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Everything posted by MissP22

  1. I would do the cruise after Thanksgiving as the ship will be decorated for Christmas.
  2. Thanks. Although I don't withdraw more than one time per leg, I'll keep it in mind. That's only because they send reminders to close your account.
  3. Are you saying that there's only a one time withdrawal allowed? I've never tried to withdraw more than one time per leg.
  4. Sailing our of Florida I've seen it both ways. Sometimes there can only be a few dozen people dressed up & while other times it can be a hundred, with the crew also participating in the DR.
  5. It gives some folks a feeling of being special when they can be greeted at the DR door and be seated immediately. (at a cost). It's not worth it to me since we don't eat at the most popular times and the extra dish that's prepared tableside, simply isn't that important to me.
  6. No. I haven't been on the Sapphire.
  7. I don't believe they keep track of those reservation people on any sort of a list. If it were me I would still cancel the reservation for that particular evening. All dining rooms have the same theme... formal or casual. That being said, Princess's dress code has been unofficially relaxed recently (since the return from Covid) and you'll find that many of the men no longer wear suits on formal evenings, but that's a decision he'll have to make for himself. My husband just wears his Polo shirt & a pair of his dress pants or even his Dockers.
  8. Or exchange it for an old fashion cruise card which will let you use it for a room key and boarding card but nothing else.
  9. Your main complaint seems to be with the Medallion system. Why not use the Medallion for the things you do like and ignore the rest? No one is forcing you to use it to gamble, make purchases or reserve a DR time. Other than an ID for embarking and disembarkation it becomes transparent once aboard.
  10. We did likewise, on the Enchanted, except that we opened our casino account in the smoky casino which I'll never do again. I didn't realize that it could be done on the TV. The smoke was so bad I'll do anything to avoid going back to the casino except to cash out.
  11. On our previous cruise in March we had standing reservations for 5:00 PM. When we arrived we still had to check in every night as though we didn't have any reservations at all. We were always immediately seated at a table for 2 as requested. Although it isn't actually explained my assumption is that if it were very busy at that time, people without reservations would have to wait to the others to be seated first. I've read of people with reservations (arriving at around 7 PM) having to wait up to 30 minutes just to be seated and they were quite annoyed thinking the time slot would guarantee them their time slot. My belief is that their reservation system does not hold a table for you but only places you in a queue, should you choose to arrive around your specified time. How long the slot would be held open is still unanswered.
  12. It happens all to often on every ship. As you well know.
  13. It was only a suggestion. Some people need to be reminded.
  14. We bring our old door sign but hang it in the room nowadays. Someone will take it for sure.
  15. Is this for your 07/16/2023 Discovery Princess cruise ?
  16. It certainly looks good but then again so does their pumpkin pie and pecan pie.
  17. We had the same exact experience on the Enchanted in April.
  18. It sounds great ! I'm all for trying anything that's from other cultures that's different, especially the desserts.
  19. If you only got one setup, you should have complained & you would have received the second one. That was a mistake.
  20. Or even a blank piece of paper to write a note on.
  21. I seriously doubt is there are to many fires on the beach and any hurricane damage to the palm trees & bushes could be cleaned up in a few hours. It all boils down to trimming as much natural shade as feasible so they can sell those unbearably hot clamshell lounges for $40. That's why we always arrive as early as possible for a shady spot under a tree.
  22. MissP22


    3 hours later? I doubt it would do much.
  23. Thanks. With my old android phone I could test message but wouldn't receive any audible indications, so I started using WhatsApp for messaging & calling. It appears that their system lets everyone use their phones with the same features they have at home.
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