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Warning: Pick pocketing in barcelona


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Why do women insist on carrying pocketbooks and men carrying wallets in their pockets when they travel?


Just wear a moneybelt and/or bra stash, all under-your-clothes items, as suggested by Got2Cruise in the previous post and you will have nothing about which to worry.

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You are going to love Barcelona. The thing with the pick pockets in Barcelona is that they are professionals. Meaning that they come from all over Europe to pickpocket there. So, most likely, they are capable of unzipping your bag. They use diversions. Forget the Pacsafe, and use one of the suggestions that keep your money in your underclothes. jmo


Hi,:) not trying to be argumentative with you but I have a question:)

How can they unzip something when the zipper is underneath a clipped

flap?:confused: and that bag diagonally in front of me.

As for keeping money under my clothing? Camera, passport??

Where do you put those things?:eek:

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Why do women insist on carrying pocketbooks and men carrying wallets in their pockets when they travel?


Just wear a moneybelt and/or bra stash, all under-your-clothes items, as suggested by Got2Cruise in the previous post and you will have nothing about which to worry.


Well, some of us have not traveled to Europe in many, many years

and are learning. I travel solo and like having a crossbody bag because

it holds the things I need and I am hands free.

The last time I was in Europe was in the late 70s...guess I am

giving away my age now:D

A bra stash sounds totally uncomfortable to me:eek:.

I am not worried~I am reading, learning and will use some

common sense too:)

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There are places where neither a pickpocket nor the sun will find them. :)


Well, I am not normal then because I want to hold my camera

in order to take pictures.:eek: and not put it where the sun doesn't


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When we were in Barcelona (and other high profile pickpocket locations) we use a disposable camera which husband puts in his pocket. It takes good pictures and a pickpocket would not have any use for it. I'm not out to win a photo contest, just want "good memory" pictures and never been disappointed.


Husband has no problem pulling his "hidden pocket" out of his pants by "sucking in" if necessary. He has a cheap wallet in his front pocket with rubber bands around it to make it a little more difficult to pull out that may contain on a good day a five euro bill but most of the time he has "change" euro in his pockets and nothing in the wallet except an expired driver's license for a photo ID to get back on the ship, some business cards, his "cheat sheet" of telephone numbers and internet urls he may want to check at an internet cafe, and maybe a couple of other things that are easily replaceable and no great loss.


I have no problem getting to my neck bag that I have tied to my bra strap and hangs below my waist on the side. If I have a "purse," it is a thrift store cross chest one that will have a mini-roll of tp, kleenex, chapstick, a cheap wallet with "bathroom" money (if I don't have a pocket to put it in), and touring information and other brochures I have picked up along the way.


Wear no jewelry other than a dollar store watch and some equally cheap earrings. Husband has a dollar store watch, too.


Tucker in Texas

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Well, some of us have not traveled to Europe in many, many years

and are learning. I travel solo and like having a crossbody bag because

it holds the things I need and I am hands free.

The last time I was in Europe was in the late 70s...guess I am

giving away my age now:D

A bra stash sounds totally uncomfortable to me:eek:.

I am not worried~I am reading, learning and will use some

common sense too:)


If you like having a crossbody bag, put anything you want in it but your valuables, which belong inside your clothes in your moneybelt. (I have read on these boards about Pacsafe bags getting slashed at the non-metallic parts.) Hang your camera strap around your neck but tuck the camera itself away when you are not using it. The basic $150 digital tourist camera is not as attractive as cash and credit cards. Even when I lived in NYC, I never carried a pocketbook when I was visiting big tourist spots like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where my Atlanta friend got her wallet lifted out of her zipper purse between the time she purchased her special exhibition ticket on the ground floor and got off the large elevator on the exhibit floor.

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  • 2 months later...

We spent 3 days in Barcelona and were hit 3 times! First night there some young men wanted to sell us tickets to a show and "bumped" into my husband. We walked away and about 1/2 blk one of the men came running up with our credit cards (My husband had them in a front pocket of his cargo pants rubber banded) and told us we had dropped them. We immediately called our credit & ATM companies and alerted them. We each have different cards so we still we able to continue on. The other two times someone tried to unzip my "fanny pack" which I had under my arm and was holding on tight. Both times it was as we were entering a subway car. When they were unable to get it from me they quickly jumped off before the doors closed. Leave all valuables in safe at hotel. Take only what you need. Put some money or cards in each of your pockets and socks. That way you will have some left even if they are successful. Pickpocketing is rampant in Barcelona!

