, we had a flat tire on the way back to town!  Thankfully we were able to park in the shade by this beautiful beach while they got the tire changed.
Lo and behold, we still had time to go into town and spend tourist $$ 😉  
This was the most interesting thing I saw...
But there were more pretty flowers!
And this



Carolyn, thanks for the pictures of Amber Cove.  I'm sorry you had to spend so much time dodging the hawkers.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

I always tried to be a good coworker. I'll celebrate the world's indigenous people. Veeps are necessary just in case. I'm not sure about the quote. A carb laden meal, but it sounds good. Yes to the drink and wine. I haven't been to Puerto Plata - Amber Cove. 2 good days, and 1 sad day in history.


It's cloudy here, humid and warm, with some rain showers. I feel like I'm not getting refreshing sleep. At PT earlier, I really had to push to do the reps on some of my exercises. And I'm annoyed that my alley is still blocked at one end. Maybe they think the brick garage that was hit will fall. I have to go out the other end, which is one way (and not in the direction I want to go). Oh well, I think I'm in for the weekend. I was going to stop at the grocery store or Aldi after PT, but just didn't have the energy. Maybe I'll try a nap soon.


@LambKnuckles Nice photos from Amber Cove.

@StLouisCruisers It shouldn't be so hard to get that refund; and people think Flight Ease makes things easier, but it doesn't appear so.

@Haljo1935 Sorry you're so miserable off the allergy meds, but you're almost there. And ouch on the rib! I hope you're feeling fine by cruise time.

@kazu It sounds like you're making lots of progress on the house. Take care of yourself as well.

@dfish Yay on no cane and no pain walking around the zoo! 

@aliaschief Sorry about the skin biopsy results, but you're right to be happy no melanoma. 

@1ANGELCAT Stay safe!

@ottahand7 Cute photos.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the photos.

@marshhawk Sad that you couldn't sleep in a bit today. Congrats on your sale yesterday. Nice photos from Amber Cove.

@Heartgrove Thank you for sharing your final walk with Sam. Hugs to you at this difficult time. It's an act of love, but I know hurts a lot.

@lindaler Prayers for your son and his emergency. Also for you with this added responsibility for now. I hope you get to go on the cruise.

@bennybear I've never heard of saskatoons. Sorry to hear about the water restrictions again and the smoke. The owlets are very cute.

@Cruising-along Lovely photos of Amber Cove.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. 

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


A little late today. Had plumbing issues all day with replacing two toilets and fixing one; and NO they were not located in the Out House!

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Good afternoon,


My pest and critter guy was just here and he plugged up the most likely spot that the durn vermints are getting in.  We haven't had any since I caught the three on Tuesday night. No new droppings, so I may have gotten them all.  Let us hope!  He went through the whole house checking for signs of them and didn't see any.  Fingers crossed from here on out.


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Good afternoon.  We're at the lake house and it's only 62F right now.  The forecast says 70's tomorrow.  We went to see "Abba" last night.  Had a great time...we had a group of 16 friends and family!  The focaccia turned out good, I didn't know what to expect.  I learned how to say it  - Fuh-KAA-cha - thanks to our culinary expert son in law! 

We were to Amber Cove, spent a couple hours lounging by the pool...we found a quiet, shady area to sit for a bit.  The meal sounds ok, thanks for the recipes. 

@HeartgroveSending gentle hugs to you...

Thanks for all of the sharing and caring here.  Have a good rest of your day.


2 grands and their friends enjoying the music



The sourdough focaccia


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3 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon,


My pest and critter guy was just here and he plugged up the most likely spot that the durn vermints are getting in.  We haven't had any since I caught the three on Tuesday night. No new droppings, so I may have gotten them all.  Let us hope!  He went through the whole house checking for signs of them and didn't see any.  Fingers crossed from here on out.






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8 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon,


My pest and critter guy was just here and he plugged up the most likely spot that the durn vermints are getting in.  We haven't had any since I caught the three on Tuesday night. No new droppings, so I may have gotten them all.  Let us hope!  He went through the whole house checking for signs of them and didn't see any.  Fingers crossed from here on out.


Do you mind sharing what that location was?

I thought mine was the gap by the dishwasher hose, but we've still found some after sealing that off.


🤞you've successfully evicted all of them.

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6 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Do you mind sharing what that location was?

I thought mine was the gap by the dishwasher hose, but we've still found some after sealing that off.


🤞you've successfully evicted all of them.

We went around the outside of the house and there was one place where it looked like insulation had been ripped out.  He checked and found a hole behind the siding so he plugged that up.  He also suggested getting some mortar and plugging any cracks with that.  They can't chew through mortar.  

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A neighboring county has declared a state of emergency, banned unnecessary travel, and ordered the evacuation of three small rural communities because of flooding and, in one, a propane leak.


