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Everything posted by Jim_Iain

  1. I've seen it before even on cruises sailing shortly. It occurred on our August cruises on Summit. One day they showed all three curies sold out. They came back a couple days later at higher rates just in time for the 50% off second passenger sale. The prices netted out to the original amount. Also have seen it happens just before they cancel a cruise due to a charter.
  2. Or at least a bottle of Veuve Clicquot to take away the pain. Medicinal use only of course. I would really like to do the Veuve Clicquot but I don't drink - I usually just slide mine over to Iain. Maybe I'll book it anyway. My favorite Iain response when I suggest an expensive upgrade - "It's only money" - I'm more of the penurious type. So I listen to him and book it. We did the Chef's table (pre-Chef B) once and the Sommelier was gracious enough to pair a different non-alcoholic wine for me with each course. Really made me feel included.
  3. I do agree that there is a possibility. Their Customer Service is non-existant or couple hours wait for a text chat. I have 2 eMed kits sitting next to me right now as a backup. My first attempt to get an appointment got stuck and couldn't get resolved after 2 days I filed a CC dispute and rebooked - This time went through perfectly. The only real advantage is we could both test on the same session. We are planning on testing at 9:00 AM before a 12 Noon flight 2 days prior to cruise and could always test with eMed when we arrive in Newark or anytime the next day
  4. I've never experienced this with my TA. Normally I like to do the booking myself so will just find the cruise I want and the room I want and then either put it on hold and have him pick up and complete the booking (requires a call into Celebrity to allow him access) or just book it and then transfer to him and he applies the normal TA OBC's.
  5. Best to start here and will be focused on departure ports and countries visited. The Chart was last updated July 15 so pretty accurate. https://www.celebritycruises.com/healthy-at-sea/europe-travel-requirements
  6. Listen to the first part of this - in the RCL conference call it appears they are strongly looking into modifying the Vax requirement. For some reason her voices is like scratching nails on a blackboard to me but she has some good information. May just be a matter of time.
  7. Just curious as it may be important - is there a medical or religious reason for not vaxing or just doesn't do Vax. I have a dear friend and she just refuses any vaccination Flu, Covid anything... she always makes an excuse that her doctor doesn't want her to have one... but I've known her so long I know she is just against all vaccinations and more of a California Tree Hugging Holistic type.
  8. I spoke with the Shoreside Concierge and was told all passengers must be tested within 2 days of the cruise and if tested positive, the COR would allow us to board but might be required to wear mask. She also said we would be tested at the end of each leg with the B2B group. Again if test positive we would be covered by COR. I've scheduled a test using OnPoint using up some of our free tests. They use Zoom to do their testing and both can test at the same time. I've only used eMed up until this point but many have assured how smooth OnPoint went. You will need to install Zoom on your phone or computer - Usually just a couple clicks and your all set.
  9. My understanding is it almost always applies to children under the Vaccination age which is currently 12 in most if not all of Europe. Adults are treated on an ad-hoc basis and often require documentation on medical conditions that don't permit to be vaxed. I'm assuming (or guessing) that those countries that don't require a Vax are listed as they each have at least one check mark. I seem to remember that for kids that were unvaxed they were required to wear masks at all times (we alll know how that would be enforced) and were not permitted off the ship in certain ports.
  10. Just had to call the Zenith desk. That is also how we had to book your original. I also had a FCC at 125% for the portion that we had paid. The hardest part to get refunded was the Upgrade I "WON" which was awarded 48 hours prior to the cruise. I eventually had to file a credit card dispute.
  11. We got #4 last week getting ready for our next cruise. Time to catch up.... LOL. My Doctor suggested it but also said that there may be a Omicron Variant version coming out in September / October and he would STRONGLY suggest we get that one when available.
  12. Bo -- Start Here --- https://www.celebritycruises.com/healthy-at-sea/europe-travel-requirements Select departure port then click small box --- Testing advisory chart by country https://www.celebritycruises.com/content/dam/celebrity/pdf/european-mid-cruise-debark-testing-requirements-07-05-2022.pdf Just discovered the chart is the same on each departure port and was last updated July 12
  13. Someone posted a YouTube video an was talking about the Celebrity Conference Call. They said they were working on Non-Vax but needed to interpret all of the different country requirements. This may be why nothing is clear - they also don't know the answer yet. Maybe if you could post the countries you are considering and then the group could help doing some research For your second point on contradiction - I talked to the Documented Manager on about this and he explained it was mostly for children. They have to be tested by a proctored tested 24 before boarding and in additions they are tested again at the Pier by Celebrity (I don't recall who pays for the test but I believe it is the custoer). On some cruises they were also required to be tested one or more times depending on the country to be visited. I recall on Celebrity they use to have a matrix and it broke down by country visited. I'll look for it.
  14. I always hate it when all of a sudden you realize the cruise is coming to an end far too quickly. The only thing worse is when you come back to your cabin and find those nasty luggage tags on your bed.
  15. Sure did... LOL. I did accept the $5.00 free slot pull. I lost everything. Iain won a little and played it that's how he hit Pearl. I did accept my free cruise for hitting Zenith. It works pretty well they allow you to take any cruise you wish but give you the quotient of a 7 night Caribbean ocean view as a credit against it. It ended up costing me dearly. Just as we touched down on the Tarmac in FLL I got a text that all cruises had been cancelled due to Covid. Had to stay 3 days in order to get a flight home.
  16. Believe me it will be all worth it when you first step aboard. You will instantly feel all this tension just drift away.
  17. Curious about this. Do you have to have an online appointment with them or is it all done by filling in the forms?
  18. On some of the cruises that I've been on they were able to put on additional busses to existing tours when the vendors had availability Recently I haven't noticed their ability to add additional capacity. If you want a specific tour it is best to stop by the Excursion Desk and ask to be put on a wait list. Cancellation is permitted within 24 hours and last minute availability often pop up.
  19. I've done numerous tests using eMed and very easy and stress fee but you have to do them one at a time. I'm trying OnPoint next Friday for the first time. I've gotten good recommendations from others and with OnPoint it is done over a Zoom call and you can have up to 4 people tested at the same time. After making the reservation you have to register by clicking a link. You will then get a confirmation of both the zoom call and the registration. Important to open the Registration one and open the attached PDF to get your registration number. During your registration you upload you DL etc. they ask for insurance but you can just choose to say you don't have insurance.
  20. Always possible --- mine stayed positive until the 4th test. MdAnywhere looks good.
  21. Yup.... that is the published Best Price Policy that was implemented on 4/1/2022.
  22. Definitely. I got a call from the Shore side Concierge yesterday and one of the questions she asked was whether we had any allergies. They will usually call 10-11 days prior to the cruise.
  23. Zenith will give you additional benefits but unless in a suite you will not have access to Zenith. Celebrity has really stripped away most incentive to be Zenith but clam they will be offering some on ship events. Yea right. About the best you can hope for would be Free Unlimited laundry and dry clean, Free Premium Drink Package and Premium Wifi. If you travel in an upper suite Zenith is basically useless except possibly vanity.
  24. I was looking at the price for the sold out one on Summit - Since it wasn't available couldn't do a mock booking. Wonder if the price I'm seeing includes the 20% gratuity I hear they have been adding, but that doesn't calculate correctly either.
  25. Abby - I don't think wasting a long time affects the test. When I was testing daily waiting to test negative the line started getting lighter and lighter after 7 days but saw some in the Garbage that had been there 4-5 hours and still showed the faint pink line. Which company did you use for the COR?
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