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As has been said over and over, common sense and be aware, but know that even these things don't make you 100% safe, nothing does.


We spoke with a woman in Barcelona who had just been taken by two guys. One ran by and tossed something on her, then another guy rushed up to help her wipe it off (presumed to be bird poop, was actually paint). Money gone soon thereafter.


When this all started, she was doing something illegal herself, she was bargaining with an unlicensed vendor who was selling knockoff goods from a "snatch and run" blanket.


I carry and wear what I need to feel comfortable all over the world, knowing that I can't fit in and look like anyone other than myself - American, of a certain age, income and education level.


I do always have one piece of hiking equipment with me, a $4 thingamabob that is a compass, thermometer, mirror, magnifying glass, pen light and ear piercing whistle in one small unit. It clips onto the strap of my bag or lays in my pocket, and I'm not afraid to call attention to myself and anyone who crowds me by blowing that thing as loud as I can.

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As has been said over and over, common sense and be aware, but know that even these things don't make you 100% safe, nothing does.


We spoke with a woman in Barcelona who had just been taken by two guys. One ran by and tossed something on her, then another guy rushed up to help her wipe it off (presumed to be bird poop, was actually paint). Money gone soon thereafter.


When this all started, she was doing something illegal herself, she was bargaining with an unlicensed vendor who was selling knockoff goods from a "snatch and run" blanket.


I carry and wear what I need to feel comfortable all over the world, knowing that I can't fit in and look like anyone other than myself - American, of a certain age, income and education level.


I do always have one piece of hiking equipment with me, a $4 thingamabob that is a compass, thermometer, mirror, magnifying glass, pen light and ear piercing whistle in one small unit. It clips onto the strap of my bag or lays in my pocket, and I'm not afraid to call attention to myself and anyone who crowds me by blowing that thing as loud as I can.


What do you do if you see something that takes your breath away just before someone crowds you?

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I live in Barcelona and can only say that you definitely want to watch your belongings at all times. But no question about it -- the city is worth a visit and great to walk around in.


If you are interested in a local perspective, in English, recommend Barcelona Metropolitan's (it's the english language city magazine) website.




Here is a recent article about the crime on the Rambla's for example.



A few days before you go you might want to read their Informer Blog for any news related to crime, incidents, or other interesting events.

It's updated daily during weekdays.





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My neighbor daughter just got back from a cruise on Ncl out of Barcelona they were taking the train from the airport to the hotel when her husband wallet was taken from his cargo pant pocket on his front leg they got away with $600 and euros ,credit cards , driving license went to the police station they help him to cancel all his credit cards, just glad his wife had another credit card and passport.

I have been all over Europe and had nothing stolen, but I got my purse stolen at our local Walmart.


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I also posted a warning after my cruise parting from Barcelona.


Pick pockets are everywhere, we could spot some of them too, the airport is a main target. We spoke to a number of people on our cruise who had been a victim and they hadnt even got out of the airport when this happened. One lady had her passport taken too and then had to wait for the embassy to open on the Monday to get this sorted, she missed a few days of her cruise.

They have a huge problem there, the one thing I noticed was, there are not enough police, the whole 2 days we were there we never seen a single police car or police man, if they mingled a bit more with the crowds it might be more of a determent.

On the way home, we were at the airport and were looking at the menu on the wall, when I turned round my hand baggage was open, nothing was taken because there was only cosmetics in it.


Prior to going to Barcelona I had read all of these warnings, purchased a different purse, etc. After just a few hours actually walking around in the city, taking the subway, etc. I felt like some of the dire warnings were overblown. I took the subway all over Barcelona, and frankly they were cleaner, less crowded, and much easier than those in NYC, Boston and Chicago. The ONLY place I felt there was the possibility of being pick pocketed was on La Rambla in the evening, as it was quite crowded and so people were bumping into each other just trying to walk down the street.