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34 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

A neighboring county has declared a state of emergency, banned unnecessary travel, and ordered the evacuation of three small rural communities because of flooding and, in one, a propane leak.


Yikes! Too many issues all at once!

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Just now, doobieb said:

Yikes! Too many issues all at once!


58 minutes ago, dfish said:

We went around the outside of the house and there was one place where it looked like insulation had been ripped out.  He checked and found a hole behind the siding so he plugged that up.  He also suggested getting some mortar and plugging any cracks with that.  They can't chew through mortar.  

We put copper wool (like steel wool) in all crevices outside twice a year. Some little critters will paw through it and sometimes pull it out.

Seems to work.We usually see signs just as the weather starts to turn a tad cooler.

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Still stitching.  Staying nice and cool inside today.  I’m working on the toe area of the stocking.  Yesterday on International Cat Day I finished the cat except for the outlining.  I’ll show you a photo of the cat and also of the chart which shows the outlining I’ll be doing on the cat.  I kind of think the cat has a big smile on its face!  What do you cat people think?  Should I temper that smile a bit, or make it exactly as shown on the chart?  Note the blue lines where the whiskers will cover the mouth.  Maybe that would be enough to hide some of that smile.






Next up is finishing the hay the cat is sitting on.  Looking at the chart I can see it will take 3 different colors to finish up those blank spots.  The top of the stocking still needs the name area done.  So still lots to do.  I may not get this finished by the September wedding which is sad.  If so, Ashley and Chris will have to wait to get it 2 or 3 days before Christmas.  Not ideal but better than after Christmas.


Now to go back and catch up on the last 5 or 6 hours of the Daily.

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30 minutes ago, doobieb said:


We put copper wool (like steel wool) in all crevices outside twice a year. Some little critters will paw through it and sometimes pull it out.

Seems to work.We usually see signs just as the weather starts to turn a tad cooler.


The critter guy used a steel wool.  He said to calk or mortar over it.

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7 hours ago, ger_77 said:


@kazuas usual, your flowers are beautiful; is that a dipladenia I see?  The one we over-wintered failed to flower this year, so I'm thinking it won't see the inside of the house again.


Yes it is Gerry.  I have several.  I gave up on overwintering them.  they always made it until around April and then the leaves dropped off - not enough sun I guess in the house.

So I buy them every year.  A little indulgence.  DD DH loved them and mandevillas  and a couple of others so I still have them in his memory..


Not sure if it will happen at the new place.  It’s littered with deer and there is no fencing.



3 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

It's over. Sam went very peacefully. He was treated with dignity. 


I'm sure that my previous Mals, Juno, Oke', Sascha along with my other dogs, Kelsey, Squicky, Bonnie, and Tippy plus my cats Winnie and Tigger have met him at the Rainbow Bridge.


- Jack




Oh jack.  Of course he went with dignity, he’s Sam and you would have nothing but that ♥️. Such a hard thing to do and I know how empty the house must feel without him 💔 My heart goes out to you two.



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We not only reached the predicted high, but went to 100F this afternoon.  We got a bit of rain, just enough to wet the driveway, and it cooled us back down to 94F which feels like 104F.   Supposedly, we have a 12mph wind from the NE, but the neighbor's flag is just hanging there.  At least, the humidity is sown to 49% with a dew point of 72F.  The skies re still pretty cloudy, but looking at the radar future cast, all the rain will go around us.


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

A neighboring county has declared a state of emergency, banned unnecessary travel, and ordered the evacuation of three small rural communities because of flooding and, in one, a propane leak.



Paul, I hope everyone follows the evacuation order, and all are safe.  The propane leak is very concerning.  I also hope your area dos not have many problems from the storm.


35 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Still stitching.  Staying nice and cool inside today.  I’m working on the toe area of the stocking.  Yesterday on International Cat Day I finished the cat except for the outlining.  I’ll show you a photo of the cat and also of the chart which shows the outlining I’ll be doing on the cat.  I kind of think the cat has a big smile on its face!  What do you cat people think?  Should I temper that smile a bit, or make it exactly as shown on the chart?  Note the blue lines where the whiskers will cover the mouth.  Maybe that would be enough to hide some of that smile.






Next up is finishing the hay the cat is sitting on.  Looking at the chart I can see it will take 3 different colors to finish up those blank spots.  The top of the stocking still needs the name area done.  So still lots to do.  I may not get this finished by the September wedding which is sad.  If so, Ashley and Chris will have to wait to get it 2 or 3 days before Christmas.  Not ideal but better than after Christmas.


Now to go back and catch up on the last 5 or 6 hours of the Daily.


Sandi, you are making progress.  As far as my opinion goes, I'd just follow the directions for the cat's mouth.



