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Posts posted by Live4cruises

  1. @ger_77, so sorry that both you and DH have the darned insidious virus!  Wishing all of you good rest and speedy recovery.

    @kazu, sending love and strength.

    Thanks for all the beautiful pictures of Venice; we have enjoyed two wonderful stops there; an early morning sail in is among my favorite cruise memories.  A recommended book is City of Falling Angels by John Berendt.  He is also the author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.  Falling Angels has to do with the fire that destroyed the old Fenice opera in 1996.

    Have a good Sunday~~

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  2. Oh my, so much sadness in our group.  I am stunned at the news about Shadow, and disgusted at the thought that anyone could withhold this information.  So cruel to every soul involved.

    In the face of all that ---

    I appreciate being mentioned on the celebrations list, and welcomed home.  We had a wonderful visit, and were so relaxed.  The descriptor that kept coming to my mind was "healing" although we are fortunate not to have any obvious troubles needing healing.  Anyhow, a wonderful time.  Except for an unexpected 9 hour delay at Dallas Love Wednesday night.  There were storms, and much-needed rain.  It was after 3:00 a.m. on Thursday when we finally got in our front door, but we and all luggage arrived safely.  Travel is sometimes difficult, but always worth it.

    Good wishes to @richwmn on your birthday - looking forward to meeting you and other Dailyites in about 2 months.  Hooray for everyone who is celebrating.  Heartfelt healing wishes for those with illness, grief, and troubles.

    My best, as always ~~

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  3. Good Sunday, everyone,


    I've never been to Haines, but have fond memories of some stops in Skagway, especially the very first one with my mother.  Thanks for all the pictures that make me smile.

    I used to love reading the Mrs. Murphy series.  Those would make some good travel reading, I'll look into them for the upcoming cruise.

    I hope those of you - and friends and family - dealing with Covid have mild cases.  I'll be lining up the next time it's my opportunity for a vaccine.  I used to have some aversion to needles.  These past couple of years, I seem to be getting over that!

    School starts here in early August, and I think they get out soon after Memorial Day.  The specific dates vary by district, but all in the same general time frame.

    @kazu best of luck as you and Shadow get used to each other and come to agreement on who is Alpha.

    We leave tomorrow (yea!) for 10 days in the hills of North Georgia of DS and DDIL.  It looks as if it is going to be much cooler than Oklahoma, so there's an added plus.


    My best~~

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  4. Good Friday morning!  

    I’m enjoying the pictures of Hong Kong.  We were there for a few days at the end of a Statendam cruise in 2008.  We stayed on the Kowloon side.  At the Peninsula.  Well, not exactly AT the Peninsula, but next door at the YMCA.  That’s right.  It was amazing.  At the Y we could afford one of the spacious top floor suites overlooking the harbor.  It was unbelievable.

    I just might have lasagne tonight when we meet friends for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant. 

    @lcand1923, what a wonderful story about lasagne!

    @kazu, Shadow looks happy - to have a great person, beautiful yard, and remembering how to be a dog.

    Thanks everyone

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  5. @kazu, I hope evening 2 is going well with Shadow, she is getting over jet lag and terror, and starting to think that maybe this is home.  She’ll begin training you soon, I’m sure!

    I’m glad everyone who went head over heels (shouldn’t that be the other way around?) is doing OK today.  Please do try to stay upright!

    I hope Tana’s son’s Covid is a mild case, and Tana escapes it altogether.

    @1ANGELCAT, I’m so happy that the vet thinks surgery will help your pretty girl Fluff.  I’m looking forward to hearing a good outcome.

    @dfish, it looks like you are having a wonderful cruise!  I’m really looking forward to meeting you in October.

    Thank you EVERYONE who posts pictures and memes.  Sometimes a laugh, sometimes a memory, always a pleasure.

    We had a couple of thundershowers last evening, and today’s high stayed in the 90’s.  We have more rain expected overnight and even “cooler” tomorrow!  So grateful, but so sad for those flooding in St. Louis and Kentucky.

    Best to all my CC friends ~~

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  6. @marshhawk, so sorry that you became a dog sled!  That darn neighbor pup is a lot of trouble!  I love your philosophical note about physics.  It reminds me of a story my nephew (now an astrophysicist) told in his college days, in which he broke his wrist.  He was playing a pick-up softball game, and they were using paper plates as bases.  Brilliant, huh?  He told me that he rounded 1st and vectors took over.  Be good to yourself this evening, and extra gentle in the morning!

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  7. Good morning!

    I love bagpipes, and am happy to join so many others here, especially since no one has posted an unfortunate joke about them.

    Oh my, conchas look amazing, and I will figure out some way to try them.

    @superoma, such a beautiful vegetable garden!  Wishing you a stunningly happy birthday!

    @grapau27, you have a very short memory if you are calling 75 hot.  🤣

    @lindaler, I hope your scrapes and aches heal quickly.  I’m sorry that happened to you, and can very easily picture myself in the same state.

    Echoing other comments, we too visited St. Petersburg a few years ago, and enjoyed every minute.  So glad that we did, because there will be no Russian stamps on this girl’s passport again.

    @kazu, happy homecoming for Shadow!

    My best to one and all ~



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  8. @marshhawk, Great news about Chuck!  There is nothing so sweet as unexpected happy news.

    Oh Ann, your family's story is just heartbreaking.  I am so glad you have been able to exit the cycle of pain and fear and create a loving life for yourself, Chuck, bff's, animals.  We are all glad that you found us too.  ❤️

    Mykonos is very grateful for all the warm thoughts that he is picking up!  Thank you all for being animal lovers.

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  9. Good Tuesday to all.

