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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday September 18th, 2024

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Thanks Terry  @smitty34877 for the photo of Lou and good times! I’m sitting with you today just to be close!   Extra hugs to you all!  

Uruguay is a very interesting and comfortable place to visit.  Not been to today’s port though. 


I got a good sleep finally so that’ll help get some things done today. We received a bill from state of NJ that we owe them more for taxes last year, another couple hundred $?  We were here a whole 6 weeks in 2023… we’ll do whatever is needed to clear the record, but we need to find all the paperwork first. 

I’m starting to pull together a plan to visit friends in Maryland in November. I’ll go by train, spend part of the time with my New Mexico friends who just moved there, then shift to where we lived so I can stay with my very-long-time friend who was my maid of honor when DH and I got married in Albuquerque, plus hopefully get to two church groups there where I developed a closeness. It’ll be exciting to visit, won’t be ideal timing but it’ll be comforting to learn that I can do it so I can do it again soon!  

Blessings to all in need near and far, for our country and yours and all the war zones!  Holding close those in pain from physical ails, loss, challenges or transitions of life. Feel hugged!  
Nancy @ottahand7 tell Nick he’s got a lotta folks pulling for him!  
May we all stay well and safe!  Thanks all for being here.  Maureen 

🛳️Bon Voyage @St Pete Cruiser

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Good morning, another cool morning but hot day.  Next week the temps should be a bit lower.  I'd try the mushroom burger, but I think I'd prefer beef!  Kwik Trip has a 50% off coupon for a cheeseburger today...may stop there!  Today is Reading Buddies and then sewing with the 6th graders!  They are all so much fun!  

Prayers for all who need them...cheers to those celebrating!  

@rafinmdPrayers that all is going well with you

@StLouisCruisersThinking of you as you wait for your biopsy

@marshhawkalso thinking of you and DH

@StPeteCruiserBon Voyage! 

@smitty34877Thinking of you today...


Be safe, and have a good day!  Karen

Edited by quilty964
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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I really enjoyed last nights concert.  The new "hall" was not hard to find, I just had to dredge up memories from the 80's  to figure out how to get there from my new location. (new is relative, DH and I have been here for 21 years.)  But I dont haunt my old "hood" very often.


The symphony opened with the National Anthem. (like a sporting event) 

Then we heard Tancredi Overture by Rossini

Suite Modale by Ernest Bloch guest flutist was Christina Smith from the ASO

Concertino for Viola and Flute by Bloch with Christina on flute and Paul Murphy on viola ( again from the ASO)

After intermission 

Symphony #4 by Tchaikovsky


I asked DH which was his favorite piece and he said the last one, because it was the last one. I loved the Suite Modale.  I had not heard Bloch before, and his music was wonderful.


its back to walk the dog, have some time to fix lunch (sloppy joes) and then go to work.  Big Boss told me that I can work as many hours as I want until the end of the campaign, to make up for the hours I lost.  I just cant work more than 40 hours a week.


I had a job in the early 80's as a turn key. When someone moves out, you go in and clean the apartment, paint the walls, install new carpet. The business was run by one of my neighbors, and my co worker was the son of my friend Ann.  However, I found out that they paid Tommy 10 bucks an hour, and me 7.  I quit.  Tommy and I were friends, and he asked why I quit, and I told him.  He quit.   Now, I make less than other people because they pay us based on the state that we live in on the minimum wage.  Georgia is still at 7.50.  an hour.  I make 12 an hour, CA makes 16.  Sadly turns out the cost of living is comparable, but the state government last year voted down raising the minimum wage.  I am hoping our government changes this term.  Keeping people poor should be a crime. IMO.


DH wants to go walking, so dog, then Chuck.

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Happy Birthday Air Force 🇺🇸✈️




I'm still not thrilled w/the weather app on this new phone (🙋‍♀️ can I still refer to it as new if it's been almost 2 months?) and need to play w/it to see how I can customize it, but work gets in the way🥴 So, stock it is, for now.


Another hot day in my future, 4° hotter than yesterday. Thanks for calling that out. Next couple days are even hotter, flirting at 100° again. 🤞 the rain forecasted for Tues shows up.

Where are you @Nickelpenny? I've got the perfect weather for you 😉


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 

Edited by Haljo1935
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Good morning.

Thank you to Sandi, et al for the FR and D.

We are sitting in the waiting room of the Lab.  Jim needs to have blood work for his doctor visit next week. We have been here 45 minutes already and the place is packed. No sign of when he will be called.

I will write more later.

Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,


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Good morning from a sunny central Texas.  While there are no big clouds, it looks like there is a thin cloud layer.  That was the case last night, and while the moon still looked pretty, the area of the eclipse looked like there was a dark smudge on the moon.  It is a pleasant 74F with a 5mph wind from the SE.  The humidity is 93% with a dew point of 72F.  As it warms to our predicted high of 93F, the humidity will drop quite a bit.  There is nothing much on the agenda since there are no appointments today.


Chiropractors are good for some things, but we've never been to one.  Greeting card writers have a difficult job trying to find different ways to basically say the same thing over and over.  I'll add cheeseburger day to the celebrations.  Equal pay is very important, and still sadly a long way off.


I totally agree with today's quote, but don't always live up to the quote.


While I prefer beef on my cheeseburger, but the Portobello burger might be good.  I bet our vegetarians would enjoy one.  We'll pass on the mean, and the wine might be worth a try if I didn't really like my cardbordeaux so much.


 While we have visited Montevideo twice, we have not been to today's port.


A good day in 1914 for the Republic of Ireland when they were granted home rule.


@grapau27  Graham, I enjoy your pictures from the beach.  For this landlocked Texan, they are as close to the ocean as we get until we're on a cruise.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the house is cooling down at night.  I hope the new a/c is installed soon.  Thank you for your pictures from Punta del Este.

@dfish  Debbie, the days that I get a haircut are great.  It helps when you can find a really good stylist.

@smitty34877  Terry, thinking of you today as you remember Lou.  Thanks for sharing his picture with us.

@Mr. Boston  I agree with you about many of the greeting cards.  Some of the ones are too sappy.  I find I tend to head to the section with the funny cards except for sympathy cards.

@1ANGELCAT  Thanks for sharing the picture of the assistant painters, Tux and Tee Tee.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope all DH's blood work is within normal ranges.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad you both enjoyed the concert last night.  It's good that your DH wants to go for a walk.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, I am not fond of the weather app that came with my phone.  I've installed The Weather Channel app which is better, but still not perfect.  It says we'll only get has hot as 98F.  My guess is it will still feel more like triple digits then.
















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Good morning all!

I don't have a chiropractor but DH does.  Since I'm not good with words, I salute greeting card writers (the non-sappy ones)   My dear Dad would always underline parts of the greeting that he wanted to emphasize.  Apparently I've taken up doing that too, the "kids" always tease me about that. And they notice if there is no underlining.  😅  I'm all for equal pay and would love to see it happen during my life.


The quote is good and there's absolutely no chance of keeping me quiet! Pass on the meal (mushrooms) and red wine, but maybe on the drink.  We haven't been to Punta del Este yet but it's on the '26 World itinerary.  We have a HAL tour of the city and Ralli Museum. Nancy @ottahand7 I noticed your photo of the museum sign -- did you go in and if so was it worth it?  Thank you for the photos!


Today is cloudy but no chance of rain.  Unfortunately those clouds last night made it impossible to see the moon. 😞  The yard waste bin is overflowing but waste management comes by today so I'll be able to fill it up again.


Terry @smitty34877 Thinking of you today.  Thank you for sharing the nice photo of your DH.

Bon Voyage @St Pete Cruiser!

Vanessa @JazzyV I hope there has been some improvement in your leg pain. 


I hope everyone has a good day!

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Good morning all!


Just a bit of a different look at Noordam's stern from the perspective of a US Coast Guard rescue swimmer from Coast Guard Air Station Sitka, AK being lowered for a medical evacuation/Medevac in Chatham Strait

HAL Medevac NODM 15 May 2007 by MH-60T Jayhawk from USCG AS Sitka, AK in Chatham Strait, AK.jpg

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've never been to a chiropractor and don't know any greeting card writers. Equal pay should be the way it is. And I'll celebrate Cheeseburger Day! Good quote. I'd prefer a meat burger. Pass on the drink and I've had the wine. I was in Montevideo, Uruguay, on my SA/Antarctica cruise, but I haven't been to Punta del Este. A good day in history for Ireland.


It's still partly cloudy here. We didn't get any rain yesterday, sadly. I had a long afternoon. I saw my PCP and she sent me for another leg US, which was normal. I think the cellulitis is gone (leg no longer red and hot), but tremendous swelling and pain remain. Then I got blood work at almost 4PM and was still fasting! My kidney test was up a bit, but I hadn't eaten or drank anything for about 16 hours and was dehydrated. I have to repeat the chemistry panel in a week. I think I caught up on sleep, after poor sleep for a few days, so I was later in posting the Cares List. No plans today other than to try to elevate my leg.


@St Pete Cruiser Bon Voyage!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today.

@ottahand7 Thanks for the photos from Punta del Este.

@smitty34877 Hugs to you today. Thanks for sharing a photo of DD DH. 

@marshhawk I hope you and Chuck have a good day.

