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Everything posted by Jim_Iain

  1. Fantastic... The upgrade fairy is always much better than having to pay for an upgrade. Usually this occurs after bidding is closed when someone test positive within the 48 hours prior to cruise. That happens to us last cruise except they called us the night before but told us our new room as the system is locked at 48 hours for homeland security reporting.
  2. Understand your point and I will admit living in the middle of Silicon Valley most would be connected. My assumption was that if someone is posting here they either have a computer, phone or tablet. Most of these devices have a camera and audio. Zoom is normally no more difficult than ordering something on Amazon which I guess all don't do either. I respect your decision to not have such devices or desire to use technology and will preface my future comments with a disclaimer.
  3. I had a call from the Shoreside Concierge on Wednesday and part of her reminders is that we have to fill out the "Arrrrvvv Can" or however you pronounce it 72 hours prior to your first port in Canada and may be required to board if first Canadian Port is within that 72 hours. I told her many on CruiseCritic were confused as no official communications has come out. She said well they should send something out next week. I thought to my self I won't hold my breath.
  4. I do that all the time. I like cold water and also pour it out of the ice bucket for pills in the morning and evening.
  5. That picture of you with hot pink lights is incredible. It captures so much of you and just pulls us into the picture. Have you tried the afternoon tea in Ocean View - usually about 4:00 ? Small finger sandwiches, scones and cream and lots of tasty little sweets. They really don't advertise it much but sometimes it is just fun and generally not very well attended.
  6. Only one on a M-Class in the bedroom. If you had more than 2 in the cabin they to come into the bedroom and squeeze all way past the foot of bed to get to it.
  7. I've seen it 4-5 months prior to the cruise but found it was just the stock information for the repetitive cruises. About 2 cruises out it finally starts populating with information you can trust. Our 8/7 cruise just updated to what we think is information last week. Suddenly our stop in Bermuda on a Greenland/Iceland cruise disappeared.
  8. That could be fun. But you have to be aboard the ship in order for them to work. Out of curiosity I tried that even from the terminal before boarding.
  9. I just happened to have the menu From Cosmopolitan. I had to look up Tito to find it’s a home crafted Vodka. I don’t drink but use to be a bar tender when in College so still have an interest in drinks I don’t recognize. I would have also guessed Premium. What I’ve never understood is why waters like Perrier which cost about $5.00 isn’t on the Classic.
  10. Yes you can. The sell both the canned water under the Classic or San Pelligrino, Evian and Perrier on Premium for If I recall $5 - 6 They also sell it by the liter in the dining rooms and some of the bars for I believe about 7.50 all these prices would have about a 20% grat added.
  11. Unless it has changed --- here's the list of labels on the Classic and Tito is listed. I'm going to have to google to find out what Tito is. LOL
  12. Agree... which of course is contradictory and inaccurate. We all know how good Celebrity is on messaging. They could sure use some good proof readers.
  13. You can either check your Manage Reservation and it will appear there or usually at 30 days but sometimes as far out as 45-50 days you will get an email (maybe). On my B3B I only received 1 out of the 3 cruises. Last cruise I bid on others were able to bid but I was not able to until 21 days prior to cruise. Usually if you sign up for your Roll Call someone will post they received an invite then you can manually bid if you didn't get advised. Some Travel Agents like Costco do not participate. If you don't get an invite just go to the Upgrade Bid form and bid - all you need is Reservation Number and Last Name. https://www.celebritycruises.com/bid-on-cruise-room-upgrade
  14. I agree 100% that especially on long cruises we spend more time in our room and enjoy staying connected and spending quality time together. I've used YouTube TV but depending on what satellite the ship is bouncing off of you may need to use a VPN to make it think your in the U.S. If connected to Miami you will only be able to watch Miami local news and stations. You can however watch anything you record so I set up recording for our local stations for the local news - Early Morning, Evening and Late Nights. It buffers pretty well and quality will adjust to bandwidth limitations. I'm bringing along a Firestick his next cruise as they have built in VPN access. If your husband has a problem have him e-mail me. Actually the hardest part is getting it plugged in - The HDMI ports are about 10 inches in and you only have about 6-7 inches on the sides as they are set into a frame. Our butler has been helpful (knowing how to get it to lean up) otherwise they will have IT come up an connect for you.
  15. I would do it at home using any unopened home test and an at home Zoom Proctored call offered by a place like OnPoint Testing - They don't care where you live. https://onpoint-testing.com/product/certified-teleservice-covid-testing/?gclid=CjwKCAjwyryUBhBSEiwAGN5OCHNIpbqRJyWDeYQSvgqh7KwesMLm_fQm1o7f8WQCiqqUHLDDmKQJAxoC77kQAvD_BwE
  16. There is only one disadvantage to sailing an RS. It's called addiction. Once you tasted it you will be back. again and again.
  17. My experience has been that when you are upgraded you maintain you existing perks - which are Tips, Wifi and Drink. If you don't have those you don't get them. What comes with the room is a bar setup with 2 Liter bottles of the Premium Booze of your choice plus beer and mixers, free laundry and Unlimited Specialty free dining You also get free drinks in the Retreat Lounge. You will however not get a drink package, internet or tips if you don't already have them. This is from actual experience booking a no-perk since I already get free drinks and internet as a Zenith. I got charged tips daily. Many in this situation get their drinks in Retreat and bring a glass of wine to dinner with them. Remember many of the Customer Service reps are in Kansas and have never even seek a Celebrity ship let alonge been on one and if you call 2 times will get 3 different answers Yes, No Maybe.
  18. That's a good sign they are adjusting prices or bringing TA inventory back into the system.
  19. I was told that all passengers must test within 2 days prior to cruise but if you tested positive your COR would cover you. Southampton Sailings -- COR for sailings 11 to 180 days from first tested positive. You would have to check but I think you have to check your Positive date and make sure 180 days is beyond the last day of your cruise. I thought I read that it had to cover your entire cruise but I could be defiantly wrong on that. Al least if it does your covered either way. https://www.celebritycruises.com/healthy-at-sea/southampton-travel-requirements
  20. Came back as a bulk e-mailer out of a Celebrity domain.
  21. Come on. .... LOL He is technically correct. If your in a Suite you will of course have access to Retreat. Sapphire or above are just bragging rights
  22. Looking forward to following along. Especially interested to your observations about Summit as we will be boarding the day your cruise ends. @GenerationX has been been given a wonderful review as she will be departing the morning you arrive. Best wishes and a Bon Voyage.
  23. Could someone post the senders e-mail address. Wanted to check on the address. Jim
  24. Had the same experience. Best advise is to contact who you spoke to or e-mailed previously. If you don't have a contact call engagement center and get both a phone number and e-mail of the rep you are speaking to. In my case nothing happened until I started calling and sending a weekly email requesting status. Total time after contact was about 40 days.
  25. Celebrity has so many things planned no one person could attend them all. To get a good idea would suggest downloading the Celebrity App on you phone and then select any ship (preferably the one you want to sail) and select a current sailing. On the Daily Planner Tab - First Change filter to ALL ACTIVITIES instead of Suggested and then you can scroll by day and time and see everything available
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