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Everything posted by Jim_Iain

  1. You can use either/or or Both. I usually use phone to make appointment when first opens. Next day I use phone to scan in passport information and shoot a picture of Vac Certificate. I usually use my desktop to fill in all the other information and upload stock pictures I keep on my computer.
  2. Have you tried using the web browser to reset you password. This has happened to me a couple times, usually over a weekend, and they fix it in a day or two.
  3. Ok.... OK... I'm a silicon valley techno nerd that has mine on my belt all the time. With 50 Apple buildings down the road I would be chastised otherwise. LOL Since I listen to e-Books while i'm on my walk it's my portable library that is usually with me.
  4. We did it a couple years ago. We did a B2B Singapore to Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi to Rome. The Suez was interesting but nothing like the Panama - just hours and hours of just sand and no locks. It is a bit interesting going through the Gulf of Aden and the pirates zone. Ships are usually escorted and at night the ships are totally blacked out, all decks closed and security out with binoculars all night and not permitted near windows. They use to have passenger drills to leave your room and sit in hall ways in case of an attack by pirates. Having said that Sitting outside around the pool at night with no lights for 100's of miles you will see starry skies like you have ever seen before. The Abu Dhabi to Rome had very sea intensive but our Visit to Petra (private tour) was one of the highlights making it all worth while.
  5. On the 6 cruises we have been on Millennium, Silhouette and Equinox they had a separate entry for Suites and Zenith - Usually a big pole with a sign on it. Terminal 25 you are zipped up to a second floor airport style lounge. I understand for Summit in Port Liberty they just have a fenced off area of the main terminal.
  6. As others said you should check daily. We had a 1:30 for a last minute booking and just before the cruise they opened additional 11:30 slots opened so grabbed them.
  7. May be port dependent but usually they do not allow any non packaged food to be taken off the ship or brought back onto the ship. I know that in many ports in South America they even had xray machines and dogs to prevent fruits from coming off the ships.
  8. Best source is the sticky at the top of topics. People report what cabin they had bid amount and whether sucessful or not.
  9. I've checked in for 3 cruises in August when they first opened up. All of them the Vaccination Confirmation was not approved until 20 days prior to the cruise. May vary by cruise but you can just present it on checkin if not approved.
  10. Agree - the Tracelets were a failure. They were marking people in close proximity when there was a wall or window between them, They also kept falling apart.
  11. They recently introduced a new "class" called Sky Suite Spa class that was a hybrid of Sky with access to the Spa that previously only available without extra cost for Aqua Class. When I saw it - It was a higher price than the Sky Suites. Basically same SkySuite room with Spa access
  12. Which cruise are you talking about - The first or the second on the B2B. If the second you don't need a check in time. You will either be processed with all the B2B's around 9:30 and have full reign of the ship until 1:00 or so. Or you can use a transit pass and tour for the day and come back. They will have a B2B meeting to explain the process.
  13. When you click the link it will list all categories above your current category. You can bid on one or all. Bids can usually be updated or cancelled any time up until they are either pending or cancelled. There is nothing really to track. You don't see other bids and is basically a blind bid By clicking the confirmation from the original bid it will show all your bids and show either No Bid, Pending or Expired
  14. My understanding is when cruising first returned after Covid they tried close contact tracing first by bracelets (which failed) then by security cameras. They both proved ineffective and I believe they stopped completely Having said that when I tested positive they only asked who was in my travel party and nothing about where I had been and who I was with.
  15. Currently to limit over crowding in the Terminal they are using a boarding time selected during check-in. Once inside they usually have priority counters for each category. Remember like airlines everyone has some priority but some priority are higher than others.
  16. It's possible as in Mexico for $ a doctor might write a script, but the Cost is about $500 per treatment. I asked my doctor for a prescription in case I came down with it and said he was unable as it could only be prescribed after you test positive.
  17. From my own experience and others I've talked to. No I specifically asked and was told they do not have it onboard.
  18. Thanks for the post. I chuckled at your remarks about California wines all being the same. I can't imagine a Sommelier actually saying this. Maybe you should have asked him to try it. May again being staffing and they just but a bar server in and called him a Sommelier.
  19. The Memorial was far more powerful than I ever expected. I was standing at the monument and reading the names and when I read the names of countless women and their unborn child I just broke down. Enjoy yourself in the Big Apple.
  20. I should be covered both ways. I was negative today but getting the COR anyway just in case.
  21. I'll have to give it a try in a couple weeks on Summit. I never use it because Iain never carries his phone so would be useless. When we did want to connect and he was forced to carry his phone I used apple messaging.
  22. Good luck. I hope things in Amsterdam return to normal soon. Iain worked in Amsterdam when he was just out of University and knows the town well. I personally love the Jordan section of town. I'm shopping for a AirBnB for next April for a week between cruises. Have about 20 identified as it has to have 2 separate bedrooms since his sister and BL will be joining us.
  23. I would expect it to be pretty much the same on Constellation. It actually be a bit better on Summit as it went through Revolution and if I recall they had mini routers relays in many of the rooms. I've discovered over the years that both at home and sea the closer you are to a router the better speed you will achieve.
  24. They often have sails so good to keep an eye out. If you already purchased and a better deal comes along you can either call in and have adjusted or cancel online and rebook at new price.
  25. Recently my experience has been that that they have been running tenders from the front of the ship near the theater and midships for regular at the same time then when excursions are finished with excursions they all go out of the same area. If you have priority as Elite or above, Aqua or Suite they slip you in and escort you to the tender.
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