@Haljo1935 Thanks for the information about the Air Force birthday. 

@Copper10-8 Nice photos.

@rafinmd I hope therapy is going well.

@kazu Hopefully things are settling into place.

@mamaofami Prayers that Sam has less pain now.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

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Good morning!!!! I am running late this morning. I was awake too early to get up and then finally went back to sleep. The dogs very nicely let me sleep in but I was rushed to get errands run this morning. Went to the post office and bank and did manage to get there before the parking lots filled up. Downtown was pretty empty ... the tourists seem to be gone. They will be back in a few weeks when the Fall colors reach their peak.


I guess Monty was right about yesterday's storm ... a man was struck by lightning just outside of town. Was listed in serious condition this morning and I have not heard more. Also, we had a mountain lion in town near the fairgrounds/high school/senior center. Supposedly a young one just passing through (did they ask him his plans?) but I wonder if it was the same one that was on my hillside a couple weeks ago... this current location is fairly close to me as the crow flies. Hope he moves along... I worry more about mountain lions than the bears.  And, we have a little snow on the peaks this morning. Low was 41F in town with a predicted high of 72. It feels pretty chilly in the house right now.


Have not had a chance to read the Daily today - that will have to wait a bit, but best wishes to all.





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1 hour ago, Copper10-8 said:

Good morning all!


Just a bit of a different look at Noordam's stern from the perspective of a US Coast Guard rescue swimmer from Coast Guard Air Station Sitka, AK being lowered for a medical evacuation/Medevac in Chatham Strait

HAL Medevac NODM 15 May 2007 by MH-60T Jayhawk from USCG AS Sitka, AK in Chatham Strait, AK.jpg

Wow - seems odd that a "swimmer" would also dangle from a helicopter, but thank goodness there are people willing to do that! Hopefully none of us will need that assistance some day. Thanks for the photo @Copper10-8!



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56 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:


United States Air Force (USAF) USAF Air Demonstration Sqn ''Thunderbirds'' - General Dynamic F-16C Fighting Falcon 87-0327 (wfu),  ''Ejection'' Mountain Home AFB, ID airshow, 14 September 2003.jpg


@Copper10-8.  Help me out here.


This picture appears to show an F-16 with the red, white and blue paint scheme of the USAF Thunderbirds from which the pilot is ejecting just a few feet above the ground.  Is this a legit picture?  If so, was the photographer not remarkably lucky to snap the shot at that very instant?  Also, did the photographer not soil his pants when he realized there was an uncontrolled aircraft hurtling in his direction?  

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1 hour ago, Copper10-8 said:


Great pic, although those are our cousins, the Red Arrows, from Britain's much older Royal Air Force 😉  Here ya go!

United States Air Force (USAF) USAF Air Demonstration Sqn ''Thunderbirds'' - General Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcon, Nellis AFB, NV over the United States Air Force Memorial, ARlington, VA.jpg

United States Air Force (USAF) USAF Air Demonstration Sqn ''Thunderbirds'' - General Dynamics F-16C Fighting Falcon, Nellis AFB, NV ''Reflection pass''.jpg

United States Air Force (USAF) USAF Air Demonstration Sqn ''Thunderbirds'' - General Dynamic F-16C Fighting Falcon 87-0327 (wfu),  ''Ejection'' Mountain Home AFB, ID airshow, 14 September 2003.jpg

Copper John, great to see your name here. I have missed your very informative posts. Was your position Safety Officer?

I'm almost finished reading the 150th anniversary of Holland America Line I bought on the Zuiderdam's Voyage of the Vikings last month. I'm sure you could write your own book.

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Aloha. Another day in paradise. The USAF has been a very special part of our lives.🇱🇷

We enjoyed our alfresco dinner of grilled hamburgers with a setting sun and a rising harvest moon.

Now just arising and so far those forecasted rain showers have not materialized. Always amazing that one side of island is one of the rainiest places on earth and here on South Shore 30 inches per year is the average

@St Pete CruiserBon Voyage!

Thanks for the featured reports and post. B.



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Greetings from the port of Tampa and RCCL Splendor of the Seas. We left our home on the west side of St Petersburg at 10am and were walking onboard at 11:30. It is good to be cruising out of Tampa again. 

The Seranade is about the same size and vintage of our Zuiderdam. This is a small ship for Royal, but mid size by today's standards.  The rooms were not available until just after 1pm, so we explored and had lunch in the Windjammer, Royal's version of the Lido. Every table was occupied,  so we stood by and managed to get a table for 2. I had a salad and some barrimundi and a little seafood rice, both of which were good. No service for drinks and few to ask for anything such as where our silverware (they were out at the time) was. No officer or manager was visable. There was a Indonesian man by the soft serve ice cream I was able to chat briefly with. He was rather startled that a guest cared enough to ask how long he

had been onboard (6 months), had he worked and where during the recent World Cruise (yes, in the MDR), did he know how many guests did the entire WC(700) and was the menu upgraded for it(yes, but now it is back to usual). 