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Sandi @StLouisCruisers as a cat lover and a fellow counted cross stitcher, I would follow the directions, wouldn't change it.  


Debbie @dfish I'm glad the pest guy found where the critters were getting in.  


Jack @Heartgrove Sending more hugs.  Thank you for sharing the photos of Sam, what a sweet, good dog. 


It's 80 F right now and we're feeling the humidity.  Don't laugh, but 61% feels muggy to us here!  I spent some time this morning working on a project I've started in the back yard and will try to do more once the sun leaves that area.  I'm clearing out an area of Ajuga to put down a 2nd raised flower bed.  The Ajuga had gotten out of control and it's time to control it.  With the removal of several evergreens in the greenbelt behind us, the yard is getting a lot more sun now and things are going crazy.

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Jack @Heartgrove, sending hugs and heartfelt prayers to you both on this very sad day.  I know the decision was hard but a necessary one. 😢 ❤️


Thank you Dixie @summer slope, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Carolyn @Cruising-alongfor your opinions on kitty cat’s smile.  I think I’ll go ahead and keep it!


Brenda @bennybear, the flight refund was due to the global tech outage on July 19.  We had Flight Ease tickets on Delta the following day which they cancelled.  The hard part is Delta needed info I didn’t have and had a hard time getting; then the fact they just paid Flight Ease apparently.  I expect FE to contact me sooner or later with the FULL price refund exactly as we paid.  So far all our inquiries and reimbursement requests from FE and HAL have gone unanswered.  I also want Delta to repay us the cost of our rental car, fuel and meals.  No hotel since we drove straight through, all 1,147 miles!


I’ve discovered we will be in Amber Cove in January 2025.  I appreciate everyone’s photos today!  Probably won't take a tour there.


Linda @lindaler I hope your son will be able to return soon and you can enjoy that cruise.  


Debbie @dfish, so glad to hear no sign of any more critters in the house.  They can fit through the tiniest crack or hole.  Fingers crossed the place the pest guy fixed was their entrance point.


Karen @quilty964, your 2 grands and friends, and focaccia bread all look great!


DS shipped his Audi A7 out to Los Angeles for his oldest son to use at college.  The boy wanted it and since DS was going to sell it and get a new car, he had it shipped out yesterday.  Should be there Sunday.  The man who drives the car hauler was taking several other cars from Ann Arbor to L.A.  I would hate that drive for sure!  Meanwhile DS is preparing for his drive tomorrow to Springfield, MO and then on Sunday the remainder of the way to Dallas in Ren’s Subaru.  He’ll arrive in time to pick up Ren and DDIL at the airport.  He’ll be staying in Texas with them this fall since he’s begun his sabbatical from his University position.  

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25 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jack @Heartgrove, sending hugs and heartfelt prayers to you both on this very sad day.  I know the decision was hard but a necessary one. 😢 ❤️


Thank you Dixie @summer slope, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Carolyn @Cruising-alongfor your opinions on kitty cat’s smile.  I think I’ll go ahead and keep it!


Brenda @bennybear, the flight refund was due to the global tech outage on July 19.  We had Flight Ease tickets on Delta the following day which they cancelled.  The hard part is Delta needed info I didn’t have and had a hard time getting; then the fact they just paid Flight Ease apparently.  I expect FE to contact me sooner or later with the FULL price refund exactly as we paid.  So far all our inquiries and reimbursement requests from FE and HAL have gone unanswered.  I also want Delta to repay us the cost of our rental car, fuel and meals.  No hotel since we drove straight through, all 1,147 miles!


I’ve discovered we will be in Amber Cove in January 2025.  I appreciate everyone’s photos today!  Probably won't take a tour there.


Linda @lindaler I hope your son will be able to return soon and you can enjoy that cruise.  


Debbie @dfish, so glad to hear no sign of any more critters in the house.  They can fit through the tiniest crack or hole.  Fingers crossed the place the pest guy fixed was their entrance point.


Karen @quilty964, your 2 grands and friends, and focaccia bread all look great!


DS shipped his Audi A7 out to Los Angeles for his oldest son to use at college.  The boy wanted it and since DS was going to sell it and get a new car, he had it shipped out yesterday.  Should be there Sunday.  The man who drives the car hauler was taking several other cars from Ann Arbor to L.A.  I would hate that drive for sure!  Meanwhile DS is preparing for his drive tomorrow to Springfield, MO and then on Sunday the remainder of the way to Dallas in Ren’s Subaru.  He’ll arrive in time to pick up Ren and DDIL at the airport.  He’ll be staying in Texas with them this fall since he’s begun his sabbatical from his University position.  

Wow Sandi.

For 40 years I regularly drove over 1000 miles a week but you are incredible driving 

1,147 miles home.

I hope the airline fully reimburse you your costs and airfares.


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