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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. I think if you google it’s pretty easy to find said site.
  2. When they switched to their new website many years ago the ability to review went away. Then a couple years ago, maybe more, you could review again. I don’t know that that ability exists. I have had some success googling or going onto YouTube getting information that I need.
  3. Thank you for all your efforts on this. Such beautiful flowers for you to have to leave behind.
  4. Hopefully it will be short. Speaking just for myself I would be turned off by a ta that says they don’t have time to do something. Is that their job? I mean they are getting a commission.
  5. Yeah, that true. There may be no actual paying customers on those ships 😛. You make a good point.
  6. I’m definitely not paying a few extra dollars. Hal needs to stop giving out free cruises like candy to a few chosen ones. I pay plenty for my cruises so some can coast. When you see someone say they want a world cruise for a hundred bucks I just shake my head in disbelief. That’s what you get for giving out too many free cruises. It’s never enough.
  7. I don’t blame you. That’s a lot of $$. Easy for some to say otherwise. Pretty sure no one would be happy with that even if they say otherwise.
  8. Unfortunately I don’t think hal is handing out anything like they may have before the pandemic. I think a better indication is what have they done since.
  9. While they may be true of some sailings I’m quite surprised at the sold out cruises lately. Personally I’d love to have a half empty ship again. Counting available cabins is not an indication of how well the cruise is booked. There could be a lot of guarantee bookings.
  10. Yes I don't think thst anyone is confused by the meaning. Hal used to let you book shorex 3 days before with obc. I've read more than a few people saying on other lines that they can use obc so it doesn't surprise me when people are confused.
  11. The last time I did this cruise it left at 11pm as well. The reason I remember is because I flew in the day of, something I never do but I thought I had enough wiggle room and I did a very early flight. Also it's just going to Victoria. They'll be doing doughnuts in the ocean all night.
  12. I have read on cruise critic of people having really early embarkation times. No recent experience myself. If I remember correctly you do US immigration before you get on the ship even though you go to Victoria. I’ve done this cruise a few times in conjunction with a Mexican cruise. That said I have gotten off the ship after embarkation in Vancouver so that part is odd. My cruises were before the pandemic.
  13. Ensenada is a hole. I’d rather spend a longer day at Puerto Vallarta. That said Ensenada should be visited at least once.
  14. Absolutely. I think some employers believe one is the same as the next. Everyone is going to take time to get up to speed no matter how keen or smart they are. I made the Facebook post because you hear often on here hal is struggling to find staff like everyone else. Doesn’t appear that way. It’s probably the same people that think hal doesn’t serve lobster for free because of supply issues 😛.
  15. Is medical part of the “crew” count? I don’t know about that. Even so, maybe it might be 10 or 20 people, not hundreds. I suppose if someone wants to argue you can say that. Medical people are not employees.
  16. You started a thread about club orange perks yesterday. I linked the pdf there. Here it is again. I’ll leave it up to you to google next time. https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/dining/club-orange.html
  17. I’ve never seen the price increase over time on anything I’ve booked. It’s always a fire sale near the end. I’m not talking about once a year itineraries or something like the voyage of the Vikings. I don’t think you can assume an uncrowded ship anymore. My upcoming cruise looks very full along with the ones proceeding it.
  18. Hal is being very, very stingy with anything. I had a pretty large price drop before final on a refundable fare and they didn’t want to do it 🙄. I don’t think so. They did after a bit of arguing. You might as well ask. Good luck.
  19. Mine had the lid down with the legs hanging out of the toilet if I remember correctly.
  20. I agree, it’s a koningsdam thing for the most part. I’ve had very few problems on other hal ships. I’ll be interested to see if the accounting system has improved in the last several months. I hope you have a wonderful cruise.
  21. I saw something interesting on Facebook this morning. It was posted by Hal. I assume the information is correct. It showed where each ship is positioned and the crew size. I just checked a couple ships with another site the references crew size. The ships I checked are fully staffed. The Rotterdam was showing a few extra staff than what the website showed as the crew size. If the information is correct and I assume it is there should be no reason to not provide pre pandemic service.
  22. I don’t object. I never said that. No need to get upset. What I wonder is why some people constantly say only you can decide. I can predict it before they write it. I think it’s very clear that no one can decide for someone else unless the person specifically says “you decide for me”. If the op said that I missed it.
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