We should be sailing under the Skyway Bridge a little after 6pm. No show in the theater tonight 😕. Four days will go by quickly. Final thoughts when I return Sunday. 

Don't let anything bad happen while we are gone!

Prayers especially for those hurting today.🙏



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33 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Greetings from the port of Tampa and RCCL Splendor of the Seas. We left our home on the west side of St Petersburg at 10am and were walking onboard at 11:30. It is good to be cruising out of Tampa again. 

The Seranade is about the same size and vintage of our Zuiderdam. This is a small ship for Royal, but mid size by today's standards.  The rooms were not available until just after 1pm, so we explored and had lunch in the Windjammer, Royal's version of the Lido. Every table was occupied,  so we stood by and managed to get a table for 2. I had a salad and some barrimundi and a little seafood rice, both of which were good. No service for drinks and few to ask for anything such as where our silverware (they were out at the time) was. No officer or manager was visable. There was a Indonesian man by the soft serve ice cream I was able to chat briefly with. He was rather startled that a guest cared enough to ask how long he

had been onboard (6 months), had he worked and where during the recent World Cruise (yes, in the MDR), did he know how many guests did the entire WC(700) and was the menu upgraded for it(yes, but now it is back to usual). 

We should be sailing under the Skyway Bridge a little after 6pm. No show in the theater tonight 😕. Four days will go by quickly. Final thoughts when I return Sunday. 

Don't let anything bad happen while we are gone!

Prayers especially for those hurting today.🙏



Thanks for the update and cabin pix. I like to see that they have couches in the older-ship cabins, even in an ocean view. Nice We haven’t been on RCL yet, maybe will try one out of Bayonne NJ sometime if it’s an older ship. Enjoy every bit of your 4-day break!  

(Terry, just walking along side you today….)


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2 hours ago, wdw1972 said:

Wow - seems odd that a "swimmer" would also dangle from a helicopter, but thank goodness there are people willing to do that! Hopefully none of us will need that assistance some day. Thanks for the photo @Copper10-8!




These incredibly tough men, and now also women, are called rescue swimmers because that is their MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) in the USCG, officially Aviation Survival Technician!


Swimmer because these are the individuals who jump from their helicopter into the ocean to rescue drowning victims, persons stranded at sea, pilots who have had to leave their stricken aircraft over water, etc. They're also the ones who get lowered by hoist from their helicopter down to mountains, cliffs, glaciers, etc. under all sorts of inclement weather conditions or, as was the case here, down to a cruise ship to get a passenger, or crew member, off that ship and to a medical facility ashore.


In order to become a rescue swimmer in the Coast Guard, they have to successfully pass and complete one of the toughest training courses in the US military (and I'm saying that as a US Marine Corps veteran), the 24-week Aviation Survival Technician/Rescue Swimmer School in Elizabeth City, NC.   


I've added some more pics of actual medevacs by rescue swimmers from HAL ships that I worked on, and assisted with. On HAL ships, the security officer is also the rescue team leader as a collateral assignment so we work all medevacs when they occur 


Here's a 9-minute video of some of the aspects of that school



HAL Medevac AMDM Apr 2010 by HH-60 Jayhawk from USCGAS Kodiak in the Gulf of Alaska #3.jpg

HAL Medevac AMDM June 2017 by MH-65C Dolphin from USCGAS Port Angeles, WA in the Strait of Juan de Fuca #7.jpg

HAL Medevac MADM 19 FEB 2012 by HH-65 Dolphin from Coast Guard Air Station Borinquen off Puerto Rico #2.jpg

HAL Medevac MADM 19 FEB 2012 by HH-65 Dolphin from Coast Guard Air Station Borinquen off Puerto Rico.jpg

HAL Medevac OSDM DEC 2017 by USCG MH-60T Jayhawk from CGAS San Diego in the Pacific enroute Hawaii #4.jpg

HAL Medevac OSDM DEC 2017 by USCG MH-60T Jayhawk from CGAS San Diego in the Pacific enroute Hawaii #7.jpg

Edited by Copper10-8
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9 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:

Thank you for the Fleet Report , Sandi , for the Care & Celebration Report , Vanessa and for all the Daily News contributors .


Great to see John @Copper10-8 posting today .  "Hoe gaat het ermee Jan ? "


Tony 😄



Hoi Tony, met mij gaat het goed, hoop ook met jou? Het beste! 😉 / Hi Tony, I'm doing good. hopefully you are also! All the best!

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