Basically I took the same precautions I take in any major city - I had a bag that tucked under my arm with zipper tab facing front, my cash and credit cards were in another zipped compartment inside the larger bag, when at cafes the bag was in front of me between my feet, etc. If you use common sense and just stay aware you should be fine.

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Prior to going to Barcelona I had read all of these warnings, purchased a different purse, etc. After just a few hours actually walking around in the city, taking the subway, etc. I felt like some of the dire warnings were overblown. I took the subway all over Barcelona, and frankly they were cleaner, less crowded, and much easier than those in NYC, Boston and Chicago. The ONLY place I felt there was the possibility of being pick pocketed was on La Rambla in the evening, as it was quite crowded and so people were bumping into each other just trying to walk down the street.


Basically I took the same precautions I take in any major city - I had a bag that tucked under my arm with zipper tab facing front, my cash and credit cards were in another zipped compartment inside the larger bag, when at cafes the bag was in front of me between my feet, etc. If you use common sense and just stay aware you should be fine.


I agree completely. The problem with Barcelona is (and I say this as someone who has lived here for 5 years) is complacency. People usually get pick-pocketed, loose their valuables, when they relax and don't watch their belongings very closely.


For example hang out at a local McDonalds near the Ramblas and just watch the people. Chances are some guy or some girl is moving around sitting from table to table. Not ordering any food and "accidentally" knocking over someones bags. If nobody is paying attention -- it's usually too late. This is where I think Barcelona is more extreme.


But otherwise Barcelona is a great place to visit. I love it here.

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Just got back from my 3rd trip in Barcelona. I have now, ate there, slept there, shopped there, taken the cabs, trains, & busses there.


I have never had a problem at all.


But, I am 50 years old.


I can see being in your 70's or 80's you may be more of a target. If that is how old you are, wear your purse cross body and toward the buildings not the street. Don't travel alone if you can help it.

If you are alone, stay close to groups, as there are several of them touring with an escort everywhere.


Lastly, have fun! It's a fantastic city..much more like Paris then Rome if you want a comparison.

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Just returned from barcelona. On day 2, husband's point and shoot camera was stolen out of his bag. We figure it was taken while at the magic fountain show when he was not paying attention and taking pictures with his big camera. That's on him, it wasn't smart to put the camera in an outside pocket.

Post cruise, we were accosted twice within 5 minutes by different perpetrators at citadel park. The first was a guy riding his bike by and smacking my husband on the shoulder and telling him he had something on his back. Then he and 2 buddies on bikes advanced on us to 'help.' I knew this one, so I pulled my husband away and strongly told them 'no'. they moved off when they realized that I knew this was a scam. I had tissues and wet wipes to clean the stuff off my husband's jacket. It seemed like a liquid soap or gel.

After we moved off from that experience, another guy came at us and was aggressively asking us for cigarettes and calling us liars when we refused to open our bags to show him. we got away from him pretty quickly. The rest of the trip I was on high alert. It got so whenever I heard a bicycle come by us at high speed I would tense up. I was afraid someone would zip by and grab the bag off of my husband when he was focused on taking a picture. He's an amateur photographer and tends to get very absorbed. We were in BCN 2 years ago and didn't experience this at all. It is sad because we love barcelona, but the experience doesn't make me want to go back. If we had another cruise out of barcelona, I don't think we would stay in the city pre or post cruise for very long. It's a shame, but it was stressful to have to be so hypervigilant.

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I agree with the previous poster that being "hpervigilant" was very stressful. We stayed in Barcelona three days prior to Voyager cruise. I had a money belt I wore under my shirt. Left all jewelry in hotel safe. DH carried a small backpack. When a local vendor told DH to carry the backpack on his chest with the zippered sides against him my DH became a believer.


Luckily we had no incidents but I was nervous the entire time we were there. Once on the ship we did learn of several attempts by pickpockets including one of a lady who was wearing several bracelets. She fought off the attacker but recieved several scratches on her arm.


DH also met a lady on the ship who had her purse stolen in Livorno, Italy. This was her first trip to Europe, first passport and first cruise. He felt really sorry for her. The cruise desk told her she would have to go to a counsolate where it would cost her $800 to replace the passport. We never learned how she resolved the issue.