    I was close to my mother's two sisters.  One lived in a nearby town, and we saw her frequently.  She was a wonderful, loving, supportive person in my life.  She never married, but all of her nieces and nephews adored her - I like to think I was her favorite 😉.  DH had a similar relationship with one of his uncles.  We were both fortunate!

    @cat shepard, I literally laughed out loud at the sign, and @rafinmd, I think my skin would have crawled at being stranded, albeit briefly, in a snowstorm in the Donner Pass.

    @0106 That cake makes my mouth water.  I love the contributions all the Food and Beverage department bring to us!

    @kazu, if there was an earlier photo of Shadow, I missed it, so I was happy to see this one.  I chuckled seeing the glare she was throwing at her crate.  So glad that she was unaware of the long flight ahead of her, and so GRATEFUL that it's over.  We are eager to hear the tales as you two get acquainted.

    @kochleffel, good luck tonight.  That is such a miserable process - there MUST be a better way!

    DH and I are doing the happy dance.  Despite the close contact, we have remained Covid free.  Thank you science for giving us two doses plus two boosters.  We'll line up for any vaccination.

    Our Mykonos cat got unhappy news from the vet yesterday.  He's approaching the far end of bad renal values.  We've had him 18 years, and will do all we can to keep him happy as long as possible.

    A big thank you to all who share their lives, photos and memes.  🤗

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  10. Good day everyone, 

    It sounds like most are having a very good start to the weekend.  Wonder of wonders, we had an unexpected shower last evening that knocked the temps down to the 70’s for a short while.  Glorious!  I went for a VERY short walk in the rain, and could hear people in the neighborhood outside laughing.  I’m just thrilled it remembers how to rain!  We are back to 100+ today, but hope is forecast for a week from now.  Hooray!

    We are in the 🤞group for a few days.  Our cousin had a late flight Tuesday night returning from a business trip, so he spent the night with us before making the 3-hour drive home on Wednesday.  Of course we visited, shared a meal, hugged.  He texted yesterday afternoon that he tested positive.  RATS!  We have test kits ready for Monday (day 5).  We’re vaccinated and double boosted, but gee, so is the president.  We’re supposed to fly to Atlanta on 8/1 for a visit with DS & DDIL.  I do NOT want to have to cancel the trip!

    So, we are staying cool and being hermits.

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  11. Hello everyone,

    @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, the a/c we just replaced at 28 years pre-dated us owning the house.  I think it was a Carrier.  The new monster is a Lennox.  I hope your next door neighbor was just a sad anomaly!

    Thanks to all who posted about Saguenay (sorry if that’s misspelled, and I dare not navigate away from this page!).  We are planning DIY when we’re there in October.

    DH and I enjoy Words with Friends and Wordle.  My SIL also introduced us to WORLDLE, which I expect some of this group would excel at!  We find it mostly humbling. . .  


    Today is supposed to be the hottest, at least so far, in the neighborhood of 110.  Then we’re back to 10(something) for as far as the eye can see.  One of the local weather people reports that there are no storm systems or fronts in what he sees trending.  Crazy.

    @marshhawk, I don’t think I’ve specifically commented, but I am really excited for you on planning your huge trip!  

    Be safe and cool, and have a good Tuesday!

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  12. Good morning, everyone!

    Congratulations to those of you seeing rain; our long stretch of days over 100 is expected to continue for all the days of the extended forecast.  While 100 is not unusual for us for a few days in the summers, I have never seen it this hot for so very long.  Fortunately, our new a/c system is a champ!  I think the last step in that process will be today when the electric company will come out to determine that the installers did everything correctly, and the system does meet the requirements for their rebate.

    We’ve been staying close to home, and exceptionally lazy.  My steps have dropped precipitously, and I am in NEED of some cooler weather to get out and walk.  @grapau27, I hope the heat in UK and Europe breaks soon.

    @0106, thank you for the wonderful instructions for fried chicken yesterday, especially the tip about a buttermilk soak.  Our chicken enjoyed the buttermilk bath before becoming Orange Marmalade Chicken last night.  Yum!

    @kazu, I’ve been excited to read about your new Shadow!  I know we’re all looking forward to pictures and stories.

    In two weeks, we travel to hoped-for cooler weather in the mountains of north Georgia for a visit with DS & DDIL. When we get home from that, it will be time to get serious about our October cruise!  As long as I have a cruise to look forward to, I can endure the heat.  Speaking of October, @richwmn, I want to be sure we are on the list for the Daily Pinnacle dinner.  My record still shows that we still have all our dinner perks available.  

    Be well, be kind, take good care!


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  13. In the absence of the late lamented Doc Dance, luggage tags are one of our pre-cruise rituals.  DH prints them in color on photo paper, trims and folds.  Then we use a small hole punch, through which we thread a large and colorful (just because) rubber band.  When we retrieve bags at the airport, we pop our tags on and off we go!  We get a LOT of comments on our fancy tags.  😀

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  14. Belated Happy Canada Day, early Happy Independence Day!

    Sadly, "I forgot" is my mantra.  Sigh.

    We didn't get hit by an appliance gremlin, but by a full blown system devil.  The air conditioner in the main area of the house has decided that Oklahoma heat is too much, and died.  The furnace is fine, but because the a/c coil is under it, and must also be replaced, we are getting a new furnace as well.  It's 20 (how did that happen?!), and has to be physically removed for the a/c work, so what the heck, let's replace the furnace too since we're already paying for the labor.  Grumble.  We are assured the new system will be ever so much more efficient.  As far as I'm concerned, it should do a heck of a lot more than heat and cool for the amount of money and trouble!  Rant over.

    We've been to Honolulu, but not by cruise.  Thanks everyone who posted their beautiful pictures.

    Bon Voyage for those headed for and already on cruises!  It's time to make payment on our October one.

    Everyone take care!

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