Bottom line is be cautious in all European ports and most especially Barcelona.

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Bottom line is be cautious in all European ports and most especially Barcelona.

Actually, it's best to be aware and cautious in any tourist centered place, pretty much anywhere in the world. Predators know that most of us are in vacation mode, and it's hard to be in both places mentally (vacation and vigilance) at the same time.

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Gmadum & missylou:


How old are you and what is your height? I'm asking as I want to know if you are what is considered more of a "targeted" person.


As I said we are 50 and tall. My husband is 6'2" and 250 lbs. We never had any trouble.


Athough, I would not say my in laws who are 5'2" and 82 years old would not be a target. Thanks for your honesty.

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I think I' posted this somewhere in the pages of replies...


My kids carried both my DSLRs up and down Las Ramblas shooting stuff by themselves, not a problem. I was about 10 paces behind watching, looking very much the tourst with my lowepro backup :D


My dad, later that afternoon decide on his own to wander off for about an hour and half when we all were taking a nap. That was a pretty scary hour of searching around Las Ramblas for an hour. Oh by the way he is 80+, very slow moving, couldn't look like a more tempting target if I was a pickpocketer, he did come back with passport and pockebook. So people do avoid bad things also, I'd bet we are the norm not the exception.


Be smart and vigilant and not carry unnecessary stuff and you'll like be safe. Of course you won't be as safe as at home, unless home is Time Square or something ;)


Safe travels

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I think I' posted this somewhere in the pages of replies...


My kids carried both my DSLRs up and down Las Ramblas shooting stuff by themselves, not a problem. I was about 10 paces behind watching, looking very much the tourst with my lowepro backup :D


My dad, later that afternoon decide on his own to wander off for about an hour and half when we all were taking a nap. That was a pretty scary hour of searching around Las Ramblas for an hour. Oh by the way he is 80+, very slow moving, couldn't look like a more tempting target if I was a pickpocketer, he did come back with passport and pockebook. So people do avoid bad things also, I'd bet we are the norm not the exception.


Be smart and vigilant and not carry unnecessary stuff and you'll like be safe. Of course you won't be as safe as at home, unless home is Time Square or something ;)


Safe travels


Please forgive me as I get up on my soapbox and let you know that Times Square is one of the safest places in NY these days. After 9/11 NYPD set up a station there, so there are police everywhere. The least safe city in the US now is New Orleans, however I would never let that deter me from re-visiting that wonderful city.

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It can happen anywhere..on vacation or at home. Pickpocketing and theft is not just a European sport/vocation. It is practiced all over North America....especially in airports, train stations, and busy tourist attractions. Tourists tend to be pre occupied, less vigilent, and carry more money and items that thieves can quickly turn into cash.

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I was on the same cruise as Missylou and spent a day seeing Barcelona on our own, including using the subway. I felt like I was very prepared to be in Barcelona and we did not have any problems. I used a Pac Safe purse and my husband used a Pac Safe wallet in his front pocket. We also used a money belt for extra cash.


We were very vigilant but it didn't ruin our mood. If I looked at a map, I did so with my back against the wall and my husband keeping an eye out. If either of us took photos, the other was on the lookout. Using the Pac Safe purse features, I chained my purse to my chair at restaurants and always kept the zippers locked. We split up all the money and carried different credit cards and ATM cards, in case one of us was pickpocketed. On our cruise, we met a woman whose purse was stolen from the chair next to hers in a Barcelona restaurant. She couldn't board the ship until Day 3 because her passport was in the purse and had to get a temporary one. It was very sad. We never carried our passports with us, except from the airport to the hotel and hotel to ship.


Anyway, we are not aware of any attempts of pickpocketing on us but I felt like we did a good job in protecting ourselves and had a plan if we did. I put an info sheet in each of our wallets with phone numbers of Barcelona police, address to police station, as well as copies of our passports. At the hotel/ship, I kept a copy of all of our credit and ATM cards so I could contact the banks as well.


Anyway, I want to thank everyone for the tips I learned here and for helping me protect myself! I honestly believe it made our trip much more enjoyable by being vigilant!

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